Voters and Anarchists
“Let’s be honest: voters hate anarchists more than they hate NAZIs or communists.” – Dr. Freckles
Making peace …
“You don’t need to ‘make peace’, you just have to turn off war.” – Dr. Freckles
Nobody rising up …
“I know a LOT of people sitting on piles of guns, and ain’t nobody rising up.” – Dr. Freckles
Arguing with Paul …
“Arguing with Paul Krugman is admitting you’re mentally ill.” – Dr. Freckles
[Note: this is an EVERGREEN SUBJECT, and I may have ranted about this before]
If I became a porn star?
My name would be Rick Bigington …
I would have the main hustle in the valley, not far from In-n-Out, where my moobie-girls hang and sell strong-juice-donuts to the local cops …
I’d harvest the jelly and oil up, and when the camera turned on? – I’d turn you on … if I were a porn star.
They’d say .. “hey BIG RICK”, as I slung my dick for a stack of lettuce … and my girl Histy would do meth with me, in the park, after dark, we’d both have a NARCAN injector ready.
The honey-butter oil they’d rub on my man boobs would be filled with histamine minty freshness – as vapo-rub spore-gasm leads to nitrous type butt magic. And her tummy-gasp would sell DVD’s in CHINA – and most of the galley tribe would be stuck on “Who’s Miss Charlie” … our number debut HIT.
As a porn star, I’d develop a new MULTI-STAGE guru-type butt-muscle program with progressively re-shapening tube sock wrenching.
People would CUM to my seminars, and even TED would invite me to give a talk about “power drilling” and “West Kentucky Goat Stroking” … and other dignified subjects of totalistic love power.
I’d buy a vineyard in some burnt out N. California crispy town, where the mungit-slaves feed on scale-flesh and the old dabblers shamble towards Grinken Town.
I’d call the vineyard “COCK CHUDSON”, in honor of a great actor who made a movie once called SECONDS, and how that story is like this story …
I’d shift PORN style, and reinvent myself after spending 8 weeks at a THAI monk guru spa …
I’d do a new series called: The English Dock Worker
I’d show up at her door, asking for money for the old dock workers, and she’d be in a t-shirt and underwear and ask me if I knew how to get on Instagram … it develops from there …
My girl and I would switch from meth/coke to cougar-snake venom, and my girl would have to inject this shit directly into my testicles … after my 3rd heart attack and 2nd zipper surgery.
But it would be my vineyard, and we’d do another “English” series called the: British Investigator
All filmed AT the vineyard – smart.
I’d be in tweed and all Scottish-Welsh bullshit … and she would be dressed like a nun … and my job would be to find the truth … this script writes itself.
As a porn star, one day I will die.
And it will probably be from pigeon-monkey herpes cancer, cuz, let’s be straight, that’s the end game for old burnt out porn stars … sleazy as F … dirty bird cave dance.
And on my death bench, as the seagulls poop on me, some old busty female hobo will say:
“Sir … how are you?”
And my last words will be:
“How’s your cable, Mabel?”
It’s a STRIKE!
You’re all KESTER-FLESH MONGRELS for eating your grape salad and drinking that tangerine spritzer. Your tall hot skin-sack tells you kind things about your everyday living, as your giving heart turns to diesel fumes and my broken pipe leaks acid.
We’re striking …
We’re tired of your bullshit and your crap.
THIS IS A STRIKE because the formula one racers are stripper style bacon steaks and most of the people in charge are eating CHEESE while the rest of us eat fermented whale semen cake.
I’m tired of sleeping on mold-mattresses and living on the edge of a hooker nightmare. I know the world is spinning, and some joker is hiding his or her gold in their snatches … It’s what is going on. But we’re striking because we want diamond studded dildos and rhapsody style puppy mills.
People will say: “Why the fuck are you STRIKING DAN?”
And you know what I say: “BECAUSE YOU ASKED THAT SIDE-EYED QUESTION MR FUCKER!” … and then me and my buddies from the UNION find that dude, and beat him with rods … dump his body someplace where secrets are always kept. That’s a strike.
We’re striking because the RIGHTS of MAN, defined by Lord Clovar, have been violated …
We were promised beer-donkeys, robot-beings, half donkey, half robot, half beer, wandering about filling your glass with cool refreshing beer … this never happened.
We were promised 2 show, and 4 no-show jobs for that guy we did that thing with … you know the thing where that stuff that was left over from that other thing got taken care of? Not far from that place we went fishing last year, after the storm. That was a bad storm, when we had to do that thing to that guy.
We used to have sandwich and stew and chili parlors, where old grease freaks from the bowels of TOYOTA KENTUCKY could rub scleavit oils on his sores and drink moonshine with Tennessee whores. We used to be a proper country, and now we have to STRIKE!
There was a time when the hard working AMERICAN MAN of vigor and mineral spirits and aluminum siding was RESPECTED … because he had lungs half filled with asbestos and a heart racing from too much plutonium.
We striking because you drink your LATTE with your fancy BRITISH NAMED FRENCHIE … that beast is rancid and unviable … we’re striking because of THAT.
I know a lot of you think you are fancy.
You’re not fancy.
You are a kettle-worm awaiting a destination of diseased monkey paste because your slime village is the nest of all murder vipers. And we coming …
We coming to STRIKE!
If you show up for this strike?
Borrow coveralls from your pal Frank, he has a real job, working on cars …
If you can’t borrow Frank’s coveralls, buy some of your own, but splatter them with diesel fuel and oil … it needs to seem like you work hard.
Make sure you have a grimaced look on your face – do not smile … STRIKERS don’t smile.
If a SCAB shows up? – you pick the scab … pick it, take it, put IT in the trunk of the LTD … drive to a magical place of empty forever forgetting … near the swamp.
But you show up to my STRIKE? – you gotta be read for anything …
Please pack some knives, and a fudd revolver, and maybe sock full of rocks and a bat … be prepared to swing and beat your way to justice … don’t let the factory manager get away with it.
Because we’re striking.
And we’re done with it.
Peeps printing nukes …
“When peeps be printing nukes, what you do?” – Dr. Freckles
I think a lot about WHY:
I am nearly certain I see WHAT THEY are doing, I’m still grok’ing out WHY …
It’s why I talk in terms of BEST CASE and WORST CASE …
But something I started thinking about 8 years ago still rings true: actual useful tech like 3D printing was threatening fundamental power
I also remember saying in a podcast that if someone can crack the nut on x-ray or gamma-ray wavelength high energy lasers, that you wouldn’t need breeder reactors to make plutonium. You would just need raw uranium. This also means that in about 10 years someone with 10 million dollars could be making mini-nukes, in their basement … 5-10 kt yield
But it gets worse: with narrow wavelength nucleus ablation, you might invent NEW more DANGEROUS and FUNNER isotopes … and who knows what yields you could achieve with your micro-nuke printer.
So yeah – a lot of tables were about tip over, and TPTB knew their days were numbered … so WAR against the whole human race, mostly in the form of strategic and orchestrated military psychological warfare.
(a theory as to WHY)
“You can’t have ‘trans’ without transhumanism.” – Dr. Freckles
Simulation Theory
The essential metaphysics of a “simulation universe” isn’t really that different from a “the universe is a manifestation of God’s will and thought” …
(first there was the Word)
(another name for a series of bytes)
If you can imagine THE DECEPTION, as being, as ugly and deep that a 10 billion year old universe can instantiate?
Then you are kind of groping in the world of Lovecraft.
(and we might simply be NPCs in an ocean of semi-deterministic bullshit)
(but there’s beer and cigs)