“Talk is cheap, and as worthless as the $USD soon will be.” – Dr. Freckles
TWITTER is NOT a place …
“Twitter/X isn’t a place for ‘resolving differences’, it’s a battlefield of low-stakes bullshit and mind-fucker foray, in a burrito of algorithmic control.” – Dr. Freckles
“It’s easy to spout bullshit, if you pick deadlines YEARS in the future.” – Dr. Freckles

“Of all the words gaslighters use, ‘normal’ is the most powerful.” – Dr. Freckles
Propaganda …
“Propaganda is generally constructed on the solid bedrock of irony.” – Dr. Freckles
3 Reasons for a Fake VACCINE CRISIS
I believe the “vaccine culling” scenario is 100% bullshit, other than a few snuff flick deaths.
- get out of dodge fake deaths
- keep pressure off the healthcare system
- cover up exposure to heavy metal poisoning from geoengineering
Being grifted …
A listener suggested that if I lived a more “settled” life I wouldn’t be taken advantage of …
If I lived that “normie life” I wouldn’t have people taking advantage of me.
- like with my last job in Indianapolis where the former dev manager left me to fix 10 years of code debt in 5 months?
- like the job in Indy where my co-worker ripped me off, took my car for 2 months, smoked crack in it?
- Or maybe that job at Alaska Airlines where my immediate supervisor (a gay Asian man) sexually harassed me?
- Or maybe working on contract for Microsoft, where I was paid for 40 hours per week, when in fact, during the summer of 2019, it worked out to 60-70 hours per week, or worse, when on 24 hour support?
My point is simple: as an anarchist I get taken advantage of … mainly because of the number of FEDs in that world.
As a “normie” I was grifted too … and if you’re a “voter”? – you get grifted EVERY FUCKING DAY.
Then there are the grifter industries: tax collection, healthcare, defense/security, where I can still find work …
Yeah – tell me again about the “grifter free” normie and settled lifestyle.
No One could have possibly predicted this … (sarc off)
Wow – it’s almost as if someone who is deeply censored might have PREDICTED THIS 3 years ago … that high-intensity military psychological warfare, primarily of the trauma based mind control variety, would cause increased suicides, drug overdoses … etc.
Too bad no one had a Little Saigon Report or a Planetary Status Report to warn people.
Or if they did? Go Daddy and YouTube would cancel them, others would shadow ban them.
Too bad.

Gas-lighting no longer has meaning …
“When just about everyone is gas-lighting everyone else? – the concept ceases to have meaning.” – Dr. Freckles