The 501C3 doesn’t help you, not really … you can tell me about “tax deductions”, but that’s low energy bullshit.
And ties their ideology to whomever is tyrant TODAY.
The 501C3 doesn’t help you, not really … you can tell me about “tax deductions”, but that’s low energy bullshit.
And ties their ideology to whomever is tyrant TODAY.
“How can we collect taxes if we don’t raise money from taxes?” – Dr. Freckles
Red Queen Hypothesis:
The Antichrist will be an evil reflection of Christ.
In a sense: like Olestra … not fat, not a thing anyone should consume … and it will give you the shits.
And if you think you know who it is and you’re right, before the Revelation? – you should write the name on a rock, and toss it into the sea … as I’ve said so many times before.
“Let’s be honest: Davy Jones’ Locker is not the bottom of the ocean, it’s a woman’s cooch.” – Dr. Freckles
“If democracy actually worked? – it would be like the Krell from ‘Forbidden Planet’, except it would take more than one night because government ain’t that fucking efficient.” – Dr. Freckles
“The real pandemic: ‘smart’ devices.” – Dr. Freckles
Ironically named things are destroying us.
“Plan 9 from outer space might have been the ‘reanimation of the dead’, but Plan 10 was definitely ‘fake a pandemic’.” – Dr. Freckles