It's a phrase you must repeat, every night before you sleep, with the rest so near in sight, body and mind give up the fight, and YOU KNOW it's right: no one suffers as much as the JEW.
From movie's end, from playground friend, to high school, and college, through every twist and bend, you always know, with clarity of smoke, of cremation and gas, and DACHAU GLASS, a message we do send: no one suffers as much as the JEW.
Commencement speech, we hear the TEACH, caring words and instant blurbs, "never ever ever forget", and as your pops dies of drink, as your mom bleeds into the sink, as you sister whores around, you can hear the incessant sound: no one has EVER suffered as much as the JEWS
Your hair turns grey, the sky flag waves, millions march towards their graves, mystery men with gleaming eyes, selling us these rotten skies, dirty food for the brood, dirty lives in return, and the world burns, that noise again seems to belie: no person can know the ultimate pain of the JEWS
And when the world winds down, a turtle with a frown, an ape alive in a cave, so very brave, the last living being to eat the moss, a boss of oblivion and loss, as he shambles towards the night, as he struggles up the road, a turtle to a toad will say, on that last cancer day: no one suffers like the JEW, no one suffers as much as the JEW, JEWISH SUFFERING doth renew, Satan's grasp on the world.
middle management MUST play the cover your ass game right now, as if they are apparatchniks in the USSR back in 1987 …
this subject, the “clathrate gun”, was and still is ridiculed but a shift has occurred in the last 2 years with respect to “normalizing” or “rehabilitating” conversations about arctic permafrost collapse and the “methane bomb” or “clathrate gun”