The “Trolley Problem”: Coercion via torture …

As thought experiments related to ethics goes, the “Trolley Problem” always bothered me. It is a classic “there is no right choice” scenario, which I would contend is the wrong way to frame it from the beginning – there are no IDEAL choices, that’s the correct way of looking at life.

But what I’ve come to understand is this: the Trolley Problem bothers me because in reality it’s just a Skinner Box – an experimental prison for torture and applied logic, period. You can build a box big enough for a person, and you can do all KINDS of fucked up shit.

For example: imagine you were trapped in a cage, and at the center of the cage is a BIG RED BUTTON. A lab tech over a PA system tells you that you MUST press the red button every time the bell rings, or a person in another room dies. Each time, someone dies. Better yet, they show you, on a monitor, the killing – could be fake, but do you really want to see it to make sure it’s “real”? In this situation, what do you do?

Now, imagine there are TWO BUTTONS, the red one and a BLACK one …

Every time you hear a bell, you press the red one and one person dies, you press the black one and your child gets an electric shock. If you press no button, a random person AND your kid dies …

All of these scenarios can get more grotesque, to the point where a fair philosopher might say: isn’t this just kidnapping and torture? ANS: yes

The Trolley Problem, like the Skinner Box, is a form of imprisonment with torture – and in such scenarios it’s hard to see how ANY ethical choice is not coerced, and therefore not a choice at all.

Once you recognize the Trolley Problem as a coerced environment, then you should dismiss the thought experiment for that reason alone – there are no valid COERCED ethical choices …

It’s simply “do what I say or die”, and that’s kidnapping, not ethics.

The real purpose of the Trolley Problem is not to elicit discussion among philosophy students, nope …

Its real purpose is to convince MULTIPLE GENERATIONS of philosophy students that all choices are crappy, and so it doesn’t matter …

Trolley Problem == Ethical Nihilism

[curated: 3/31/2023]

Tragedy, shock and trauma …

“The essence of tragedy is shock and trauma.” – Dr. Freckles

SHOCK: unexpected and shattering

TRAUMA: an insult to the body, mind, or both, that leaves a permanent mark

If there are warnings? – WARNINGS ARE IGNORED!

These videos are from MARCH 2014 …

[curated: 3/29/2023]

Who am I? :: Friederich Lovekowski

I am Friederich Lovekowski …

Imagine Friederich Nietzsche, Charles Bukowski, and H.P. Lovecraft were travelling in separate star ships travelling 77 times the speed of light to the same location such that they will all collide.

And then imagine they are all making love to their own version of Scarlett Johansson and fertilizing the egg as a side effect of relativity (fuck you).???

And all those fertilized eggs fused on collision and pushed this new being into some random woman’s vagina in Skagit Valley WA.

That would be me …

Friederich Lovekowski …

Nobody wants that person over for dinner.

I’m the Jean Claude Van Damme of distributive nihilistic dissolution …

with ghost pepper hyper sauce.

And it gives you bloody stool, and heartburn and anger.

Nobody wants that for dinner, over for dinner, or to serve man.

Remember breakfast with family?


Kinda sick of it …


The Great Titanic Mystery …


Plasmas and vacuums …

“Plasmas and vacuums are kinda of squishy in inverted ways.” – Dr. Freckles

And my key point: if you can find the right magnetic field engineer, and the right materials science engineer, you can build a vacuum envelope for a vacuum ship. No helium, no hydrogen – just magnetic field engineering.

The Holocaust

Comparing ANYTHING to the holocaust gets you in trouble … SPLC … ADL … US State Dept … State of Israel …

Compare another horrible genocide to the holocaust? – you’ll get in trouble …

Compare the holocaust to the holocaust, you’re done …