We are entering a kind of semi-reflective stage in the “monkey herpes” narrative … and people are coming up with excuses:
it’s the Democrats
it’s the GOP
it’s Biden or Trump
it’s the Chinese
it was no big deal, but we overreacted …
But as we stare down the barrels of civilization scale collapse, maybe we should ponder this: how weak were our communities and neighborhoods that the “rona” took it down?
“… ‘Impossible’ is just a fancy word for ‘I give up’ …” – Dr. Freckles
Friction and turbulence …
“Beware the friction free environment … that little bit of resistance? – is a little bit of control.” – Dr. Freckles
I think Demi needs more work, a boob job … butt job combo plate … junk reconstruction …
Stories …
Doctor Baxton
Gin Drinker Ranch
The Fishing Trip
Missionary Position
Robot Loved People … so much …
DITCH WARS of DUCHESNE … and Splinkton
Revenge works …
“I think, in most cases, revenge is more just than our ‘justice system’.” – Dr. Freckles
Most people don’t want to kill – they will do everything they can to rationalize themselves out of it … the killing … this is noble, even if biological and genetic in nature. Yes – random mob justice may seem random, but does our system ACTUALLY protect the innocent? – meditate.
Tough …
“When I was young, I thought my dad was too tough on me. I look back now? – and I wonder if he was tough enough.” – Dr. Freckles
Covid is Totally REAL and the worst thing ever and all you have to do is get the vaccination … and this is why there are logistical failures and other random delivery nonsense … ignore the suicides, cuz you’re racist.
Covid is kinda real and not very dangerous … literally means: we overreacted … and it’s just too bad all the suicides and overdoses …
Covid is NOT real, but it was just one big mistake.
Covid is NOT real, and it will bring about the RESET.
They want to kill us all with vaccines … in about 3 years …
What could be coming, if you believe any of the above ….
The Reset
The Infinite Gray Nothing
The Simulation
You are in Hell
What I believe:
It IS an ongoing military psychological warfare operation since late 2019.
It does not apparently have an “end date”, but appears to be ending every couple months.
The tempo of the psyops follows a wave pattern – high/low, open/close
I have ZERO solid evidence that any of the stupid shit they are threatening, or are saying other countries are doing, is real. Zero.
It does not look like “they” control the schedule.
I don’t see any future with billions of crazy people.
The “race war” was the halftime show.
We are in sudden-death overtime.
Lies this big? – don’t tend to hide anything good.
The pattern fits a fuzzy event, not a discrete one (like an asteroid or triggering WW3 – you can pick a day for this or predict this to the day), this is more like predicting a major volcanic eruption or earthquake.
Great Power
“With great power comes the LOSS of responsibility.” – Dr. Freckles
“Geese, flying West, for the Winter … or Spring?”
Something I saw the other day, with a friend …
Wolves … and dogs …
“Nietzsche would have made a terrible wolf.” – Dr. Freckles
A lot of ignorance is expressed in Nietzsche attribution of “strength” to other cultures values, given that every culture expresses core similarity and ergo rejects his division.
Public Schools …
“Public schools are slightly better than pedophile babysitters … sometimes.” – Dr. Freckles
A right to principles, beliefs …
This is crazy …
Before I go too deep, let me outline, once again, the only things I believe (cannot prove) are true at this point:
In 2019, TPTB, decided to trigger one major (RONA) and several minor military psychological warfare operations.
During the summer of 2019, the short-term lending facilities between banks (REPO) began failing, overnight rates spiked to double digits, and this signaled a coming collapse of the banking system.
Prior to 2020, many journals, newspapers, and even films, featured scare mongering around “killer pandemics”. In 2018, articles began appearing about “Disease X” … very ominous sounding at the time, and ridiculous.
The core message of these military psychological warfare operations is this: STAY THE FUCK HOME … don’t talk to people, don’t meet with people, and did I say STAY THE FUCK HOME? … an ominous thing, to have “snow day” for almost 2 years.
The nature of the psyops, with their “on again, off again” sine-curve tempo indicates that whatever TPTB are responding to? – it is a “fuzzy event” … the kind of event that doesn’t have a predictable date … collapse of an empire is a fuzzy event … so is abrupt climate collapse or the clathrate gun or volcanic events, earthquakes, solar CME, etc …
It is not conceivable that a psyop using trauma as a core component could work more than 2 years … which means TPTB believed they were within the “window” of some event … again: could be dollar collapse … what a gentle world if that’s the case.
Because they are using trauma based mind control? – they are, in essence, setting fire to the “building”. No “reset”, no Klaus Scwab BS … you can’t build on ashes.
TPTB had ALL THE FUCKING POWER they wanted or could rationally use … so why would they do the “reset” if they didn’t have to?
I believe, based on my own observations, that TPTB are geo-engineering … I’m not sure why. The spraying has been really bad lately.
The “weather reports” look more and more like their own propaganda …
My own subjective experience of seeing a place like WA state (where I grew up) change over time? – it looks like the ecosystems of the PNW are in collapse.
So, what is a “sheepdog” in PSYOP terms?
A “sheepdog”, in psyop terms, is a popular authority figure, sometimes and underdog outsider also, used to direct the flock AWAY FROM the truth … it’s like this “mass formation psychosis” nonsense … it gets CLOSE to the truth, but still … it’s quite far away. Unlike the “fool” (Greta is a good example), they need to look like “credible outsiders” … that way, you can feel comfortable with the lesser truth they give you … it’s the boundary.
Much, if not most, of popular alt-stuff on YouTube is FILLED with “sheep dogs” …
If you want to succeed on YouTube, taking on the role of the sheepdog is very helpful … and supported.
YouTube might “ban you” … but this is also a credibility builder. When your channel comes back? – you can give weird speeches about that too …
Now … regarding Dane Wigington … very early on in the covid-monkey-herpes lie, he pushed it … and I thought “well, maybe it will take him a few months to see through this bullshit”. He never did see through it … he gets close to the truth, almost like tantric sex: still edging away.
What did my friend’s wife tell me, when I was in the US Army 20 years ago?
“If you want an abortion, just have your baby in a military hospital.”
(good luck with using the military replacements, the real fun starts soon)
the NWO/deep-state fucks had enough power in 2020 to turn off much of the world economy. They had been raping, stealing, and doing other crooked shit for my entire life, probably longer, so why would they stop?
any statism that follows the previous EPOCH can only be called hyper-statism
hyper-statism is the totalistic control of all human affairs, to include human thought … this is NOT “1984” … they had “thought police”, but they couldn’t actually read minds … they were like our thought police TODAY … no, “thought police” in hyper-statism means the ability to infiltrate, with technology or other means, the deepest reaches of the human mind … to control it, program it.
I’ve talked about collapse enough, on my podcast, I figure people know what collapse is …
So the question is, what is more likely: hyper-statism which will require all of the promised technology, and beyond, to be delivered – soon … or collapse?
TECH requirements of Hyper-Statism:
bio-electronic human programming
free energy (or energy return that is better than oil in 1900)
experimental / cultural behaviorism
cybernetic education systems
quantum computing
functional above room temperature non-rare earth based super-conduction (synthetic AND cheap super conductors)
total destruction of spiritual life
nano tech
(just think BORG)
Forget politics, forget your favorite news site … if you were betting:
a) hyper-statism
b) collapse
(I think all other options are off the table, given the brain damage present in much of the population … I would love it if people understood that the only true path to survival is freedom … but I doubt they will)
(we don’t get a “graceful degradation” or “incrementalism” from here … sorry)
Since the 1970’s, US Policy (economic and otherwise) has been destructive and kleptocratic. Eventually: you run out of countries to bomb, shit you can rip off. Takes us to 2019.
Prior to 2019, the deep state promoted and promulgated a pop culture mythology around viruses, epidemics, etc. People were primed and ready, and a general societal germophobia and anti-ANTI-VAXXER mentality was EVERYWHERE … in TV shows, news, radio, music, people treated the anti-vaccination crowd, prior to 2020, as OUTCASTS.
When the REPO facilities began to fail for banks during the summer of 2019, clearly people in “charge” took this as an indication of the “BIG WHATEVER”.
The “BIG WHATEVER” is, hopefully, just the collapse of the US dollar and the neocon empire, that’s baked into the cake and is happening as we speak. The only question is this: is collapse as bad as it gets? – there is reason to believe that they are conducting PSYOPs to cover up something much worse.
Whatever the “BIG WHATEVER” is? – it’s a fuzzy event … which means there’s no “date” when “it” happens … many things fall into this category, including collapse. Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, solar CME, the “clathrate gun” – could all be classified as fuzzy and not easily predictable …
Probably, in 2019, the bean counters figured out they were in the window of likelihood for this fuzzy event: this is why the pulled the trigger on the PSYOPs …
The main message of the psyops, since 2020, has been: stay angry, confused, sad … but MOSTLY … STAY THE FUCK home and don’t talk to anyone.
No trauma based mind control operation can be effective PAST the point of psychological exhaustion … we are at the point now (a recent event with a neighbor confirms this I think) that people are beginning to go crazy … from the psyops … this is a dangerous moment.
It is unlikely they would have pulled the trigger on these psyops if the “window of likelihood” were greater than 2 years … it’s why I call the BLM/Antifa nonsense the “halftime show”. I don’t think any of these motherfuckers believed we would make it through 2021 … it’s why the OMNICRON-RONA-MONKEY-HERPES bullshit continues …
We are now in the phase I would call “sudden death overtime” – interpret that how you will. Cascading collapse in an overly complex police state? – not gonna be pretty. And this cascade is ongoing … any day now, we could experience the “next big drop in altitude”. Hopefully it’s just a “ten foot drop”, this might give people a chance to get their shit together … but I’m thinking it’s gonna be more like a “twenty foot drop”, and a lot of folks will be staring at their dead smart devices WEEKS after the power is out … more will be waiting, like during Katrina, for helicopters to drop water.
To summarize: a) they don’t control the schedule, b) they are lying and the lies are big, c) the main message of the lies has been “stay home, don’t talk, don’t do anything other than buy shit and watch the Soviet channels”, d) no trauma based mind control op can go on indefinitely, eventually enough people lose their shit that society falls apart.
OMICRON variant causes inflation, according to the FEDERAL RESERVE.
Bernays and the problems of peace “SOLVED” by germophobia and mass hypnosis: “It was, of course, the astounding success of propaganda during the war that opened the eyes of the intelligent few in all departments of life to the possibilities of regimenting the public mind. The American government and numerous patriotic agencies developed a technique which, to most persons accustomed to bidding for public acceptance, was new. They not only appealed to the individual by means of every approach—visual, graphic, and auditory—to support the national endeavor, but they also secured the cooperation of the key men in every group—persons whose mere word carried authority to hundreds or thousands or hundreds of thousands of followers. They thus automatically gained the support of fraternal, religious, commercial, patriotic, social, and local groups whose members took their opinions from their accustomed leaders and spokesmen, or from the periodical publications which they were accustomed to read and believe. At the same time, the manipulators of patriotic opinion made use of the mental clichés and the emotional habits of the public to produce mass reactions against the alleged atrocities, the terror, and the tyranny of the enemy. It was only natural, after the war ended, that intelligent persons should ask themselves whether it was possible to apply a similar technique to the problems of peace.”
China R/E “market,” so-called. “Informed China observers have been concerned about the imbalances in China’s property market, often described as one of the largest financial bubbles in history, for over a decade. But it was just last week that markets suddenly and collectively decided that China’s property sector now posed a meaningful risk to the global recovery—and to China’s long-term growth prospects.” Mike: LOL — SUDDENLY — that one made me cackle. “Beijing has clearly indicated its intention to reduce the Chinese economy’s reliance on the property sector, as evidenced by the frequent official repetition of Chinese President Xi Jinping’s words that “houses are for living, not for speculation.”” REALLY?! Haha “But the fundamental imbalances in China’s property market point to far weaker new construction activity ahead over the next two to three years and possibly beyond. And the fact that financial markets are taking Beijing’s messaging toward the property sector more seriously means, as Dornbusch warned, that a much weaker Chinese economy may become reality far sooner than most observers expect.” https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-10-25/why-china-s-developers-have-so-much-dollar-debt-quicktake
China is the other side of the American Empire equation. They are what has largely made the extension of this current iteration of the American hallucination possible since 1971. A mathematical, philosophical, financial, metaphysical and physical garbage dump for America’s real and psychological shit.
The governments and authorities of the world have made nothing but THREATS against their people since 2020 … of which, I can’t really verify ANY OF IT … so far? – it looks like PSYOP bullshit … to include the NWO/FEMA CAMP/RESET nonsense.
The acts of governments since 2020 (at least since then) have indicated an inability to do their jobs effectively or ethically.
The act of shutting down economies is an abdication.
Given that the moral authority of these governments (as if they ever had any) is gone? – you have ZERO obligation to obey their dumbass edicts.
You can start killing these demonic fucks … that’s where we’re at in the game
REMEMBER: if someone comes to your home to medically rape you or your friends or family, you have a right and an obligation to kill those fuckers.
If they use your job against you? – guess what … YOUR JOB WORLD IS DONE.
If they think they can get away with this? – time to explain, in brutal terms, that they won’t.
And if you’re a Christian? – THE LORD GAVE YOU FREEWILL, DIGNITY, THIS LIFE … treat it accordingly … don’t give in to evil.