Welcome back @RealAlexJones@DanSully2023 please watch this and and do a break down this video on your podcast. Thanks. #infowar pic.twitter.com/j5C3pjtsxe
— The Militia at Temple Square (@jordongibb) December 15, 2023
The Antichrist
The Antichrist will be an evil reflection of Christ.
In a sense: like Olestra … not fat, not a thing anyone should consume … and it will give you the shits.
And if you think you know who it is and you’re right, before the Revelation? – you should write the name on a rock, and toss it into the sea … as I’ve said so many times before.
Davy Jones’ Locker
“Let’s be honest: Davy Jones’ Locker is not the bottom of the ocean, it’s a woman’s cooch.” – Dr. Freckles
If Democracy worked …
“If democracy actually worked? – it would be like the Krell from ‘Forbidden Planet’, except it would take more than one night because government ain’t that fucking efficient.” – Dr. Freckles
The real pandemic …
“The real pandemic: ‘smart’ devices.” – Dr. Freckles
Ironically named things are destroying us.
Plan 10 from Outer Space
“Plan 9 from outer space might have been the ‘reanimation of the dead’, but Plan 10 was definitely ‘fake a pandemic’.” – Dr. Freckles
It’s a trap …
“Beware the limited-hangout sheepdog humans that say something right every once in a while: it’s a trap.” – Dr. Freckles
“People being ‘right’ once in a blue moon does NOT make them trustworthy, no more than a broken clock.” – Dr. Freckles
War and Armies
“War and Armies: providing the world with dead, tortured, broken spirits, homeless people and refugees since 4,000 BC.” – Dr. Freckles
Drinks with a Dane …
“They say, don’t drink with a ghost. I say, don’t drink with a Danish person – not unless you want to stare into the face of gormlessly fatalistic schadenfreude darkness.” – Dr. Freckles
Ultimate mind fuck …
“Cities are the ultimate mind fuck.” – Dr. Freckles