“It’s just a cook …” – Victor (“Breaking Bad”, Season 4)

MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220807_Philosophy_of_Breaking_Bad_Season_4_with_Seattle_Mike.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles



  1. Can people seeking after control have friends? – Another theme: Friendship / Partnership. Discuss. Skyler, Walt, Hank, Marie, Mike, Gus.
  2. The real drug for Gustavo, Walt and Skylar: Power
  3. Skylar as master manipulator: IRS, Ted, “I found myself admiring the smooth con that Skyler pulled on the locksmith in order to get into Walt’s apartment.”
  4. Gustavo as expert manipulator: Jessie and the face robbery, killing that dude in the first episode
  5. Walt as master manipulator: ricin and the boy, Brock, Andrea’s son
  6. Black market discourse on gun control, and the New Mexico / Western culture of “stand your ground”
  7. In the game of manipulation and control: the greater sociopath wins, empathy loses
  8. Mike E. arrogance is cover for his past guilt.
  9. Madness as a coping mechanism …
  10. The car wash is a money laundry
  11. Walt expresses a common frustration of modernity: “I’m done explaining myself.” Supposedly in the past, asking for an explanation was also an invitation to a duel. Is that good or bad?
  12. Man in waiting room: “Man Plans, God laughs.” Walt: “That…is such bullshit.” Walt says that he’s in charge of his life regardless of cancer.
  13. Walt says he “won”, but what was his victory? What did it cost him?


  1. Skylar as manipulator: the locksmith, the time at the jeweler … with pretty much everyone …
  2. A discourse on gun control and self defense … 38 snub …
  3. “White Residence” … when answering the phone … is there an undercurrent of racial commentary threaded into the show?
  4. The Greater Sociopath wins: Gus VS Walter
  5. Mike E. is smarmy and self-righteous by default. A form of arrogance that covers his past wrongs.
  6. I found myself admiring the smooth con that Skyler pulled on the locksmith in order to get into Walt’s apartment.
  7. Gus: “Well, get back to work.” Why did he kill that guy? What does it say about organizations? Is there an analogy to American Business in general?
  8. Madness as a coping mechanism is a theme of the show.
  9. Pride and Madness are closely related? Is pride Walt’s main downfall, his “Achille’s Heel?”
  10. The Car Wash is a Money Laundry. LOL
  11. Walt: “I am the one who knocks!”
  12. Gus channels Zig Ziglar! “I like to think I see things in people.” BS
  13. Man in waiting room: “Man Plans, God laughs.” Walt: “That…is such bullshit.” Walt says that he’s in charge of his life regardless of cancer.
  14. Walt expresses a common frustration of modernity: “I’m done explaining myself.” Supposedly in the past, asking for an explanation was also an invitation to a duel. Is that good or bad?
  15. Another theme: Friendship / Partnership. Discuss. Skyler, Walt, Hank, Marie, Mike, Gus.
  16. Walt says he “won”, but what was his victory? What did it cost him?
  17. With Gus out of the way, Walt takes a short trip to Hell and madness.

GULAG for WOMEN! (coming soon)

MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220805_GULAG_FOR_WOMEN.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles

Ash and trash …


If you want to donate, there is a link at my site, PLANETARYSTATUSREPORT.COM

My contact email: DanielSullivan@PlanetaryStatusReport.com

FCC Behavior …

It’s murky …


  1. shit
  2. piss
  3. fuck
  4. cunt
  5. cocksucker
  6. motherfucker
  7. tits


  1. Boovulate
  2. Scrunctus
  3. Devoolia
  4. Tridesto
  5. Nistorian Pincter Splink
  6. Sorgo-Trog
  7. Sideways-Sally Mist Party
  8. Jergin
  9. Boblimptock
  10. Grinken
  11. Sclisserate
  12. Annoolibitis
  13. Test-Rock-Pony


Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/medical/biden-hhs-declare-monkeypox-public-health-emergency-soon-today

“GULAG for WOMEN …” (starring digitized 1970’s PAM GRIER)

Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/russian-prosecutors-request-9-12-year-sentence-brittney-griner

  1. You get rights to Griner’s story, ASAP.
  2. You hire Pam and get rights to her digitized 1970’s self.
  3. You hire some B-LIST, but dishy, female actors.
  4. You write the script in a weekend.
  5. Griner never goes to the prison …
  6. You still release the movie.
  7. People believe the movie …

“I saw it in a movie … m’kay …”

Shit you hear …

“Whatever shit you hear? – might be shit in your ear.” – Dr. Freckles

Ya think?

I have covered the western lands in muck dust, leaving on the tracings of bent and broken nargin-thieves. Jungis? The Grov-Lord? He stole our ancient scepter and sold that crap to some hookers near Grinken Town.

I had an inconceivable fear of frog swamps, where the last of the old gilley-rats were sacrificed to Bael. I would spend my nights sniffing after cat flowers and wrestling dolphins near the inlet where they dumped those bodies last year, that place where all the old folks were taken. You could say I was in a hurry to find lightning style love.

It was your own moon unit that led the way to the demon caves, somewhere near Heber, where the ancient Ute shaman would lurk and gather Indio-grievous dust and jurgen-paste. They would smear a gumbo of dead coyote and wasted lives upon their broken bodies and then hunt after the scarlet beaver of RUNEVILLE. And with turquoise treasure and love magic, they’d find their own beastly wives ingroogliating their boovula.

The way you tell it, you were a golden boy or golden girl when the BEEGEES road STRONG and that old queen, Elton John, ruled Boy’s Town. You had green eyes and yellow teeth and your children were whale herders, no longer in contact with ordinary Horgen-Folk, but eating by themselves at Old Schlimby’s Beef Stew Warehouse … and the rat stew had the odor of afterbirth and failure.

Take your Romeo style gigolos and your pastel swimming trunks and that snotty attitude. Go down to STRUNKER’S MEAT PALACE and buy yourself some hammerhead chili. And when you’ve finished? – understand that your world is broken and left to the smoke demons.

Nothing is protected …

Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/senator-asks-cdc-clear-conflicting-statements-vaccine-safety-research

people believe, in this “digital age”, it’s harder to “lie about the numbers” …

But as someone who has worked on clinical informatics projects, places like Harborview in Seattle?

(it’s literally, lopsidedly, the opposite)

(way easier to lie)


MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220729_Everyone_Gets_To_Play.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles

Where are we?

  1. 2008 GFC
  2. 2009-2019 The Lost Decade or the financial obscuration/obfuscation of a global depression … the parable of the unconscious skier …
  3. 2019 REPO market suffers from systemic issues, Powell goes to push button QE
  4. 2020 “COVID” (or what I call the monkey herpes), the “RACE WAR”, and other petit forms of psychological warfare. Key point: in 2020 the level of PSYOPs being conducted against the US, and likely much of the world, was ramped up.
  5. 2021 “NEVERENDING BIDEN-TRUMP TRAUMA DRAMA” … lots of limited hangouts and lab leak theories, etc …
  6. 2022 “RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA” … and the shutting down of much of the cooperative scientific research around the arctic circle … probably random

What’s next?

Since December 2020, I’ve had a feeling that we were looking at a blank, empty, chalkboard … but maybe what I was seeing was in fact a vision of the “chasm” … if Wiley Coyote has the courage to look down as he coasts across the canyon through space? What would he see?

Are you seeing a lot of second and third stringers getting a “chance at the wheel”?

(that’s not a good sign)

Planet of the Humans …

What if the entire green energy agenda is just a Potemkin village, hiding more coal, natural gas, oil, and nuclear?

What if the green energy movement is also a PSYOP, designed to calm the general public as we rocket towards some very ugly places in the near future?


What if those power generating wind-farms are NOT what you think they are?


“All ADD is overcome by FOMO.” – Dr. Freckles

Boomer went on a run …

“You don’t train dogs … you sign peace agreements with them … you hope those agreements hold.” – Dr. Freckles

I went to …

I went to McDonalds …

I ordered a number 6 with extra-cheese-sauce and a side order of jingo-fries …

They served me 2 hours later …

Gave me a brown bag full of pain and broken glass and diesel fuel …

(and they said “have a nice day”)

(so I had to stabz them)

I went to Subway …

I really wanted a tuna sandwich …

I’d been watching this nature show about how the sharks can’t find no more food so they’re starting to eat more kids who go swimming … after that there was a documentary about Fukushima …

And I got really hungry … for a tuna sandwich …

I went to this Subway off of Blimpton, not far from Grinken AVE … where those people were killed last year because they didn’t have the right look on their faces …

They asked me what I wanted, and I said: GIVE ME A FUCKING FOOT LONG TUNA SANDWICH …

The manager went in the back, he scooped up some marinated fiberglass from the bin in the back, mixed it with used motor oil and misery … they put it into their EZ bake oven … but first they said “what kind of bread do you want?” – AND IT MADE ME SO ANGRY.

“WHAT KIND OF BREAD???!? – the kind NOT containing wrestling mat material …” – I yelled in response …

Then they smathered sprinkter sauce and gumbo grease on it and pissed on it and shoved it all in a bag made of recycled condoms …

And I was really thankful …

I went down to the CHEVRON …

They sell fuel and hookers and sawed-off shotguns and whiskey style nightmares …

They have a heating lamp zone where hotdogs slowly die of dehydration, and hamburgers made from ferry rat and whale vomit can be had for 5 bucks … it’ll be 20 bucks next week … so get them burgers while you can …

They had these new “nuggets” for sale – $4 for a dozen … seemed too good to be true. They were golden and glistening and steamy and moist … “Tasdey-Nuggetz” is what they are called …

“… are these really just four bucks?”, I asked the cashier … and she gave me a quizzical look as she rubbed her bumptous and injoovulated in her underwear …

“…. uh … yeah … it’s a new product from corporate … they’re some kind of nugget …”

“What kind of nugget?”

“Protein based ….”

“Plant protein?!? … really?”

“Nah … some kind of synthetic protein from India … made from some kind of creature that lives there …”

“Then why call it ‘synthetic’?”

“I work here … sorry.”

So I bought a box of those nuggets … and they tasted so good, I bought two more boxes …

I’ve only been eating these nuggets …

For weeks now, my hair is falling out, my fingernails are becoming thicker and sharper …

I can’t stand the light – it burns …

(but I love those nuggets)

My new girlfriend, the stripper … she said “let’s go to Zehnder’s baby …” … she spread her legs a little as she said it.

“I need some wings and cheese curgles”, Misty said, as she puffed her clove cigarette.

“Sure Misty … let’s go …”

They had baby back style chicken ribs and Cleveland style steamed ocean clams and oysters … they had mustard rubbed peglic breast, and trib-juice. We wanted to order junctis, with a side of wall crabs, but it seemed too much.

The bill? – $400 … so we dodged a bullet.


We were hustling Scarsdale vlooze and elegant champagne mortgage backed tortilla bars …

We played blackjack and craps and spun the wheel …

We enjoyed the jacuzzi vodka bar and the iced tea hot tub tilapia brunch …

My hooker wife asked me “you gotz more gold for the doorman?”, and I just smiled and fired my pistol and cleaned the brain goo from my new Italian loafers …

It was a good time …

Britannia …

(how they send emails)

MOBILITY AIDS … that are clinical and ugly … gotta have them …


I thought they would kill off “Brandon” with COVID, and perhaps it was always supposed to be the summer before midterms … I thought they’d kill him off sooner, but this makes sense too … keeps the plates spinning … kind of syncs with the “Summer of Hot Rage” vibe we’re getting from the Left with respect to the recent “gun and abortion” rulings …

And if we are nearing the end of the game, and the outcome is inevitable: then you can let all the shitty players on the court for a chance to play … even Kamala.

There’s been a LOT of amateur hour shit in the last decade, but especially in recent years. It’s as if all the lower tier scum are “getting their shot” to be CEO’s and congress people and maybe POTUS, right? … so Kamal gets to play, at this point in the game it simply does not matter.

Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/president-biden-tested-positive-covid-19


Was Apollo the ultimate limited hangout? A multi-level deception designed to keep people asking the WRONG QUESTIONS for 50+ years?

Perhaps the space programs, and the “alien revelations”, are gimmicks containing partial truths, all designed to keep people confused and off the track of the truth.

Do we really know or understand the nature of our local universe?

Do you trust the people telling you they know?

Link: https://en-academic.com/dic.nsf/enwiki/3065176

Yachting …

Link: https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2022/07/25/the-haves-and-the-have-yachts

“WHAT’S MORE IMPORTANT THAN MONEY?” – Jessie Pinkman (“Breaking Bad”, Season 3)

MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220724_Philosophy_of_Breaking_Bad_Season_3_with_Seattle_Mike.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles

IEA Chief or BOGDAN?

Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/commodities/iea-chief-europe-must-cut-gas-usage-20-survive-winter


Starter Question: Why is it people assume forgiveness equals acceptance? Why is it many, especially SJW types these days, believe ACCEPTANCE is a human right?

Forgiveness: “Generally, however, it involves a decision to let go of resentment and thoughts of revenge …” – Mayo Clinic

Acceptance: “… the action of consenting to receive or undertake something offered. The action or process of being received as adequate or suitable, typically to be admitted into a group.” – Dictionary

What are/is the bona fides of being a gangster, how do you prove yourself? How are you accepted?

And what is the only true sin? – to kill “protected” or “sacred” members of the group without approval from some greater power.

  1. There are no real Atheists … and the “crawling assassins …”
  2. Is family all?
  3. When is money not enough? – beginning of Season 3, both Walter and Jessie have plenty of money.
  4. What is revenge? Why do we seek it when great harm is done to our families?
  5. Gale points out he is libertarian when he first meets Walter, and he talks about the magic of the lab …
  6. Sacrificial Lamb: Gale …
  7. Gus and Walter: trust among sociopaths
  8. Schadenfreude of Jessie at the hospital when Hank arrives …
  9. “Who is the best physical therapist you know?”, “I can give you some names, but they’re not likely to be in your plan …”
  10. Drug Therapist: self-acceptance is better than self-improvement… is that BS? 
  11. Skyler and Ted = Walt and Jesse
  12. Gus and Mike save Walter’s life and he never knew it.  I wonder often how many times God has saved my life and I was unaware….
  13. “Welcome Home” Skyler to Walt as she won’t tell the cops he’s been cooking meth. There’s a lot of game theory going on in the subtext.
  14. Hank in the bar is an injured crocodile 
  15. Honesty is good: “I fucked Ted.” Skyler really underestimated Walt
  16. Jesse: “Meth: it’s awesome: you get sharp, like action-dagger feelings”
  17. What would have happened if Jesse had stayed away from Walt after rehab
  18. Mike: “You know…Walter, sometimes it doesn’t hurt to have someone watching your back.” A reference to the Divine?
  19. “Walt what’s wrong with you?”  Assistant Principal Carmen
  20. We find out Jesse blew the money for the RV on strippers and blow. A comedic interlude….
  21. intellectual property vs physical property
  22. Gayle: “There’s crime… and then there’s crime.”
  23. Gayle loves the lab… couldn’t stomach the path “the way you’re supposed” to build a career.
  24. Difference between Gus Fring and Walt – psychopath vs sociopath?
  25. Crushed RV 
  26. Hank goes crazy on Jesse – another wounded crocodile move

I won’t stop you …

MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220720_I_will_not_stop_you.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles

If it’s the “Clathrate Gun” …

Link: https://patents.google.com/patent/US20110005422A1/en

Anchor, Spotify …

It looks like it’s happening again … and that’s okay. Shadow banning from the beginning …

Links no longer work on Spotify …

And the COVID-19 tag on my Breaking Bad podcast with Mike …

I think there’s a 50/50 chance I’m banned from Anchor/Spotify in the next 30 to 90 days.

Frazil …

Skittles …

Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/skittles-unfit-human-consumption-lawsuit-claims

A “recession” …

“A recession during a depression is a collapse.” – Dr. Freckles

Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/recession-may-already-be-here

God might …

“Do what you want, really … I won’t stop you, but God might.” – Dr. Freckles

  1. Become some kinda fucking alley way doctor, where surgery is performed and the anesthesia is some vodka and a lead pipe.
  2. Making love to women while piloting ferries … you can do it …
  3. You want to buy that new “Grill Gun” thingy … and you know why … and that’s all that matters.
  4. You built a cabin, deep in the mountains. Your wife has left you, and you are abandoned to the darkness. You are training an army of mad gorillas, covered in dynamite, covered in failure. That’s okay … I won’t stop you …
  5. Sarah Harper smoked crack cocaine, and rubber her bloobis on the bus … on the way to work. She thought about her trick, and his hands, and his yellow bloodshot eyes that seemed to glow in the night … His throbbing xoorg engudgulated her frinktal zone, and the 8 ancient greases flowed, as scaly birds fed on wig-ants near the abandoned church. That’s okay too … you can do that.
  6. After each day turns sour, the philosopher loads his pistol and goes looking for trash. He stops at the first bar, nasty and consuming, the smell of stale cigarettes and bleach and vomit and shit filled the air … musty, muggy, moist, lost to the lukewarm world of woolly headed speed freaks. He can stop and have his white lightning, and then go back to hunting buffalo … I’ll do nothing to prevent it.
  7. I will hide out in the desert, not far from Scompton. My head rests on a stone pillow, and my bed is made of rancid possum entrails and old moldy newspapers. I shiver feverishly at night, as the slow cooking heat of a methane catastrophe chases my dreams to Grinken Ville … I’ve seen the hooker armies … I’ve seen Kortan and the lizard queen and all the old folk being boiled for dog food … I’ve been near the outer realm, where the gondo-lords rule, and the priestess class swims in pools filled with KY jelly … and this is as it should be … and don’t try to stop me.
  8. You want to become DICTATOR for LIFE of ALL PLANET BOBLIMPTOCK! You want your hands replaced with glowing red hot fists of titanium … You want to hold the still beating hearts of your enemies, in your glowing hands, as they slowly sizzle and beat their LAST. Your mansion will be made of plutonium, your car will be powered by cats … the ZINCKTON-FOLK will worship you and build a statue in your honor – and you will do pharma-grade cocaine as busty models get you OFF and you soil your silk pajamas with man juice. This is fine … I will not say NO …
  9. Some time next year, COL TRIG will open a fast food chain called “Old Schimbly’s Kidney Pies” … he will partner with KING NOB hotel chains, and Peterson Ice Deliveries … he hopes to get a lot of verticals and horizontals going … a nearby medical clinic will lend a hand … He will serve fine high grade kidney pies, but if you find yourself naked, in a bath tub, covered in ice, with two surgical incisions on your left and right abdomen? – CALL AN AMBULANCE … but whatever …. YOU do YOU …
  10. YOU … motherfucker … you LOVE Dungeness crab … you brag, in your slightly Asperger’s (aka DANISH) way … about how you “love to catch the little creatures” and boil them and eat them … Me? – I won’t eat that shit … you can have the tertiary consumers … the filter feeders … the things that LITERALLY EAT SHIT … and die … they are filled with poison, and it is an insult to your immune system as bad OR WORSE than surgery or any puncture wound … but keep eating your fucking shit roaches … your poison beetles … I won’t stop you.

Code monkey …

“A code monkey is someone you hire to tell a computer to do something YOU ARE TOO FUCKING LAZY TO DO YOUR OWN GODDAM SELF!” – Dr. Freckles

Crazy and old …

“When you get crazy and old, it doesn’t matter how you get eaten.” – Dr. Freckles

Hennessey Commercial …

“Life’s crazy, so get drunk …”

“I’ve been thinking about that question you asked me …” – Walter White (“Breaking Bad”, Season 2)

MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220717_Philosophy_of_Breaking_Bad_with_Seattle_Mike_Season_2_On_Lying.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles


Guest: “Seattle Mike” – https://twitter.com/seattleskeptic


  1. Lying, and adding lies to cover up old lies … and where this all ends. “You heard my cell phone alarm …” What this does to relationships.
  2. Family Dynamics: the Pinkman family … what does it mean when family members use 3rd party force to resolve conflict – like the “aunt’s house”.
  3. Episode 2 is one of my all time favorite hour of tv.  Really good. 
  4. Ricin… https://www.britannica.com/science/ricin inhalation of ricin results in severe COVID or what used to be called ARDS.
  5. “Fugue state” equals high-functioning sociopath.  Our society seems to produce an intentionally high percentage of borderline sociopaths and narcissists on one end and a large percentage of helpless people on the other.
  6. Hospital painting of a man rowing out to a ship while his family is on shore waving goodbye.  An analogy for terminal illness ( but also emotional distance)
  7. There’s a theme of “owning” others through manipulation, emotional control, judgmental behavior.  The judgement Skylar gets for smoking while pregnant is the other side of the coin to the veggie bacon she makes her family eat….  Wanting to own someone and taking steps of control is a form of theft.
  8. Hank is a house of cards. Has an anxiety attack in elevator.  He’s a symbol of the weakness of the state
  9. Reputation — “Street Cred” and markets/branding
  10. The cops lie.  The state is a narcissistic parent running a lopsided triangulation scam on us.
  11. Jimmy “in and out” … “He likes it better inside, the outside world has not been too kind to him …”
  12. Jimmy “in-and-out” is a scapegoat. There’s been a lot of that throughout human history, mostly in cities. Our society creates a lot of them through arbitrary rules. (Muh democracy)
  13. Walt cooks meth, Ted Beneke cooks the books. What’s the difference?
  14. Walt’s cooking empire is really “born” on the same day as his daughter.
  15. The ethics of Jane’s death: what are our obligations in that situation? It’s clearly a shitty move, but not illegal. What’s the difference? Which matters more? Which should?

Paradise Island

MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220715_Paradise_Island.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles

Just random … sovietologically speaking …

Link: https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-022-01868-9

Paradise Island

Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/president-flees-paradise-island-embattled-sri-lankan-government-appoints-generals

From 33 years ago …

Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trial_and_execution_of_Nicolae_and_Elena_Ceau%C8%99escu#Execution

7/11 day …

I saw some wild dogs in a small group wandering the neighborhood, hungry and crestfallen … drunk with animalistic rage and self loathing … the dogs were looking for a horgon-feast, and some old people to take out behind … in the alley. It’s 7/11 day, and the dogs are getting anxious …

Grunglin folk, fleeced by financiers and tech-gurus, are hitting the nightclubs. Getting MIND WHACKED on S’klink and grizzle … eating out cosmic holes and vibrating their chingus. Weird oils leak from the walls, and tin star BATS curry favor, but are denied a meeting with HOOBERMAN the WHALER … because it’s 7/11 day … and apples are on sale.

Haglamite WITCH TRIBES focus on the lost cats, and dogs left to wander Scroton Land. Jingus-spleege leaks into the main water supply and the families of Scompton get sick, and go mad with brain herpes. Gangs of shirtless men chase women down the street, covered in greases …

I went to see the doc for my physical. He looked at my charts and my dials and the gauges and he picked up a vial of acid and threw it at my face!

“WHAT THE HELL DAN … your systems are askew and filled with parasites and broken glass … you have all the cancers … every kind … you’re autoimmune is at war with your stomach worms ….”

The doc then punched me in the stomach, and bashed my head with a skull he had on his desk …

It’s gonna be great. Happy 7/11 …


“Yes Lord Vrool …”

“Is that the sound of the Kuntic-Gangs?”

“Yes, they oil themselves in the sacred lesbian pools, preparing themselves for the feast.”

Lord Vrool stood there, looking into the burnt out city. He had the men, but was he ready to violate Empress Listra’s sacred oil pact? … or would it be the mud pit for all?

Great … 7/11.

We need to start stockpiling oil for the Slebic-Wars. The East Side Hoolies are moving westward toward Scompton. They are packing .357’s and glocks and lighter fluid and bike chain. Their officers wear a titanium codpiece and their left hands are armed with a mini-chainsaw gauntlet. Their opponents are skewered and barbecued and sold as street tacos to Italians on Wallstreet …

… but it’s 7/11 FUCKER …

Version 1 ROBOTS are serving protein slurry at the cafe off of Blimpton. Young harlots, rowdy and mad with jimble-floosh, masquerade about in their mini skirts … handing out free samples … The robots will wash all the crevices, and we’ll be clean and ready …

The labor market is cooling, the robots are getting angry.

Happy 11th of JULY DAY ASS BIRD … FUCK …

Maverick …

The movie review of a random anonymous listener:

You saw Star Wars in 1977? Yes. Ok. Exact SAME plot. USA has to blow up an underground nuclear weapons facility of an “un-named” foreign power. They have to fly technically inferior F-18’s at very low altitude through a canyon maze and then deliver two missile strikes into this small “air vent” to blow up the facility. So, the majority of the scenes with the aircraft are basically the same bullshit as from the Star Wars when they are flying inferior aircraft beneath the superior weapons defenses of the Death Star. Tacked onto that main plot is the typical leftist diversity propaganda; Tom Cruise AKA, Pete Mitchell is brough out of retirement to teach the new class of America’s best fighter pilots the lost art of aerial dog fighting. Pete, despite his lengthy 40 year career in the Navy has only achieved the rank of Captain due to his “Maverick” ways, but he remains the only pilot with any dog fighting skills. So, the Commander of the Pacific Fleet, Rear Admiral Tom “Iceman” Kazansky (Ted Kazynski), who has been keeping Pete from being kicked out of the Navy all these years, summons Pete via a series of text messages to return and teach the youngsters at the Top Gun School. A brief encounter with Iceman, is like Luke Skywalker with Yoda. As you know in real life, cancer has turned the 80’s heartthrob, Iceman, into a troll like creature who has to talk only by closing a hole in his throat. He sounds like Yoda and has to keep sentences very short, so he is reduced to saying things like “you must not think, you must only do.”  Iceman dies shortly after overriding all the other Navy commanders who want Pete booted. The current Top Gun commander is Vice Admiral Beau “Cyclone” Simpson, also known as Homer Simpson, played by legendary ad man, Jon Hamm.

Pete proceeds to school and embarrass all the young hot shot aviators, which in 2022 are now hispanic and Chinese females, black men and one white guy we all love to hate the “perfect jock” guy plus one lovable white guy who is a boob and goes by the simple call sign of “Bob”. oh, forgot, Goose’s son, Rooster, is now a Top Gun aviator as well, and Pete has stood in his way for years trying to prevent him from becoming a pilot. Rooster looks like Goose, wears the same dumb Hawaiin shirts, plays the piano and sings Great Balls of Fire for the entire bar.

Simpson hates Pete and mid-way through the movie boots Pete out of the Navy demanding his discharge, but Pete manages to steal an F-18 and runs the gauntlet course which is shown in the Top Gun classroom on a live feed and Homer relents and makes Pete the Team leader of the mission.

Pete eventually is forced to choose the six people who will go on the mission. Have to make sure to get at least one female and one black guy as well as Rooster, who starts out hating Pete, but grows to love him like a father.

After successfully bombing the site, Pete gets shot down and ejects over enemy territory. Rooster, despite being ordered to return to the carrier, turns around and shoots down an enemy attack helicopter just before it shoots a running on the ground Pete. Rooster then gets shot down and fortunately ejects and parachutes within 100 yards of Pete. Pete and Rooster then run to a nearby enemy air base and steal an old F-14 that just happens to be fueled and ready to fly. While flying back to the carrier, they are forced into a dog fight with two enemy 5th generation fighters, but Pete Skywalker summons the force of Iceman and Goose Gossage and shoots down both. But Pete’s plane is now out of ammo.

Now it’s smooth sailing back to the carrier. Wrong. Another enemy fighter shows up and Pete begins to fly straight up into the atmosphere towards Heaven with Rooster in the back seat, just as the enemy plane gets missile lock, BOOM, he gets shot out of the sky by the pilot we all hated, the young jock, who defied orders and launched his plane from the carrier to save them.

They all return to the Carrier. Pete does a crash landing into the net and everyone gets a trophy and dances around on the deck cheering.

Also, there is no re-kindling of the romance with Kelli McGillis as she is now too fat and ugly. So the in-between Romance filler is now with Jennifer Connelly. Pete fucks Jennifer in her house and gets caught by Jennifer’s teen-age daughter, who convinces Pete to also fuck her.

Jennifer …

new Iceman Jock

Hispanic Diversity Pilot

Goofy White Bob

Rear Admiral Iceman Yoda

 Pete “Maverick Skywalker” Mitchell                                      

Hot Kelli

Not hot Kelli

Pete Mitchell on the Deck of the carrier USS We are the World, after saving the world

Vagina scented fire …

Link: https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/men-fire-gwyneth-paltrow-goop-store-hamptons

Freedom and bravery …

“Land of the free, home of the brave? – no … You have a land of the free ONLY if you are brave.” – Dr. Freckles

(otherwise you’ll be looking for bullies to tell you what to do)

Pain …

“Pain exploits itself, it needs no help.” – Dr. Freckles

The Killing Season …

The Biden’s “Recovery Summer Tour” 2010 … and Aurora AVE, Seattle …

Luke 7: 36-50 — https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke+7%3A36-50&version=NIV

About LISK and other contemporaries committing similar acts in Long Island, NY.

Link: https://www.bustle.com/articles/194623-why-do-serial-killers-target-sex-workers-the-killing-season-explores-this-tragic-type-of-crime

If you are an OPTIMIST …

Are you an optimist?

– stack physical gold/silver in historic ratios

– stack ammo and guns

– stack long term food stores, rice, beans, etc

– have water purification and LEARN HOW to purify water

(assuming you are an optimist)

If you are an optimist …

  1. learn to raise pig and chicken on those “dark ugly acts” you might have to commit in the depths of this coming eternal night …
  2. hold counsel with the rat and cockroach, make allies with the crow and the monkey …
  3. Hook yourself out … become a gigolo … make up fliers, for the old person’s home, and sell your body to dying old men and women … if you are optimistic about things …
  4. Stockpile SPAM and TURKEY SPAM … make sure you have PROTEIN …
  5. Rumpulate your inner drelg-skoob, and rub your splinctus with rosy read harlot sauce … that’s if you have a real positive fucking attitude …
  6. Set fire to your home, your car, your land … boil the cactus and drink muskrat tea … kill time by the whiskey dreams sea … and hunt old whale-goat near Scompton … if you think things are FINE …
  7. Jorg-slig, of sector-55, is selling snake-piss-wine and old curdled cat milk … his eyes are burning with the fury and the hunger and his lips are covered in herpetic sores … if you are an optimist …
  8. A space ship named love is parked at NASA, the captain is Lord Yurgen of the last NAZI cadre, the co-pilot is XINDER, first order demon … the DEVIL is the commodore, the Commodores are entertaining … on the LIDO DECK … if you have that “hope and change” Obama-Shlama talked about … happy …
  9. 1002 separate nugget kings, ruling various lands between here and GRINKEN TOWN, they carry swords made of anger and ice, they snort the coke and run the hooker armies of the east … if you are an optimist …

Oil …

Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/commodities/oil-jumps-crack-spread-near-record-after-market-ignores-latest-idiocy-biden-admin

The Darkest Point

  1. Sodom
  2. Times of Noah
  3. Lord’s Message

The truly evil state of affairs, the darkest point, is when a government FORCES its people to commit evil … it starts out with patriotic intention, and ends up mandating pedophilia and the sharing of children with strangers, adults.

It starts out with mandating everyone wear coffee filters, perhaps more than one … forcing their children to be poisoned with who knows what … you don’t know, neither do I.

But in the end, it is the STATE demanding you rape your own children to prove you are “inclusive” …

(we’re almost there – let’s hope the state collapses soon)


Link: https://kfor.com/news/in-your-corner/snap-benefits-disappearing-to-skimmer-theft-across-country/


Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/crypto/crypto-exchange-ftx-bails-out-blockfi-250-million-revolver

“I AM AWAKE!” – Walter White (“Breaking Bad”, Season 1)

MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220710_Philosophy_of_Breaking_Bad_Season_One_with_Seattle_Mike.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles

Core Theme: GRIEVING

Guest: “Seattle Mike” – https://twitter.com/seattleskeptic


  1. Grieving – and confronting one’s own mortality.
  2. Ethics and the Law: are they even compatible?
  3. Drugs … and how society should approach this.
  4. Relationships and Deception – are there noble lies? lies designed to protect those we love?
  5. Cancer: wounded lives and relationships
  6. Conflict Resolution in the black market
  7. Excellence: is it enough? Does it matter WHAT you are excellent at?
  8. Skylar: “Where did that come from … and why was it so good?”, Walter: “Because it’s illegal …”, Hank: “Sometimes forbidden fruit tastes the sweetest …”
  9. Altruism vs. self-interest: It’s a very statist perspective to claim altruistic motives for doing what’s really in your own selfish interest.  Walt manipulates others for his own ego and personal gain, often at their expense too. Rush song “Anthem” comes to mind as the ideal where acting out of self-interest benefits everyone: Well, I know they’ve always told you Selfishness was wrong Yet it was for me, not you I came to write this song
  10. When Krazy-8 escapes Jesse’s house and Walt finds him walking down the street he was definitely portrayed as a zombie. Zombies / NPCs / mimetic behavior
  11. Humans are a mixed bag. The capacity for good and evil are always present. Sort of a positive and negative stored energy present at all times in everyone.  Ex. Hank pledging to take care of Walt’s family but meanwhile is an insufferable douche 
  12. Family dynamics. Jesse’s brother scoffs at the idea that he’s the favorite son because his parents are always focused on Jesse. This also dovetails with the human focus on negative outliers.
  13. Theft… lots of themes around this: Broken Windows economics and all of the interests impacted by ongoing drug trade, and why even law enforcement doesn’t want it to end … LE, CIA, FBI, cartels, street criminals – all conspire to keep it going.
  14. Pride… Walt won’t accept help from his former business partner 

The Unseen …

MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220708_THE_UNSEEN.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles

Bastiat’s hard truth …

Link: https://admin.fee.org/files/doclib/bastiat0601.pdf

Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/personal-finance/pandemic-stimmies-had-no-lasting-effect-poor-study

“Destructo Force” (reverso-Bastiat’s idea)

New podcast notes scheme idea’ification …

Highschool -> collage -> Memories bleed and dryout

Logging-> Dangerous -> Money not that great -> lose an arm and two legs -> get workers comp (no work’y for rest of life) -> best payoff from setting chokers

Friend -> Fishing during the Summer -> Alaska -> lots of money -> Pontiac GTO

Highschool -> Friday Nights -> Pontiac GTO -> Cruising

Whoop -> Whoop

Chiefs and shamans …

“People think it’s a choice between being a chief or a shaman, I say: be both, in proper measure.” – Dr. Freckles

The Pope and the Telescope …



“In defense of that weird Luddite Pope? – I lived through 2020 and the coffee-filter cult … so I kind of see his point now.” – Dr. Freckles

Transform …

“Transform your small business … with dynamite.” – Dr. Freckles

The Path …

“We learn a great deal more when the path is unclear, or when it’s wrong altogether.” – Dr. Freckles

What happened to Opie’s mom?

Ranch Water … fuck …

Yeah …

“Hey, remember me?”

I was walking around the other day …

I passed this guy in the street, and he looked at me …

“Hey, you remember me? … I was this big …”

He motioned with his hand to communicate that at some point he was 3 feet tall … and I knew him when he was 3 feet tall … err … maybe I knew him when I was 3 feet tall.

The Devil and Christian Life …

We never really kick out the Devil permanently … he comes by … complains about his new girlfriend … asks if he can sleep on the couch for a few days …

That’s the struggle.

The Truth Yurt

MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220707_THE_TRUTH_YURT.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles

The Truth Yurt

  1. I keep talking about changing the format of my podcast … but I dunno
  2. Should I drink less beer? – definitely less Mormon style sugar cancer betes beer …
  3. I’ve been watching this show “You” … and it’s not Dexter, but it gives me a great dose of dark cringe … yeah … I bought one month of Netflix in order to get to the point in shows I liked where I couldn’t watch anymore … too much “Hate Russia” and “Gender Conflict” bullshit … it’s your “junk” … get over it Netflix.
  4. I got some wickedly good weed yesterday from Colorado … Garlic Monkey … Willy Nelson Reserve shit … thanks Willy …
  5. I screwed up my first and only relationship … shit happens. I hope she’s okay, but I haven’t seen her since 2013.
  6. My last physical was in 2013, just after my ex dumped me …
  7. The new job is going well, but it’s still very early … maybe I’ll have a more accurate appraisal in a few weeks.
  8. Justin and I are NOT giving up on RAD ENGINEERING, but it’s going to move slower.
  9. There was this elevated platform with a yurt on it, on the way to Dinosaur … but it was just off the highway … it’s like: maybe they’re gonna make it into a fro-yo place … the Gurt-Yurt … or Urt’s Yurt has Gurt … I dunno.
  10. I love my family … but I haven’t been able to talk to them … I don’t want to call, I don’t look forward to a call. Weird, right?
  11. I am massively in debt, and I don’t give a shit. I will likely declare bankruptcy, but given I haven’t heard from any of my creditors in 5 years? – who knows … there was the monkey-herpes “rent free” but not rent free in the 200 square foot pod … but at 1,000 a month? – I feel like I overpaid BEFORE the GREAT SEATTLE MIND FUCK … so I really don’t care. If you play stupid PSYOP monkey-herpes games, you win stupid PSYOP monkey herpes problems … welcome to the hall of mirrors that is life on the death star.
  12. I’ve entered the CARL phase … I work from home … I wear sweats and have a beer belly …