Y’all know where I stand: the show goes on till it can’t, no soft landing, Powell chases inflation, Powell runs from collapse … Powell has a helicopter on hot standby 24/7.
So the debt ceiling debate is absurd – of course they raise it, they have no choice.
Any action to reduce this debt would crash the system …
Any attempt to rebuke the debt would crash the system …
The only move left is to keep piling up more debt, to pay down debt …
(that’s just part of the endgame)
I would have more respect if they simply said this:
We have to raise the debt ceiling because the system is out of control and the amount of liability, expressed in today’s $USD, in terms of unfunded liability, is in the quadrillions … none of it gets paid for, ever.
Funny: almost none of the articles mention the hard scary numbers – total debt, total unfunded liabilities, etc … they just don’t want to freak people out.
THIS SHIT SHOW ENDS ONE WAY: Cascading, catastrophic, failure … Brutal, unpredictable, and horrible …
[curated: 3/30/2023]