MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20230220_Linear_Thinking.mp3
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Inflation …
“If I had a million bucks? – I’d buy 20 large coffees at Starbuck’s.” – Dr. Freckles
Limited government …
“Believing in constitutionally limited government is a lot like believing in Asimov’s Laws of Robotics: it’s a nice thought, but it probably won’t work.” – Dr. Freckles
The Libertarian Party …
“The Libertarian Party is your last stop before reaching freedom.” – Dr. Freckles
Butt Rapes …
“85% of all butt rapes are performed by aliens, the other 15% are mostly CIA.” – Dr. Freckles
Super Pig
Link: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/feb/20/us-threat-canada-super-pig-boar
Something I talked about …
There will be …

In the future, the lands will be made up of separate parts and each part will serve some nefarious purpose or serve some vampire goal.
- There will be 100 zones outlining the various places you can go. You will be given a metal plate and that plate will be attached to your forehead – when you board a train to travel, your plate will be electrochemically stimulated to produce GINKTUS-GROO and that muck mixes with your neurotransmitters to drive you CRAZY … and once you’re GONE … you’re outta there …
- Every ZONE is divided into 44 domains. These domains are ruled by a sexy cadre of stripper warriors, all of them busty and scantily clad and covered in the greases of the avenue. They carry switchblades with the word KARMA etched on the side …
- A domain is composed of 75 regions. Each of these regions are filled with sklig-pipe lords and various hankus-gangs. They rove about, looking for catalytic converters and fast-time boovula. Their women are power hungry murder hoes, and their dogs are pits, covered in metal spikes.
- A region is made up of 200 sectors, and the sectors are WEIRD. Dark sectors contain witch festrel and carrot meat. You walk for days looking for a place to sleep, but you don’t find nothing but the urban gape and it’s nasty stench.
- Sectors are built on 9 quadrants. A quadrant is ruled over by a JINGO-MONK or KELMER-PRIEST. They are ordained as pimp daddies and street flesh controllers. All hookers shall be registered with them and given hooker names. What is your hooker name?
- Grids are the building blocks of quadrants. Every grid has a GRID COMMANDER. The grid commander wears armor made of leather and iron, he or she carries a sword and a revolver and a fifth of Wild Turkey. These commanders are a saucy lot and capable of great feats of hooker style grease magic …
- Blocks and their hooker queens are the basis for GRID MAGIC and total feudalistic whore control. Spider ministers acquire your soul energy and then drain it into the collective pool. You will lose your mind as you gain your way toward cocaine nightmares and old time’y ape pasta surprise.
- All these hooker blocks contain a variable number of fortresses – these are the power centers of the future. Each year the people of the fortress vote on their THURGEN-REP, and this person takes claims of pain and agony and madness to the FEUR-MASTER GURGEN that overseas all connections to the block lords and the hooker queens. The votes are tallied, for justice, and then some random person is tossed off the ceremonial bridge.
- Fortresses have rooms, and each room will have 21 inmates or citizens or voters. Each voter will spend his/her/its day eating muddle soup and complaining about their mold infections. The last FORTRESS KING will determine how many rooms get to stay, and which ones get flooded. You can vote on this, but voting does nothing … everyone knows this. And you’ll live in this overcrowded room, and most of your roommates will wipe their butts with their dirty laundry … because there ain’t no toilet paper.
Not giving up …
Truth is:
I yelled, I screamed, I sought help. I sat on that sidewalk, frozen, freezing, with my droopy broken arm, considering letting the shock set in and the hypothermia kill me … probably 15 minutes at that temperature.
But I didn’t give up – not a huge victory, but mine.
Liberty …
“If liberty is victorious, we all win.” – Dr. Freckles