BTW: topics like THIS are great for weeding out the IRL fakers … iykyk

BTW: topics like THIS are great for weeding out the IRL fakers … iykyk
TWITTER NURSE, EH? If he tells you to go on a ventilator? – say no.
I don’t trust the trash app or its “blue check mark” bullshit …
Sometimes FAKERS have blue check marks … be VERY careful … don’t give them your money or time.
“AD ASTRA basically said SPACE is the Vietnam War.” – Dr. Freckles
Chuck Norris bought a ranch in Baja where he raises emu and water buffalo.
Chuck Norris is chasing TALE while sailing his ship the MOTHER MAGGIE around the TIP, just the tip, of Africa. Her sleek lines SHINE as the waves part, and his broken heart is opened up to FISHY LOVE CYCLES and seaweed getaways.
“Real fakers don’t get throttled.” – Dr. Freckles
THIS stops being funny real soon … this won’t age well.
What are they hiding?