“If my worst case turns out to be true, saying ‘I TOLD YOU SO’ would be pointless and cruel.” – Dr. Freckles
[curated: 3/30/2023]
“If my worst case turns out to be true, saying ‘I TOLD YOU SO’ would be pointless and cruel.” – Dr. Freckles
[curated: 3/30/2023]
Covid-19 was over the top effective as military psychological warfare goes
My guess: in 2019 a lot of people’s third eye was going off “red alert”, and covid was the first means of spoofing that REAL SIGNAL
Like I said: since March 2020, they’ve been carpet bombing the 3rd eye.
[curated: 3/31/2023]
“Hell might be full, but S’compton has still got space.” – Dr. Freckles
[curated: 3/30/2023]
Y’all know where I stand: the show goes on till it can’t, no soft landing, Powell chases inflation, Powell runs from collapse … Powell has a helicopter on hot standby 24/7.
So the debt ceiling debate is absurd – of course they raise it, they have no choice.
Any action to reduce this debt would crash the system …
Any attempt to rebuke the debt would crash the system …
The only move left is to keep piling up more debt, to pay down debt …
(that’s just part of the endgame)
I would have more respect if they simply said this:
We have to raise the debt ceiling because the system is out of control and the amount of liability, expressed in today’s $USD, in terms of unfunded liability, is in the quadrillions … none of it gets paid for, ever.
Funny: almost none of the articles mention the hard scary numbers – total debt, total unfunded liabilities, etc … they just don’t want to freak people out.
THIS SHIT SHOW ENDS ONE WAY: Cascading, catastrophic, failure … Brutal, unpredictable, and horrible …
[curated: 3/30/2023]
I’m so ready for the great Zardoz Head to float around the country, vomiting up guns and ammo to all the street freaks …
[curated: 3/30/2023]
I feel like I’m losing my mind.
I also don’t know if I care.
I screwed up a podcast today, mixed up some names from the Bible. I couldn’t stop thinking about it, especially given I was reading JAMES just before – and he ADMONISHES US to be CAUTIOUS in seeking the role of teacher. And here I am, BOLO, shit head, fuck up. Jesus is not happy with me.
I wonder about trying to make money … I dunno.
Been watching this old show that had been unavailable, online, for a long time … and it looks like they digitally remastered it, editing the background, to add geoengineering spraying … as if the clouds it might have shown, the ones from my youth, would be to fucking shocking to see … better to hide this, forever.
I could use a hooker, and take a trip to the movies with this slut. We would share a large popcorn, covered in butter, and then slip off to the men’s room to find that swift harmony of the grease zone. She’d yeez all over my pants as I left my mark on her shoes, and then we’d get chased off by the theater manager, and then what? ROB THE DRUG STORE? … I dunno.
I was a scrub racer once … I was a jaundiced-owl and a hair dresser and the last of the 3 armed Shimbly’s … I could wrestle crocodile and snort coke and find love on the edge. I lived in a box outside of Grinken Town, where the noodle people eat their ramen and then vomit up their rat slurry to sell to weirdos from Paris. They can eat their own flesh to soften the blow from Heaven.
I wonder about my madness, and whether it’s a super power. Maybe my insane rage will be my ticket to FAME. I’ll grow an army of dingus-freaks and we’ll wear leather and steel and hunt the squirrel and live off of old time hooker soup. WE WOULD BE HUGE and unstoppable, if I cared.
My madness is my laser beam love. I can sky glide in raspberry make believe, while GERDY and BIRDY fondle the ruckus prince in my study. We will have musket parties, and drink spiced rum from some trendy blender. Our silk hide servants will grow stygian grub for our pies.
Sometimes I stare at the holes between the holes. I see the fragmentary alliance between disarray and entropy and their queer love pact. The particle streams reverse themselves and Ron Jeremy starts selling enhancers late at night. Your Mexican lover is none other than Rolanda.
I knew this guy from Sheffield, in the UK.
He was a triple toker and gasoline smoker and he had an MG and would drive real fast …
His girlfriend was named Jacey, and she had red hair and pale pimply skin …
He was sane.
[curated: 3/30/2023]
MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20230329_JAMES_the_brother_of_JESUS.mp3
Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles
***ERRATA: I make a mistake with three names, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob … this was a mistake, but I wanted to point that out. It happens a couple times in the service.
This book might be an excellent catechism for any new Christian.
Link: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=James%201&version=NIV
Prayer of Commitment: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=4894
CORE THEME: the world vs God, make your choice …
Outline of book topics:
Lords prayer …
“A side effect of evil is poor engineering.” – Dr. Freckles
[curated: 3/30/2023]
Lord Jesus Christ,
You provided for your faithful a road map of faith, a guide, a means, the Word. And yet in our journey of faith, we often ignore the Word.
Kind Father, you gave to us great teachers, great leaders, who lived their faith journey by example, and yet we still find ourselves hungering for earthy wizards and magicians and charlatans that claim the name “disciple”.
Lord, we seek to renew our faith in the Church, and we do this by focusing on the basic truths of the Kingdom Life.
Give us the strength to persevere, despite error and sin.
In Your name we serve,
[curated: 3/29/2023]
Trauma, shock and tragedy …
Link: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=4876
Heroes …
Link: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=4781
Forgiveness …
Link: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=4783
Victors and history …
Link: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=4667
A reason to live …
Link: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=4843
In 2024 …
“The essence of tragedy is shock and trauma.” – Dr. Freckles
SHOCK: unexpected and shattering
TRAUMA: an insult to the body, mind, or both, that leaves a permanent mark
If there are warnings? – WARNINGS ARE IGNORED!
These videos are from MARCH 2014 …
[curated: 3/29/2023]
[curated: 3/30/2023]
I believe the madness serves a purpose.
I believe all this crazy is NOT an accident.
I believe, though they’ve used mind-control my whole life, they went to ELEVEN in 2020 … and they’ve conducted high intensity military psychological warfare, on all fronts, since then.
I know there are many who discount this for a very simple reason: they cannot understand the endgame. They can see means, and opportunity – but MOTIVE is the issue. But there is a chance that we’ll never know why they shut down the world in 2020, and then opened up a carny-fest post hoc …
I think there are two possibilities:
[1] In late 2019, the US government realized it was in a window where the likelihood the dollar would be repudiated was high and the banking system was already beginning to fail – see the REPO CRISIS of the summer of 2019. As a result, they used PSYOPs to manage a population that would be forced to undergo, on a global scale, an austerity program – not unlike what was applied to Greece post 2009. The psyops keep the population in line, mostly paralyzed by anger and fear, and unable to organize any meaningful resistance. But the endgame for TPTB is not a “reset”, they know the USD collapse will trigger a multi-decade human catastrophe. They need to get people and resources OUT of the USA, to a safe zone, before the real fun starts – and that’s why Powell’s orders are simple: keep the key plates spinning, even if wobbly, don’t let the party stop. It may seem counter-intuitive, but the “raising rates” policy is actually an example of keeping the party going … notice, he hasn’t caught up with inflation, and he NEVER EVER WILL, in this scenario.
[2] Several decades ago, the US government detected a pending ecological catastrophe. It wasn’t necessarily about people, and something we did – but it was an event that would occur, would have always happened, eventually. Over those years, they adjusted their models to ensure a more accurate prediction of WHEN the event would occur, and they determined, because it’s a “fuzzy event”, it would have a likelihood window, and not some discrete date of happening. 9/11, was actually about re-calibrating the model, as was the GFC of 2008 – all events set up to lower industrial activity, lower air traffic, and to test the current state of “IT”. This is also why they’ve been geoengineering, to cover up the event – not to stop, but to keep the illusion going that “all is fine”. They even had a plan for late-stage geoengineering that involved using a fake-pandemic as cover for the necessary respiratory disorders that would result from heavy spraying. The window for “IT” was likely triggered in late 2019, and I am assuming the window is 5 years. The various PSYOPs used by TPTB are not to “build a compliant slave caste” but rather to drive people crazy and to effectively neutralize their ability to “figure shit out”. I’ve sometimes referred to this as carpet bombing the THIRD EYE. They know humans have latent abilities, call it intuition, to determine a threat – so how do you redirect this, so that the real problem goes unnoticed. Like I said – look at the sky, and then listen to Anthony Fauci, and tell me where the real concern should be? BTW: the government could be wrong about this threat as well. Remember what Dr. Freckles said: “If the government says something will happen in 100 years, here is the truth: either it will never happen, or it is already happening.”
[1] or[2] … best case: we have a multi-decade societal catastrophe OR worst case: something so bad you’d mind fuck billions of people for several years, in order to keep it a secret … There’s no door number 3.
The longer the madness, promoted by the STATE, lasts, the worse this looks – if this had all ended in 2021, I would have said “just another financial event, like 2008”. If it had ended last year, I might have said “just the collapse the USD system”, no bigee … But it’s lasting long enough, and doing enough deep harm to our society, that I have a hard time seeing anything built on this firestorm, nor do I see an endgame that doesn’t involve some horrible event.
These lies, these deep and ugly lies, do NOT cover up good news.
These lies, these monstrous lies, are an attempt to hide some monster from the public …
(and my guess: some time between now and 2024 it arrives)