I think there’s a few places I have not wanted to go since 2020, and I rarely discuss because it might indicate I am mentally ill.
Let’s remind ourselves: none of us is that special. I’m not saying you’re not unique, but that doesn’t make you special. If your mom calls you special? – it still doesn’t make you special, or me special, or your mom (who I am with right now as you read this).
I do think crooked neo-Stalinist hellholes will do what they do, which includes crooked technocratic spying schemes and manipulation (psychological warfare). With big data, you can customize it, and I’ve noticed things …
I’ve noticed there’s a strange pattern – when/where I’m being “poked”.
I dropped TWITTER and Zero Hedge: poking got weird.
Strange journalist pops up after I finish my manifesto, weirder.
Journalist brings strange guy (I hate that guy) back into my life.
And for reasons all my own, I could mention other strange occurrences of the last couple months, but I am not going to.
I could go into more about the last 10 years, things that are becoming clearer to me – but that would be too cringe.
- I’m a fucking hermit.
- I learned to live, deep in my head, as a kid to avoid abuse.
- It’s not easy to gang-stalk or target someone like me.
The best shot “they” had was 2016 … after that? – I was a dog that had been kicked too much and could not be predicted, and I found it impossible to have complete trust with anyone.
So I don’t care.
I’m fairly certain I am not special: so if it’s happening to me, it’s likely happening to millions (or it could). If you are “in your lane” why would they waste the time and money? – get out of your lane, and watch what happens next.