PDF: https://planetarystatusreport.com/pdf/20220103_Radio_Band_Plan.pdf
Frequencies | Segment/Net name | Mode | Comments | Website |
50.058 | FISTS | CW | http://www.fists.org | |
50.11 | DX Window | Other | DX Calling Frequency. CW/SSB. Once you establish a QSO, please move off this frequency. | |
50.125 | SSB | SSB | Domestic calling frequency. You CQ there for US/US QSO’s – once established you move up the band to continue. | |
50.155 | Ragchew | SSB | ||
50.16 | Radio Scout Frequency | SSB | http://home.tiscali.nl/worldscout/Jota/frequencies.htm | |
50.16 | Radio Scout Frequency | CW | http://home.tiscali.nl/worldscout/Jota/frequencies.htm | |
50.1625 | HFPACK | SSB | USB – Portable Calling Frequency – Mobile- Portable – Base – Marine – Aero – HFpack | http://hfpack.com |
50.1625 | ALE | Other | ALE Voice, Data. Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidth | |
50.2 | 6M SSB Net | SSB | Tuesday 8 PM Central time. KQ0J net control. | |
50.25 | JT6M | Digital | Calling Frequency for JT6M (Weak band enhancements) | http://www.qsl.net/digitalonsix/ |
50.25 | AM | AM | AM – Northern Colorado | http://www.amwindow.org/freq.htm |
50.26 | FSK441A | Digital | Calling Frequency for FSK441A (Meteor Scatter Contacts Only) | http://www.qsl.net/digitalonsix/ |
50.272 | Net | SSB | Yankee SSB Net, meeting since the 1960s, Sunday am 9:30 Local Time | http://yankee6meterssbnet.blogspot.com |
50.276 | JT65-A | Digital | Newly developed JT65A is finding a home here | |
50.276 | JT65 | Digital | Weak Signal Users | |
50.276 | JT65a | Digital | calling frequency | |
50.28 | Meteor Scatter | SSB | Digital | WSJT-X |
50.29 | Digital | Digital | Calling Frequency for PSK31 and Hell modes | http://www.qsl.net/digitalonsix/ |
50.29 | MFSK16 | Digital | http://kf4houtn.tripod.com/snddigi.htm | |
50.29 | BPSK31 | Digital | Been the defacto frequency for years | |
50.291 | Propagation tracking | Digital | PropNET is an ad-hoc 2-way RF-based digital communication network whose activity is reported on the Internet for the purpose of propagation tracking. | http://www.propnet.org |
50.3 | Digital | Digital | Operating Frequency for RTTY and MFSK | http://www.qsl.net/digitalonsix/ |
50.3 | rtty | Other | Digital On Six (DOS) | http://www.ykc.com/wa5ufh/DOS/index.html |
50.4 | 6M So Cal AM Net | SSB | 6M AM Net So. Cal 10am Sundays. Net Control AA6DD | |
50.4 | 6M AM calling | AM | Mainly Saturday night 6M AM NY / PA round table talks. Anyone with 6M AM anywhere can join in. | |
50.62 | Packet | Digital | Digital (packet) calling | |
50.62 | Packet | Digital | 1200baud | http://aprs.org/6m-aprs.html |
50.644 | FSQ | Digital | FSQ Calling Frequency | larry@wb9kmw.com |
50.68 | SSTV | FM | http://www.amateur-radio-wiki.net/index.php?title=SSTV_frequencies | |
51 | Military backpack radio | FM | Equipment usually low power (< 5W and inefficient antennas) and sporadic in time and geography (Hamfests, milrad exhibits, etc.) | |
51.5 | Local FM Simplex – General Conversation | FM | In Phoenix, AZ, this new network is under construction. | https://www.facebook.com/5150-Net-1736240103341311/ |
52.02 | FM Simplex | FM | ||
52.04 | FM Simplex | FM | ||
52.49 | VT Allstar Link | FM | vt allstar link 42668 | https:/www.vermontallstarnetwork.com |
52.525 | FM Simplex | FM | Primary FM Simplex | |
52.54 | FM Simplex | FM | Secondary FM Simplex | |
53.15 | Emergency | FM | WICEN – Emergency communications support & training in Australia (VK) | http://www.wicen.org.au/ |
53.5 | Remote control | Digital | ||
53.6 | Remote control | Digital | ||
53.7 | Remote control | Digital | ||
53.8 | Remote control | Digital | ||
53.9 | FM Simplex | FM | ||
1808 | FISTS | CW | http://www.fists.org | |
1810 | QRP | CW | CW | |
1812.5 | 3905 Century Club | CW | http://www.3905ccn.com/newsite/netsched.htm | |
1815 | CQ-QSO | CW | Frequency to do CQ-QSO Runs | http://cq-qso.com/ |
1817.5 | W1AW | CW | http://www.arrl.org/w1aw.html | |
1836.6 | WSPR | Digital | Weak Signal Propagation Reporter Network | wsprnet.org |
1838 | MFSK16 | Digital | http://kf4houtn.tripod.com/snddigi.htm | |
1838 | Calling/QSOs | Digital | Based on limited personal experience plus posting on JT65A sked web site | |
1838 | JT65A | Digital | +/- 1 khz on USB | |
1838 | JT65 | Digital | USB dial freq. | http://groups.google.com/group/jt65-hf |
1838 | PSK31/Digital | Digital | PSK31, Digital (everywhere except USA) | |
1845 | ALE | Other | ALE Voice, Data. Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidth | http://hflink.com |
1855 | W1AW | SSB | http://www.arrl.org/w1aw.html | |
1860 | Amateur Bullitins | AM | www.wa0rcr.com | |
1860 | Amateur Bullitins | AM | Gateway 160 Meter Radio Newsletter-Saturday | www.wa0rcr.com |
1880 | OMISS | SSB | Friday and Saturday at 04:00 Z | omiss.net |
1892 | 3905 Century Club | SSB | http://www.3905ccn.com/newsite/netsched.htm | |
1900 | net control | SSB | 1900 group with live straming video | livehamcam.com |
1910 | QRP | SSB | SSB | |
1926 | awards net | SSB | recently moved here | http://www.3905ccn.com/newsite/index.htm |
1930 | OMISS 160m SSB Net | SSB | Fri/Sat at 0400, also holidays | www.omiss.net |
1945 | Greyhair Net | AM | Promotion of AM activity on 160 | http://www.greyhairnet.org |
1947 | ragchew | SSB | http://1.947group.org | |
1957 | Ragchew | SSB | Heabrean Net | |
1960 | western kansas 160m net | SSB | this net meets every tues night on 1.960 LSB at 8PM mountain time. a ham radio topic is discussed every week. | |
1970 | CQ-QSO | SSB | Frequency to do CQ-QSO Runs | http://cq-qso.com/ |
1985 | Ragchew | AM | Thanks for the web page. | |
1985 | Get togethers | AM | We meet every night at about1700 hrs to about 2000 hrs. | |
1996 | ALE | Other | ALE: Voice, Data, Sounding. Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidth | http://hflink.com |
1998.2 | Propagation tracking | Digital | PropNET is an ad-hoc 2-way RF-based digital communication network whose activity is reported on the Internet for the purpose of propagation tracking. | http://www.propnet.org |
3520 | RNARS Calling-Frequency | CW | CW Amateur Stations wishing to contact Royal Naval Amateur Radio Society pse use this freq. for CW contact on this band: not exclusive, Non-RNARS callers welcome to join | http://www.rnars.org.uk/schedules%20frequencies.html |
3530 | IOTA | CW | http://www.rsgbiota.org/ | |
3530 | AM | AM | AM South America | http://www.amwindow.org/freq.htm |
3535 | IN CW Nets | CW | Indiana Section Nets 0830ct 1900ct (W9ILF Mgr) | none |
3547 | QFN FL TFC NET | CW | All Florida CW Traffic Net 7 and 10 pm | http://cwnet.homestead.com/ |
3547.5 | 3905 Century Club | CW | http://www.3905ccn.com/newsite/netsched.htm | |
3549 | Georgia State Traffic | CW | GSN is daily @ 7 pm and 10 PM | |
3550 | French AM net | AM | ||
3550 | SKCC | CW | http://www.skccgroup.com/membership_data/opfreq.php | |
3555 | WI Traffic Nets | CW | 1800 Novice Net , 1830 Slow Speed Net, 1900 and 2200 WI Intrastate Net, all local times | |
3556 | FRN | CW | NAQCC Sunday roundtable net | http://naqcc.info/cw_nets.html |
3556.5 | County Hunting Net | CW | http://ch.w6rk.com | |
3557 | MDD TFC NET | CW | Maryland-DC-Delaware NTS Section Tfc Net. 7 & 10 pm daily | http://www.arrl-mdc.net/mdd_net/net.htm |
3557 | 3RN TFC NET | CW | DC-DE-MD-PA 3RN NTS Cycle 4 at 7:45 & 9:30 daily | |
3558 | FISTS | CW | http://www.fists.org | |
3559 | Feld Hell | Digital | http://feldhellclub.org/ | |
3560 | QRP | CW | CW | |
3562 | Tennessee CW Traffic | CW | Net meets 1900 CT | |
3563 | QMN | CW | Michigan Traffic net | |
3563 | QMN | CW | Michigan Traffic Net. Early 6:30 PM Eastern. Late 10:00 PM Eastern | |
3563 | MSN MD TFC & TNG | CW | Maryland Slow Net, Tfc & Net Op Training. | |
3563 | MSN MD TFC & TNG | CW | Maryland Slow Net, Tfc & Net Op Tng. 7:30 pm daily | http://www.bdb.com/~msn/ |
3565 | ALE | Other | ALE: Voice, Data, Sounding. Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidth | http://hflink.com |
3565 | Massachusetts-Rhode Island NTS CW Net | CW | Meets daily at 23:00 UTC | |
3565 | Massachusetts-Rhode Island NTS CW Net | CW | Meets Daily at 23:00UTC | http://nts.ema.arrl.org/ |
3568 | CQ-QSO | CW | Frequency to do CQ-QSO Runs | http://cq-qso.com/ |
3569 | Traffic net | CW | ||
3570 | Radio Scout Frequency | CW | http://home.tiscali.nl/worldscout/Jota/frequencies.htm | |
3570 | ZL2KO Net | SSB | Weekly M.A.R.S. Net | |
3572 | Traffic Net | CW | Idaho-Montana Net (daily at 0300Z) | |
3573 | FT8 | Digital | What are JAPAN FREQ. at 3.573 | |
3573 | AGCW QTC | CW | AGCW QTC Mo. 1800 UTC | http://www.agcw.org/ |
3575 | Traffic Net | CW | Alabama Section Net – CW Traffic | |
3575 | Feld Hell | Digital | http://feldhellclub.org/ | |
3576 | Traffic | CW | Frequency changed when realigned | |
3576 | JT65A | Digital | +/- 1 khz on USB | |
3576 | JT65 | Digital | USB dial freq. | http://groups.google.com/group/jt65-hf |
3576 | JT65A | Digital | http://www.hflink.com/jt65/ | |
3578 | 3905 Century Club | Digital | http://www.3905ccn.com/newsite/netsched.htm | |
3581.5 | W1AW | CW | http://www.arrl.org/w1aw.html | |
3583.5 | paNBEMS | Digital | paNBEMS is an NBEMS working group to test and train with Narrow Band Emergency Messaging System software for use in emergency communications | http://www.paNBEMS.org |
3584 | MFSK16 | Digital | http://kf4houtn.tripod.com/snddigi.htm | |
3585 | JT-65 | Digital | 3576 NOT allowed in IARU REG 1 !! | |
3585 | ARES Digital Net | Digital | Southern Ohio ARES Digital Net – Mondays @ 9 pm est | |
3586 | 3905 Century Club | Digital | RTTY | http://www.3905ccn.com/newsite/netsched.htm |
3588 | FSQ | Digital | IARU Region 1 | |
3590 | K6YR | CW | http://www.arrl.org/w1aw.html | |
3590 | Empire Slow Speed Net | CW | 6:00PM Eastern | |
3590 | Olivia MT-63 | Digital | Illinois ARES Digital Nets | http://www.ilares.org |
3590 | FSQ | Digital | IARU Region 3 | |
3590 | DX Window | Digital | RTTY | |
3592.6 | WSPR | Digital | Weak Signal Propagation Reporter Network | wsprnet.org |
3593 | NBEMS nets | Digital | Tues Thurs Sat Mi. @ 7 and Mn at 8 pm cst | |
3594 | FSQ | Digital | IARU Region 2 | |
3597.5 | W1AW Digital | Digital | http://www.arrl.org/w1aw.html | |
3598.2 | Propagation tracking | Digital | PropNET is an ad-hoc 2-way RF-based digital communication network whose activity is reported on the Internet for the purpose of propagation tracking. | http://www.propnet.org |
3600 | Emergency | CW | WICEN – Emergency communications support & training in Australia (VK) | http://www.wicen.org.au/ |
3600 | French AM net | AM | ||
3610 | PAX | Digital | USB | |
3610 | PAX2 | Digital | USB | |
3615 | AM | AM | UK AM | http://www.amwindow.org/freq.htm |
3619 | FAX | SSB | heard 0615z 04jun16 wx map image lsb | |
3625 | W1AW | Digital | http://www.arrl.org/w1aw.html | |
3625 | AM | AM | AM in the UK | http://www.amwindow.org/freq.htm |
3626 | ALE | Other | ALE Data, Voice, Sounding. Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidth | http://hflink.com |
3627.3 | ARRL Skipnet | Digital | Net80E. Zero beat 3629 LSB | http://www.uspacket.org/hfnets.htm |
3630 | dutch ham net | SSB | Dutch HAM net every day /nite | |
3630 | 80 Meter Round Tirol | SSB | All Welcomme | www.oe7mfi.at |
3650 | Traffic Net | CW | Region Five CW Traffic Net | |
3650 | RAGCHEW – EU | SSB | nd EI | www.normandycoast.com |
3650 | AM | AM | AM South America | http://www.amwindow.org/freq.htm |
3668 | Geratol Net | SSB | New FQ and URL | http://geratol.info/ |
3670 | New York State CW Net Morning Cycle 1 | CW | 10:00AM Eastern | |
3670 | Eastern Area Net | CW | 8:30PM Eastern | |
3677 | New York State County Net | CW | 9:30AM Eastern Sunday | |
3677 | New York State CW Net Early Cycle 4 | CW | 7:00PM Eastern | |
3677 | New York State CW Net Late Cycle 4 | CW | 10:00PM Eastern | |
3683 | QSY Society Net | CW | 9:00PM Eastern, most days | |
3685 | SRAL | SSB | SRAL – The Finnish Amateur Radio League’s bulletin at 1300 – 1330 UTC on Saturdays | www.sral.fi |
3685 | SSB | Board of the Finnish Amateur Radio League (SRAL) answering questions at 1200 – 1300 UTC on the first Saturday of every month transmitting from their home stations | www.sral.fi | |
3690 | Second Region Net | CW | 7:45PM Eastern | |
3690 | Second Region Net | CW | 9:30PM Eastern | |
3690 | SSB | OH-stations’ rugchew 24 h | www.sral.fi/en | |
3690 | Radio Scout Frequency | SSB | http://home.tiscali.nl/worldscout/Jota/frequencies.htm | |
3690 | AM | AM | AM Calling Frequency, Australia | http://www.amwindow.org/freq.htm |
3699 | Ragchew | SSB | Finnish HI-Activity Bullshit Channel, 24h | |
3699 | 24h Finnlands only national calling frequency on 80 mtr | SSB | I kindly request to respect this qrg even if you dont understand finnish | |
3700 | Tyrol Round | SSB | 10.00-12.00 am | http://afu.mauler.info/ |
3705 | AM European Net | AM | Used from French and Italian Hams on the afternoon night winter nets | http://groups.google.it/group/boatanchors-net/topics |
3710 | QRP | CW | CW | |
3714 | Hit and Bounce Slow Net | CW | 7:30AM Eastern | http://arfernc.tripod.com/ |
3715 | New Jersey Slow Net | CW | 6:30PM Eastern | http://home.att.net/~njtb/ |
3717 | Maryland Slow Net | CW | 7:30PM Eastern | http://www.bdb.com/~msn/ |
3717 | Maryland Slow Net | CW | Moved to 3563. This entry no longer valid here. | |
3725 | AM | AM | Loyal Order of the Boiled Owls – 0420 EST | https://sites.google.com/site/loyalorderboiledowls/ |
3729 | Daily SSB net | CW | British Columbia Public Service Net | http://www.percs.bc.ca/OPS_BCPSN.htm |
3729 | BC Public Service Net | SSB | The BC Public Service Net starts at 01h30zulu on 3729khz. | http://www.bcpsn.com |
3729 | BC public service net | SSB | public service directed net at 1830 PDT every day | http://www.bcpsn.com/ |
3735 | SK Public Service | SSB | Saskatchewan Public Service Net | http:/www.sarl.ca/nets.htm |
3740 | SATERN | SSB | http://www.wx4nhc.org/ | |
3742 | Ontario Phone Net (NTS) | SSB | Occurs daily at 7PM Eastern Time (Standard/Daily). Affiliated with the National Traffic System | http://www.racaresontario.ca/public/display_opn_info.php |
3743 | RNARS The Bubbly Rats Ne | SSB | Monday – Saturday 1030-1330 | http://www.rnars.org.uk/schedules%20frequencies.html |
3744 | Saskatchewan Public Service Net | SSB | Saskatchewan Public Service | http://www.sarl.ca/nets.htm |
3744 | Saskatchewan Public Service Net | SSB | Net 01:00 – 01:30 UT Daily. | http://www.sarl.ca/nets.htm |
3744 | wrong button club | SSB | mon -friday 9am pacific everyone welcome | |
3753 | Saskatchewan Weather Net | SSB | Net 14:00 – 14:30 UT Daily. | http://www.sarl.ca/nets.htm |
3753 | Saskatchewan 80M ARES Net | SSB | Net 14:30 – 15:00 UT Sundays | http://www.sarl.ca/nets.htm |
3755 | IOTA | SSB | http://www.rsgbiota.org/ | |
3755 | ONTARS Net | SSB | Net operates daily from 7AM to 5PM Eastern Time (Standard/Daylight) as a service to Amateurs in or around Ontario. | http://www.radioroom.ca/ |
3755 | ONTARS Net | SSB | www.ontars.ca | |
3760 | WAB net | SSB | when 40m Condx do not allow. Every day morning till evening | http://wab.intermip.net/default.php |
3765 | ESSB | SSB | LITTLE PEOPLE NETWORK – Net usually starts around 12:00 AM Pacific | http://members.cox.net/kn6z/littlepeoplelog.htm |
3768 | GERATOL | SSB | http://www.qsl.net/geratol/ | |
3791 | ALE | Other | ALE voice. Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidth | http://hflink.com |
3791 | HFPACK | SSB | -USB- Upper Sideband – HF Portable Calling Frequency – regions 1-2-3; International Emergency/Relief | http://hfpack.com |
3791 | SELCALL | Other | USB – Amateur SELCALL – UPPER SIDEBAND Dial Frequency – Selective Calling CCIR 493 – 1700Hz 100baud, for use with SSB Voice | http://hflink.com/channels/ |
3810 | Kentucky Phone Net (Morning Net) | SSB | Every Morning 8:30am Eastern Time | https://sites.google.com/site/kyphonenet/ |
3814 | St. Max Kolbe Net | SSB | Sundays 8:00 PM ET | www.stmaxkolbe.org |
3815 | Friendly 7.188 Net | SSB | Priemier Caribbean EnComm and Welfare Net. Daily Net 1030 and 2230 UTC. | http://www.cewn.net/ |
3815 | Caribbean Emergency & Weather Net | SSB | Daily @ 10:30 & 22:30 UTC | http://www.cewn.org |
3816 | Kentucky Phone Net (Evening Net) | SSB | Every Day at 7:00pm Eastern Time | https://sites.google.com/site/kyphonenet/ |
3820 | Little Red Barn Net | SSB | 0830 EDT – (Thursdays, 3.826 due to QRM) | http://www.historyofwowo.com/ |
3825 | AM | AM | AM | http://www.amwindow.org/freq.htm |
3825 | OMISS 80m SSB Net | SSB | Daily 0300z | www.omiss.net |
3837 | Antique Wireless Association | AM | weekend gathering, every weekend | |
3837 | Pajama Gang | SSB | Pajama Gang-0845 CST | |
3840 | DAILY NET ON 3.840 | SSB | w5yjb Bill and group ALSO SHORT WAVE LISTENERS 8:AMCST live and recorded on Bob Bellars web site | http://www.3840khz.net/ |
3845 | Traffic Net | SSB | Oklahoma. Sooner Traffic Net. Monday thru Saturday. | |
3845 | Arufon Net | SSB | amateur radio UFO discussion Net | |
3845 | SSTV | Digital | ||
3850 | midwest rag chew | SSB | ragchew from 7:00 cen to 9:00 am cen & 6:30 pm till midnite!! | https://www.facebook.com/groups/446742322068372/ |
3855 | Awful Awful Ugly Net | SSB | Daily 8PM Central Time | http://www.qsl.net/k/kb5aau//aaunet/ |
3857 | sstv | Other | ||
3862 | MS Phone Net | SSB | Mississippi Phone Net 1800utc daily | arrlmiss.net |
3862 | MSPN Mississippi Section Phone Net Emergency and Training Net | SSB | Mississippi Section Phone Emergency and Training Net | www.arrlmiss.org |
3862.5 | AM Traffic Net | SSB | M-F 0600 cst 0700 S-S & Holidays | arrlmiss.net |
3870 | AM | AM | AM – USA West Coast | http://www.amwindow.org/freq.htm |
3880 | AM | AM | AM | http://www.amwindow.org/freq.htm |
3885 | Gulf Coast Mullet Society | AM | THURSDAYS @ 1900ET – W4GCM Net Control | http://flamgroup.com/about/ |
3885 | Southeastern AM Radio Club | AM | W4AMI Trade & Fellowship Net – TUESDAYS @ 1900EST/1800EDT | |
3885 | FL AM Group | AM | AM Roundtable – SUNDAYS @ 0600 ET = Pre-Net Checkins SUNDAYS @ 0630ET = Formal Net | http://flamgroup.com/about/ |
3885 | FL AM Group | AM | WEDNESDAY Night Informal Net @ 1900ET | http://flamgroup.com/about/ |
3885 | AM | AM | ||
3890 | ragchew | AM | home of k5bai jim | |
3896 | Arizona Traffic and Emergency Net | SSB | Daily at 0030 UTC in winter, 0200 UTC in summer. | http://www.atenaz.net/ |
3902 | 3905 Century Club | SSB | http://www.3905ccn.com/newsite/netsched.htm | |
3903 | OTH Gang | SSB | The Over The Hill Gang, usually start gathering at 7:30 am to 9 am cst Monday thru Friday. All are welcome. | |
3905 | N. American Traffic & Awards Net | SSB | Bringing back the ORIGINAL WAS Net: Jan. 1, 2009 | Coming soon! |
3905 | Net Operation | SSB | Net meets daily except Sunday and Thursday (local time) at 0345z (0245z during DST) | www.northamericantrafficandawards.net |
3905 | DELAWARE TRAFFIC NET | SSB | Delaware Traffic Net and Emergency Phone Net | |
3906 | calif.traffic.net | SSB | califtraffic.net | |
3908 | WARFA | SSB | Health and Welfare traffic and member station friendly exchanges. | http://www.warfa.org |
3908 | HI FIVERS NET | SSB | The friendly bunch | http://hifivers.wix.com/hifivers |
3908 | HI FIVERS NET | SSB | 8pm cst early check in 9pm cst net starts, The friendly bunch | http://hifivers.wix.com/hifivers |
3910 | Clearing House Net | SSB | 11:00AM Sunday | |
3917 | EPAEPTN/EPA NTS | SSB | EPA Emergency Phone & Traffic Net | |
3920 | SATERN | SSB | http://www.wx4nhc.org/ | |
3920 | OMIK Net | SSB | Health and Welfare traffic and club member info exchanges. The organization celebrates it’s 54th anniversary this year. | http://www.omikradio.org |
3920 | Kansas Weather Net | SSB | Weather reporting from Kansas and adjacent states. 7:00 A.M & 6:00 P.M. (local time) daily. | |
3920 | Gallops Island Net | SSB | Gallops Island Radio Association Net | |
3920 | Maryland Emergency Phone Net | SSB | Every evening at Six since 1952. | http://n3wke.home.comcast.net/MEPN/ |
3922 | 4 PMRS | SSB | friendly rag chew, M-S, 4pm | the4pmrs.net |
3923 | NC ARES Net | SSB | Tarheel Net @ 7:30 ET daily – NC ARES | http://www.ncarrl.org/nets/THEN/index.html |
3923.5 | Wyoming Cowboy Net | SSB | 0045 UTC Monday through Friday. | |
3925 | Clearing House Net | SSB | 11:00AM Eastern | |
3925 | New York Phone Net | SSB | 1:00PM Eastern | |
3925 | Second Region Net | SSB | 1:45PM Eastern | |
3925 | Second Region Net | SSB | 4:45PM Eastern | |
3925 | New York Public Operations Net | SSB | 5:00PM Eastern | |
3925 | New York State Phone Traffic and Emergency Net | SSB | 6:00PM Eastern | |
3925 | Second Region Net | SSB | 6:30PM Eastern | |
3928 | Informal ragchew net | SSB | Ragchew net primarily afternoons from Fall through Spring. New England area. | www.thebullnet.com |
3933 | Green Mountain Net | SSB | The net starts at 21:00 UTC. This net has been on the air since the mid 1950s. | http://home.myfairpoint.net/k1ku/gmn.html |
3935 | Carrier Net | SSB | 9:00AM M-S | http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Woods/1413/carrier.htm |
3935 | friendship – ragchew – handle traffic if available | SSB | Michigan based net with several stations from Ohio, Indiana, & Illinois. Net begins at 7:00 p.m. daily, with pre-net beginning 30 – 60 min. prior to net. During winter months nets begin earlier due to band conditions. | www.wssbn.com |
3939 | NM Traffic Net – 0100Z | SSB | New Mexico Roadrunner Traffic Net | |
3940 | Radio Scout Frequency | SSB | http://home.tiscali.nl/worldscout/Jota/frequencies.htm | |
3940 | Morning Net | SSB | Early Bird Transcontinental Net | http://www.earlybirdnet.com/ |
3940.5 | OMISS | SSB | omiss.net | |
3942 | OMISS 80m Net | SSB | Seven days a week @ 0200z | www.omiss.net |
3944 | Western MA Emergency Net | SSB | Sunday 8:30 am Eastern (local) time | |
3945 | New England Phone Net | SSB | General conversation net, Sunday am at about 8:45 local time, NCS is on Cape Cod, MA. | |
3950 | NTS NJ Phone Net | SSB | 2200Z Daily and 9:00 AM ET Sunday | |
3950 | North Florida ARES Net | SSB | Starts @ 9am EST Alt Freq 7242 | Arrl-nfl.org |
3952 | WPSS | SSB | WPSS – Western Public Service System Net | www.3952khz.net |
3960 | Calif Emerg Svcs Net | SSB | Mon 2000 Hrs Pacific CESN OA checkins | |
3965 | Traffic | SSB | Alabama Traffic Net Mike; Sun-Sat 1830 CT; Sun 0800 CT | |
3970 | NoonTime Net | SSB | LSB 3970.0 kHz – NoonTime Net – North America (west of the rockies) check in 12noon Pacific Time – everyone welcome – mobile – base – portable (alternate frequency: 7268.5kHz LSB and 7283.5kHz LSB) informal session of net is also active in the morning | http://www.noontimenet.org/ |
3970 | Noontime Net | SSB | LSB 3970.0 kHz – NoonTime Net – North America (west of the rockies) check in 12noon Pacific Time – everyone welcome – mobile – base – portable (alternate frequency: 7268.5kHz LSB and 7283.5kHz LSB) informal session of net is also active in the morning | www.noontimenet.org |
3970 | CQ-QSO | SSB | Frequency to do CQ-QSO Runs | http://cq-qso.com/ |
3972.5 | Ohio Single Sideband Net | SSB | Traffic Net – daily (10:30AM, 4:15PM and 6:00PM) | http://www.qsl.net/ossbn/ |
3973 | Breakfast Club Net | SSB | Early Mornings, 7 Days a week | www.hamdata.com |
3975 | Traffic/Social | SSB | Washington Amateru Radio Traffic System. The oldest SSB statewide net in the State of Washington | http://www.wartsnet.org |
3977.7 | SATERN | SSB | http://www.wx4nhc.org/ | |
3977.7 | UFO Net | SSB | ||
3978 | Massachusetts-Rhode Island NTS Phone Net | SSB | Meets on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday at 22:00 UTC | |
3980 | Tennessee SSB Net | SSB | Net meets 0645 CT and 1830 CT weekdays | http://www.tnarrl.org |
3980 | Regional Information | SSB | http://www.win3980.com/ | |
3980 | Tennessee State Traffic Net | CW | ||
3985 | QRP | SSB | SSB | |
3987.5 | Razorback Net | SSB | Arkansas Section Net 6pm local time | |
3990 | W1AW | SSB | http://www.arrl.org/w1aw.html | |
3995 | Land Rover net | SSB | 9:30 PM nightly For Land Rover and other 4 Wheel Drive owners. | |
3996 | ALE | Other | ALE voice. Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidth | http://hflink.com |
3996 | HFPACK | SSB | – USB – HFpack – HF Portable – Calling frequency – UPPER SIDEBAND – Net – Regional NVIS | http://hfpack.com |
3996 | SELCALL | Other | USB – Amateur SELCALL – UPPER SIDEBAND Dial Frequency – Selective Calling CCIR 493 – 1700Hz 100baud, for use with SSB Voice | http://www.hflink.com/channels/ |
5102 | SSB 60m | SSB | USB – Australia Emergency WIA/WICEN | http://hflink.com/5mhz/ |
5167.5 | SSB 60m | SSB | USB – ALASKA Emergency | http://hflink.com/5mhz/ |
5195 | Beacon | Other | DRA5 Beacon – Center Frequency 5195.0kHz – CW – PSK31- QPSK31 – RTTY (FSK_45baud)- radio-propagation forecasts, solar flux, sunspot , geomagnetic, index. | http://www.dk0wcy.de/station.htm |
5258.5 | SSB 60m | SSB | USB – Upper Sideband – UK | http://hflink.com/5mhz/ |
5278.5 | SSB 60m | SSB | UK-Finland-Norway-Iceland-etc. | http://hflink.com/5mhz/ |
5287.2 | WSPR | Digital | Weak Signal Propagation Reporter Network | wsprnet.org |
5288.5 | SSB 60m | SSB | UK – Finland – Norway – Iceland, etc – Canada Experimental – UK Beacons | http://hflink.com/5mhz/ |
5290 | Beacon | CW | UK 5MHz Beacons. Propagation study network, multiple stations transmit CW ID and stepped power levels, at intevals. | http://g4irx.nowindows.net/fivemegs/comparison.php |
5290.5 | NVIS-Beacon | Digital | Video-ID/PSK250 and CW c/s OV1BCN | www.oz1fjb.dk |
5291 | beacon | CW | NVIS, test of propagation in Switzerland | http://www.hb9aw.ch/bake-infos-zum-projekt/ |
5298.5 | SSB 60m | SSB | USB – Finland | http://hflink.com/5mhz/ |
5320 | SSB 60m | SSB | USB 5320.0 – New Zealand – Amateur Radio Emergency Communications using AREC callsigns (5320.0kHz – 5322.8kHz any mode) | http://www.nzart.org.nz/nzart/Update/infoline/infoline-122.pdf |
5330.5 | SATERN | SSB | http://www.wx4nhc.org/ | |
5330.5 | SSB 60m | SSB | USB (USA – Finland – Norway – Iceland – St.Lucia – etc) | http://hflink.com/5mhz/ |
5332 | 60m | CW | CW freq = 5332.0 kHz only. (USA New 60m CW Channel) and monitor 5330.5kHz USB for non-interference. | http://hflink.com/60meters/ |
5346.5 | SSB 60m | SSB | USB (USA – Finland – Norway – Iceland – St.Lucia – etc. | http://hflink.com/5mhz/ |
5354 | APRS | Digital | Robust Packet | http://robust-packet.net/ |
5355 | SSB 60m | SSB | USB – Australia Emergency – WIA/WICEN | http://hflink.com/5mhz/ |
5357 | ALE | Digital | Automatic Link Establishment High Frequency Network 24/7 Channel Frequency – All IARU Regions 1,2,3 – Texting/Data/USB voice | http://hflink.com |
5357 | JT65 | Digital | USB dial freq, new WRC-15 band since 2017 | |
5357 | JT-65 | Digital | Frequency built into JT-65 HF HB9HQX Software | |
5358.5 | 60m | CW | CW freq = 5358.5 kHz only. (USA New 60m Channel) and monitor 5357.0kHz USB. | http://hflink.com/60meters/ |
5366.5 | SSB 60m | SSB | USB (USA – Finland – Norway – Iceland – etc) | http://hflink.com/5mhz/ |
5366.5 | SSB 60m | SSB | CHANNEL DELETED from USA AMATEUR USE by FCC in 2012. | http://hflink.com/60meters/ |
5366.5 | Olivia | Digital | Centre of activity for Olivia on 60m in UK | |
5371.5 | ALE | Other | ALE voice (emergency only in USA). Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidth | http://hflink.com |
5371.5 | HFPACK | SSB | – USB – HFPACK – HF Portable Calling Frequency – SUNSET NET – Regional NVIS | http://hfpack.com |
5371.5 | SSB 60m | SSB | USB (USA – Finland – Norway – Iceland – St.Lucia – etc) | http://hflink.com/5mhz/ |
5395 | SSB 60m | SSB | USB 5395.0 – New Zealand – Amateur Radio Emergency Communications using AREC callsigns (5395.0kHz – 5397.8kHz any mode) | http://www.nzart.org.nz/ |
5398.5 | SSB 60m | SSB | USB (UK – Finland – Norway – Iceland – etc)(Canada-Experimental) | http://hflink.com/5mhz/ |
5398.5 | SSB/CW | SSB | Ireland SSB/CW Experimental | http://www.irts.ie/ |
5403 | SSB/CW | SSB | Ireland SSB/CW Experimental | http://www.irts.ie/ |
5403.5 | ALE | Other | ALE voice Region1 (emergency only). Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidth | http://hflink.com |
5403.5 | HFPACK | SSB | – USB – HF Portable Calling Frequency – Region 1 – HFpack Net alternate | http://hfpack.com |
5403.5 | SSB 60m | SSB | USB (USA – UK – Norway – Iceland – St.Lucia – etc)(Canada-Experimental) International Calling | http://hflink.com/5mhz/ |
5405 | 60m | CW | CW freq = 5405.0 kHz only. (USA New 60m CW Channel) and monitor 5403.5kHz USB for non-interference. | http://hflink.com/60meters/ |
5405.3 | cw | CW | danish hams with aproved licenses | |
7020 | RNARS Calling-Frequency | CW | CW Amateur Stations wishing to contact Royal Naval Amateur Radio Society pse use this freq. for CW contact on this band: not exclusive, Non-RNARS callers welcome to join | http://www.rnars.org.uk/schedules%20frequencies.html |
7022.5 | HFPACK | CW | HF Portable CW calling frequency – Region 1, 2, 3 – International – HFPACK | http://hfpack.com |
7025 | High Speed Club | CW | ||
7026 | Olivia | Digital | OLIVIA 500/16 – Japan – Asia R3 – Audio Center Frequency=750Hz | http://hflink.com/olivia/ |
7028 | FISTS | CW | Region 1 | http://www.fists.org |
7030 | IOTA | CW | http://www.rsgbiota.org/ | |
7030 | QRP | CW | Region 1 & 3 QRP CW Calling | |
7030 | Radio Scout Frequency | CW | http://home.tiscali.nl/worldscout/Jota/frequencies.htm | |
7033 | THOR 4-22 | Digital | BEST OF THE DIGIMODES | |
7038.5 | HFPACK | CW | HF Portable CW Calling Frequency – North America/USA – HFpack | http://hfpack.com |
7038.6 | WSPR | Digital | Weak Signal Propagation Reporter Network | wsprnet.org |
7039 | JT65A | Digital | +/- 1 khz on USB | |
7040 | DX Window | Digital | RTTY | |
7040 | QRP | CW | Please leave for QRP ops. Region 2 QRP CW Calling. | |
7040 | SSTV Call | Other | ||
7042 | Hit and Bounce Net | CW | 8:30AM Eastern | http://arfernc.tripod.com/ |
7043 | NET | CW | SLO POLK NET – SUNDAY – 9PM EST | |
7044 | FSQ | Digital | IARU Region 1 | |
7045 | Elecraft Net | CW | Monday 0200z (Sunday 7pm PDT) 7045 kHz | |
7045 | AMTOR | Digital | Amtor Sellcall ATOR | www.amtor.de |
7045 | CQ-QSO | CW | Frequency to do CQ-QSO Runs | http://cq-qso.com/ |
7046 | 3905 Century Club | CW | http://www.3905ccn.com/newsite/netsched.htm | |
7047.5 | W1AW | CW | http://www.arrl.org/w1aw.html | |
7050 | Waterway CW Net | CW | http://www.waterwayradio.net/cwnet.htm | |
7050 | Eastern Area Net | CW | 2:30PM Eastern Saturday and Sunday | |
7050 | VK CW calling frequency | CW | While 7030 is the QRP calling frequency in region 3, 7050 is being used as general CW calling frequency in Australia | http://www.vkcw.net/7050 |
7050 | CW calling in VK | CW | Stations move off (QSY) after contact | http://www.vkcw.net |
7050 | Chinese | SSB | Chinese Rag-Chewing Frequency | |
7052 | Amateur Radio Telegraph Society | CW | ||
7055 | Canada National SSB | SSB | national traffic net, alternate emergency freq from 80M | |
7055 | SKCC | CW | http://www.skccgroup.com/membership_data/opfreq.php | |
7055 | IOTA | SSB | freq. as per IOTA webpage | http://www.rsgbiota.org/info/ |
7056 | Reference | CW | 7×24 carrier, no modulation | |
7056.5 | County Hunting Net | CW | http://ch.w6rk.com | |
7058 | DSTV | SSB | (DRM) | |
7058 | FISTS | CW | http://www.fists.org | |
7065 | ALE | Other | ALE voice, data. Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidth | http://hflink.com |
7070 | AM | AM | AM Southern Europe | http://www.amwindow.org/freq.htm |
7070 | PSK31 | Digital | Common PSK31 for 40M | |
7070.4 | 3905 Century Club | Digital | PSK31 | http://www.3905ccn.com/newsite/netsched.htm |
7072 | MFSK16 (Region 2) | Digital | ||
7072.5 | Olivia | Digital | OLIVIA 500/16 – Region 2 USA | http://hflink.com/olivia/ |
7073 | NJ NBEMS Net | Digital | Olivia 8-500 1500 Hz waterfall weekly 0930 EDT Sundays | |
7075 | Emergency | SSB | WICEN – Emergency communications support & training in Australia (VK) | http://www.wicen.org.au/ |
7076 | Olivia | Digital | OLIVIA 500/16 – Region 2 USA – Audio Center Freq = 750Hz | http://hflink.com/olivia |
7076 | JT65A | Digital | +/- 1 khz on USB | |
7076 | JT65 | Digital | USB dial freq. | http://groups.google.com/group/jt65-hf |
7077 | Winmor testing | Digital | USB only, Winmor peer to peer | |
7084 | 3905 Century Club | Digital | RTTY | http://www.3905ccn.com/newsite/netsched.htm |
7090 | Radio Scout Frequency | SSB | http://home.tiscali.nl/worldscout/Jota/frequencies.htm | |
7095 | W1AW | Digital | http://www.arrl.org/w1aw.html | |
7098.8 | ARRL Skipnet | Digital | Net40E. Zero beat 7100.5 LSB | http://www.uspacket.org/hfnets.htm |
7099.4 | W6ADO | CW | Morse practice | |
7101.8 | ARRL Skipnet | Digital | Net40M Zero Beat 7103.5 LSB | http://www.uspacket.org/hfnets.htm |
7102 | ALE | Other | ALE data, sounding. Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidth | http://hflink.com |
7103.2 | Propagation tracking | Digital | PropNET is an ad-hoc 2-way RF-based digital communication network whose activity is reported on the Internet for the purpose of propagation tracking. | http://www.propnet.org |
7104 | FSQ | Digital | IARU Region 2 | |
7105 | FSQ | Digital | IARU Region 3 | |
7112 | Handihams CW Net | CW | 4pm CDT | handiham.org |
7114 | CW Elmers | CW | SKCC members and others | |
7114 | Beginners | CW | 7114 – QRS – Elmer frequency for beginning operators | http://www.skccgroup.com/membership_data/opfreq.php |
7115 | CW Elmers | SSB | ||
7120 | AM | AM | AM South America | http://www.amwindow.org/freq.htm |
7123 | Ham Radio CW net | CW | South East U.S. CW Net | http://www.qsl.net/ki8du/sunrisenet.htm |
7123 | Ham Radio CW net | CW | correction to URL for SunRiseNet CW at QSL.net | http://www.qsl.net/srn/index.htm |
7125 | AM in Australia | AM | ||
7143 | AM | AM | AM in United Kingdom | http://www.amwindow.org/freq.htm |
7146 | AM | AM | AM Calling Frequency, Australia | http://www.amwindow.org/freq.htm |
7148 | Sun Rise Net | CW | Daily beginning at 0700 Eastern time | http://www.qsl.net/ki8du/sunrisenet.htm |
7150 | RVSU – YO EmComm | SSB | For disaster and emergency communications – Calling frequency | www.yo3ksr.ro |
7153 | Treasure Coast Net 0800 – 0900 eastern | SSB | Daily since 1961 | www.tc7153.com |
7160 | AM | AM | Used for AM since 1950’s | |
7160 | WAB net | SSB | Net for working all the OS map squares for various awards | http://wab.intermip.net/default.php |
7165.5 | ALE | Other | ALE voice, data. Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidth | http://hflink.com |
7165.5 | HFPACK | SSB | – USB – Upper Sideband – HF Portable Calling Frequency – Mobile- Portable – Base – Marine – Aero – HFPACK NET alternate | http://hfpack.com |
7165.5 | SELCALL | Other | USB – Amateur SELCALL – UPPER SIDEBAND Dial Frequency – Selective Calling CCIR 493 – 1700Hz 100baud, for use with SSB Voice | http://www.hflink.com/channels/ |
7171 | SSTV | Digital | ||
7173 | Digital SSTV | Digital | ||
7175 | AM | AM | AM – USA | http://www.amwindow.org/freq.htm |
7177 | Mabuhay DX net | SSB | M-SUN morning net @ 6-9 AM PST | |
7178 | Old Codgers Net | SSB | M-F 5-6 PM ET (EST or EDT) | |
7185 | OMISS 40 meter net | SSB | daily at 01:00 GMT | omiss.net |
7185 | Omiss Net | SSB | Work all states and awards | omiss.net |
7185 | NATA Net | SSB | Daily at 23:00z – 00:30z | http://www.natanet.info |
7185 | north america traffic & awards net | SSB | traffic & WAS awards net | www.natanet.info |
7185 | OMISS 40m SSB Net | SSB | Daily 0100z | www.omiss.net |
7185 | County Hunting Net | SSB | http://ch.w6rk.com/ | |
7185.5 | HFpack USB calling primary | Other | USB HFpack primary calling vice your listed 7165 freq. | |
7188 | 3905 Century Club | SSB | CCN has new web address and 40M FQ changed a few years back | http://www.3905ccn.com/newsite/netsched.htm |
7188 | Friendly 7.188 Net | SSB | Connecting the Caribbean and the world. Daily Net 1000 to 1200 UTC. | http://www.friendly7188net.net/ |
7188 | Friendly 7.188 Net | SSB | Connecting the Caribbean and the World. Daily Net 1000 to 1200 UTC. | http://www.friendly7188net.net/ |
7190 | Radio Scout Frequency | SSB | http://home.tiscali.nl/worldscout/Jota/frequencies.htm | |
7190 | HHH Net | SSB | 0700z daily – New frequency | http://www.hhhnet.net/ |
7190 | The Brothers Net | SSB | 6 nights weekly Mon – Fri 9:00PM EST Sunday 8:00Pm EST | www.w9bro.org |
7192 | Maritime | SSB | 7 Days a week, West Coast CA & MX | |
7192 | Brothers Net | SSB | Mo-Sa 2300z | w9bro.net |
7195 | NATA Net | SSB | QRV 0000z to 0130z | http://www.northamericantrafficandawards.net |
7195 | ragchew (24×7) | SSB | Fixed stations communicate with mobiles nationwide | http://7195group.com/ |
7208 | 3905 Century Club | SSB | Meets daily at 0400 Zulu +/- 3khz | http://www.3905ccn.com/newsite/netsched.htm |
7214 | Placer County ARES | SSB | Placer County ARES daytime net and emergency use. | http://www.sacvalleyares.net |
7222 | Country Hams Net | SSB | Rag =chew group/gen,info. | www.countryhamsnet.com |
7225 | Chart for Vietnam vets | SSB | www.vietnamvetnet.com | |
7230 | Calif Emerg Svcs Net | SSB | Wednesdays 1000 Pacific CESN OA, Relay checkin | |
7233 | Maritime | SSB | West Coast, CA & MX | http://www.bajanet.jackclarke.net/ |
7235 | HHH Net | SSB | 0700Z, +- 2 kHz | http://www.hhhnet.net/infopak2.html |
7235 | Traffic Net West Virginia | SSB | checkin is at 11:45am Eastern Time – everyone welcome – mobile – base – portable (primary frequencies: 7235 kHz LSB and daily alternate frequency is 3810 KHz | www.qsl.net/wvsarc |
7238 | Rotten Apples | SSB | http://members.aol.com/RottenApplesARG/rottenapples.html | |
7238 | County Hunting Net | SSB | http://ch.w6rk.com | |
7240 | NTS | SSB | High Noon Traffic Net | N5FLD@aol.com |
7243 | County Hunting Net | SSB | http://ch.w6rk.com | |
7243 | Eastern Area Net | SSB | 2:30PM Eastern | |
7243 | Section ARES | SSB | Sunday afternoon schedule | http://www.alabama-ares.org/ |
7245 | FAX | Digital | ||
7250 | Digital Voice Communications | Other | http://www.hamradio-dv.org | |
7250 | Digital Voice Communications | Other | AOR Digital Voice Modem Net | http://www.hamradio-dv.org |
7251 | South Coast Amateur Radio Service | SSB | 2 sessions daily | |
7255 | East Coast ARS | SSB | East Coast Amateur Radio Service | http://www.ecars7255.com/ |
7255 | Ecars | SSB | Ecars | |
7258 | Midwest ARS | SSB | The Midwest Amateur Radio Service is in session from approx. 7 AM to 1 PM Eastern Time, 365 days a year, but is sometimes in session for extended time periods if needed due to severe weather conditions, etc. Everyone is welcome, with or without traffic. | http://mid-cars.org/ |
7258 | Midwest ARS | SSB | Bandplan correction: .NET not .org | http://mid-cars.NET |
7260 | SouthBEARS | SSB | SouthBEARS: Southern Baptist Emergency Amateur Radio Service | http://www.southbears.net/ |
7260 | SouthBears Net | SSB | SouthBears emergency amateur radio service | southbears.net |
7260 | SouthBears | SSB | SouthBears Emergency Net Sundays 15:30 eastern | southbears.net |
7265 | SATERN | SSB | http://www.wx4nhc.org/ | |
7265 | OMIK Net | SSB | Health and Welfare traffic and club member info exchanges. The net starts at 7:30 EST/EDST every Sunday morning and ends at 9:00AM eastern. | http://www.omikradio.org |
7267.5 | 3905 Century Club | SSB | http://www.3905ccn.com/newsite/netsched.htm | |
7268 | Waterway Net | SSB | 7:45AM Eastern | http://www.waterwayradio.net/ |
7268 | Hurricane Watch | SSB | Hurricane Watch Net | https://www.hwn.org/policies/activationplans.html |
7268.5 | NoonTime Net | SSB | LSB 7268.5 kHz – NoonTime Net – North America (west of the rockies) check in 12noon Pacific Time – everyone welcome – mobile – base – portable (alternate frequency: 3970kHz LSB) informal session of net is also active in the morning | http://www.noontimenet.org/ |
7268.5 | Noontime Net | SSB | LSB 7268.5 kHz – NoonTime Net – North America (west of the rockies) check in 12noon Pacific Time – everyone welcome – mobile – base – portable (alternate frequency: 3970kHz LSB) informal session of net is also active in the morning | www.noontimenet.org |
7270 | CQ-QSO | SSB | Frequency to do CQ-QSO Runs | http://cq-qso.com/ |
7272 | 72 Rag Chew | SSB | 72 Ragchew Group | http://www.ragchewers.net/ |
7272 | 72 Rag Chew | SSB | 72 Rag Chew | |
7272 | Utah Beehive NET | SSB | Utah Beehive NTS Net. Daily 12:30 Mountain Time | http://beehiveutahnet.com/ |
7272 | Traffic Net | SSB | Beehive Utah Net, section level net in the National Traffic System (daily at 12:30 MT) | http://beehiveutahnet.com |
7283.5 | NoonTime Net | SSB | LSB 7283.5 kHz – NoonTime Net alternate frequency. North America (west of the rockies) check in 12noon Pacific Time – everyone welcome – mobile – base – portable (primary frequencies: 7268.5kHz LSB and 3970.0kHz LSB) informal session of net is also active in the morning | http://www.noontimenet.org/ |
7283.5 | SSB | LSB 7283.5 kHz – NoonTime Net alternate frequency. North America (west of the rockies) check in 12noon Pacific Time – everyone welcome – mobile – base – portable (primary frequencies: 7268.5kHz LSB and 3970.0kHz LSB) informal session of net is also active in the morning | www.noontimenet.org | |
7285 | QRP | SSB | SSB | |
7290 | W1AW | SSB | http://www.arrl.org/w1aw.html | |
7290 | AM | AM | AM Calling Frequency, USA | http://www.amwindow.org/freq.htm |
7290 | Independent Traffic Net | SSB | The 7290 Traffic Net has been on this Freq. for 63 Years. 10 AM to 12 Noon and 1300 to 1400 six days a week. | www. 7290trafficnet.org |
7290 | AM | AM | ||
7295 | AM Net | AM | ||
7296 | ALE | Other | ALE voice. Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidth | http://hflink.com |
7296 | HFPACK | SSB | USB – HFpack Group – Upper Sideband | http://hfpack.com |
7296 | SELCALL | Other | USB – Amateur SELCALL – UPPER SIDEBAND Dial Frequency – Selective Calling CCIR 493 – 1700Hz 100baud, for use with SSB Voice | http://www.hflink.com/channels/ |
7300 | AM | AM | AM South America | http://www.amwindow.org/freq.htm |
10106 | QRP | CW | CW, also 10116? Both actively used? | |
10108 | CQ-QSO | CW | Frequency to do CQ-QSO Runs | http://cq-qso.com/ |
10115 | IOTA | CW | http://www.rsgbiota.org/ | |
10115 | Emergency | SSB | WICEN – Emergency communications support & training in Australia (VK) | http://www.wicen.org.au/ |
10116 | QRP | CW | CW, also 10106? Both actively used? | |
10117.5 | HFPACK | CW | HF Portable CW Calling Frequency – HFpack CW Net | http://hfpack.com |
10118 | RNARS Calling-Frequency | CW | CW Amateur Stations wishing to contact Royal Naval Amateur Radio Society pse use this freq. for CW contact on this band: not exclusive, Non-RNARS callers welcome to join | http://www.rnars.org.uk/schedules%20frequencies.html |
10118 | FISTS | CW | http://www.fists.org | |
10120 | SSB | SSB | USB – Calling Frequency (Australia, NZ, Oceania, Asia, Africa) | http://www.hflink.com/bandplans/australia_bandplan.pdf |
10120 | SKCC | CW | http://www.skccgroup.com/membership_data/opfreq.php | |
10122.5 | County Hunting Net | CW | http://ch.w6rk.com/ | |
10123 | V4 | SSB | V4 protocol | http://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/V4Protocol/ |
10132 | Winmor Testing | SSB | USB only Call: Kn6KB-5 | |
10132 | SSTV | Digital | MP73-N or other Narrow band SSTV | https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/30mSSTV/info |
10132 | SSTV | Other | MP73-N Narrow Band SSTV | https://narrowsstv.wordpress.com/ |
10132 | N-SSTV | Other | Narrow SSTV | https://narrowsstv.wordpress.com/ |
10134.5 | Olivia | Digital | 10134.5 USB dial freq [Olivia 500/16 Audio Center Freq=750 Hz] or [Olivia 1000/32 Audio Center Freq=1000Hz] (proposed Olivia calling freq for IARU Region 2 and Region 3) | http://hflink.com/olivia/ |
10136.5 | ALE | Other | ALE data, voice. Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidth | http://hflink.com |
10138 | JT65 | Digital | USB dial freq. | http://groups.google.com/group/jt65-hf |
10138.7 | WSPR | Digital | Weak Signal Propagation Reporter Network | wsprnet.org |
10138.9 | Propagation tracking | Digital | PropNET is an ad-hoc 2-way RF-based digital communication network whose activity is reported on the Internet for the purpose of propagation tracking. | http://www.propnet.org |
10138.9 | Propnet PSK31 | Digital | Propnet Automatically Controlled Digital Station | http://propnet.org |
10139 | JT65A | Digital | +/- 1 khz on USB | |
10139 | County Hunting Net | Digital | http://ch.w6rk.com | |
10140 | psk31 | Digital | ||
10140 | FSQ | Digital | IARU Region 3 | |
10140 | PSK31 | Digital | 30 Meter Psk & Digital Group | http://www.30meterdigital.com |
10141 | Olivia | Digital | 10141 USB – IARU Region 1 (Europe, Africa, MidEast, Russia) [Olivia 500/16 – Audio Centre Frequency=750Hz] | http://hflink.com/olivia/ |
10144 | FSQ | Digital | IARU Region 1 and 2 | |
10144 | N-SSTV | Other | narrow SSTV | https://narrowsstv.wordpress.com/ |
10145 | ARRL Skipnet | Digital | NET147. Zero beat 10.147 LSB. | http://www.uspacket.org/hfnets.htm |
10145.5 | ALE | Other | ALE data, sounding. Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidth | http://hflink.com |
10145.5 | SELCALL | Other | USB – Amateur SELCALL – UPPER SIDEBAND Dial Frequency – Selective Calling CCIR 493 – 1700Hz 100baud | http://www.hflink.com/channels/ |
10146 | PSKMAIL EUROPE | Digital | BPSK 500R, 250R, 125R, MFSK16 | PSKMAIL |
10147 | MFSK16 | Digital | http://kf4houtn.tripod.com/snddigi.htm | |
10148 | pskmail | Digital | bpsk250 | http://pskmail.wikispaces.com/PSKmailservers |
10148 | PSKMAIL EUROPE | Digital | BPSK 500R, 250R, 125R, MFSK16 1000Hz | PSKMAIL |
14040 | IOTA | CW | http://www.rsgbiota.org/ | |
14047.5 | W1AW | CW | http://www.arrl.org/w1aw.html | |
14050 | Elecraft Net | CW | Sunday 2300z (Sunday 4pm PDT) 14050 kHz | |
14050 | SKCC | CW | http://www.skccgroup.com | |
14052 | RNARS Calling-Frequency | CW | CW Amateur Stations wishing to contact Royal Naval Amateur Radio Society pse use this freq. for CW contact on this band: not exclusive, Non-RNARS callers welcome to join | |
14053 | 3905 Century Club | CW | http://www.3905ccn.com/newsite/netsched.htm | |
14055 | CQ-QSO | CW | Frequency to do CQ-QSO Runs | http://cq-qso.com/ |
14056.5 | County Hunting Net | CW | http://ch.w6rk.com | |
14058 | FISTS | CW | http://www.fists.org | |
14059 | HFPACK | CW | HF Portable CW Calling Frequency – Pedestrian Mobile – Backpack Portable – Bike Mobile – HFpack | http://hfpack.com |
14060 | Radio Scout Frequency | CW | http://home.tiscali.nl/worldscout/Jota/frequencies.htm | |
14060 | QRP | CW | CW | |
14063 | Feld Hell | Digital | Feld Hell watering hole | |
14063 | Hellschreiber | Digital | New standard for Hell modes on 20M | http://sites.google.com/site/feldhellclub/Home/feld-hell-faq |
14065 | SATERN | Digital | emergency comm freq. Training Sat. 1200CST | |
14068 | 3905 Century Club | Digital | PSK31 | http://www.3905ccn.com/newsite/netsched.htm |
14068 | Feld Hell | Digital | http://feldhellclub.org/ | |
14070 | PSK31 | Digital | 20M PSK frequency | |
14073 | Feld Hell | Digital | Feld Hell watering hole 2 | |
14073 | County Hunting Net | Digital | http://ch.w6rk.com | |
14074 | FT8 | Digital | New & Very Fast | |
14074 | FT8 | Digital | http://physics.princeton.edu/pulsar/k1jt/wsjtx.html | |
14076 | JT65 | SSB | Calling frequency for JT65 (weak signal) | |
14076 | JT65A | Digital | +/- 1 khz on USB | |
14076 | JT65 | Digital | USB dial freq. | http://groups.google.com/group/jt65-hf |
14080 | MFSK16 | Digital | http://kf4houtn.tripod.com/snddigi.htm | |
14084 | 3905 Century Club | Digital | http://www.3905ccn.com/newsite/netsched.htm | |
14095 | W1AW | Digital | http://www.arrl.org/w1aw.html | |
14095.6 | WSPR | Digital | Weak Signal Propagation Reporter Network | wsprnet.org |
14096.3 | ARRL Skipnet | Digital | Net098, Zero beat 14.098 LSB | http://www.uspacket.org/hfnets.htm |
14097 | Propagation tracking | Digital | PropNET is an ad-hoc 2-way RF-based digital communication network whose activity is reported on the Internet for the purpose of propagation tracking. | http://www.propnet.org |
14100 | NCDXF Beacons | CW | http://www.ncdxf.org/beacons.html | |
14103 | NET14 APRS WW.NET | Digital | FSK 300 Baud packet | NET14 |
14103 | NET14 APRS WW.NET | Digital | FSK 300 Baud packet 1700Hz | NET14 |
14103 | NET14 APRS WW.NET | Digital | GMSK250 1300HZ | NET14 |
14103 | Robust Packet TELPAC BBS DB0UAL | Digital | Robust Packet (RPR) 300/600bps OFDM 500Hz BW | http://www.oevsv.at/export/sites/dachverband/interessensgruppen/aprs/APRS_auf_KW/Robust_Packet_Radio_rev1.pdf |
14103.3 | Network 105 | Digital | http://ka1fsb.home.att.net/net105.html | |
14106.5 | olivia 32/1000 | Digital | Center of 1000 hz | |
14107.5 | olivia 32/1000 | CW | ||
14107.5 | olivia 32/1000 | Digital | center on 1000 hz on waterfall | |
14111 | KG-STV | Digital | ||
14112 | PAX | Digital | USB Dial Frequency=14112.0 (Audio Center Frequency=1000Hz) | |
14117.3 | ARRL Skipnet | Digital | Net119. Zero beat 14.119 LSB | http://www.uspacket.org/hfnets.htm |
14125 | Emergency | SSB | WICEN – Emergency communications support & training in Australia (VK) | http://www.wicen.org.au/ |
14140 | National nets | SSB | national nets and Canada 20M calling frequency | |
14183 | ANZA DX Net | SSB | Australia, New Zealand, Africa Net. Anyone, anywhere welcome | www.anzadx.net |
14195 | International Mr. Nino (IT9RYH) and company frequency. | SSB | If empty (If Mr. Nino is not working on this channel) this Frequency may be used for DX-peditions | |
14227 | SSTV analog | Digital | Most of JA contest for slow scan are here | |
14230 | SSTV | Digital | ||
14233 | SSTV | Digital | Digital (DRM) | |
14236 | Digital Voice | Other | Digital Voice Net | http://www.melwhitten.com/ |
14238.5 | Trivia+Bologna Net | SSB | daily tech and personal chat | |
14245 | SSTV Repeater | Other | VK4ET Repeater | |
14260 | IOTA | SSB | http://www.rsgbiota.org/ | |
14262 | Buckeye Net | SSB | Mon-Sat 11:30-Noon Eastern Time | |
14263 | Collins Net | SSB | Sundays at 2100 zulu | |
14265 | SATERN | SSB | http://www.wx4nhc.org/ | |
14265 | HongKong | SSB | Hong Kong calling frequency, informal net. Cantonese (and other chinese languages) commonly spoken on this frequency in Asia. (USB voice) | http://www.harts-web.org |
14270 | Chinese | SSB | China calling frequency. China EMCOMM. Chinese languages commonly spoken on this frequency in Asia. | |
14280 | AM | AM | Per Electric Radio publication | |
14282 | Amsat net | SSB | There is still an Amsat net on 14.282 Sundays beginning around 1800z. Keith W5IU and Larry W7LB run it, with a cast of extras joining in from the fringes. First hour is informal discussions, followed by the reading of the Amsat bulletins. | |
14285 | QRP | SSB | ||
14286 | AM | AM | ||
14290 | W1AW | SSB | http://www.arrl.org/w1aw.html | |
14290 | OMISS | SSB | omiss.net | |
14290 | Radio Scout Frequency | SSB | http://home.tiscali.nl/worldscout/Jota/frequencies.htm | |
14290 | OMISS 20m SSB Net | SSB | Daily 1830z | www.omiss.net |
14292 | Swan Users Net | SSB | Sundays 2100Z, All are welcome | |
14295 | OMIK Net | SSB | Health and Welfare traffic and club member info exchanges. The net meets every Sunday from 11.00 AM EST/EDST until 12:30 PM eastern time. | http://www.omikradio.org |
14300 | Maritime Mobile Net | SSB | Net in progress 15 hours per day | http://www.mmsn.org/ |
14300 | Intercontinental Traffic Net (Intercon) | SSB | http://www.interconnet.org/ | |
14300 | pacific seafarersnet | CW | RAKA sailboat | |
14303 | International Assistance and Traffic Net | SSB | 6:30AM Eastern Winter, 7:00AM Eastern Summer | |
14303 | Maritime Mobile Net | SSB | Start time 0800Z & 1800Z | http://www.rnars.org.uk/Nets_DX.htm |
14303.5 | Elecraft Users SSB | SSB | Sunday 1800Z; all are welcome | www.elecraft.com |
14303.5 | Elecraft SSB Sunday Net | SSB | 1600 UTC Sundays | |
14303.5 | Elecraft Net | SSB | Sunday 1800z (Sunday 11am PDT) | |
14313 | German maritime mobile net intermar | SSB | intermar | |
14316 | AFSN | SSB | American Foreign Service Net – Sundays @ 1500z until 1530z. KF7E is Net Control. | https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/w3dos/info |
14320 | Knotheads Net | SSB | The Knothead Net is called at 9am Eastern M-SA. | |
14325 | Hurricane Watch | SSB | http://www.wx4nhc.org/ | |
14325 | Hurricane Info | SSB | Hurricane Watch | https://www.hwn.org/ |
14329 | FlexRadio Users Net | CW | Sundays @ 1800 UTC on 14.329 MHz ± QRM. The net is also simulcast on the Internet using CQ100 from www.QSOnet.com @ 14.329. | www.flex-radio.com |
14330 | AM | AM | New 20m AM frequency gradually replacing 14.286 which suffers from SSB QRM | http://amfone.net/Amforum/index.php?topic=33053.0 |
14332 | YL System | SSB | http://www.hamwave.com/cgi-bin/index.cgi?action=viewnews&id=38 | |
14336 | County Hunting Net | SSB | http://ch.w6rk.com | |
14340 | Maritime | SSB | West Coast,MX,As fas poss into Pacific | http://www.reocities.com/TheTropics/3989/ |
14342.5 | ALE | Other | ALE voice. Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidth | http://hflink.com |
14342.5 | HFPACK | SSB | – USB – HF Portable Calling Frequency – HFPACK NET – 1130z – 1630z – 2230z – Mobile- Portable – Base – Marine – Aero welcome | http://hfpack.com |
14342.5 | Flying Hams | SSB | Flying Hams Net – 2130z – Tuesday/Thursday | http://groups.yahoo.com/group/flying_hams/ |
14342.5 | SELCALL | Other | USB – Amateur SELCALL – UPPER SIDEBAND Dial Frequency – Selective Calling CCIR 493 – 1700Hz 100baud, for use with SSB Voice | http://www.hflink.com/channels/ |
14346 | ALE | Other | ALE voice. Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidth | http://hflink.com |
14346 | HFPACK | SSB | -USB- HF Portable Calling Frequency – alternate – HFPACK NET | http://hfpack.com |
18080 | Radio Scout Frequency | CW | http://home.tiscali.nl/worldscout/Jota/frequencies.htm | |
18080 | CQ-QSO | CW | Frequency to do CQ-QSO Runs | http://cq-qso.com/ |
18081.5 | HFPACK | CW | HF Portable CW Calling Frequency – Pedestrian Mobile – Backpack Portable – Bike Mobile – HFpack | http://hfpack.com |
18085 | FISTS | CW | http://www.fists.org | |
18091.5 | County Hunting Net | CW | http://ch.w6rk.com/ | |
18096 | QRP | CW | ||
18097.5 | W1AW | CW | http://www.arrl.org/w1aw.html | |
18098 | IOTA | CW | http://www.rsgbiota.org/ | |
18102 | JT65A | Digital | +/- 1 khz on USB | |
18102 | JT65 | Digital | USB dial freq. | |
18102.5 | W1AW | Digital | http://www.arrl.org/w1aw.html | |
18103.9 | Propagation tracking | Digital | PropNET is an ad-hoc 2-way RF-based digital communication network whose activity is reported on the Internet for the purpose of propagation tracking. | http://www.propnet.org |
18103.9 | Propnet PSK31 | Digital | Propnet Automatically Controlled Digital Station | http://propnet.org |
18104.6 | WSPR | Digital | Weak Signal Propagation Reporter Network | wsprnet.org |
18106 | ALE | Other | ALE data, sounding. Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidth | http://hflink.com |
18109.5 | Packet | Digital | 17m Robust Packet (18.108 USB dial w/ 1500 Hz CF) | http://groups.yahoo.com/group/robustpacket/ |
18110 | NCDXF Beacons | CW | http://www.ncdxf.org/beacons.html | |
18115.3 | ARRL Skipnet | Digital | Net117. Zero beat 18.117 LSB | http://www.uspacket.org/hfnets.htm |
18117 | N-SSTV | Other | https://narrowsstv.wordpress.com/ | |
18117 | Narrow SSTV | Other | Any MP-N Modes in MMSSTV | https://www.facebook.com/groups/NarrowSSTV/ |
18127.5 | ALE | Other | ALE voice. Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidth | http://hflink.com |
18127.5 | HFPACK | SSB | – USB – HFpack – HF Portable – Calling Frequency – Alternate | http://hfpack.com |
18128 | IOTA | SSB | http://www.rsgbiota.org/ | |
18130 | QRP | SSB | ||
18140 | Radio Scout Frequency | SSB | http://home.tiscali.nl/worldscout/Jota/frequencies.htm | |
18150 | AM | AM | ||
18150 | Emergency | SSB | WICEN – Emergency communications support & training in Australia (VK) | http://www.wicen.org.au/ |
18150 | CQ-QSO | SSB | Frequency to do CQ-QSO Runs | http://cq-qso.com/ |
18157.5 | ALE | Other | ALE voice. Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidth | http://hflink.com |
18157.5 | HFPACK | SSB | -USB- HF Portable Calling Frequency – HFPACK NET – 1130z – 1630z – 2230z – mobile – portable – base – marine – aero – QRP – QRO – welcome | http://hfpack.com |
18157.5 | SELCALL | Other | USB – Amateur SELCALL – UPPER SIDEBAND Dial Frequency – Selective Calling CCIR 493 – 1700Hz 100baud, for use with SSB Voice | http://www.hflink.com/channels/ |
18158 | OMISS 17m SSB Net | SSB | Fri/Sat at 1900, also holidays | www.omiss.net |
18160 | W1AW | SSB | http://www.arrl.org/w1aw.html | |
18165 | OMISS | SSB | omiss.net | |
21040 | IOTA | CW | http://www.rsgbiota.org/ | |
21055 | QRS CW | CW | ||
21056.5 | County Hunting Net | CW | http://ch.w6rk.com/ | |
21058 | FISTS | CW | http://www.fists.org | |
21060 | QRP | CW | ||
21060 | QRP | CW | CW | |
21065 | CQ-QSO | CW | Frequency to do CQ-QSO Runs | http://cq-qso.com/ |
21067.5 | W1AW | CW | http://www.arrl.org/w1aw.html | |
21076 | JT65A | Digital | +/- 1 khz on USB | |
21076 | JT65 | Digital | USB dial freq. | http://groups.google.com/group/jt65-hf |
21089 | DominoEX | Digital | for for audio offset @ 1kHz: use USB and TRX displayed as 21088 kHz | |
21094.6 | WSPR | Digital | Weak Signal Propagation Reporter Network | wsprnet.org |
21095 | W1AW | Digital | http://www.arrl.org/w1aw.html | |
21098 | Propagation tracking | Digital | PropNET is an ad-hoc 2-way RF-based digital communication network whose activity is reported on the Internet for the purpose of propagation tracking. | http://www.propnet.org |
21099.5 | Packet | Digital | 15m Robust Packet (21.098 USB dial w/ 1500 Hz CF) | http://groups.yahoo.com/group/robustpacket/ |
21110 | QRP | Digital | ||
21110 | ROS | Digital | also 21115 | |
21140 | Radio Scout Frequency | CW | http://home.tiscali.nl/worldscout/Jota/frequencies.htm | |
21150 | NCDXF Beacons | CW | http://www.ncdxf.org/beacons.html | |
21157.5 | ALE | Other | ALE data, sounding. Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidth | http://hflink.com |
21158 | FISTS | CW | NOVICE | http://www.fists.org |
21190 | Emergency | SSB | WICEN – Emergency communications support & training in Australia (VK) | http://www.wicen.org.au/ |
21260 | IOTA | SSB | http://www.rsgbiota.org/ | |
21270 | CQ-QSO | SSB | Frequency to do CQ-QSO Runs | http://cq-qso.com/ |
21285 | AM | AM | AM QSO | http://www.amwindow.org/freq.htm |
21340 | SSTV | Digital | ||
21345 | FAX | Digital | ||
21360 | OMISS | SSB | omiss.net | |
21360 | Radio Scout Frequency | SSB | http://home.tiscali.nl/worldscout/Jota/frequencies.htm | |
21385 | QRP | SSB | ||
21390 | W1AW | SSB | http://www.arrl.org/w1aw.html | |
21395 | OMISS 15m SSB Net | SSB | Fri/Sat at 1700z, also holidays | www.omiss.net |
21412 | Maritime Net 2100z-2400z | SSB | Pacific Maritime Mobel Service Net, every day 2100z-2400z on 21.412 Mhz | http://www.pmmsn.net/ |
21412 | Pacific Maritime Mobile Service Net | SSB | Daily 2100 to 2400 | http://www.pmmsn.net |
21412 | Pacific Maritime mobile Service Net | SSB | Pacific Maritime Mobile Service Net. Daily Nets 2100 to 2400 hours GMT. | http://www.pmmsn.net/ |
21416 | AFSN | SSB | American Foreign Service Net – Sundays @ 1530z until 1600z. KF7E is Net Control. | https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/w3dos/info |
21425 | AM | AM | AM QSO | http://www.amwindow.org/freq.htm |
21437.5 | ALE | Other | ALE voice. Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidth | http://hflink.com |
21437.5 | HFPACK | SSB | – USB – HF Portable Calling Frequency – Mobile- Portable – Base – Marine – Aero – HFPACK NET alternate | http://hfpack.com |
21437.5 | SELCALL | Other | USB – Amateur SELCALL – UPPER SIDEBAND Dial Frequency – Selective Calling CCIR 493 – 1700Hz 100baud, for use with SSB Voice | http://www.hflink.com/channels/ |
24906 | QRP | CW | ||
24910 | Radio Scout Frequency | CW | http://home.tiscali.nl/worldscout/Jota/frequencies.htm | |
24911 | CQ-QSO | CW | Frequency to do CQ-QSO Runs | http://cq-qso.com/ |
24917 | JT65A | Digital | This replaces 24920 | http://hflink.com/jt65/ |
24917 | JT65 | Digital | USB dial freq. | http://groups.google.com/group/jt65-hf |
24918 | FISTS | CW | http://www.fists.org | |
24920 | JT65A | Digital | +/- 1 khz on USB | |
24923 | JT65A | Digital | ||
24924 | Propagation tracking | Digital | PropNET is an ad-hoc 2-way RF-based digital communication network whose activity is reported on the Internet for the purpose of propagation tracking. | http://www.propnet.org |
24924 | Propnet PSK31 | Digital | Propnet Automatically Controlled Digital Station | http://propnet.org |
24924.6 | WSPR | Digital | Weak Signal Propagation Reporter Network | wsprnet.org |
24926 | ALE | Other | ALE data, sounding. Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidth | http://hflink.com |
24927 | N-SSTV | Other | narrow SSTV | https://narrowsstv.wordpress.com/ |
24927 | Narrow SSTV | Other | Any MP-N Modes in MMSSTV | https://www.facebook.com/groups/NarrowSSTV/ |
24930 | NCDXF Beacons | CW | http://www.ncdxf.org/beacons.html | |
24950 | IOTA | SSB | http://www.rsgbiota.org/ | |
24950 | QRP | SSB | ||
24950 | Emergency | SSB | WICEN – Emergency communications support & training in Australia (VK) | http://www.wicen.org.au/ |
24960 | Radio Scout Frequency | SSB | http://home.tiscali.nl/worldscout/Jota/frequencies.htm | |
24970 | CQ-QSO | SSB | Frequency to do CQ-QSO Runs | http://cq-qso.com/ |
24977.5 | ALE | Other | ALE voice. Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidth | http://hflink.com |
24977.5 | HFPACK | SSB | – USB – HF Portable Calling Frequency – Mobile- Portable – Base – Marine – Aero | http://hfpack.com |
24987.5 | 12m Narrow FM Calling | FM | Legal if modulation index is < 1 | |
28052 | RNARS Calling-Frequency | CW | CW Ham Stations wishing to contact Royal Naval Amateur Radio Society pse use this freq. for CW contact on this band: not exclusive | Nil |
28052 | RNARS Calling-Frequency | CW | CW Ham Stations wishing to contact Royal Naval Amateur Radio Society pse use this freq. for CW contact on this band: not exclusive | RNARS.org |
28052 | RNARS Calling-Frequency | CW | Non-RNARS callers welcome to join | RNARS.org |
28056.5 | County Hunting Net | CW | http://ch.w6rk.com/ | |
28058 | FISTS | CW | http://www.fists.org | |
28060 | QRP | CW | CW | |
28065 | CQ-QSO | CW | Frequency to do CQ-QSO Runs | http://cq-qso.com/ |
28067.5 | W1AW | CW | http://www.arrl.org/w1aw.html | |
28076 | Olivia | Digital | Dial Frequency USB. OLIVIA CALLING FREQUENCY – 500/16 Audio Center Frequency=750Hz | http://hflink.com/olivia/ |
28076 | JT65A | Digital | +/- 1 khz on USB | |
28076 | JT65 | Digital | USB dial freq. | http://groups.google.com/group/jt65-hf |
28095 | W1AW | Digital | http://www.arrl.org/w1aw.html | |
28101 | 10-10 Intl CW Calling Frequenc | CW | ||
28110 | QRP | Digital | ||
28117 | DominoEX | Digital | for for audio offset @ 1kHz: use USB and TRX displayed as 28116 kHz | |
28118.8 | Propagation tracking | Digital | PropNET is an ad-hoc 2-way RF-based digital communication network whose activity is reported on the Internet for the purpose of propagation tracking. | http://www.propnet.org |
28118.8 | Propnet PSK31 | Digital | Propnet Automatically Controlled Digital Station | http://propnet.org |
28124.6 | WSPR | Digital | Weak Signal Propagation Reporter Network | wsprnet.org |
28135 | Mid-Atlantic Retired Guys Net | SSB | DC, MD, DE, PA region, USA | |
28146 | ALE | Other | ALE data, sounding. Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidth | http://hflink.com |
28158 | FISTS | CW | NOVICE | http://www.fists.org |
28180 | Radio Scout Frequency | CW | http://home.tiscali.nl/worldscout/Jota/frequencies.htm | |
28185 | ROS | Digital | 28.185 and 28,295 | |
28200 | NCDXF Beacons | CW | http://www.ncdxf.org/beacons.html | |
28242 | CW Beacon | CW | 24/7 Operation | https://sites.google.com/site/bill8800/wd9cvp10mbeacon |
28327.5 | ALE | Other | ALE voice. Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidth | http://hflink.com |
28327.5 | HFPACK | SSB | – USB – HF Portable Calling Frequency – Mobile- Portable – Base – Marine – Aero | http://hfpack.com |
28327.5 | SELCALL | Other | USB – Amateur SELCALL – UPPER SIDEBAND Dial Frequency – Selective Calling CCIR 493 – 1700Hz 100baud, for use with SSB Voice | http://www.hflink.com/channels/ |
28337 | Ohio Rag Chew Net | SSB | Will get more active when cycle kicks up. | |
28370 | CQ-QSO | SSB | Frequency to do CQ-QSO Runs | http://cq-qso.com/ |
28380 | NARL Net | SSB | Wed nite 7:30PM EST | |
28380 | Ten Ten Net | SSB | http://ten-ten.org | http://ten-ten.org |
28380 | Ten-Ten Net International nets | SSB | 28800 is one of the two frequencies used for nets by 10-10 Net International | http://www.ten-ten.org/daily_nets.html |
28385 | QRP | SSB | ||
28385 | Kentucky Friday Night RagChew | SSB | Kentucky Friday Night RagChew Every Friday Night At 8:00 PM Eastern Time. Everyone Welcome | |
28390 | Radio Scout Frequency | SSB | http://home.tiscali.nl/worldscout/Jota/frequencies.htm | |
28400 | Calling | SSB | USB calling | |
28415 | RAGCHEW | SSB | Western LINY, NYC and New Jersey | |
28416 | AFSN | SSB | American Foreign Service Net – Sundays @ 1600z until 1630z KF7E is Net Control | https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/w3dos/info |
28425 | Gold City Chapter of 10-10 | SSB | Net @ 1700 UTC Wednesday | GoldCityChapter.net |
28435 | Mid-Atlantic Retired Guys Net | SSB | DC, MD, DE, PA region, USA | This is a correction. NOT 28.135….. |
28450 | Orange County (NC) Monday night | SSB | Orange County (NC) Monday night net@2000L | http://www.ncocra/org |
28450 | Emergency | CW | WICEN – Emergency communications support & training in Australia (VK) | http://www.wicen.org.au/ |
28450 | Emergency | SSB | CORRECTION to Mode – sorry. WICEN – Emergency communications support & training in Australia (VK) | http://www.wicen.org.au/ |
28460 | IOTA | SSB | http://www.rsgbiota.org/ | |
28470 | Bauxite Chapter 10-10 net | SSB | Bauxite Chapter 10-10 net. All amateurs welcome. Sun & Mon 8:30 pm Central Time | http://www.nwla.com/bauxite/ |
28485 | Atlantic Zone SSB Net | SSB | Orignates from Northeast Tennessee (Grid EM86) | https://wb4ixu.wordpress.com/ |
28490 | Pacific Dx Window | SSB | Very popular around the pacific | |
28560 | IOTA | SSB | http://www.rsgbiota.org/ | |
28590 | W1AW | SSB | http://www.arrl.org/w1aw.html | |
28665 | OMISS | SSB | omiss.net | |
28665 | OMISS 10m SSB Net | SSB | Fri/Sat at 1730, also holidays | www.omiss.net |
28677 | SSTV Repeater | Other | WB9KMW Repeater & Beacon | www.WB9KMW.com |
28677 | SSTV BEACON | Other | SSTV Beacon | |
28680 | SSTV | Digital | ||
28800 | Ten Ten Net | SSB | http://ten-ten.org | http://ten-ten.org |
28800 | 10-10 Net International | SSB | 28800 is one of the two frequencies used for nets by 10-10 Net International | http://www.ten-ten.org/daily_nets.html |
28885 | 6M DX Net | CW | 6M DX Liaison Frequency | |
28885 | QRP | SSB | ||
29000 | AM | AM | 10m AM Calling Frequency | http://www.amwindow.org/freq.htm |
29050 | Collins Net | AM | Sunday PM once band returns | collinsradio.org |
29300 | FM Simplex | FM | JA FM Simplex Calling Frequency | |
29310 | c4fm | Digital | Yaesu System Fusion Frequency for FT991 | www.va7ref.info |
29500 | 2nd FM Simplex | FM | When 29600 is busy – stations go here | |
29600 | FM Simplex | FM | ||
29600 | rag chew | FM | local ragchew, NW UK | mbars.co.uk |
10100-10120 | CW | CW | ||
10115-10140 | SSB segment Australia | SSB | SSB segment Australia | http://www.wia.org.au/members/bandplans/data/ |
10124-10127 | DSSTV/DVOICE | Digital | Digital SSTV and DRM Modes | http://www.kc1cs.com/digi.htm |
10130-10132.5 | BPSK31 | Digital | 10130.0 USB Dial Freq PSK31 – PSK63 (proposed new 30m calling frequency for USA, North America, and Region 2) | http://groups.yahoo.com/group/psk31/ |
10130-10140 | RTTY | Digital | http://www.aa5au.com/rtty.html | |
10130-10150 | RTTY | Digital | Most RTTY activity occurs below 10140 and above 10142 | http://www.aa5au.com/rtty.html |
10134.1-10134.7 | Olivia | Digital | 10134.4kHz_Olivia_500/16_center “OLIVIA CQ FREQUENCY” 10133.65_USB_dial_freq 750Hz_audio_center | http://groups.yahoo.com/group/oliviadata |
10135-10145 | Feld Hell | Digital | http://feldhellclub.org/ | |
10137-10142 | Digital Modes | Digital | 30 Meter Digital Modes | http://www.projectsandparts.com/30m/ |
10137.1-10139.2 | ALE | Digital | 10136.5USB ALE 8FSK – ARQ,Short Text Messaging, Geo Position Reporting, Keyboarding, Automatic Link Establishment Ionospheric Sounding | http://www.hflink.com/channels/ |
10139-10141 | JT65 | Digital | 10139.0 kHz USB VFO Dial Frequency JT65 JT65A JT65B Calling (signal frequency 10140.27+) | http://www.obriensweb.com/bozoguidejt65a.htm |
10140-10140.1 | QRSS, DFCW, WOLF, Jason | Digital | Extreme narrow bandwidth techniques | http://www.qsl.net/on7yd/136narro.htm |
10140-10145 | BPSK31 | Digital | ||
10140-10150 | Packet | Digital | ||
10140-10150 | Automatic | Digital | Automated Digital Stations – IARU Regions | http://hflink.com/bandplans/ |
10140-10150 | Digital Data Modes | Digital | Australia, Digital Data Modes Only | http://www.wia.org.au/members/bandplans/data/ |
10140.1-10140.2 | MEPT_JT | Digital | New MEPT_JT mode by, Joe, K1JT. | http://physics.princeton.edu/pulsar/K1JT/MEPT_Announcement.TXT |
10140.1-10140.2 | MEPT_JT/WSPR | Digital | Weak Signal Propagation Reporter – dial 10.13865 USB | http://physics.princeton.edu/pulsar/K1JT/ |
10140.1-10140.3 | WSPR | Digital | USB dial 10138.7, audio 1400…1600Hz | http://wsprnet.org/ |
10140.8-10143.8 | ALE | Other | 10140.5 kHz USB Automatic Link Establishment High Frequency Network – IARU Region 1, Region 2, Region 3; Data/Text/Messaging | http://hflink.com |
10142-10146 | DominoEX | Digital | nominal mode DominoEX 11 | |
10145.5-10148.1 | ALE | Other | USB – 8FSK – ALE data, sounding, Selective Calling, ARQ file exchange. USB_Dial_Frequency=10145.5kHz Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidth (lowest_freq=750Hz; highest_freq=2500Hz) | http://hflink.com |
10145.5-10148.5 | ALE | Digital | 10145.5kHz USB Global ALE High Frequency Network (HFN) provides HF internet messaging connectivity, HF to SMS cellphone mobile texting, HF-to-HF text relay, selective calling, and interoperability 24/7/365 | http://hflink.com/hfn |
10147.8-10148.2 | pskmail/aprs servers | Digital | 10147.750, 10148, 10148.250 BPSK63/ARQ | http://pskmail.wikispaces.com |
10148-10149 | APRS Robust Packet OFDM | Digital | APRS RobustPR dial10147,3 USB +1500Hz OFDM 500Hz BW | http://www.oevsv.at/export/sites/dachverband/interessensgruppen/aprs/APRS_auf_KW/Robust_Packet_Radio_rev1.pdf |
10149.1-10149.5 | APRS | Digital | APRS – 300baud FSK packet network for geo-position reporting. Mobiles, portables, marine. (LSB_Dial_frequency=10151kHz_LSB;Mark=1800Hz) (LSB_Dial Frequency=10151.51;Center=2210Hz) | http://www.aprs.net/vm/DOS/HF.HTM |
14000-14025 | DX Window | CW | CW | |
14000-14070 | CW | CW | ||
14063-14069 | Feld Hell | Digital | Common Feld Hell range | |
14070-14072.5 | QPSK31 | Digital | ||
14070-14072.5 | FSK31 | Digital | ||
14070-14072.5 | BPSK31 | Digital | 14070.0 USB – PSK31 [International] (Center of Activity 1kHz audio) | |
14071.5-14073.5 | PSK63 | Digital | 14071.5 USB PSK63 [International] (Center of Activity 1000Hz audio) | |
14072-14072.2 | THOR 16 | Digital | ||
14073-14075 | THOR 4-22 | Digital | THE BEST OF ALL DIGIMODES WOW MODE | |
14073-14077 | CHIP64 | Digital | Mixed with other DATA modes in Region 2 | |
14075-14082 | Feld Hell | Digital | http://feldhellclub.org/ | |
14075-14082 | Feld Hell | Digital | This is the old Feld Hell range, no longer in use | |
14075.5-14078 | Olivia | Digital | Olivia 500. Olivia 500/16 – USB Audio Center Frequency 750Hz – Signals spaced every 0.5kHz in this range | http://hflink.com/olivia/ |
14076-14078 | JT65 | Digital | 14076.0 kHz USB VFO Dial Frequency. JT65 JT65A JT65B Calling (signal frequency 14077.27+) | http://www.obriensweb.com/bozoguidejt65a.htm |
14076.1-14076.7 | Olivia | Digital | OLIVIA_500/16_ACTIVE_FREQ 14076.4kHz_Center_Freq. (Dial_Freq=14.075.65kHz_Audio_center=750Hz Olivia500/16_Lowest_Olivia_tone=516Hz) | http://hflink.com/olivia/ |
14077.1-14077.6 | Olivia | Digital | OLIVIA_500/16 – 14077.4kHz_Center_Freq. (Dial_Freq=14.076.65kHz_Audio_center=750Hz Olivia500/16_Lowest_Olivia_tone=516Hz) | http://hflink.com/olivia/ |
14078-14079 | JT9 | Digital | 18 July 2013 von Nick | |
14078-14080 | Throb | Digital | ||
14078-14082 | MFSK16 | Digital | MFSK8 and 16 normal area of operation USB | |
14078.1-14078.7 | Olivia | Digital | OLIVIA_500/16 – 14078.4kHz_Center_Freq. (USB_Dial_Freq=14.077.65_Audio_center=750Hz Olivia500/16_Lowest_Olivia_tone=516Hz) | http://hflink.com/olivia/ |
14079-14089 | RTTY | Digital | 14080+ RTTY – FSK 45.45baud 170Hz Shift – Normal Center of Activity [International] | |
14080-14084 | DominoEX | Digital | nominal mode DominoEX 11 | |
14080-14110 | RTTY | Digital | http://www.aa5au.com/rtty.html | |
14089-14099 | Automatic | Digital | Automated Digital Stations – 500Hz Bandwidth – IARU Regions 1, | http://hflink.com/bandplans/ |
14090-14110 | Packet | Digital | ||
14097-14097.2 | MEPT_JT/WSPR | Digital | Weak Signal Propagation Reporter – dial 14.0956 USB | http://physics.princeton.edu/pulsar/K1JT/ |
14098.1-14098.5 | APRS | Digital | APRS – 300baud FSK packet network for geo-position reporting. Mobiles, portables, marine. (LSB_Dial_frequency=14100kHz_LSB;Mark=1800Hz) (LSB_Dial Frequency=14100.51;Center=2210Hz) | http://www.aprs.net/vm/DOS/HF.HTM |
14100.5-14112 | Automatic | Digital | Automated Digital Stations – ALL Regions IARU – 2700HzBW | http://hflink.com/bandplans/ |
14100.6-14102.8 | Pactor3 | Digital | Winlink2000 Network | http://www.winlink.org/ |
14101.1-14103.2 | ALE | Digital | 14100.5kHz_USB_Dial_Freq_ALE – 8FSK – Selective Calling – Text Messaging – Propagation – Amateur Automatic Link Establishment – International | http://www.hflink.com/channels/ |
14101.2-14101.4 | HF Packet | Digital | Net14 packet network, especially in Europe. VFO = 14103.0 kHz LSB | http://www.bandscommunications.co.uk/ |
14101.6-14103.8 | Pactor3 | Digital | 14102.7 Winlink2000 Network | http://www.winlink.org/ |
14101.8-14104 | Pactor3 | Digital | 14102.9 Winlink2000 Network | http://www.winlink.org/ |
14102-14101 | APRS Robust Packet OFDM | Digital | world wide APRS channel in new ROBUST PR mode, GATEWAYS | http://www.oevsv.at/export/sites/dachverband/interessensgruppen/aprs/APRS_auf_KW/Robust_Packet_Radio_rev1.pdf |
14102.1-14104.3 | Pactor3 | Digital | 14103.2 Winlink2000 Network | http://www.winlink.org/ |
14103.1-14105.3 | Pactor3 | Digital | 14104.2 Winlink 2000 Network | http://www.winlink.org/ |
14103.2-14103.4 | HF Packet | Digital | Old style packet net in North America. FSK tone frequencies = 14103.21kHz +14103.41kHz. VFO dial frequency =14105.0kHz LSB | |
14103.2-14103.4 | Network 105 | Digital | set VFO 14105.0 LSB | http://mysite.verizon.net/ka1fsb/idx105.html |
14103.8-14106 | Pactor3 | Digital | 14104.9 Winlink 2000 Network | http://www.winlink.org/ |
14104-14109 | Olivia | Digital | OLIVIA 1000/32. Audio Center Freq 1000Hz- 14104.5/14105.5/14106.5/14107.5/14108.5 | http://hflink.com/olivia/ |
14105.6-14107.8 | Pactor3 | Digital | 14106.7 Winlink2000 Network | http://www.winlink.org/ |
14105.8-14108 | Pactor3 | Digital | 14106.9 Winlink2000 Network | http://www.winlink.org/ |
14107.8-14110 | Pactor3 | Digital | 14108.9 Winlink2000 Network | http://www.winlink.org/ |
14108.1-14110.3 | Pactor3 | Digital | 14109.2 Winlink2000 Network | http://www.winlink.org/ |
14108.8-14111.1 | Pactor3 | Digital | 14109.9 / 14110.0 Winlink2000 Network | http://www.winlink.org/ |
14109-14111 | MT63 | Digital | ||
14109-14112 | ALE | Digital | 14109.0kHz USB Global ALE High Frequency Network (HFN) provides HF internet messaging connectivity, HF to SMS cellphone mobile texting, HF-to-HF text relay, selective calling, and interoperability 24/7/365 | http://hflink.com/hfn |
14109-14112 | ALE | Digital | 14109.0kHz USB Global ALE High Frequency Network – Emergency/Disaster Relief frequency (Automatic Link Establishment ) | http://hflink.com/hfn/ |
14109.5-14112 | ALE | Digital | ALE. USB – 8FSK – ARQ. File Transfer and Text Keyboarding via Automatic Link Establishment with ARQ | http://hflink.com |
14109.5-14112 | ALE | Other | 14109.5 USB Automatic Link Establishment High Frequency Network 24/7 Pilot Channel Frequency – IARU Region 1, IARU Region 2, IARU Region 3; Data/Text/Messaging. | http://hflink.com |
14109.9-14112.1 | Pactor3 | Digital | 14111.0 Winlink2000 Network | http://www.winlink.org/ |
14110.5-14111.5 | PskMail | Digital | PskMail, 500 Hz wide. PSKR500 default mode | www.pskmail.com |
14110.8-14113.1 | Pactor3 | Digital | 14111.9 / 14112.0 Winlink2000 Network | http://www.winlink.org/ |
14111.8-14114.1 | Pactor3 | Digital | 14112.9 / 14113.0 Winlink 2000 Network | http://www.winlink.org/ |
14112.3-14115.3 | ALE | Other | 14112.0 kHz USB – ALE – 8FSK, 6PSK, 8PSK,Texting/Keyboarding QSO – DBM ARQ – FAE ARQ – RFSM2400 | http://hflink.com |
14112.5-14115.5 | ROS | Digital | VFO Dial Frequency = 14112.5 kHz USB – ROS digital mode – weak signal | |
14112.8-14115.1 | Pactor3 | Digital | 14113.9 / 14114.0 Winlink2000 Network | http://www.winlink.org/ |
14114.9-14117.1 | Pactor3 | Digital | 14116.0 Winlink2000 Network | http://www.winlink.org/ |
14116.8-14119 | Pactor3 | Digital | 14117.9 Winlink2000 Network | http://www.winlink.org/ |
14119.5-14121.7 | Pactor3 | Digital | 14120.6 Winlink2000 Network | http://www.winlink.org/ |
14150-14350 | SSB | SSB | ||
14180-14185 | ANZA dxnet | SSB | list operation 0515 utc daily | |
14185-14225 | SSB | SSB | USB – DXing | |
14230-14233 | sstv | Digital | groups | |
14236-14239 | DigiVoice | Digital | 14236.0 USB Digital Voice Calling Frequency (DV) [International] | |
14252.5-14262.5 | SSB | SSB | USB – Special Events Stations | |
14260-14265 | SouthBears | SSB | SouthBears Emergency Net Sun 17:30 eastern | southbears.net |
14265-14347 | SSB | SSB | USB – Various Nets | |
1800-1810 | Digital | Digital | ||
1800-2000 | CW | CW | ||
1800-2000 | SSB | SSB | Generally 1843-2000 kHz | |
1805-1810 | Ragchewing & DX | Digital | RTTY | |
1806-1808.8 | ALE | Other | USB 1806.0kHz – ALE Automatic Link Establishment (IARU Regions 2 and 3) Voice/Data | http://hflink.com |
18068-18100 | CW | CW | ||
1807-1810 | BPSK31 | Digital | REGION 1 | |
18100-18105 | BPSK31 | Digital | ||
18100-18110 | RTTY | Digital | http://www.aa5au.com/rtty.html | |
18101-18107 | Feld Hell | Digital | http://feldhellclub.org/ | |
18103.1-18103.7 | Olivia | Digital | OLIVIA_Calling_Freq_18103.4kHz(Center_Freq). DIAL_FREQ=18102.65kHzUSB – AudioCenterMarker=750Hz – Olivia Format=500/16 [International] | http://hflink.com/olivia/olivia.html |
18104-18105 | JT9 | Digital | ||
18105-18107.3 | ALE | Other | 18104.5 kHz USB Automatic Link Establishment High Frequency Network- Data/Text/Messaging – QSO Keyboarding – 8FSK – AMD, DBM ARQ, FAE ARQ. | http://hflink.com |
18105-18109 | Automatic | Digital | Automated Digital Stations – IARU Regions | http://hflink.com/bandplans/ |
18105-18110 | Packet | Digital | ||
18106-18109 | ALE | Digital | 18106.0kHz USB Global ALE High Frequency Network (HFN) provides HF internet messaging connectivity, HF to SMS cellphone mobile texting, HF-to-HF text relay, selective calling, and interoperability 24/7/365 | http://hflink.com/hfn |
18107.5-18108.5 | PskMail | Digital | 18108 center of 500 Hz modes. PSKR500 default. | www.pskmail.com |
18110-18168 | SSB | SSB | ||
18111-18120 | Automatic | Digital | Automated Digital Stations – IARU Region 1 (2700Hz Bandwidth) | http://hflink.com/bandplans/ |
18117.5-18120.2 | ALE | Other | 18117.5 USB – Voice/Data – ALE International Common channel. Automatic Link Establishment and Selective Calling. | http://www.hflink.com/ |
18162.5-18165 | DigiVoice | Digital | 18162.5 USB – Digital Voice – Calling Frequency [International] | |
18165-18170 | Airborn ham-pilots | SSB | ||
1830-1840 | DX Window | CW | Intercontinental DX window | |
1836-1838 | JT65 | Digital | JT65 in USB | |
1837-1840 | digimodes | Digital | PSK/Olivia/MFSK/JT65A all found here (East Coast US) | |
1838-1838.2 | WSPR mode DX | Digital | QRP weak signal DX. Radio dial freq 1836.6 | http://dev.wsprnet.org/drupal/ |
1840-1843 | Digital | Digital | IARU Region 1 – Digimodes – All modes – 2700Hz Bandwidth | http://hflink.com/bandplans/ |
1840-1843 | ROS | Digital | VFO Dial Frequency = 1840.0 kHz USB – ROS digital mode – weak signal | |
1840-1850 | DX Window | SSB | Intercontinental DX window | |
1840.5-1843.2 | ALE | Other | USB – 1840.5 kHz ALE Automatic Link Establishment (IARU Region 1) Data/Voice | http://hflink.com |
1880-1950 | AM | AM | Per Electric Radio publication | |
1995-2000 | Experimental | Other | ||
1996-1999 | HFPACK | SSB | – USB – HFpack – HF Portable – calling frequency – alternate – local | http://hfpack.com |
1999-2000 | Beacons | CW | ||
21000-21025 | DX Window | CW | CW | |
21000-21070 | CW | CW | ||
21063-21070 | Feld Hell | Digital | http://feldhellclub.org/ | |
21070-21075 | BPSK31 | Digital | ||
21070-21100 | RTTY | Digital | http://www.aa5au.com/rtty.html | |
21078-21079 | JT9 | Digital | ||
21086.5-21087 | Olivia | Digital | OLIVIA 500/16 CALLING FREQUENCY – USB_Dial_Frequency_21086.5 – Audio_Center_Frequency_750Hz | http://hflink.com |
21090-21110 | Automatic | Digital | Automated Digital Stations – Region 1 – Bandwidth 500Hz | http://hflink.com/bandplans/ |
21096-21099 | ALE | Other | 21096.0 kHz USB – Automatic Link Establishment – High Frequency Network 24/7 Pilot Channel Frequency – IARU Region 2, IARU Region 3 – Digital Texting/Data | http://hflink.com |
21096-21099 | ALE | Digital | 21096.0kHz USB Global ALE High Frequency Network (HFN) provides HF internet messaging connectivity, HF to SMS cellphone mobile texting, HF-to-HF text relay, selective calling, and interoperability 24/7/365 | http://hflink.com/hfn |
21100-21110 | Packet | Digital | ||
21110-21120 | Automatic | Digital | Automated Digital Stations – IARU Region 1 – 2700Hz Bandwidth | http://hflink.com/bandplans/ |
21116-21119 | ALE | Other | 21116.0 kHz USB – Automatic Link Establishment High Frequency Network 24/7 Pilot Channel Frequency – IARU Region 1 – Texting/Data | http://hflink.com |
21117.5-21120 | ALE | Other | USB – 21117.5kHz ALE – Automatic Link Establishment | http://hflink.com |
21151-21160 | Automatic | Digital | Automated Digital Stations | http://hflink.com/bandplans/ |
21152.5-21153.5 | Olivia | Digital | OLIVIA 1000/32 CALLING FREQUENCY – Dial_Frequency_21152.5 – Audio_Center_Frequency_1000Hz (note: this segment shared with automatic stations) | http://hflink.com/olivia/ |
21152.5-21155.5 | ROS | Digital | VFO Dial Frequency = 21152.5 kHz USB – ROS digital mode – weak signal | |
21200-21450 | SSB | SSB | ||
21400-21450 | AM | AM | Per Electric Radio publication | |
24890-24920 | CW | CW | ||
24920-24925 | BPSK31 | Digital | ||
24920-24925 | Feld Hell | Digital | http://feldhellclub.org/ | |
24920-24930 | RTTY | Digital | http://www.aa5au.com/rtty.html | |
24925-24929 | Automatic | Digital | Automated Digital Stations | http://hflink.com/bandplans/ |
24925-24930 | Packet | Digital | ||
24926-24929 | ALE | Digital | 24926.0kHz USB Global ALE High Frequency Network (HFN) provides HF internet messaging connectivity, HF to SMS cellphone mobile texting, HF-to-HF text relay, selective calling, and interoperability 24/7/365 | http://hflink.com/hfn |
24930-24990 | SSB | SSB | ||
24931-24940 | Automatic | Other | Automated Stations – IARU Region 1 (Bandwidth 2700Hz) | http://hflink.com/bandplans/ |
28000-28025 | DX Window | CW | CW | |
28000-28070 | CW | CW | ||
28063-28070 | Feld Hell | Digital | http://feldhellclub.org/ | |
28070-28150 | RTTY | Digital | http://www.aa5au.com/rtty.html | |
28078-28079 | JT9 | Digital | ||
28100-28110 | Feld Hell | Digital | http://feldhellclub.org/ | |
28120-28125 | BPSK31 | Digital | ||
28120-28150 | Automatic | Digital | Automated Digital Stations – Region 1 (500Hz Bandwidth) | http://hflink.com/bandplans/ |
28120-28189 | Automatic | Digital | Automated Digital Stations | http://hflink.com/bandplans |
28123-28126 | THOR | Digital | BEST OF THE DIGIMODES | |
28126-28126.2 | WSPR | Digital | Whisper WSPR Weak Signal Propagtion Reporting – Low Power Levels used | http://wsprnet.org/drupal/ |
28140-28142 | Packet | CW | APRS at 28.140 USB dial (1700 Hz CF) | http://homepage.ntlworld.com/j.brightman/net14frequ.htm |
28146-28149 | ALE | Digital | 28146.0kHz USB Global ALE High Frequency Network (HFN) provides HF internet messaging connectivity, HF to SMS cellphone mobile texting, HF-to-HF text relay, selective calling, and interoperability 24/7/365 | http://hflink.com/hfn |
28200-28300 | Beacons | CW | ||
28225.5-28228.5 | ROS | Digital | VFO Dial Frequency = 28225.5 kHz USB – ROS digital mode – weak signal | |
28300-28320 | Automatic | Other | Automated Stations – IARU Region 1 (2700Hz Bandwidth) | http://hflink.com/bandplans/ |
28300-29300 | SSB | SSB | ||
29000-29200 | AM | AM | ||
29200-29300 | Automatic | Other | Automated Stations – IARU Region 1 (6kHz Bandwidth) | http://hflink.com/bandplans/ |
29300-29510 | Satellite downlink | Other | ||
29520-29590 | Repeaters | FM | Inputs | |
29610-29700 | Repeaters | FM | Outputs | |
3500-3510 | DX Window | CW | CW | |
3500-3600 | CW | CW | ||
3500-3600 | cw-rtty-psk, etc | Digital | No digital allowed above 3600 kHz | |
3520-3525 | Digital | Digital | Japanese digital window | |
3520-3530 | Japan Digital Window | Digital | This is a correction of what is currently listed | http://jarts.jp/rules2013.html |
3555-3555.5 | NAQCC FRN | CW | 8pm Pacific Time Sundays and Mondays | http://naqcc.info/cw_nets.html |
3570-3575 | BPSK31 | Digital | ||
3577-3580 | ROS | Digital | VFO Dial Frequency = 3577.0 kHz USB – ROS digital mode – weak signal | |
3578-3579 | JT9 | Digital | ||
3580-3582 | BPSK31 | Digital | ALL DIGIS on USB in Region 2 BPSK31,QPSK31 | |
3580-3620 | RTTY | Digital | http://www.aa5au.com/rtty.html | |
3582-3589 | Feld Hell | Digital | http://feldhellclub.org/ | |
3582.5-3584.5 | Olivia | Digital | -USB Dial Frequency- OLIVIA 500/16 CALLING FREQUENCY 3582.5 USB- Audio Center Frequency=750Hz | http://hflink.com/olivia/ |
3583-3586 | THOR 4-22 | Digital | BEST OF THE DIGIMODES | |
3585.1-3587.4 | ALE | Other | 3584.5 kHz USB Automatic Link Establishment High Frequency Network- North America – IARU Region 2 – Data/Text/Messaging – 8FSK – AMD, DBM ARQ, FAE ARQ. | http://hflink.com |
3590-3593 | ALE | Other | 3589.5 USB Automatic Link Establishment High Frequency Network (QSY Text/Data Frequency) | http://hflink.com/ |
3590-3600 | Automatic | Digital | Automated Digital Stations – IARU Region 1 (500Hz Bandwidth) | http://hflink.com/bandplans/ |
3594-3594.2 | MEPT_JT/WSPR | Digital | Weak Signal Propagation Reporter – dial 3.5926 USB | http://physics.princeton.edu/pulsar/K1JT/ |
3596-3599 | ALE | Digital | 3596.0kHz USB Global ALE High Frequency Network (HFN) provides HF internet messaging connectivity, HF to SMS cellphone mobile texting, HF-to-HF text relay, selective calling, and interoperability 24/7/365 | http://hflink.com/hfn |
3596.2-3599.3 | ALE | Other | 3596.0 kHz USB – ALE – Automatic Link Establishment – International Amateur Radio ALE Network – Selective Calling – GPS Reporting – Data – Texting, 8FSK MIL-STD 188-141 and MIL-STD 188-110 | http://hflink.com |
3600-3620 | Automatic | Digital | Automated Digital Stations – IARU Region 1 | http://hflink.com/bandplans/ |
3600-3800 | SSB | Other | All Modes – Region 1 (2700Hz_Bandwidth)[SSB Digi SSTV etc] | http://www.hflink.com/bandplans/region1_bandplan.pdf |
3600-4000 | SSB | SSB | ||
3603-3606 | ROS | Digital | VFO Dial Frequency = 3603.0 kHz USB – ROS digital mode – weak signal | |
3617-3619.8 | ALE | Other | USB – 3617.0 kHz ALE – Automatic Link Establishment (IARU Regions 1 and 3) Data/Voice | http://hflink.com |
3620-3635 | Packet | Digital | ||
3620-3635 | Automatic | Digital | Automated Digital Stations | http://hflink.com/bandplans/ |
3620-3640 | Digital | Digital | Australian digital window | |
3725-3750 | Local and Provincial SSB nets | SSB | traditional Canadian traffic and emergency nets | |
3733-3739 | HamDRM | Digital | http://www.qslnet.de/f6gia | |
3775-3800 | DX Window – SSB | SSB | IARU – ALL Regions except US (3790-3800) | http://www.iaru.org/ |
3790-3800 | DX Window | SSB | SSB | |
3805-3806 | Collins Net | SSB | Tues&Thurs 8-10 PM Central Time | collinsradio.org |
3825-3832 | Traffic, WAS Net | SSB | www.omiss.net | |
3830-3833 | SSB LSB Voice | SSB | Rodger Net NY/NJ/PA | |
3845-3848 | ALE | Other | 3845 kHz USB Automatic Link Establishment – Voice Net – Eastern USA – North America – IARU Region 2 | http://hflink.com |
3870-3890 | AM WINDOW | AM | 3885 AM CALLING, 3870-3890 AM WORKING | |
3870-3890 | AM | AM | Per Electric Radio publication | |
3977-3980 | Oregon Emergency Net | SSB | LSB on dial 3980 – 6PM to ~7:30PM 7 days/wk | W7OEN.net |
3977-3980 | Oregon Emergency Net | SSB | LSB on dial 3980 – 6PM to ~7:30PM 7 days/wk | W7OEN.net |
3985-3982.5 | Wisconsin Traffic Nets | SSB | NTS nets: Badger Weather Net 1100Z; Badger Emergency Net 1800Z; Wis Side Band Net 2300Z0 | http://www.arrl.org/files/media/Group/NCS110610.htm |
3986-3989 | DigiVoice | Digital | USB 3986.0 kHz – Digital Voice Net (Alternate) North America | http://hfpack.com |
3991-3994 | DigiVoice | Digital | USB 3991.0 kHz Digital Voice Calling – Net (Primary) – North America | http://hfpack.com |
3996-3999 | 80m SSTV | SSB | new analog sstv working frequency | http://webpages.charter.net/partytown/sstvcam.htm |
50-50.1 | CW | CW | ||
50.01-50.3 | SSB | SSB | Europe | |
50.06-50.08 | Beacons | CW | ||
50.1-50.125 | DX Window | Other | Mixed CW/SSB | |
50.1-50.3 | SSB | SSB | ||
50.215-50.25 | JT6M | Digital | EUROPE JT6m (Center 50.230) | |
50.255-50.285 | Digital | Digital | FSK441 & JT6M meteor scatter | http://www.qsl.net/digitalonsix/ |
50.292-50.2925 | Olivia | Digital | OLIVIA CALLING FREQUENCY – Dial_Frequency=50291.5kHzUSB – Audio_Center_Frequency_750Hz – Olivia_Format=500/16 [Region 2] | http://groups.yahoo.com/group/oliviadata/ |
50.8-51 | Remote control | Digital | 20-kHz channels | |
51-51.1 | DX Window | CW | Pacific DX window | |
51.12-51.18 | Repeater inputs | Digital | Digital repeaters | |
51.12-51.48 | Repeater inputs | AM | 19 channels | |
51.62-51.68 | Repeater outputs | Digital | Digital repeaters | |
51.62-51.98 | Repeater outputs | AM | 19 channels | |
52-52.48 | Repeater inputs | AM | ||
52.5-52.98 | Repeater outputs | AM | ||
5250-5450 | Emergency / general communications | Other | Trinidad & Tobago — Secondary allocation basis — All mode, 1.5Kw oupput | http://www.tatt.org.tt/ |
5258.5-5261.5 | CW/SSB 60m | CW | CW/SSB (OK / Czech Republic) | http://hflink.com/5mhz/ |
5258.5-5261.5 | SSB/CW | CW | Czech Republic SSB/CW Experimental channel allocation (OK1RP) | |
5258.5-5264 | UK 60m | Other | New UK freq as of 1st Jan 2013 | |
5276-5284 | UK 60m | CW | UK | |
5276-5284 | All mode | Other | Opened up to UK NOV 1/1 2013 | |
5278.5-5281.5 | Lower Ragcew light usage | SSB | Good for inter G/EI and Europe Scandanavia,Iceland but subject to SeaSerface Radar QRM | non |
5278.5-5281.5 | Lower Ragcew light usage | SSB | Good for inter G/EI and Europe Scandanavia,Iceland but subject to SeaSerface Radar QRM | non |
5288.5-5292 | UK 60m | CW | UK | |
5289.5-5290.5 | beacon | Other | 5289.5-USB & MT63 / 5290.5 CW | www.oz1fjb.dk or www.qrz.com/ov1bcn |
5298-5307 | UK 60m | CW | New UK freq as of 1st Jan 2013 | |
5298-5307 | All mode | Other | Opened up to UK NOV 1/1 2013 | |
5298.5-5301.5 | Lower Common | SSB | Rag Chew, talk back Inter EU/G/EI subject to ALE and other QRM | none |
5298.5-5301.5 | Irish fixedfixed 60m channel (canno QSY) | SSB | Used for EI/UK Rag Chew twice daily, also EI/Scandanavia | none |
53-53.48 | Repeater inputs | AM | ||
53.5-53.98 | Repeater outputs | AM | ||
5313-5323 | UK 60m | CW | New UK freq as of 1st Jan 2013 | |
5313-5323 | UK All mode | Other | Opened up to UK NOV 1/1 2013 | |
5325-5425 | ham emcomm | Other | Band | |
5333-5338 | UK 60m | CW | New UK freq as of 1st Jan 2013 | |
5333-5338 | UK All modes | Other | Opened up to UK NOV 1/1 2013 | |
5350-5450 | PA: SSB/CW/DIGI/AM | SSB | The Netherlands – all modes allowed – 100 W. PEP | http://www.agentschaptelecom.nl/ |
5354-5358 | UK 60m | SSB | New UK freq as of 1st Jan 2013 | |
5354-5358 | UK All modes | Other | Opened up to UK NOV 1/1 2013 | |
5357.1-5359.9 | SSB 60m | SSB | UPPER SIDEBAND freq = 5357.0kHz USB voice (USA New 60m Channel) use transmit filter bandwidth = 2.5kHz or less | http://hflink.com/60meters/ |
5357.1-5359.9 | 60m | Digital | DATA center freq = 5358.5 kHz [use 5357.0kHz USB VFO dial freq + 1500 Hz audio center] (USA New 60m Channel) with maximum signal bandwidth 2.8kHz. | http://hflink.com/60meters/ |
5362-5374.5 | UK 60m | SSB | New UK freq as of 1st Jan 2013 | |
5362-5374.5 | UK All modes | Other | Opened up to UK NOV 1/1 2013 | |
5371.5-5374.5 | SSB 60m | SSB | 5371.5kHz USB (UK ) | http://www.rsgb-spectrumforum.org.uk/5mhz%20operating%20practice.htm |
5378-5382 | UK 60m | SSB | New UK freq as of 1st Jan 2013 | |
5378-5382 | UK All modes | Other | Opened up to UK NOV 1/1 2013 | |
5395-5401.5 | UK 60m | SSB | New UK freq as of 1st Jan 2013 | |
5395-5401.5 | UK All modes | Other | Opened up to UK NOV 1/1 2013 | |
5398.5-5401.5 | Upper Common, RSGB NewsNet | CW | Good for inter G/EI and Europe Scandanavia,Iceland | none |
5398.5-5401.5 | Upper Common, RSGB NewsNet | CW | Good for inter G/EI and Europe Scandanavia,Iceland | none |
5403.5-5406.5 | UK 60m | SSB | New UK freq as of 1st Jan 2013 | |
7000-7010 | DX Window | CW | CW | |
7000-7060 | CW | CW | ||
7025-7030 | Digital | Digital | JAPAN – Digital | |
7025-7030 | Digital | Digital | JAPAN – Digital | |
7030-7040 | Feld Hell | Digital | http://feldhellclub.org/ | |
7030.5-7033.2 | ALE | Other | USB – 7030.5kHz ALE – Automatic Link Establishment (IARU Region 3) Data | http://hflink.com |
7035-7040 | BPSK31 | Digital | REG. 1 – Narrow band modes (7035 PSK31 Center Activity) | http://www.iaru.org/Chapter-5.1.pdf |
7035-7040 | Olivia | Digital | ||
7035-7045 | RTTY | Digital | Region 1 | http://www.aa5au.com/rtty.html |
7038-7040 | Automatic | Digital | Automatic Digital Stations – IARU Region 1 (500Hz Bandwidth) | http://hflink.com/bandplans/ |
7040-7040.2 | WSPR (Worldwide) | Digital | Website shows dial freq=7038.600 kHz. Op freq =dial + 1500Hz +-100Hz | http://wsprnet.org/drupal/ |
7040-7040.2 | WSPR (Worldwide) | Digital | USB dial = 7038.6, audio 1400…1600Hz | http://wsprnet.org/drupal/ |
7040-7043 | Automatic | Digital | Automatic Digital Stations – IARU Region 1 (2700Hz Bandwidth) | http://hflink.com/bandplans/ |
7040-7043 | PSK | Digital | 7.040 USB is the most common 40m PSK frequency in the UK | |
7040-7050 | Digi Modes | Digital | according to new bandplan region1 | |
7040-7060 | BPSK31 | Digital | EW Region 1 Bandplan in effect Marts 2009! | |
7040-7060 | BPSK31 | Digital | EW Region 1 Bandplan in effect Marts 2009! | http://www.iaru-r1.org/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=173&func=download&id=67&chk=2c64c5a348decd46ef8f00b39fd90109&no_ht |
7041-7043 | ALE | Other | USB – 7040.5kHz ALE – Automatic Link Establishment (IARU Region 1) Data [Europe/Africa/Mideast/Rus] | http://hflink.com |
7043-7100 | SSB | SSB | SSB Voice; All Modes [International – IARU Regions1,2,3] [except USA lower 48 states] | |
7053-7056 | ROS | Digital | VFO Dial Frequency = 7053.0 kHz USB – ROS digital mode – weak signal | |
7067-7069 | Feld Hell | Digital | http://feldhellclub.org/ | |
7070-7075 | BPSK31 | Digital | ||
7074-7075 | THOR | Other | Best chat mode yet! | http://af4k.com |
7075-7082 | Feld Hell | Digital | http://feldhellclub.org/ | |
7078-7079 | JT9 | Digital | ||
7080-7100 | RTTY | Digital | http://www.aa5au.com/rtty.html | |
7100-7102.2 | ALE | Other | 7099.5 kHz USB Automatic Link Establishment High Frequency Network – IARU Region 2; Data/Text/Messaging. | http://hflink.com |
7100-7105 | Automatic | Digital | Automated Digital Stations | http://hflink.com/bandplans/ |
7100-7125 | CW QRS | CW | Promoted by SKCC for slow CW. Used for this purpose in North America. Former U.S. novice CW sub-band. | |
7100-7200 | SSB | Other | All Modes – IARU Region 1 [2700Hz_Bandwidth] (SSB Digi SSTV etc) | http://www.hflink.com/bandplans/region1_bandplan.pdf |
7102-7105 | ALE | Digital | 7102.0kHz USB Global ALE High Frequency Network (HFN) provides HF internet messaging connectivity, HF to SMS cellphone mobile texting, HF-to-HF text relay, selective calling, and interoperability 24/7/365 | http://hflink.com/hfn |
7102.3-7104.9 | ALE | Other | 7102 kHz USB Automatic Link Establishment High Frequency Network 24/7 Pilot Channel Frequency – IARU Region 2; Data/Text/Messaging | http://hflink.com |
7104-7105 | FSQ | Digital | Fast Simple QSO (chat) | http://www.qsl.net/zl1bpu/MFSK/Rules.pdf |
7110.8-7113.8 | ALE | Other | 7110.5 kHz USB – ALE – 8FSK, 6PSK, 8PSK, QSO Keyboarding/Texting: DBM ARQ, FAE ARQ, RFSM2400 | http://hflink.com |
7125-7300 | SSB | SSB | ||
7160-7163 | GreenGroup | SSB | 7160 USB – UPPER SIDEBAND – Green radios group – 0200z | |
7160-7185 | Green daily net 02:00z | Other | USB military equipment user’s net. Daily 02:00z | |
7170-7173 | GreenGroup | SSB | 7170 USB – UPPER SIDEBAND – Green radios group (F2) – 0200z | |
7185-7195 | AM Italian net | AM | AM week end boatanchor lovers net | http://groups.google.it/group/boatanchors-net/topics |
7185.5-7188 | HFPACK | SSB | 7185.5 USB (Upper Sideband) International HF Portable Calling Frequency – Mobile – Portable – Base – Marine – Aero | http://hfpack.com/air/ |
7185.5-7188.5 | ALE | Other | USB 7185.5kHz ALE Automatic Link Establishment – International Calling Frequency – UPPER SIDEBAND Voice | http://hflink.com |
7185.5-7188.5 | ALE | CW | ||
7185.5-7188.5 | ALE | Other | 7185.5 kHz USB – International Amateur Radio HF ALE Automatic Link Establishment Network – Selective Calling – 8FSK | http://hflink.com |
7190-7193 | GreenGroup | SSB | 7190 USB – UPPER SIDEBAND – Green radios group (F1) – 0200z | |
7195.5-7200 | ALE | Other | USB 7195.5 kHz ALE – Automatic Link Establishment | http://hflink.com |
7285-7286 | Tri-Town Amateur Radio Club Alumni Group | SSB | I have been NCS for 19 years for the group. Club over 75 years with 40 years on or about subject freq. | |
7286-7289 | DigiVoice | Digital | USB 7286.0 kHz – Digital Voice Net (Alternate) – North America | http://hfpack.com |
7291-7294 | DigiVoice | Digital | USB 7291.0 kHz – Digital Voice Calling – Net (Primary) – North America | http://hfpack.com |