Last Night …
I made monkey-sperm pizza last night. I was hanging with SLANT-FACE Jonesy down by the old abandoned shoe factory. We were drinking slizzle-hooch that my girl Shandy made in her underwear drawer. Our lives are LIGHT-MADE black sky trauma, and our drug is cat-glass, sold by Jorg.
I wanted to find her royal jelly and she made minced meat curry from the dead rhino at the dump. Animals have been dying at the zoo, and they just dump the bodies out there, and you pick the zoo animal that you want to eat. Carla showed up and did coke, her boyfriend was Juddy.
Ken doll types paraded down the boulevard, and we all ended up at BIG NED’S near the river. We drank Colt-45 and other swill down by the pier, and the river boats creep’d by in the night, as our boisterous ways bled white on their poetry. My girl got wet and wanted some action.
“When’s it coming”, she whispered. A train whistle in the distance as the rabble fanned out to find some place dry to sleep. She grabbed my man hammer, and I drove a hard bargain. We made a pile of clothes by the dumpster, and pulled out some cardboard for a bed and went at it.
After our tussle near the dog pound, we got up to see of FLIB’S was still open. FLIB’S was an all night, all day, club. This time of night, they usually had some choir boy type from the community college spinning trance music and hustling sandwich-grease from the stripper-whores.
At FLIB’S, the wafer artists were handing out sunshine blotter, and my heart-slave grabbed a handful and chomped it down. My girl had the twitches, she need s’klink, the new street drug. Like KROKODIL, it had EDGE and blooded rhoid energy. Her twitches would turn to sores soon.
I’d cave in the side of some dude’s head just get my woman the medicine she needs, I’d take bodies to the landfill and let the steel giants chew them up and spit them onto the latent park. New sprouts and carrot pus were sold there, where the birds stop singing and the trees die.
Last night I walked deep into DINGUS TOWN, where dog soldiers guard the harlot realm. I couldn’t stop the white gas and the green light. I couldn’t bring hope to the sandpiper women and those old drunk fishermen who told stories of tuna and whale. In this place we were the ending … what was the beginning?
A kindred self wanders, and seeks to find gentle hands to hold, and a tough heart to embrace. We’re nugget princes and fishwife queens when the sun is out, and we’re chased by every badge when the sun goes down. Our ilk lives off the fever and gumptous those weirdos make and sell.
My tunnel mites were hurting bad and my woman’s fever was turning on me. She’d picked up a rock and it looked like she wanted to bash my face in … “when’s it coming”. I couldn’t tell her, all the s’klink was off the streets because the Mormons were at a convention near Vernal.
When the time came I’d leave her like the rest: some place soft in this landscape of jagged wrecks and abandoned buildings. I’d fashion a grave marker from the fire-wax in the sewer and I’d sing songs of NO GREATER LOVE so that all the street lords would hear. She is remembered.
“Humans invented murder, Lucifer invented WAR.” – Dr. Freckles
Wait … what?
that cereal is for children you hate
you eat grits?
that’s a nice jar of something
you fry eggs?
did your mom sit down on a dirty toilet seat?
is that how you were conceived?
Is that your girlfriend …
the one that calls you on the other phone?
are you going to apologize to that old lady?
your car?
she went to the fancy place, don’t feed that
no, you don’t have to comment on her hair
that’s your kid’s ADHD meds?
yeah – definitely eat that before tonight
monkey pebbles?
yeah – just squeeze into that
you gonna wear that?
stop picking your butt, you’re in a meeting
you should clean up the blood before your wife gets home – nobody likes a dead hooker
he said the vacuum cleaner reminded him of you
you got a vacuum cleaner
no, he’s not at the gym
why are you doing that?
stop touching your boovula
can I say fuck off
you make cricket bacon?
you think someone loves you?
what’s that on your boob?
you post memes?
you don’t drink coffee?
I could learn to touch
you watch that show?
your butt makes your butt look big
Someone doesn’t know what cob-juice is ….
I’m going to the grocery store to cash my welfare check
you do healthy things on your day off?
you put more sugar on that?
no … you will never have drinks with Elon Musk on Mars …
he will kill you
that’s not for breakfast
look for some gauze
lance that
burn that
drain that
I thought the pimple stuff was just for kids
I’m sorry about your face
who wears lip gloss to bed?
that’s not a mole
yeah, it’s not too early to start drinking
that’s not vegan, get real … you bought it at 7/11
you have a Peloton?
people just don’t want to take the risk, but it could pay off big time
this will shake up the world of #bitcoin / #btc / #blockchain
some people will make millions
you hear voices?
you said you’d quit smoking
you get consumed by void?
you have coffee?
that’s not what you do with that
that’s the date rape dude
no Dear, it’s not your dog that makes you look fat
he sniffs underwear
how long have you been on the pill?
are you on the pill?
that’s herpes
you use that to cover up the smell?
you shave?
If the aliens are coming, they’re coming for your butt holes.
you ate all of that?
you’re getting drunk alone?
you worry about drag queen?
what are you eating today?
your chickens?
that’s not tight
what do you feed a milf?
milf feed?
those drugs are for your kids
where does she work out?
your wife works out?
that’s not keto
she’s gone, and she’s never coming back
your battery is dead
that egg looks weird
that’s going to hurt bad
you trek across ridges?
resistance training?
that’s bran dumb shit
you’re angry?
your mom gave you that?
that’s your girlfriend?
you shave there?
that’s not right
do you cut yourself there sometimes?
you watch TV?
you live in the desert like a poor?
it’s not the shirt that makes you look fat
cheese on that?
that cobra will bite you one day
you are a forest monkey?
don’t touch that
you should mill your own beef
I think your cat is lost
that’s your toilet?
that doesn’t smell good
you go to church late?
you won’t get there in time
(is it over?)
(it is over)
(is it OVER?)