HUGE REVEAL … (but why are they talking about it?)

"GRAVY FOR YOUR BRAIN!" – Conspiracy Theory (1997)
Y’all want to go down to Scoblies after work? – sure man, I’ll go down there and sit right next to your millennial ass … all smelly and crumbly … flakes of gray and decaying skin, discarded from my head and face as I scratch, dropping into your pint of 9 dollar beer …
You want me to come?
“I drink alone because it’s too expensive to drink in public.” – Dr. Freckles
The podcast I completed today, “CALL MINGE …”, has an error I commit twice: once at the beginning and once at the end.
It was unintentional and dumb …
I meant to say: “12 and 24 are 36”, but instead I said 12 and 20 is 36, which is false.
Thank you for understanding, I am not a perfect person. If it’s early enough, I’m tired enough, I’m plenty old enough? – I can and have made mistakes in my podcasts, but I try to own up to them and identify them if and when I am able.
12 + 20 = 32, it always has, it always will.
MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20241220_CALL_MINGE_9515769784.mp3
Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles
What you getting me for Christmas?
You promised something fancy, after our affair in Arabia; when the lost Victoria Zantos-Rockus-Mueller left me for that BRUTE and chesty freak FRANK. He yanked the love button and VICKY dropped her panties into the toilet. Is it going to be like that?
What are you getting me for BOXING DAY?
That autographed mouth guard signed by MIKE TYSON? The one he wore when he bit that guy’s ear off or the one he wore when he got his ass kicked? He was and is a fighter, but could he be a faker as well? Making money the old fashioned way: like the plot of pulp fiction but Bruce obeys his boss, he was supposed to lose and he did.
When the SPRING rolls around you BETCHA there’ll be dollar sized pancakes and butternut grill for the gardeners and the fire forgers. You said “Dan, I’ll give you busket reef and tyg”, and I’ll say “Buddy, that’s a feast!”, and as the sun sets in the WEST the wanderers will start their styrofoam fires and toss another tire on the pyre.
I might want a horse or a pony?
I might want a toy train or an electronic brain?
You might go to FRY’S, if they were still open, or RADIO SHACK, if they hadn’t gone bankrupt again, but they never die. They zombie back like BOSTON MARKET, and you get that sweet and nasty pot roast pudding again you sad old fuck.
Buy me a truck, make it diesel, roll some coal, smoke a bowl.
Buy me that duramax with the broken header and the leaky gasket.
(you fuck)
KRAMPUS: https://www.britannica.com/topic/Krampus
MUSK: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=16289
ZH: GASLIGHTING EDGE LORDS: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=16286
Pretty good these days: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=16284
Half right: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=16282
Don’t: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=16280
Silent parts (revisited): https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=16277
Call minge: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=16274
Now tell me what a commie is?
Understand: this is a study in cognitive dissonance, because a fair number of middle to upper level GOP operatives and MAGA HEADS received PPP funds. So, a commie by any other name still smells as foul?
“I don’t know if you’re a good person, but I know you’re not a bad person, and being not-bad is pretty good these days.” – Dr. Freckles
“Being half-right in the world of engineering is worse than being totally wrong.” – Dr. Freckles
“Don’t kill two birds with one dead and beaten horse.” – Dr. Freckles