“Bitcoin looks more like Scientology than technology.” – Dr. Freckles
Your GUY …
“You ‘vote’ for your GUY, love your GUY? – I always hated your GUY.” – Dr. Freckles

“Comedians help people learn how to LIVE without dying.” – Dr. Freckles
People love to live without learning, sometimes the BURNING is all they can see.
Comedians love to DIE for the yearning of turning their pain into something to be.
YORG-LORDS have care for the churning, cuz monkey-style lovers linger near the sea.
Comedians help us by talking about DEATH, and making you LAUGH, so the consequence can be observed, safely, from a distance.
Comedians assist us in KNOWING how to live, a freedom they give, so the dying is for lying.
Greet death, say goodbye to Saturday Night Memphis Style Sex Machines …
(snare drum)
You need to pick the right topic for the right audience …
It’s okay to mock the outsiders and KNOW WHO they are, and who the insiders are …
If your audience is mainly the ELITE, mocking INSIDERS could get you killed or worse …
Currently in America it’s okay to make fun of the following groups:
- government workers (tbh: based)
- lawyers (based)
- journalists (based, without sympathy)
- homeless people
- public school teachers (kinda based)
- the poors
- foreigners (sometimes based)
- palestinians
Currently, it’s not okay to make fun of:
- Papa Blump-TRUMP
- Israel
- Climate Change OR the Climate Change Deniers (you don’t get to pick a third option)
- Space
- Elon Musk
- Bitcoin
- Zionists
- BMW-Christians (Maserati-jesus)
- People that believe the “covid” was real
- People not willing to ask about WTC-7
- Mentally disabled (based, and mainly because of Trump’s base)
See: Richard Pryor, Bill Murray … those alive, those dead

Florida Alligators: https://www.floridasportsman.com/editorial/no-problems-with-big-gators-until-i-retired/514549
They say there is ONE PLASTIC SPOON’S WORTH of microplastics in all our brains, driving us insane, doing cocaine …
Nobody …
“Nobody knows what nothing means, that’s like CLIFF NOTES Jacques Derrida.” – Dr. Freckles
Stop to smell …
“When on the road of life, stop to smell the rotting corpses.” – Dr. Freckles
“Imagine a calamity so bad that bodies are left to rot in the streets, not enough people left alive to bury them, and it’s NOT GAZA, it’s the USA baby: COMING SOON.” – Dr. Freckles
That GUY
“What if BOBLIMPTOCK is just another name for ‘planetary hospice’, and that ‘guy’ was right?” – Dr. Freckles
“I defeated you 8 BILLION TIMES, you defeated me only once.” – Dr. Freckles
“If the government apologizes for making a mistake, you should know it’s at least 10 times worse.” – Dr. Freckles
We make things …
“We make things that make us.” – Dr. Freckles