PAPA BLUMP isn’t even in office yet …
“Trump can’t do nothing …” – need to spin that narrative early, amirite?

There is no such thing as a “suicide drone” …
What I intend to do over my 2 week break …
I’ve set some lofty goals for this break; goals so dangerous my mind splits.
Why can’t I do this buddy? I’m not helpless?
So you know what …
- I’m going to try to finish the first draft of BIGFOOT WAR ONE, that’s only about 3,000 words a day.
- I’m going to get my SHORTWAVE JS8 receive-station for NOTES up and running, this shouldn’t take more than a day, but we’ll see. I need to make the script available and simple to set up. And maybe I start doing more dev work on the notes app again, and get it from BETA to … I dunno … just fix some things and start adding features.
- I need to put in 20 hours of training, mostly reviewing assignments for Algebra 1, 2, and Geometry. This should be relaxing. I’m falling in love again with perfect squares and radicals.
But the break starts and I buy two or three boxes of beer and cigarettes and whiskey. I dunk it all in 3 days and then enter a 10 day rampage. I give myself one day to recover … in jail … and then I get fired in the New Year. Maybe?
The break starts and I put forth good effort with the writing bullshit and the various STEED duties of NOTES and GOATS and polynomials. I’m doing GREAT, but the harlot queen DESDRA shows up with love oils and romance-squirrels and arsenic soda. She’s only wearing a black trench coat, all naked and tingly underneath. She grabs my powder-monkey and I stroke her boovula, as she moans and groans the night becomes morning. This could happen, with a likelihood of 1/3.5BILLION … but it could happen.
I should “knuckle down” and get some shit “done”, but will I be the ESCAPE ARTIST on TV, screaming into a hot mic demanding room service, or will I stand majestically upon the mountain of COMPLETION and GOALS MET? – I’ve said too much already, and the target audience is tired of toilsome concerns and the burns from radiation.
I cancelled my DISCOVER card, and left the bard at Stratford by Avon.
I closed down SHOP, like the “RUG WAREHOUSE” from 1986, working on its 8th consecutive “GOING OUT OF BUSINESS SALE”. Who knew bankruptcy was so TIGHT. We tuned into UP ALL NIGHT, and Gilbert calmed the storm of youthful torment with his Tromaville flicks and his dickish voice. LET US REJOICE the forever “going out of business sale”, evergreen and clear.
So we move ON this CHRISTMAS SEASON … because we got special presents …
Giving us pause for CLAUS if the cause is made of bras, with BIG BOOBS and a story to go with them; red fishnet stalkings and a bit of the “reveal” so you can steal a LOOK.
Nope …
The grope game is SO JAPAN 1987 … and that’s over, it’s basic.
I see you on a Tokyo subway platform in 1999. You’re wearing coal-black slacks and a Pierre -AS-IF-I-CARE blouse. The louse next to you is drunk and angry, and he see’s your butt and takes a grab. Like a slab of meat, you look into his eyes, and he sees his principles and his backwards lifestyle and decides to make seppuku soup for the ELVES at the POLE. That’s Christmas too, in a bonded world of regret and torture.
So yeah, I’m going to try to get some shit done this CHRISTMAS TIME BREAK, but I’m not going to try too hard.
I represent the WINNERS at the end of the rainbow.
I represent the COOL TRIBE of TRIPE-FILTERS and alley catfish boulder hockey.
I will make a steam bath for you.
Can you swim?
This Christmas?
TARIFF: US dollar collapse by any other name?
If you know the US dollar is being repudiated by trading partners, then a GREAT WAY to cover up THAT BULLSHIT is … wait for it … TARIFFS …
If you can’t force them to use the dollar at gun point? – you still put a troll under the bridge.

Or it’s stealth dollar collapse …
What happens if CHINA told you, 5 years ago, that they were not accepting $USD instruments in trade?
How do you get those HD-TV’s with spy chips into COSTCO and WALMART?
(you barter)
(chicken, beef, pig, oil, gold, silver, real things that really matter)
What if the main target of strategic military psychological warfare since 2020 has been almost solely the USA?
(dollar collapse is my best case scenario)

HUGE REVEAL … (but why are they talking about it?)

Denmark’s FART TAX!
I drink alone …
Y’all want to go down to Scoblies after work? – sure man, I’ll go down there and sit right next to your millennial ass … all smelly and crumbly … flakes of gray and decaying skin, discarded from my head and face as I scratch, dropping into your pint of 9 dollar beer …
You want me to come?
“I drink alone because it’s too expensive to drink in public.” – Dr. Freckles
ERRATA: 12+20 = 32
The podcast I completed today, “CALL MINGE …”, has an error I commit twice: once at the beginning and once at the end.
It was unintentional and dumb …
I meant to say: “12 and 24 are 36”, but instead I said 12 and 20 is 36, which is false.
Thank you for understanding, I am not a perfect person. If it’s early enough, I’m tired enough, I’m plenty old enough? – I can and have made mistakes in my podcasts, but I try to own up to them and identify them if and when I am able.
12 + 20 = 32, it always has, it always will.