“I don’t know about MEME WAR TWO, but MEME WAR THREE will use seashells.” – Dr. Freckles

MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20240702_SEPROCON.mp3
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On this day in 1865 the ZLOGON-FORCES of General Chives defeated the pirate lesbian navies of Queen Coozba …
All YOOP ARMIES are on alert …
When the RIMULACK DYRE PRIEST froze the Witch of Foof, we knew the gorgon would relinquish their control of QUADRANT 55. And the joob throng from Bunkton rose up against Mr Willy’s and their all day long Chinese buffet … and who stood up to that? The swarthy and dusky grob-legions from Texas Roadhouse.
On this date in 1865 Dr. Skleevis McDoogle discovered the healing power of SORBITOL …
He healed the orphans of sector 88 and left the woody blow-bin rascals to die in the lost desert of Tlyb.
On this day in 1865, the harlot minx forces of Genda Shloob took on the dragon warriors in region-XRAY. After several days of fighting the women folk of all tribes tore off their clothes and wrestled naked in the HOOKER PITS of Colorado.
We honor on this day the great battle between Captain Avatar of the ARGO and the NAZI ROBOT FORCES of Hizzler … the TIME HITLER …
After several parallel and ongoing time wars, the STAR FORCE under AVATAR was victorious, but the time line still sucks.
There was this day in 1865, 6/19 to be precise …
When Clint Jackson of the 45th XERXES DIVISION defeated MS-13 in the Battle of Gipsy. 45,000,000 people were killed that day, when the death star fired its ray and everyone learned they were gay.
But what about the Sklubbin-jergs that fought the skoogiz-knights?
WOOG soldiers were moving METH to the Roman Armies at Constantinople, when WOLF MAN JACK told the bell keepers to wrestle crocs in Baltimore. But we never knew the horrors of the ego-maniacs, the spezz-dormers, the ones that lived in the gutters and told tales of squirrel macaroni … that’s Seprocon too …
When will we tell the truth about Seprocon?
About the crimes it covers up and the false heroes it erects?
When will the GRIZZLY ADAMS types go back into the woods to harvest the owl-clams and feed on cougar-spice and trout tacos …
YOUR TIME IS NOW … and the breed is born late.
You don’t know …
There were 12 henchmen, armed with cucumber crossbows and singing songs of GOOBER NUTT PIZZA …
WE could have been KINGS … but we sold our peanut butter heritage for 500 acres and a TESLA. The glowing light of liberty was put out, and the government cheese cave was emptied.
A lot of folks are celebrating SEPROCON by eating BBQ … this is racist.
Some of you are watching Dave Chapelle while drinking a chilled white wine … this is also racist.
I can see YOU just grilling and chilling, smoking a doobie and listening to Bob Marley … this is so fucking racist.
Whiteness … what a curse.
whiteness is mainly about the bleak horror show that is the permanently disenfranchised slave cadres whose ancestors lived in a jungle hell and fought hard and lived thoroughly while harvesting cotton for an evil manor-lord who would whip and beat but never look at his broken soul … ya know …
Why can’t we fight for totalistic racialist justice?
We could build star cruisers, powered by advanced fission/fusion reactors, patrolling the edge of our solar system at 15% the speed of light …
Our DOG CHASING WAYS was distorted, and we settled for failed styrofoam schemes and wooden dreams, and SEPROCON left us cold.
On day one of the RACE WAR …
ZOGLON-DEMONS will ride Harleys down to Compton, so that the EAST LA FREAK GANGS can sell latinx pill boovula to the skulls.
Kids from the WONDER BREAD realm will score CRANK from Sam, but someone is gonna go for a “train ride” – probably your sister.
They want to pass laws legalizing TOOG-MEAT.
TOOG-MEAT is neat, it’s made from old discarded loved ones and delinquent youth running from the MAN.
The local store says “appealing shapes”: bacon, steak, dogs, lasagna … TOOG-MEAT in appealing shapes.
And you say you’re broke?
It’s over: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=12411
COLON: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=12466
Knighthood: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=12452
Just desserts: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=12478
Naïve Atheism: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=12447
Hanging Gardens: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=12463
Patterns: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=12455
Herpes Clear: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=12437
Dating: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=12475
Life guards: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=12423
Colonoscopy: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=12469
Nobody is talking about it: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=12404
Food: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=12507
Food … price/quality
“While it’s true the price of food has gone UP, the quality of food has also gone DOWN – so that’s good.” – Dr. Freckles
Where it starts, where it’s going …
“At some point self defense becomes civil war, hard to say when/where – it’s a tipping point.” – Dr. Freckles
Wind directions …
“Wind directions are mostly consistent, until they’re not.” – Dr. Freckles
What’s Grinken Time?
“Those that live long enough to be remembered will be remembered for a long time.” – Dr. Freckles
Just desserts …
“He said ‘you’re getting your JUST DESSERTS!’ … and I thought he meant we’re skipping the meal and just having cake.” – Dr. Freckles
Dating …
“Dating?!? – they’re all harlots and witches and I have CINEMAX and Shannon Tweed.” – Dr. Freckles
Sheep dipping …
“Sheep dipping doesn’t usually happen once with a FED, it’s usually an ongoing process.” – Dr. Freckles
More thoughts on my colonoscopy …
What the camera video revealed …
How my specialist reacted to the colonoscopy video …