UNCLE DAN WOULD BE TOSSED IN JAIL in ISRAEL … maybe the USA soon? Could be … will be …

(I must be a bad man)

(hey: do you think PAPA BLUMP will follow suit?)

Link: https://www.timesofisrael.com/knesset-passes-law-banning-denial-of-october-7-massacre/

Worth a read: https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2025-01-22/israel-passes-thoughtcrime-law-banning-doubts-over-official-narrative-october-7th

Project Esther: https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2024/11/15/project-esther-a-trumpian-blueprint-to-crush-anticolonial-resistance

If I had more mics I’d drop them …

Here are your options, the only two I can see:

  1. You can believe that TRUMP-MAGA is a HISTORY CHANGING thingy, and it’s all UNICORNS and GOLD NUGGETS from here on out …
  2. OR … you reject that, but then you’re left with WTAF are they hiding behind all this smoke?

BTW: WTAF kind of “libertarian” associates with WEF at ALL? REALLY?


MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20250123_TDS.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles

ERRATA: I meant the SHIELD not the BADGE … 28 mins in


“FIND YOUR DRUG: for some? – it’s drugs; for others, it’s obsessing over TRUMP.” – Dr. Freckles

TDS or TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME: the compulsion to make EVERYTHING GOOD or EVERYTHING BAD about Trump. If your friend says “Trump is SAVING US!”? – they have TDS. If your other friend says “Trump is going to put us in concentration camps!? – they have TDS.

  1. TRUMP is NOT MOSES and not a savior or hero.
  2. TRUMP is also NOT HITLER.
  3. Want to know what time it is? – April, 1945, Berlin …

EXPERIMENTS ON MY “CAGE”: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=17333

NARCO TRAFFICKERS: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=17330

YUUUUGEEEE POPPING SMOKE: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=17327

Where were we led: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=17322

CYA goes with POPPING SMOKE: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=17317

Don’t be afraid: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=17314

ANOTHER POPPING SMOKE BOOM: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=17296

JUST SO FUCKING DUMB: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=17282

THE POSTER BELOW WAS CREATED IN 2016 BY ME (the domain VOTEFRECKLES.COM was ripped off by Go Daddy in 2021):

I said in my podcasts in 2016: “TDS is about the weird Trump MAGA cult”

(on the record)

I did another experiment on my “cage” …


I shouldn’t have but I did.

I poked a BEAR named ZED …

And then PHROGAN-FLEEB reached out from NY and said:

“Go down the rough road and bleed your greed upon the leading ranks. Stankville hookers, wearing dresses of burlap and rope, moving closer, ever closer to that FLIX BUS STOP across from Madison Square Gardens. Be there on a TUESDAY at MIDNIGHT, and you can see the land crab and the ocean fever and the pimps riding scooters as the looters bet on BLUMP.”

FLEEB had a friend named PHIL … PHIL G. DENTON (@716-598-8267).

PHIL lives in UPSTATE NY and reasoned about black sauce and THE crooked boss and the scroglies at Moglies’ in Seneca. His ears stopped working, his BRAIN fooled HIM back, and it’s possible that a baton was passed from one faker to the next baker … and now I have a minder with bad days and TROLL JOURNEYS.



All because of a BEAR named ZED.

In return, I tells ya: “Hello FLEEB, I’ll be checking in on you soon.”

HELLO PHIL, might we ever meet?




Where were we led?

Can you imagine the stories that spread,
in the dwindling fire,
as the world breaks,
bones ache,
and the lines get longer for bread?

Do you see the billowing clouds,
smoke and rain,
nothing to gain,
in plain site for those with fight?

Will you gaze upon the broken realm,
when tireless soldiers fell to the sword,
and worried maidens cast flowers on the ground
and the sound carried,
our forces were harried,
as time turned to water,
we were led to a slaughter?

And the old men,
with stern looks and leering eyes,
none a friend to the torn,
to the born,
to the forlorn and lost,
he’s the boss,
we are the tossed.

You won’t let me stop,
you were there and now you are not,
if you are real,
if you steal,
I can’t belie my fear,
oh dear,
that the car was paper,
that this whole caper,
was planned by Neal,
so very real.

So I say goodbye to fragile friends,
I say goodbye to actors and craft,
I say goodbye to the pretenders,
to the BLENDERS,
the edge-lords and bracket-kings,
I say goodbye to the masters,
and those that DO and we do not know.
Goodbye, farewell, till then.