What you doing at the park?

MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20230915_WHAT_YOU_DOING_AT_THE_PARK.mp3

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What you doing at the park?

1. not-potable water. Been drinking it, it’s great.

2. “keep Dan in the park Bonds” available soon, Genzler is supportive.

3. What you doing at the park?

4. Craig’s List is the GREYHOUND of e-commerce.

5. If you are on YOUTUBE and not canceled?

6. VP Harris talking about freedom to not be shot by guns.

7. Don’t pour water down the urinal.

8. Hunter Biden Bimbo Eruption continues with coke-head-gun-buys.

9. NASA to use AI to find ALIENS … really?

10. Ronald Reagan used CARNIVOR!

11. Not a prophet.

12. Getting park fit.

13. I was a frequent pier once.

14. “We’re exploring, it’s okay to make mistakes …” (sure)