Reasoning with PSYOPs …

“You don’t reason with a PSYOP, you ignore it.” – Dr. Freckles


  1. this is real, and they really do want to drive most people insane
  2. this is not real, and they really do want to drive most people insane
  3. this is the end times
  4. there is no God, and this is the infinite gray nothing … a cosmic expanse of existential NULL

Predictive Programming or Battlefield Preparation

2011 movie “Contagion” ???

100% the plot of the “covid”, or what I call and have called since the spring of 2020: monkey herpes

Is that predictive programming, or is it battlefield preparation?

The same thing applies to the BLM/ANTIFA nonsense, a lot of media was produced prior to 2020 that more or less “radicalized” the youth towards the managed silliness post George Floyd. Battlefield is prepared, they know and understand the dog whistle.

What the Ukraine PSYOP does:


  1. reduces access to the Arctic circle during a likely intense period of rapid permafrost collapse. This includes ESAS and Siberia.
  2. uses up western stockpiles of military grade small arms, rockets, anti-aircraft.
  3. It represents a low-level divide and conquer operation.
  4. Allows for the disappearance and rendition of Americans on a massive scale.
  5. As with table magic: it keeps the focus of curious minds AWAY FROM the Arctic and Antarctic.
  6. Another excuse for collapsing food production.
  7. Any increases of fire and smoke from the Russian arctic will be blamed on the “war”.

Frankly, the money laundering angle is dumb: they have been able to move BILLIONS for decades, no problem. Why would they need this kind of byzantine Rube Goldberg BS to launder money?