“Government is an extinction level event.” – Dr. Freckles
Plasmas and vacuums …
“Plasmas and vacuums are kinda of squishy in inverted ways.” – Dr. Freckles
And my key point: if you can find the right magnetic field engineer, and the right materials science engineer, you can build a vacuum envelope for a vacuum ship. No helium, no hydrogen – just magnetic field engineering.
“Don’t meet Vader too soon, you end up losing a hand.” – Dr. Freckles
[curated: 3/26/2023]
Marriage isn’t okay …
“Okay isn’t good enough when it comes to marriage.” – Dr. Freckles
[curated: 3/26/2023]
Lie detector …
The ultimate lie detector would be a brain pathway analyzer that could distinguish between memory recall and imagination.
THE INVINCIBLE STATE (and other faerie tales)

MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20230320_The_Invincible_State.mp3
Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles
The killer vaccine revisited …
Something I didn’t fully cover, I think, in my last podcast – so I will briefly revisit the idea. The “vaccine injury” trauma is designed to control for people who understand the covid is/was bullshit, and might want to go on disability because WHY THE FUCK NOT, at this point?
So you gotta scare those rubes …
Promoting the invincible STATE
Link: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=4602
Link: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=4659
We don’t know, but trust the science …
Link: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=4669
Trump …
Orca whales don’t know how to reproduce … (right)
Ever since the FUKUSHIMA disaster I have been, at least while I still lived in Seattle, sensitive to the articles from the Seattle Times. Keep in mind, I dealt with these mother fuckers in 2011 when I became a whistle blower regarding the purchase of Microsoft AMALGA by the UW health system.
Remember, they said “trust the science”? – but look at the shitty work they get away with when it comes to the state of the Puget Sound:
- methane releases detected, we don’t know why
- rotten egg smell at the waterfront, we don’t know why
- dolphin kill, lots dead, we don’t know why
- salmon runs crashing, but we don’t know why
etc, etc, etc
But remember: when it comes to the monkey herpes (covid), you have to trust their CERTAINTY …
[curated: 3/20/2023]
Victors and history …
“The victors write the history, so why wouldn’t the state write OUT of history the successes of human liberty?” – Dr. Freckles
[curated: 3/28/2023]
Facts …
“Facts are empty without a model.” – Dr. Freckles
“I’m starting to think most anarchists and libertarians are AFRAID to admit the system is in collapse, which is weird.” – Dr. Freckles
[curated: 3/20/2023]