Who am I? :: Friederich Lovekowski

I am Friederich Lovekowski …

Imagine Friederich Nietzsche, Charles Bukowski, and H.P. Lovecraft were travelling in separate star ships travelling 77 times the speed of light to the same location such that they will all collide.

And then imagine they are all making love to their own version of Scarlett Johansson and fertilizing the egg as a side effect of relativity (fuck you).???

And all those fertilized eggs fused on collision and pushed this new being into some random woman’s vagina in Skagit Valley WA.

That would be me …

Friederich Lovekowski …

Nobody wants that person over for dinner.

I’m the Jean Claude Van Damme of distributive nihilistic dissolution …

with ghost pepper hyper sauce.

And it gives you bloody stool, and heartburn and anger.

Nobody wants that for dinner, over for dinner, or to serve man.

Remember breakfast with family?

Link: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=4371

Kinda sick of it …

Link: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=4712

The Great Titanic Mystery …

Link: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=4695