GHOST CITIES with “Seattle Mike”
- Space:
- What’s up in Seattle?
- Russian PSYOPs in the UKRAINE:
- The Spanish FLU:
- OMICRON variant causes inflation, according to the FEDERAL RESERVE.
- Bernays and the problems of peace “SOLVED” by germophobia and mass hypnosis: “It was, of course, the astounding success of propaganda during the war that opened the eyes of the intelligent few in all departments of life to the possibilities of regimenting the public mind. The American government and numerous patriotic agencies developed a technique which, to most persons accustomed to bidding for public acceptance, was new. They not only appealed to the individual by means of every approach—visual, graphic, and auditory—to support the national endeavor, but they also secured the cooperation of the key men in every group—persons whose mere word carried authority to hundreds or thousands or hundreds of thousands of followers. They thus automatically gained the support of fraternal, religious, commercial, patriotic, social, and local groups whose members took their opinions from their accustomed leaders and spokesmen, or from the periodical publications which they were accustomed to read and believe. At the same time, the manipulators of patriotic opinion made use of the mental clichés and the emotional habits of the public to produce mass reactions against the alleged atrocities, the terror, and the tyranny of the enemy. It was only natural, after the war ended, that intelligent persons should ask themselves whether it was possible to apply a similar technique to the problems of peace.”
- China R/E “market,” so-called. “Informed China observers have been concerned about the imbalances in China’s property market, often described as one of the largest financial bubbles in history, for over a decade. But it was just last week that markets suddenly and collectively decided that China’s property sector now posed a meaningful risk to the global recovery—and to China’s long-term growth prospects.” Mike: LOL — SUDDENLY — that one made me cackle. “Beijing has clearly indicated its intention to reduce the Chinese economy’s reliance on the property sector, as evidenced by the frequent official repetition of Chinese President Xi Jinping’s words that “houses are for living, not for speculation.”” REALLY?! Haha “But the fundamental imbalances in China’s property market point to far weaker new construction activity ahead over the next two to three years and possibly beyond. And the fact that financial markets are taking Beijing’s messaging toward the property sector more seriously means, as Dornbusch warned, that a much weaker Chinese economy may become reality far sooner than most observers expect.”
- China is the other side of the American Empire equation. They are what has largely made the extension of this current iteration of the American hallucination possible since 1971. A mathematical, philosophical, financial, metaphysical and physical garbage dump for America’s real and psychological shit.
Obey, Hide, or FIGHT …
- The governments and authorities of the world have made nothing but THREATS against their people since 2020 … of which, I can’t really verify ANY OF IT … so far? – it looks like PSYOP bullshit … to include the NWO/FEMA CAMP/RESET nonsense.
- The acts of governments since 2020 (at least since then) have indicated an inability to do their jobs effectively or ethically.
- The act of shutting down economies is an abdication.
- Given that the moral authority of these governments (as if they ever had any) is gone? – you have ZERO obligation to obey their dumbass edicts.
- You can start killing these demonic fucks … that’s where we’re at in the game
REMEMBER: if someone comes to your home to medically rape you or your friends or family, you have a right and an obligation to kill those fuckers.
If they use your job against you? – guess what … YOUR JOB WORLD IS DONE.
If they think they can get away with this? – time to explain, in brutal terms, that they won’t.
And if you’re a Christian? – THE LORD GAVE YOU FREEWILL, DIGNITY, THIS LIFE … treat it accordingly … don’t give in to evil.
“Doctor Freckles’ Rules of War”:
- Boomers in the tune of F C C … (HAM RADIO)
- “The problem with being fooled, is you don’t really KNOW you’re being fooled, while you’re being fooled.” – Dr. Freckles
- “Don’t be afraid of retreating, it means you still have a chance to win.” – Dr. Freckles
- “It’s OK to stop at Libertarian … because from there? – it’s a short dash to freedom.” – Dr. Freckles (like living in East Berlin)
- “In that show THE TWILIGHT ZONE, space is basically a desert.” – Dr. Freckles
- “Consciousness is paranoia.” – Dr. Freckles … Boomer and Bacon … Beans and Taco Time “you hiding burritos from me? … bacon?”
- YouTube commercial while listening to XMAS music … “You want to know why you feel sick? – look at this shitty banana … want to know why your wife is cheating on you? – TAKE A FUCKING LOOK, AT THIS FUCKING BANANA … does it look good to you? yeah? – then eat it.
- “If the world were less trip wire, and more flow – oh how far we could go.” – Dr. Freckles
- Boomer Bargaining
- “We don’t serve the INJUN ‘fire water’ … we serve him DRINKS!” – Dr. Freckles
- A new kind of funeral service: desert-coyote, old-hobocide, 5 way hooker-lover-cocaine-combo … dynamite morning at Deception Pass
- Work should have a purpose
- “All lovers are thrill seekers.” – Dr. Freckles
- Let’s say you are adding too much salt to your soup … would you want a swat team to break down your door, to stop you … under cooked meat?
- “CABIN FEVER: A covid nightmare …”
- “I’m a long term optimist, short term pessimist.” – Dr. Freckles
- “Power is a sweaty stick of dynamite.” – Dr. Freckles
- Domesticating people … “a city is a livestock yard” – Dr. Freckles
- “The spotlight is big and hot, so share it.” – Dr. Freckles
- Feeling welcome, and at home …
- LITLER: the lit Hitler
- Crypto is a furnace
- “hackers” “Russians” “BLM” … It seems like this crappy neo-Stalinist system only produces one thing reliably now: EXCUSES
HOW could WE have KNOWN?
Orphans …
“Penny’ll start a fire …” – Sealab 2021
Near the Rapids …
“Some of the MOST INTERESTING THINGS happen … near the rapids.” – Dr. FRECKLES
Fixing broken windows …
“You don’t fix a broken window by breaking more.” – Dr. Freckles
You don’t fix a broken window by breaking your neighbor’s window …
You don’t fix a broken window by murdering random old people …
Sometimes, it’s how it gets lost …
“Depending upon how you lose things, or how things fail, has a LOT to do with stability … buddy.” – Dr. Freckles
- arrow through brain (right part of brain)
- jenga … don’t break the ice game whatever …
- tetris …. in so many ways …
The Food Field: fuck FIDO
Don’t you wish you had a photonic membrane mimicry device that HID your EATING while your dog was in the room?
Stopping to talk …
Tired of people pulling out guns, but then having conversations, in movies/stories …
Tired of heartfelt conversations between killers and victims …
“We don’t really know how fat a human can be … in zero-G, they might weigh 10,000 pounds and have a 3,000 pound brain.” – Dr. Freckles
Government is a pirate ship …
best case scenario: “All governments, under the best conditions, are pirate ships.” – Dr. Freckles