The Truth Yurt



The Truth Yurt

  1. I keep talking about changing the format of my podcast … but I dunno
  2. Should I drink less beer? – definitely less Mormon style sugar cancer betes beer …
  3. I’ve been watching this show “You” … and it’s not Dexter, but it gives me a great dose of dark cringe … yeah … I bought one month of Netflix in order to get to the point in shows I liked where I couldn’t watch anymore … too much “Hate Russia” and “Gender Conflict” bullshit … it’s your “junk” … get over it Netflix.
  4. I got some wickedly good weed yesterday from Colorado … Garlic Monkey … Willy Nelson Reserve shit … thanks Willy …
  5. I screwed up my first and only relationship … shit happens. I hope she’s okay, but I haven’t seen her since 2013.
  6. My last physical was in 2013, just after my ex dumped me …
  7. The new job is going well, but it’s still very early … maybe I’ll have a more accurate appraisal in a few weeks.
  8. Justin and I are NOT giving up on RAD ENGINEERING, but it’s going to move slower.
  9. There was this elevated platform with a yurt on it, on the way to Dinosaur … but it was just off the highway … it’s like: maybe they’re gonna make it into a fro-yo place … the Gurt-Yurt … or Urt’s Yurt has Gurt … I dunno.
  10. I love my family … but I haven’t been able to talk to them … I don’t want to call, I don’t look forward to a call. Weird, right?
  11. I am massively in debt, and I don’t give a shit. I will likely declare bankruptcy, but given I haven’t heard from any of my creditors in 5 years? – who knows … there was the monkey-herpes “rent free” but not rent free in the 200 square foot pod … but at 1,000 a month? – I feel like I overpaid BEFORE the GREAT SEATTLE MIND FUCK … so I really don’t care. If you play stupid PSYOP monkey-herpes games, you win stupid PSYOP monkey herpes problems … welcome to the hall of mirrors that is life on the death star.
  12. I’ve entered the CARL phase … I work from home … I wear sweats and have a beer belly …