


Ways in which 2024 (or sooner) could be bat shit crazy:

Severity: 0-10, 10 being most severe, a potential “10,000 year event”. I would also say the scale is logarithmic and not linear … so it is a power of 10 difference as you go up each level …

Likelihood: high, medium, low or H, M, L …

  1. Dollar Collapse / Petro-Dollar Empire Collapse [S:5, L:H]
  2. US Civil War (because people are being pushed to the breaking point) [S:6, L:M]
  3. Alien Visitation or Invasion [S:7, L:L]
  4. Catastrophic geological event (super quakes, caldera eruptions) [S:8, L:M]
  5. Catastrophic climate event (clathrate gun or methane bomb mainly) [S:9, L:M]
  6. Solar Event [S:8, L:M]
  7. Famine [S:8, L:M]
  8. Nuclear War (if the Ukraine conflict is real, or even if it’s not, it could offer cover for this type of an extermination) [S:9, L:L]

*** these can work together, synergistically, one event triggering another or happening in parallel and building on each other … failure in complex systems is often cascading and unpredictable.

Only One Way:

Parasitic Illnesses:

Greatest Joy:

Teenagers making noise:

Only one way …

I think there’s only one way you “get away with” what THEY have been doing. If people in the near future are too busy, the ones left alive, just trying to stay alive? – they won’t be forming large “armies of revenge” and somehow load their asses onto cargo ships and sail to the main ALPHA COMPLEX in Antarctica.

It’s the only way this works out for them …

And how long will these bunkers function?

(do you really think THEY are better off)

(maybe you can’t win doing something like this)

(maybe nobody wins)