MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220617_SKY_LESBIAN_JUSTICE.mp3
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My Lord in Heaven and earthly “justice” …
Galatians 6: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Galatians+6&version=NIV
I believed, in late 2020, that TPTB would “rehabilitate” Hunter Biden, in the truest soviet sense of the concept … nope … he seems to be the one that gets tossed out of the car, while the cops are chasing … so goes the narrative, and the waste of time … there will be no justice on earth for him.
- This is the broken in-between world, and earthly justice is a conceit and an attempt of man to be God.
- God’s justice is the only form that is worthwhile.
Want justice for COVID?
Syria or Ukraine or Russia?
Your bitcoin?
(fat chance on planet boblimptock)
Things I’m thinking of doing …
- Thinking of improving my health … I know, I talk about this a LOT … but this time? – I’m serious.
- I’m thinking of learning martial arts and swords … and going out into the night, wearing only a loin cloth, and wrestling wild dogs … a lot of wild dogs now … most are just desperately hungry.
- I’m thinking about finding a girlfriend … I mean … not really … but thinking …
- Thinking about making out a list of REVENGE … my list in personal terms is not long, but it’s a thing … so I need to track down where these fuckers are … get ready.
- Thinking about pottery …
- I was wondering about growing flowers and saying more nice things … as cover for my murder.
- Thinking about visiting Lake Meade with a metal detector … “that’s illegal” – anarchist cares about what?
- Thinking about the ongoing wars, happening 20 miles above us, between giant vacuum ship dirigibles utilizing ME-163 style rocket planes … crazy. Most of these battles are between the 12 lesbian sects. Sects: 1) HOOGLIES, 2) STRUMPETS, 3) CAT LADIES, 4) DIVORCEES, 5) NOGLAN, 6) LEANERS, 7) DOOZLAH, 8) Q’ORB, 9) XIG, 10) RENDLEYS, 11) VOOG, 12) FOXES
- I’m thinking of getting into baking … outdoor baking … maybe build an outside oven out of stone and life … and then start selling pastries … containing pork … yeah … pigs that were fed humans.
Methane Feedback Loop
“If the government says something might happen in 100 years, you know one of TWO things is true: a) it will never happen or b) it is ALREADY HAPPENING!” – Dr. Freckles
“Free people can find solutions, slaves wait to die.” – Dr. Freckles
Initial Observations …
- Other’s have discussed this scenario, so novelty is not the issue here.
- If this is happening? – it was always going to happen. We could have responded in more rational ways, but the long term equilibrium state of Earth has been warmer, not cooler …
- The government has likely done everything it could to keep this a secret, including targeted ridicule and “debunking”. By doing so, they have dissuaded a planet of potential problem solvers from doing anything, and would be the real crime in this. Free people can find solutions, slaves wait to die.
- One of the best ways to conceptualize this: an unexploded bomb … it’s there, buried, and might never go off … but there is always a chance that it would.
- I still believe the most likely explanation for these PSYOPs is the collapse of the US dollar – which will happen at some point, and would be bad enough.
- I believe the “RESET” is one of the least likely explanations for the PSYOPs, the main reason? – they had all the power they needed in 2020 to shut off the world, what other power did they require? If they wanted to consolidate around a one world government, there were smarter options for psychological warfare … the PSYOPs have served their purpose to keep people corralled and confused … trapped in the FEMA camps of their minds.
- End Times prophecy matches many of the features of a methane feedback loop event. So, it could be that this is simply the end of this period of history … soon the Antichrist?
The loop …
- Methane is a greenhouse gas, over a 10 year period it is over 100 times more powerful a greenhouse gas than CO2.
- Since the last ice age, the arctic has been capped with a layer of ice and frozen organics, also known as permafrost. As a reminder: permafrost MEANS permanently frozen.
- There are potentially trillions of tons of methane hydrate in the arctic ocean, and perhaps many more trillions worldwide.
- One 50 billion ton burst of methane, likely from the ESAS, would raise the Earth’s temperature by 1 degree Celsius over a period of a few months.
- Every eruption of methane increases the likelihood of the next release, making this a true positive feedback loop and a simple Markov process.
- The permafrost that is now collapsing contains many trillions of tons of formerly frozen organics that are not rapidly converting due to biological activity. One of the many gas byproducts is methane.
- Some believe the methane event could be complete in a few years … and during that time a rapid and VIOLENT transition in the Earth’s climate would be triggered.
A good paper describing one aspect of this: https://planetarystatusreport.com/pdf/20190605_Clathrate_Methane_Event_geosciences-09-00251-v2_Shakhova.pdf
Time Line:
- Some time between the end of the 19th Century and WW2, earth scientists began to suspect that the arctic, the Earth’s “air conditioner”, was broken.
- During WW2, the allies began experimenting, at scale, with weather control and geoengineering.
- During the 1960’s, models were refined to understand the true scale of arctic collapse, implications, and the relationship to methane.
- By 1970, most models predicted complete arctic collapse within 60 years. So, the US government adopted decision points and based responses on this. All economic planning, resource management, and public control (PSYOPs), were geared to this rough timeline – none of these macroeconomic strategies were intended to function more than half a century, their purpose would be, as always, to keep people under control. At this time it was determined that Antarctica would be the only viable safe zone under the worst case scenarios involving runaway methane emission.
- In 1988, the government “goes public” with Global Warming.
- By the end of the 20th Century, Global Warming became Climate Change. Fools like Al Gore, and later Greta Thunberg, would be used to create skepticism with respect to the issue, creating more confusion in the public’s mind.
- 9/11 served as an environmental baseline – giving the US government data to reset models. Their models, post 2001, pointed to runaway methane feedback between 2015 and 2025.
- Post 9/11, the “NATURAL methane is really no big deal” psyops began in earnest – focusing mainly on “stop eating beef” and don’t drive your car narratives. Even the Bermuda Triangle mystery, which had a solution in 1970’s, was put back into the “big foot/alien” category.
- Because geoengineering is the only tool available to the deep state, it was used increasingly and more aggressively, post 9/11. The level of use coincided with increases in autism, cancer, heart disease, and dementia at a population scale. The managers of this strategy knew that at higher levels: it would be difficult to hide, even with psyops, and would lead to immediate toxic shock syndromes – types of poisoning that would look very much like the flu or the “covid”.
- In 2014, a plane was lost over the Indian Ocean – I believe this might have been a methane event.
- Military psychological warfare was ramp’d up between 2001 and 2020, culminating in the “Covid Pandemic”, which provided another effective baseline, on methane, given its effect on the world economy.
- The US government has been using weird logistical stories and the “covid” to move food and resources to Antarctica.
- The covid reduced international transport and travel and provided an excuse to have deeper control of these – allowing the rerouting of ships past currently dangerous parts of the ocean.
- The Ukraine war effectively closes off combined worldwide research into the arctic sea, reducing the public’s access to any useful information.
Signs to look for …
- Unexplained ship sinking and loss of aircraft over water. If the methane feedback gets bad enough, coastal methane hydrates will begin to release, rapidly, in succession and this will become impossible to hide.
- Mass ocean life die-offs. As deep seal frozen methane becomes unstable, massive releases can be triggered – if this coincides with geological activity? – then you could see large portions of the seas going through multiple shocks, resulting in mass fish kills and other similar events.
- Narrative adjustment – prior to 2019, the methane feedback loop was downplayed and “debunked”. In the last year, the narrative has been shifting again … almost like TPTB are in cover your ass mode. This happens prior to events that the deep state can’t control or keep secret, so they switch to partial narrative reversal and the “how could we have known” story lines.
- Geoengineering stops working, even at levels where it is unmistakable and no amount of gaslighting will convince people it’s “normal” or “contrails”.
Scenarios following catastrophic equilibrium shift …
If the methane feedback loop is a real threat and is happening, it will trigger a rapid shift to a new climate equilibrium. That period of equilibrium shift could be very dangerous, disastrous, and without preparation will kill many billions of people. If actions are not taken to shutdown boiling water nuclear reactor plants (many are at sea level), then we could have dozens, if not hundreds, of nuclear meltdowns occurring coincident with this event.
If it’s Venus Syndrome, then human life will become impossible by 2025 – perhaps the only place with any chance will be in Antarctica.
If it’s The Great Swamp cooler – the most likely end state is Hot House Earth, following a very catastrophic period of climatic shifts … imagine if 15-20% of the mass of the Earth’s oceans was converted to vapor over a 6-12 month period? – a rapid release of energy from the oceans would create a circumstance that runs the risk of overshoot … and if it is rapid enough? – could result in the deep freeze of the planet, a condition known as Snowball Earth.
In a “swamp cooler” or large scale oceanic evaporative event, you could see radical glaciation … the kind of glaciation that would, probably, coincide with a path to “Snowball Earth” … much depends on the rate at which the “great heat sink” (the oceans) release their energy … slowly? – and we likely hit Venus Syndrome … rapidly? – we run the risk of Snowball Earth.
Future equilibrium states …
- Hot House Earth or Florida Man World: human life can survive, with challenges and new opportunities … however, billions will die.
- Snowball Earth (overshoot from great swamp cooler): human life becomes impossible
- Venus Syndrome: human life becomes impossible
Best case scenario, long term: permanent ice is gone. Seasonal ice formation will, likely, still happen. The maximum sea level will be reached, which might be between 200 and 300 feet above sea level. Because I suspect the response of rational people will come too late, I think many boiling water nuclear reactors will be lost – so large portions of many coastlines will become radiological hazard areas for centuries.
Related articles …
- Under the Barents Sea: https://www.sciencenewsforstudents.org/article/ancient-arctic-gas-melt-triggered-enormous-seafloor-explosions
- Ships sinking: https://www.abc.net.au/science/articles/2003/10/24/973492.htm#:~:text=Methane%20bubbles%20from%20the%20sea,Sea%2C%20new%20Australian%20research%20confirms.
- More ships sinking: https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn227-swallowing-ships/
- Undersea methane blowouts: https://www.iflscience.com/are-those-enormous-arctic-underwater-craters-linked-bermuda-triangle-34470
- Gulf of Mexico: https://archive.kpcc.org/news/2010/05/08/14902/bubble-methane-triggered-rig-blast/
Government is …
“Government is shit, and you can only stack shit so high before it falls over all lopsided.” – Dr. Freckles
Windows …
“If you don’t like the window you have? – make a better one …” – Dr. Freckles
Link, created November 2018: https://planetarystatusreport.com/wall.html