Could be the magical bird flu, and it could be that our trading partners are no longer taking dollars as good faith trade payments. Instead, they want trade-in-kind.
Or it could be worse …
(but it’s not the “bird flu”)
Could be the magical bird flu, and it could be that our trading partners are no longer taking dollars as good faith trade payments. Instead, they want trade-in-kind.
Or it could be worse …
(but it’s not the “bird flu”)
Guinness Record:,your%20bearings%20and%20recover%20breath.
The real winners are at the bottom of the ocean …
The prize? – death.
A wound I do not need is reopened.
Now – tell me about the nature of time.
Tell me WHY Nietzsche had it RIGHT all along, that EFFECT following CAUSE is a mere convention of the mind; we can’t be too sure which way the arrow points.
I want to let go of hate, especially pointless hate. I accept my part in MY great tragedies of 2016. I am also okay laying blame where it is appropriate, and though the GOAT KING was one of the forces that fucked up that year, he was not the only one or the last. 2017 would bring its own bevy of FUN PEOPLE, and 2018 would not be much improvement … to include the weir sexual touching while working contract at Alaska Airlines AND that was the summer of the Horizon mechanic that lost it and stole the plane. It was also the summer of firestorms up and down the west coast from Mexico to the Alaskan Arctic. The skies were orange and brown and black for several weeks, the air was hard to breathe for at least a month. It’s hard to hold your breath for a month.
I don’t want to go too crazy here, I just have a lot of thoughts today.
I know Jesus wants me to forgive, but I also know that there are things that can feel impossible to forgive; maybe this is because the THING also involves forgiving yourself. I need to forgive myself for being such a fucking weak and pathetic mess that I let those fucks into my life. I need to forgive myself for being so naive about the anarchist movement in the USA, and to underestimate the number of feds out there (they don’t care about voters, those sheep stay in the paddock). Forgiving myself is near impossible, so maybe that’s why I can’t forgive some of those “people” that I’ve met in the last 10 years.
You have sensed my anger … FUNNY … the anger level SPIKED a couple days ago, before the email from the journalist: there’s another win for Nietzschean time.
So maybe the arrow goes both ways.
Maybe we can, all of us, sense impending “doom”, like some spooky reptilian brain bullshit from millions of years ago.
Maybe I’m psychic? – probably not.
Maybe these are all coincidences? – very likely.
I just can’t help but think I expected something shitty today and it made me sick to my stomach before it happened.
OBLIVION: the condition or state of being forgotten or unknown …
This is what I want: to not know or be known. I want to disappear from the human drama and confusion. I’m as addicted to the humanity drug as anyone, and it’s better if I go cold turkey. It’s not possible to describe what this means, you have to feel it and be here with me right now. Are you here with me right now, buddy?
I am UNASHAMED of my past, because others in my life carry the shame for me; not their burden, not theirs to possess, but in the gelatinous mass of “humanity”, in America today, it is all so fitful, frantic, frustrating and fucked.
I have no pride in my life, not because I am worthless but because I have no idea, other than GOD, who would do the measuring. And if there is no GOD? – then no one measures, and all lives, good or bad, wise or foolish, rich or poor, beautiful or ugly, are all equally worthless and without measure. Sure, there are the arbitrary “measures” imposed by the STATE and its mind-control apparatus, but these are empty things fully revealed to those who are not children.
You can’t UN-FUCK THINGS. You might want to reverse entropy, but you really can’t. Sure, you can grab the GLUE and the broken pieces and play pretend like you’re some cartoon Japanese character practicing some ancient and meditative art form: but broke is broke, even the patina it allows still indicates it’s BROKE. It will never be what it once was, you can’t go back and fix it. You joined the Army? – great, you can’t undo whatever happened as a result. You took the vaccine? – doesn’t matter if it was poison or placebo, either is possible, but you can’t change it.
Hearts get broken, you can say they “heal”, but do they, really?
I’ve had a persistent obsession since I was a kid: TIME TRAVEL. I doubt I’m alone or special in this. Among children it’s always “dinosaurs and trains and trucks and planes”, then, as you grow older, it morphs: for the nerds there are many splits, branches in sequence, and “time travel” is just one possibility.
I designed a time machine when I was 16 – I can’t prove it. That notebook, and a whole bunch of other ephemera, ended up in a dumpster in Indianapolis, 25 years ago.
I had the idea for HOW the machine would work, what was missing was the cosmology, the basis. Then, about 4 years ago, during the “COVID”, I started thinking deeper and deeper about what we call NOW.
NOW it’s happening.
NOW we’re here.
NOW is a moment in time: but what the fuck does that mean?
YOU CAN’T TRAVEL THROUGH TIME, you really can’t.
There is no multiverse, sorry.
The Schrodinger’s Cat thought experiment IS ACCURATE and super position exists. But it has nothing to do with alternate realities, what it does refer to is the UNRESOLVED and UN-COALESCED PRESENT.
THE NOW isn’t fixed, this is the cause of Einstein’s “spooky action at a distance” conundrum. If he had understood that the PRESENT or NOW was as relative as space-time itself, or, more accurately; it’s not SPACE-TIME, it’s SPACE-NOW.
Our reality is constructed of “events”. Occurrences and interactions, seemingly trivial at times, from the microcosm to the macrocosm, from the quantum to the “political”, the universe is built of EVENTS, not matter. Matter is simply an occurrence.
Imagine there’s a part of the universe that is PENULTIMATE in one sense: boring. The most boring part of the universe. A place BILLIONS of light years from anything. From ice, from gas, from other solar systems. This might be the trailing edge of creation, the area between the galactic perimeter and the photonic bubble that represents the greatest distance light traveled from the BIG BANG. This is a really boring place, no action, no real change. If you could travel to that special region of the universe, you would have the privilege that no other being receives: to experience a SECOND as a second, a minute as a minute, an hour as an hour.
The set of events occurring at any MOMENT in time and the lines of force that connect these events represent the General Causality Field: a field that represents the sequential connections between all things that exist and will exist, matter, energy, etc.
LOW ENTROPY within the general causality field is a lot like that “boring place”, where a second is a second is a second.
HIGH ENTROPY is more like reality: a given unit of time is mainly stable, but sometimes a second is NOT a second.
The leading edge of the PRESENT is the line that separates the NOW from the FUTURE: this is fixed. For any given moment in time the “future” is fixed.
The trailing edge of the present is variable, according to my point of view and THEREFORE any “travel” within the scope of an expanded NOW represents ZERO risk of contradictions or paradoxes, all will be resolved eventually: the cat will either be alive or dead, eventually.
Now under normal circumstances, the trailing edge of the NOW is more or less equal to the unit measure of the PRESENT: for sake of argument, a SECOND is congruent to a SECOND that follows it, statistically. But under extraordinary conditions of entropy within the general causality field a moment can vary, the “now” can remain unresolved for more than a second. It might be possible, under rare circumstances, and also LOCAL to some region of space-time, that the trailing edge could go back 5 minutes. Maybe 10 minutes. Imagine déjà vu is the REAL EXPERIENCE of unresolved possibilities within the present or the now? Imagine the “Mandela Effect” is a similar but LARGER SCALE PHENOMENA.
If you could “cool” the relative entropy of the internal causality states of a given object, while at the same time expanding the PRESENT (which really means extending the trailing edge of the present), then you could travel back. And this is the problem: once ANY EVENT resets itself to a moment, and the NOW collapses back to normal state? – the previous future is gone.
If you go back 5 minutes, no big deal right? – consciousness is preserved and people might have “spooky experiences” but not much more.
If you go back 5 years? – people you know might be dead. You have RESET the future to five years ago, the “future” you left is gone. This is also why I think this can only be a local space-time phenomena, at low levels of scale.
You might say: how far could you go back?
You would need to invent several technologies to do it safely, to include constructing a HAWKING SPHERE or bubble-universe shield to exclude extra-causal behaviors that would undo the “future” you remember. You would also need a way to re-sync with the future point in time, versus just re-synching to trailing edge time, which would reset the future.
Device 1: An quantum entropy generator capable of dilating the PRESENT and extending the trailing edge back a certain distance. Lets assume a person with 50 billion dollars could build this and assume the biggest dilation for any local space-time would be 50 years.
Device 2: A negative energy projection system or inverse holographic injection system that is capable of LOWERING the relative entropy of the internal causality field of some object or “time machine”.
Device 3 (optional): A Hawking-sphere field system that cancels out all causal interaction between the time machine and the past.
Device 4 (per Device 3): To go BACK to your past, you will hijack ordinary relativity, with a twist, and build a holographic energy (photonic) injection system for INCREASING the internal general causality fields entropy to the point that while [X, Y, Z] of the abstract location vector stay FIXED, [T] experiences dilation.
This is a great deal of high level conjecture, clearly I don’t have the money to make this work.
You would hop back, 50 years. If you have the Hawking-field you could observe the world, but you would be unable to interact with it. You take a video, you turn on the positive energy injector, and you head home. No problem, no contradictions.
But maybe you’re an ASS …
If you are an ASS, then you don’t give a FUCK ALL about causal-shielding or Hawking spheres? – then you keep hopping, 50 years after 50 years … the further you go back, the further back the local space-time future gets reset.
If you were EVIL? – you could build a time-skipper, a literal time-bomb. Design it to use a radio-nucleotide decay battery … after 100 million jumps you would be far enough back that you could reset the universe itself. Of course this is impossible.
But it’s nice to think about, on a day like today.
I guess she’s even MORE PRO GAZA genocide than Matt … so I guess ISRAEL GAETZ what ISRAEL WANTS.
Tell me old boy, how many of your GREEN BERET or SEAL or other SOCOM friends are hooked on the drugs these cartels sell? – I bet more than a couple, or they’re hooked on the “good drugs” their military doctor prescribes.
This will turn out epic.
(someone is lying)
Public lists of “shame” …
Secret lists of torment.
People on the public lists of shame? – they get their sites ripped off, they get sued, very publicly. Ridicule and calumny, publicly, is heaped upon them. If they are banned from a site, they are back after the “heroes journey” story-line has completed, and then they have 10 times more followers and acolytes. People on the well sheep dipped public lists of SHAME.
Then there are the secret lists. Mind you, if people knew about THESE lists they would be quite upset. One thing, YOU might be on one of the secret lists of torment; because of something you said, some protest you went to, you said an off color remark about Israel. You will find life difficult on the WWW, you will find that all the channels are blocked, all the doors barred, and no easy way to communicate.
The publicly shamed are the guardians of “truth”, they watch the boundary of Overton’s paddock. They find themselves ENRICHED by the attack, which we as SOVIETOLOGISTS know as “sheep dipping”. The trials, the controversies, the limited hangouts of miscellaneous value. Very few of them are real. You won’t ever know. The lower you go, the faker they get. If you have some “cool dude” with a “rad YOUTUBE CHANNEL” producing “great content” about HAM RADIO? – you might be watching a production a la USAF TROLL FARMS outside VEGAS. Just be careful you FUCK.
Probably the most diabolical thing about it is you get driven crazy, you no longer believe YOU.
On another subject …
It’s come to my attention that the 1-5 actual human podcast listeners I have are upset. The other bots and grifter accounts are steadfastly awaiting further orders; but the one or two or maybe FIVE real people are pissed … because I called you retarded and gay for being so amped up about the ORANGE KING … and did you here? – MATT does not GAETZ to be Attorney General … there’s some LIT content for your YOUTUBE edge-lord.
I don’t really care about any random person’s feelings SO FUCKING MUCH that I’m going to edit my speech or self-censor. I have too much “lists of torment” bullshit already.
I also don’t care about calling out social media as being fake as fuck – I have no earthly idea how “real” the people are that you interact with, but if it ever seems like you’re talking to a twenty-something USAF airmen? – you might be.
If you think ANY of what I was saying was about you? – well troll, bot, grifter, I’ve been down that road before too … too too many fucking times. I also don’t care. I wasted over 200 dollars this last year in the LAME ATTEMPT to use social media ONE LAST TIME to help with my podcast and my books. I am the moron here for even entertaining the possibility that there’s a magical escape from the “lists of torment”.
However, I can try, publicly, to get on the “lists of shame”. At this point in human history, any random gay retard can “hawk tuah” their way to POWER as long as they can break through the media control grid. It’s not easy, it takes imagination. If you come up with an idea that ALSO won’t get you or someone else killed? – you best keep that idea in the safest place you have, your own mind, deep and almost hidden to yourself.
So I’m working on plans …
Some will involve social engineering and lesser magic and prayer …
Some will involve Kaufman style antics and street theater …
Some and perhaps ALL of these actions will put my livelihood at risk, which is the same as saying “it could kill me”. I’m 54, and 1 mistake from street homelessness.
(and I’m okay with that too)
Live free or die? – FUCK YEAH!
And then there’s this:
A “reporter” contacted me by email today. I won’t reveal more but it was concerning WIDE AWAKE MEDIA and Jarrod Fidden. I am wary about talking to a journalist about that weird fuck, but I also know pretending to be a journalist or hiring some hooker to pretend is shit Jarrod would do, he’s a real mind fucker. So, JARROD, why don’t you just fucking pay me the money you owe me? – I figure, fair estimate, with interest and damages? …. about 500,000 US dollars … pay me you fuck.
HOW THE FUCK does this guy end up with nearly 600K followers after 2 years on the trash-app?
(I had 300 after 12 months)
(and that doesn’t count the previous dozen BANNED accounts)
Clearly JARROD sucks ELON’S COCK.
And then there’s this … an account on TWITTER since 2010 … HOW THE FUCK DO YOU BECOME THIS SPECIAL … and be so opposed to the “power”.
I’ve had dozens of banned accounts since then.
(I dunno man)
… and now for something COMPLETELY different …
import urllib.request, urllib.error, urllib.parse
import requests
import re
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
url = ''
response = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
webContent ='UTF-8')
soup = BeautifulSoup(webContent.lower(), 'html.parser')
lst = re.findall('mailto[:]\\S+@\\S+', webContent.lower())
for l in lst:
for link in soup.find_all('a'):
if link.get('href')[0:4] == "http":
import sys
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
msg = MIMEText("Here is the body of my message")
msg["From"] = "[email protected]"
msg["To"] = "[email protected]"
msg["Subject"] = "This is the subject."
p = Popen(["/usr/sbin/sendmail", "-t", "-oi"], stdin=PIPE)
# Both Python 2.X and 3.X
p.communicate(msg.as_bytes() if sys.version_info >= (3,0) else msg.as_string())
# Python 2.X
# Python 3.X
I am moving away from social media again; perhaps for just a short time, maybe for longer, much longer. I don’t really see “Trump Winning” as a sign of celebration, mind you: “Clamala Winning” would have been no improvement. These people have no power, they are totems, they represent the TABOO, “thou shalt not rise up against thine masters”.
[you enter the lounge from stage left, you overhear me muttering over my martini]
“I’m thinking about quitting drinking …”
“YOU ARE thinking about quitting drinking?”
[I look at you with my crooked eyes and my slanted smile]
“I’m THINKING about quitting drinking beer … switching to wine … but I might kill you first you fuck.”
So yeah, social media is that helpful.
As I’ve oft repeated on my podcast: I went back to TWITTER this last time to “get my blue check mark” and to see if that would make a difference, to see if ELON had “freed the slaves”, and there was my schadenfreude. It wasn’t really a disappointment, I didn’t expect it to be better or less grifter or to have less censorship. Not disappointed, simply reminded once again that this shitty neo-stalinist hellhole is falling apart; no one is likely to repair this place. Trump and Clamala and Oliver Twist are totems, your freewill is taboo.
So goodbye TWITTER/X again, FUCK YOU ELON, GFY MAGA-MAN and MAGA-BITCH. Enjoy your bargaining, you are still so far away from acceptance.
When I think about it, I have MAYBE met 5 people from TWITTER I can verify as “human”, and of those perhaps 2 were not fakers. It reminds me of RICK and MORTY SEASON 2 when they get that INFESTATION of WORMS that pretend to be OLD TIME FRIENDS by infecting your brain with false memories. I “met” perhaps 200 people in 12 years that “appeared to be” real people … of that number 2 probably are …. just like that episode.
In other news …
I finished 2.5 chapters of Bigfoot War One, and it looks like I could have book 1 (it will be a multi book series) finished by Christmas, maybe even much sooner. I have a proof reader that will help me proof and correct the final draft. I don’t know if it’s a good story or not, I am lucky that my proof reader is also part of the target demographic, and so far I have great feedback, like she is waiting for more chapters.
But lets be honest: even IF I had any talent as a writer, and even IF the story were a good story and well written, it might not matter. Sorry, the downside about making through your Kubler-Ross or Keebler-Elf stages, is that eventually you get to acceptance; like 2016 when I recognized I was born an anarchist as all creatures are, I couldn’t convince myself to “see” the elections the way most of you RETARDED fucks see them … no more … It’s like in the first MATRIX movie when Cypher explains HE DOES NOT WANT TO REMEMBER. Remember any of it. He just wants to plug back in. But the only way to PLUG BACK IN is to FORGET, and no matter how much I drink I can’t forget, my faith in this crooked system is lost forever. I might have to adapt to the predator in more functional ways before IT or I dies, but that’s just life fucker. Just a long-winded way of saying the writing thing does not probably matter in the least beyond bringing me joy.
And that’s the ticket: I’ve had to reach a point, after 13 years of trying to “break in” to the WWW “influencer” world, where the value I gain from writing, podcasting, coding, etc, is intrinsic and has ZERO to do with the dopamine feed from “being seen”. Of course, this is a bit of a LIE, because if I were really serious I would dump my blog, my mobile phone, my job and ordinary “bills”, and live with the book-people under the bridge. Not there yet. Not sure I ever will be, too old, and IDGAF if I “make it” during GRINKEN TIME. I’m 54 years old, people died around that time 100 years ago … people will mostly die by that time, coming back soon.
CHECK OUT THE AMOUNT OF SMOKE THEY ARE POPPING … almost makes you wonder what they are concealing now?
We SUR-THRIVED the bombo-genesis. Add to shit that didn’t exist when I was kid. Polar Vortex, Derecho, inland Hurricane, Atmospheric River, 200 new kinds of clouds (all of which look like sprayed out shit) … I can keep going … I don’t know what happened in North Carolina a few weeks ago, but I can tell you there is a Google patent to use nuclear weapons to “cool the Earth” in the event of a runaway heating event (notice I didn’t say “greenhouse” because I’m not a tard). But … as with geoengineering, the “nuclear winter” plan only works in the short run, the very toxic and radioactive short run. Long run? – heating event gets worse.
Sometimes I wish Eric Schmidt were in the room, so I could kick him in the balls. I just asked GOOGLE an UNCOMFORTABLE question, and per usual it takes 2 minutes to respond vs the “where is pizza” 2 seconds. DON’T ASK GOOGLE UNCOMFORTABLE QUESTIONS! “There is just one right answer.” – Eric Schmidt … yeah, ans: GOOGLE and ERIC SUCK ASS.
I did scan the “news”, it looks like Putin fired a GAY ICBM at the Ukraine. And now all the gay leaders are saying gay shit about “signals” and “red lines”. It’s been more than 2 fucking years … it will be 3 fucking years soon … The longer this gay shit lasts, the more gay it looks. And, btw, per “Russian scientists dropping f-bombs as they observe the boiling Arctic sea”, the UKRAINE WAR does a great job of locking 70% of the ARCTIC that NATO does not control OUT OF independent observation.
So yeah: it’s all gay, and retarded, and IDGAF who or whom I offend. If I offend Danes? – it’s a lucky day.
More “Trump Tariff” bullshit: meh. It’s a retarded idea for mercantilists. Spoiler: Trump isn’t going to do shit, the spice will flow, WALMART and COSTCO (China dependent) will stay open.
GRIFTERS still pushing BITCOIN to retarded-gay people. Good luck eating that soon.
I expect, if the wheels are still turning in MARCH or APRIL that we’ll have a lot of cities rounding up homeless people and “putting them someplace”, and I know a lot of fucks out there don’t care, and I will enjoy watching you burn as well. I will, I have popcorn, I have 600 billion hippos worth of I DO NOT GIVE A FUCK.
Trump cabinet is stacking up on date rapists and ZIONISTS: saw this coming.
I am told a man in NIGERIA just needs 10,000 dollars in order to complete the purchase of at 20 billion dollar oil refinery. If you are willing to send this GAY FUCK 10k, he’ll make you king some day, and you’ll have 22 Nubian brides, on Bunkton Day.
Britain is sending GAY OFFICERS to MOLDOVA in order to have really retarded sex.
“WAR ON CHRISTMAS” season soon, get your PSYOP t-shirts from ALEX JONES or JOE ROGAN. Baste yourself in pointless fear. Maybe you can take the kids to find (I mean FIND) an actaul drag queen trans show being SHOW AT an elementary school. Magically, like the covid-vaccine bullshit, I seem immune to ALL the dystopian fear bullshit. SO FUCK YOU. FUCK YOU FEAR WEASEL, go suck Trump’s cock.
I can summarize ZERO HEDGE and every other “NEWS” outlet until Boblimptock ends: denial, anger, bargaining. That’s where we’re at, and so I’m okay with working on my novel about bigfoot killing billions of people.
Have a great day.
The Ultimate Warrior:
The ultimate warrior would be a cannibal.
The ultimate SUPER warrior would have double-max dopamine dispersal channels in his pre-frontal cortex … or hers …. IDGAF which gender the ultimate fucking warrior is. Women are nasty pieces of shit: they would make a great cannibalistic ultimate warrior bitch (watch the nature channel bro). AND WHEN THAT DUAL-DIPA-DOPA CHANNEL BURSTS because she sampled the LONG PIG, a wave of positive energy floods over the brain of that wonky-witch-warrior, and she fights HARDER for her daily bread. Ultimate-super-cannibal-witch-bitch-warriors rule.
The ultimate armored vehicle would be a bio-engineered giant tortoise that farts and poops acid projectiles and can shoot these chunks of burny-pain at high velocity and a great distance; ALSO, it survives only be eating people. Its teeth would be replaced with titanium and carbon nano fiber super-teeth, so that the tearing and cutting and maiming would have greater artistic and autistic value. That TURTLE TANK, manned by busty witch-warriors, feeding on human flesh, would control the 88 grid-zones and hold sway over QUEEN TINA’S REALM. DARPA has a project.
The ultimate general would be a speed freak, addicted to crank and bank and fucking 25 year old cocktail waitresses. His uniform would be designed by ROBOT HUGO BOSS and no moss would gather on him, as he led his armies to the Tiber and pooped on the Pope and burnt down the 7 hills, where the ancient-pedo-pill-heads live, because Cato the Elder was right, and ROME must BURN (and it’s never too late to make a dream come true).
The ultimate KING would look like Yul Brynner from the movie THE ULTIMATE WARRIOR. He would not feel sad about smoking cigs, he would not cast aside his freewill for the dream of simping on virtue signaling 40-year-olds with nice butts who work at the ONCOLOGY center. He would smoke and fuck and eat cheese-steak pizza. His realm would extend from the Mississippi to the Kasbah, and no one would stand in his way. He would be the ULTIMATE KING of worldly things, his bling would shine for 10,000 years.
The ultimate feast would be made of burly beast and jinctous-soup.
The ultimate WOMAN would have boobs of STEEL, she would kneel while giving you head. You might be dead …
Seeking after ultimate shit, when the world is split, and the penultimate abounds CLIT head; don’t give up on your old wife and her fox-mane folly. A gold watch with clasp of silver is waiting for you, after the fall … if you can be ultimate ENOUGH.
The ultimate love affair would exist on Mars. Once the damnable MUSKITE robot ASSES of QUADRANT-HOTEL are eliminated, and Elon Musk is put on trial for crimes against gerbils. Then, and ONLY THEN, will ROBOT HEAVE KETCHINGS and CLINT CARSON find their double-nut-sack romance in the caves of Goom. And if their speavous-fluids flowed, it was mainly because the de-gentrified hovel tribes of Jupiter no longer carry butane lighters, or mentos, or twisted tea.
The ultimate path is YOURS, from start to finish. If some grifter comes along and tries to sell you on “another direction”, tell that fuck, and all other GANDALF LOOKING FREAKS, to beat bricks and to suck on Satan’s cock. Your path is yours. If you believe in Jesus, you share it with him and him alone.
The ultimate TRUTH is that most of what we think is true is false. It’s sad, and depressing, and it’s possible that’s why some of us seek sanctuary in faith. But, the books, the universities, the politicians and public schools, the lawyers and cops and “scientists” … they are mostly a cadre of mother fucking liars. They got their jobs, mostly, in the current arrangement, because they are good at social engineering and doing what they are told. If you didn’t fit that mold? – then you became the ultimate garbage. Welcome to the USA in 2024.
The HOLOCAUST is likely a dead end, if you know you know.
The APOLLO MISSIONS are most likely dead ends, see above.
JFK and RFK and who the fuck killed them? – Trump is not going to tell you, and you will likely never know for sure.
Nobody KNOWS who runs the STATE of ISRAEL: we just know it’s NOT Jesus.
Give up on the TRUMP and BIDEN and KAMALA shit bro, Putin and Xi, none of them like you, none of them like me. Whichever wooden Hindenburg they give you? – douse it in gasoline, and set it ablaze.
The ultimate FREEDOM is FOUND in acceptance, and finding a way to live, and love, that is meaningful to YOU and not harmful to anyone else.
Want to become ULTIMATE?
Want to embrace mountain type thrills?
Want a woman of honesty and strength?
Want a world of justice and grace?
Then give up on your LOWLIFE GRIZZLE BEATS and seat yourself upon the throne of possibility.
You CAN BE the ultimate YOU.
(your poo can glow)
This will sound grim:
“Official” documents (weather engineering):
Another neat trick:
“If you die without breeding, you suck.” – Dr. Freckles
(let’s exclude family tragedies for now)
(nobody has the stomach yet)
And there is something to be said for adoption.
(but still, it’s the cuckold’s option)