Or it’s stealth dollar collapse …

What happens if CHINA told you, 5 years ago, that they were not accepting $USD instruments in trade?

How do you get those HD-TV’s with spy chips into COSTCO and WALMART?

(you barter)

(chicken, beef, pig, oil, gold, silver, real things that really matter)

What if the main target of strategic military psychological warfare since 2020 has been almost solely the USA?

(dollar collapse is my best case scenario)


  1. The “Goat King” or some other agency is paying for a multi-year trolling and stalking campaign directed at me.
  2. I’m fairly certain millions of Americans get exposed to this, I am NOT special.
  3. It’s not personal: important to remember that.
  4. If you’re wondering WHAT pays for it? – keep in mind, the Pentagon has failed its last few audits and there’s about 20T in USD nobody can account for between the DOD and HUD.

Here are some email addresses you should flag as spam and delete (BONUS: you can troll them):



Bullish bets on food, water, shelter, energy? – are not bullish for the human race.

“In February, the United States Department of Agriculture projected that the cattle herd could begin rebuilding by 2025.”

Well that’s next year, shit … is this good news or bad news?

Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/commodities/net-bullish-live-cattle-bets-hit-5-year-high-prices-enter-bluesky-breakout-amid-us-herd

Cocoa: https://www.reuters.com/markets/commodities/lack-rain-heat-worry-ivory-coast-cocoa-farmers-2024-12-16/

Coffee: https://kstp.com/kstp-news/top-news/coffee-prices-soar-to-highest-level-in-nearly-50-years/

Eggs: https://www.cnbc.com/2024/12/12/why-egg-prices-may-soon-flirt-with-record-highs-supplier.html

Corn: https://www.brownfieldagnews.com/news/2025-corn-prices-have-the-potential-to-rally/

Wheat: https://think.ing.com/articles/tighter-wheat-means-higher-prices/

Diesel: https://www.reuters.com/markets/commodities/global-diesel-prices-rely-refinery-closures-support-2025-2024-12-12/

Diesel prices only make sense if someone is lying BIG TIME about the state of the economy, and specifically the downside risks.

I believe we’ve been in a papered over global depression since at least 2008, and the “paper” only works for so long.