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Kind of in a shitty place …

(just what it is …)

Exile … (the oldest story)

  1. That first creature that had too many generations out of the sea of gunkis, and looked back poignantly … “there’s no going back …”
  2. Birth
  3. Growing up
  4. Becoming and changing
  5. The Bible, Adam and Eve, Exodus, David flees from Saul, Every prophet, Mary and Joseph, Jesus … a lot of the bible is about exile.
  6. Breaking up
  7. Disasters, large and small … and perhaps what is coming
  8. Power
  9. Death

Closets …

“Sometimes leaving the closet is the wrong answer, especially if you’re being pulled out.” – Dr. Freckles

It’s not my job …

Something I’ve had some Christians tell me … especially Catholics … “it’s not my job …”

(are you sure?)

  1. warriors
  2. prophets
  3. ministers
  4. disciples
  5. teachers
  6. caretakers
  7. washers of feet
  8. humble
  9. peacemakers
  10. forgivers
  11. free and true to liberty
  12. to seek beauty
  13. to understand sadness
  14. to live in the world
  15. to be okay with dying

To be as Jesus was and is …

(all of it was always our job)

Link: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Judges%205&version=NIV