Tipping …

MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220607_TIPPING.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles

PPP … but NOT for podcasts …

Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/hunter-biden-prostitute-scored-20000-ppp-loan

Tipping …

Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/tip-poorly-80-delivery-drivers-admit-stealing-customers-food

Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/economics/restaurants-adding-inflation-fees-amid-razor-thin-margins

I ordered this chicken fried rice once from one of these “fusion” Asian places in Little Saigon (Seattle). They showed up 3 hours late and demanded a tip … 20 bucks. It was some scrombo freak from the Central District, he’d missed his audition for a Macklemore video shoot ….

His eyes glowed blue, I knew he was dosing that new street drug, S’klink …

His hands were shaking, and clearly there was dried semen on the top of the delivery box …

Moral of the story? – if “fusion” is in the name of the restaurant? – don’t … don’t ever. 

Do not get “chicken salad” delivered in Seattle …

When it comes to delivery food, the key word “organic” does not mean what you think it means …

“tipping”, in food delivery slang, means sticking your penis into the food prior to delivery …

(just the tip)

Do you know what “thousand island dressing” is?

(your delivery driver does …)

If you’re in Dallas? – NEVER order the “turkey chili” …

(just don’t)

Don’t ever get “clam chowder” delivered in Chicago …


“mexican style pizza” …

(also NOT what you think it is when you order this for delivery)

On Wall Street, it’s really popular among the hedge fund guys to do custom “BD” orders …

Biomatter Delivery option …

Choose various kinds of cum, blood, stool, booger, genital crabs, options …

Crypto people really like this too … to eat other people’s dried up cum.

Someone says “waddabowd tamper proof …” … nope …

you put the stool or dried cum on the food before you seal it … then your solution does not work


you carry extra “tamper proof” containers in your car, transfer food, smear with fecal matter and scabs and boogers and ear wax … then it looks “sealed” so it must be good, right?

Being “over friendly” … yeah …

That means “boogers and boob juice” …

“Under friendly” means urine and loin grease …

“Under tipping” means blood and cum …

“Bad attitude” leads to genital crabs being sprinkled on your pizza.

87% of those who deliver your food have poorly managed and pervasive genital crabs …

The crabs often end up in/on the food that gets delivered.

It’s easy to camouflage cum, blood, and stool, in a pizza delivery … especially if they cook it in first …

Some deliver drivers enjoy sticking their fingers in their butts and then dipping their fingers into your beef bullion when you order a french dip …

A lot of delivery people masturbate in the car while they’re waiting, then smear their cum on your food …

Steal your food?


Spit in your food or put turd oils on your food?

(yes – often …)

(learn to COOK your own food)

When in Paris, and staying in a hotel?

Avoid ordering ANY room service where the phrase “grand cru” is used …

Also avoid any food item that is listed as “fresh” …

Try having a “fish taco” delivered in Phoenix …

(then try the land crab)

If you order corned beef hash from one of these food delivery services in Los Angeles?

More often than not, it’s dog food mixed with minced french fries from some fast food joint …

Best advice I can give is from John Carpenter’s, The Thing …

“… and we should only be eating out of cans now …”

It’s all about the “extras”, the add-ons, and their impact on the bill:

  1. Tressen grease: 14%
  2. Nog and Xinder: 22%
  3. So that the employees don’t spit into your food: 200%
  4. Ho’chicks: 100%
  5. Scundo-reev: 3%

Sadness of the ANARCHIST …

“After some empire or government fails: ‘we will construct a BIGGER tower this time, it can’t fail!’ ” – Dr. Freckles

Plan B …

“All my plan-B’s are bad.” – Dr. Freckles

Looking down on Satan …

“There’s a reason we cast our gaze upwards towards God, and downward to Satan … Because looking down on the Devil is a thing, for Christians.” – Dr. Freckles

It’s crazy …

The SURGERY … I need money for it …

I was notified by Dr. Grunkis that I needed my annual exam/physical to check for mounds, spores, mold, dry rot, and other conditions of the beleaguered soul scraping at this turmoil …

He said I sounded SICK in my last podcast, and I probably have scrapies …

So he’s recommending a MULTI-PART organ replacement surgery …

He has a Ukrainian friend that will meet me at a hotel on the edge of town …

He said bring “several bags of ice … like 12 bags” …

He said the whole procedure might take a day or two … or less …

The guy pulls out my heart and lungs …

My kidneys and liver …

He extracts my grumbo juices …

And much more …

This all COSTS 20,000 … I don’t have that … supposed to bring it with the ice.