I won’t stop you …

MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220720_I_will_not_stop_you.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles

If it’s the “Clathrate Gun” …

Link: https://patents.google.com/patent/US20110005422A1/en

Anchor, Spotify …

It looks like it’s happening again … and that’s okay. Shadow banning from the beginning …

Links no longer work on Spotify …

And the COVID-19 tag on my Breaking Bad podcast with Mike …

I think there’s a 50/50 chance I’m banned from Anchor/Spotify in the next 30 to 90 days.

Frazil …

Skittles …

Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/skittles-unfit-human-consumption-lawsuit-claims

A “recession” …

“A recession during a depression is a collapse.” – Dr. Freckles

Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/recession-may-already-be-here

God might …

“Do what you want, really … I won’t stop you, but God might.” – Dr. Freckles

  1. Become some kinda fucking alley way doctor, where surgery is performed and the anesthesia is some vodka and a lead pipe.
  2. Making love to women while piloting ferries … you can do it …
  3. You want to buy that new “Grill Gun” thingy … and you know why … and that’s all that matters.
  4. You built a cabin, deep in the mountains. Your wife has left you, and you are abandoned to the darkness. You are training an army of mad gorillas, covered in dynamite, covered in failure. That’s okay … I won’t stop you …
  5. Sarah Harper smoked crack cocaine, and rubber her bloobis on the bus … on the way to work. She thought about her trick, and his hands, and his yellow bloodshot eyes that seemed to glow in the night … His throbbing xoorg engudgulated her frinktal zone, and the 8 ancient greases flowed, as scaly birds fed on wig-ants near the abandoned church. That’s okay too … you can do that.
  6. After each day turns sour, the philosopher loads his pistol and goes looking for trash. He stops at the first bar, nasty and consuming, the smell of stale cigarettes and bleach and vomit and shit filled the air … musty, muggy, moist, lost to the lukewarm world of woolly headed speed freaks. He can stop and have his white lightning, and then go back to hunting buffalo … I’ll do nothing to prevent it.
  7. I will hide out in the desert, not far from Scompton. My head rests on a stone pillow, and my bed is made of rancid possum entrails and old moldy newspapers. I shiver feverishly at night, as the slow cooking heat of a methane catastrophe chases my dreams to Grinken Ville … I’ve seen the hooker armies … I’ve seen Kortan and the lizard queen and all the old folk being boiled for dog food … I’ve been near the outer realm, where the gondo-lords rule, and the priestess class swims in pools filled with KY jelly … and this is as it should be … and don’t try to stop me.
  8. You want to become DICTATOR for LIFE of ALL PLANET BOBLIMPTOCK! You want your hands replaced with glowing red hot fists of titanium … You want to hold the still beating hearts of your enemies, in your glowing hands, as they slowly sizzle and beat their LAST. Your mansion will be made of plutonium, your car will be powered by cats … the ZINCKTON-FOLK will worship you and build a statue in your honor – and you will do pharma-grade cocaine as busty models get you OFF and you soil your silk pajamas with man juice. This is fine … I will not say NO …
  9. Some time next year, COL TRIG will open a fast food chain called “Old Schimbly’s Kidney Pies” … he will partner with KING NOB hotel chains, and Peterson Ice Deliveries … he hopes to get a lot of verticals and horizontals going … a nearby medical clinic will lend a hand … He will serve fine high grade kidney pies, but if you find yourself naked, in a bath tub, covered in ice, with two surgical incisions on your left and right abdomen? – CALL AN AMBULANCE … but whatever …. YOU do YOU …
  10. YOU … motherfucker … you LOVE Dungeness crab … you brag, in your slightly Asperger’s (aka DANISH) way … about how you “love to catch the little creatures” and boil them and eat them … Me? – I won’t eat that shit … you can have the tertiary consumers … the filter feeders … the things that LITERALLY EAT SHIT … and die … they are filled with poison, and it is an insult to your immune system as bad OR WORSE than surgery or any puncture wound … but keep eating your fucking shit roaches … your poison beetles … I won’t stop you.

Code monkey …

“A code monkey is someone you hire to tell a computer to do something YOU ARE TOO FUCKING LAZY TO DO YOUR OWN GODDAM SELF!” – Dr. Freckles

Crazy and old …

“When you get crazy and old, it doesn’t matter how you get eaten.” – Dr. Freckles

Hennessey Commercial …

“Life’s crazy, so get drunk …”