MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220410_ARE_YOU_PARANOID_ENOUGH.mp3
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Doing it differently …
After the “Goat King” incident of 2016, after the “LSD WITCH TRIALS” of 2017, I’ve come to understand that I need to talk about this.
I have to unpack this:
- The really bad and probably exploited computer from 2007 … or something. The thing would NOT take a LINUX install … I remember thinking that first day in VEGAS … “I’d like to do this open source” … and trying a linux install … and it failed multiple times, returning errors I’d never seen. 32 bit, 64 bit, and versions going back long enough that there should have been no issue. It’s funny “go grab one of those computers from the closet”, I can truly say, working all levels of code monkey life, this has never happened.
- He said he followed VONU anarchism, which, I eventually understood, translates to: anarchism on the Death Star, and using Death Star bucks to get rich. But don’t complain about the Death Star.
- He believed the US dollar would never go away – but he was the type of creepy anarchist that would make fun of religious people (meditate).
- The random “friend from the Vietnam war” who is a former deep state weapons designer, and pilot, who KNOWS what we are seeing are contrails … but when I asked him about Operation Popeye? (glazed eyes) link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Popeye
- The entire office was basically unprotected, no real security to speak of … in a very iffy part of town. It looked like the whole crew had just moved in there … everyday it looked like that. I had the feeling that the “office” were a prop from The Sting …
- I was told he was a successful dude who knew how to get things done – including taking these weird trips to Dubai. But he couldn’t rent a room in Vegas … better YET … the excuse he used about not being able to rent a room was “discovered” as a result of me needing a rented room. Just weird.
- The dude I stayed with, in Vegas, could only be described as “mind fuck light” … weird, stressful, dude … a dude who claimed to not understand, in some autistic way, that there are WALMARTs almost everywhere in America. He also had to insult the people I’m living with AND broke my fucking keyboard costing me money, he never paid me back.
- The dude said he hated drama … almost IMMEDIATELY after the project began, I told him I’d entered a very severe depressive episode. I modified my billing to reflect my productivity. This “connected, technology guy that doesn’t like drama” didn’t find another resource. After July? – he should have, but he didn’t. It was weird – It thought, at first, maybe this guy is lonely. By November, I’d gotten over the worst of the depression and we were just weeks away from bringing on testers and potentially paying customers – this is when he canceled the project. To this day, he hasn’t asked for any transitional help, or the current source code. Weird. for a guy that hates “drama”.
- A 6 month long, 14K dollar project, resulting in a useful demo of an online investing analytical tool. It was more value I’ve seen produced in the last decade for 14K … and just when we are making some progress forward? – it’s over. I saw Microsoft waste 7 million bucks over 6 months on a REALLY STUPID PROJECT that failed. And that’s just a normal day there. Oh, yeah – this “anarchist” really loved MICROSOFT and AMAZON.
- He would periodically use a childish version of neuro linguistic programming to push another person’s view … he’d say “I think this is the smartest guy I know” … and yet that “guy” was excluded from the project until I said “I’m not going forward” without him? Weird. Then, I guess, the project fails 2 months later.
- He doesn’t like drama: but he often didn’t pay on time or at all. (hence the 14K)
- He looked like that “Dragon” dude from the Eiger Sanction. https://youtu.be/rswK8bgCWFE