MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220313_OUTER_SPACE_JELLY.mp3
Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles
- Vernal Gun and Knife Show: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=822
- Weekly Update, 3/13/22:
Currently, we have most of the components for our first build outs, and in a few weeks we hope to have these folks, online, and talking … selling, chatting, participating in community OUTSIDE the government owned WWW.
Very close to the truth, is where “sheepdogs” venture …
link: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/ron-paul-putin-new-coronavirus
DID CHINA handle it the BEST?
(read on)
link: https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/china-locks-down-175-million-shenzhen-daily-covid-cases-double
“Time Share” (aka: LOST)
The whole show …
Sexy space man …
link: https://www.zerohedge.com/medical/62-mile-high-club-nasa-study-sex-space-crucial-life-mars
link: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/russia-threatens-leave-us-astronaut-and-abandon-space-station

The new “dancing nurses” …
link: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/american-police-have-so-much-gear-theyre-sending-it-ukraine


Don’t worry about scary spiders …
(might as well say: don’t worry about scary clowns)
link: https://www.zerohedge.com/weather/parachuting-spiders-invade-east-coast-study-finds
Babies and bathwater …
“Don’t throw out the baby with the bathwater … because … I don’t KNOW about babies, but bathwater is hard to find.” – Dr. Freckles
Ideal market theory, crypto, and Simple Radio Markets (SRM) …
- Ideal markets are TRANSPARENT.
- Ideal markets have no barriers to INFORMATION concerning pricing and costs.
- Ideal markets have NO ARTIFICIAL or IMPOSED barriers to entry: like KYC laws, for example, that crypto sites simped to as soon as the dog whistle went OFF …
- Ideal markets have predictable pricing and allow for stable business management.
- There is, in theory, no more IDEAL market than a market that uses ONLY radio, whether encrypted or not, to exchange data.
- If BITCOIN people were serious, they would use radio and NOT the internet for message propagation and for competitive coin generation with proof of work … if they were serious.
SRM: barter and money based trading scheme in a generalized lambda network of publishers and subscribers of data that has been encoded for analog transmission.
What does this message say, over 11M?
“I am call sign K7IAC, I have diesel to sell. It’s $6/gallon as of right now.”
What is Rated Return on Investment?
It is a score that gets sent out to indicate, on a scale from 0-100, the overall satisfaction with the transaction.
Spoofing? – this is going to involve network triangulated encoding.
Secrets …
“The best place to keep a secret is forgetfulness, the second best place is your mind, the third best place is with someone you trust … everything after that is hackable.” – Dr. Freckles
- Purina
- Fuud
- Phresh (like at the airport)
- Boblimptock
What God tends to tell prophets …
Does God warn of impending doom? – sometimes …
Does God warn of others, attacking from beyond? – sometimes, but it is connected to the Lord’s plan, and not random human trauma/drama …Does God tell you if your wife is cheating on you? … probably not.
Does God waste his time with tattletale drama? – seems like low rent shit for God.
I’m not saying that God won’t “warn” concerning the actions of others, but it is almost always about a curse or some law that has been broken. And, the reason prophets are told? – it is CONDITIONAL, usually … like “if you change your ways, it doesn’t have to be like this”.
God does not PSYOP us, or scaremonger us – it’s called FREEWILL …
God does not threaten … his statements are absolutes.
AND IF GOD THREATENS DOOM? – it is God’s hand … (he doesn’t need nukes)
So, if some voice in the darkness of night tells you: “WW3 starts in two days, cuz God told me …”? – just be careful you are certain WHO’S VOICE you are hearing, listening to …
(many demons play this game, of whispering fearful lies into your ear)