Totally like when I was a kid …

"GRAVY FOR YOUR BRAIN!" – Conspiracy Theory (1997)
Totally like when I was a kid …
“The world would change for the better overnight if there was a LOT LESS bullying and a LOT MORE building.” – Dr. Freckles
It’s not personal …
If you go swimming in the ocean and you get eaten by a shark? – it’s not personal man, get over that shit … as the tinier fish eat what’s left of you.
You are out hiking alone, thinking about some Robert Frost, and the COST of this life and the dreams you have … but you fall down a hill and fall ill with a bone sticking out and a blood trail to follow? Yeah, the coyotes will eat you HOLLOW: and it’s not about you bro, let the coyotes FEAST in PEACE.
If you travel to Spain in a robot plane and you go insane cuz the plane crashes? Turns to ashes? – it’s not personal bro, you could have died from cola and pop rocks.
Whomever the president is? – totally not personal. If your final destination is supposed to be some camp or to end up dying of hunger in a chaos torn city … doesn’t matter who the president is AND it’s nothing you did, we are cool.
Your “neighbors” from across the river have dropped nearly 100K tons of TNT on your town in the last year, most of the people you know are dead and no one cares … you wander nearly empty streets, broken, rubble strewn, to find a little food and water … don’t worry, it’s not personal.
If you see a mushroom cloud in the distance, and a super-fast over-blast wind is about to beat you down? And you’re cooked and dead like reverso-FRED? – come on man, it’s not fucking personal.
If freaks come out of the woodwork, in clusters: like September 2019 or SPRING 2020 or right now? – those freaks are visiting MANY SUCH CASES … all races … and it’s not personal, it’s just a budgeting line at Langley.
Shadow banning?
Weird clicks on the phone line?
Strange new friends that direct you towards goals that are NOT yours?
It’s not cool, it’s fucked up … and …
It’s not personal.
Ask the WAGYU BEEF lady from the GOP convention WHO read the ARDAS for PAPA BLUMP … it’s not about you man, it’s not about me, it’s DEFINITELY NOT about JESUS, and it’s not personal. She and TRUMP will replace you at the aerospace company, with “necessary” STEM labor, more planes will crash, no one will give a fuck.
Climate Gaslighting:
What I shall do:
As I said: GAZA looks dumb and sloppy, in addition to being retarded. It’s as if the CIA told Israel 1.5 years ago that “if you have business to finish, finish it soon”.
And the debate about necessary STEM workers is equally retarded. As someone who has worked in STEM, I can tell you this “shortage” is 100% manufactured by the people claiming we NEED more Indians or Chinese, or etc.
But what if the NEXT nation to tip over isn’t going to be a small one …
What if the next nation to tip into total chaos is INDIA, and it happens in 2025?
(now the WAGYU BEEF lady at the convention makes more sense)
(and so does Trump’s cabinet)
And that means it could be the worst case scenariod.
And as always: they will blame the poors for why Rome burns.
Now they talk of PSYWARS … great … listen to these shitheads at your own peril.
I got time to tell you, but not much left.
A tired and swollen heart, a liver that never quits, a mind split or schizoid as the docs say; that’s what I got for Christmas.
I wanted to hunt quiver buffalo so that my girlfriend SADIE could make me mix tapes and Alabama breakfast. Her quill THRILLED me, and the great chase was upon us. Nothing can stop us, not even the dawn of ROBOT MAN and his robot massage oil strategies. Magic fingers in the bed? – sure pal, you’ll see it.
What the FUCK did I get for CHRISTMAS … SHAMBLES … broken promises … ominous signs and portend’ings. My CHRISTMAS SATURNALIA EVIL SANTA PARTY HQ is FULL UP on cocaine poetry, and the MASTER of CEREMONIES has not yet arrived.
Doesn’t matter what I wanted, it’s what I get.
I was ready for the ICE PRINCESS and for LUKE and LAURA to spend the DAYS of our LIVES in DALLAS … with Mr. Rogers. Rudolf, after spending CHRISTMAS EVE getting wasted, stands TALL upon the precipice of your manor as a fat old weirdo scuttles down your chimney, delivery the bounty of whiskey pain and cigarette burns. That’s what I got for Christmas too …
I chipped in with CHARLIE from Camp Easter, we served in the MEGLAMITE WARS of 2088, and then we were sent back in time for vacation and restoration. Southern whalers battling Dixie ski boats and bikini tasters stood against us at the Battle of Mooks, but the Jersey Boys won out and the RAT PACK was sent to Wyoming to fish for bear mackerel. I wanted a train for Christmas, but instead I got that and multi-dimensional genital crabs. Merry fucking Christmas … Happy fucking New YEAR.
MY GHOST WARRIORS struck GOLD a month ago, after savaging the renal-failure freaks of Quadrant-22B. They spent their monies on whores and guns and buns covered in gravy; as the night ends so ALSO their furious obedience to Dionysus and his arts. Then, when the sun rose, my house was on fire and the sky-riddles were left in faded ink. That was one helluva CHRISTMAS, wasn’t it …
Broken families.
Broken faith.
Brother and sister, turned against each other.
Wars, and rumors of wars.
Famines and floods.
And a distant ballad sung in the darkest way …
“A gift is coming this XMAS, for all the Roman swell … a taste of honey and Baal and Hell. A witches brew just for you, made by elves in France.”
And it has blood soaked wrapping.
And on it is written: “Happy New Year! Good luck in 2025 …”
Good luck, spoken like a curse.