JS8: Mountain Adventure (digital signals over CB radio)
FFMPEG: a great tool for vlogging and podcasting …
If you need to add cover art to a podcast for upload as a video to YouTube:
ffmpeg -loop 1 -r 1 -i hospitals.png -i 20210917_Hospitals.mp3 -c:a copy -shortest -c:v libx264 20210917_Hospitals.mp4
If you need to recombine audio you extracted from the same video, because you needed to edit the audio separately in audacity:
ffmpeg -i HDV_1167.MP4 -i HDV_1167.mp3 -c:v copy -c:a aac -map 0:v:0 -map 1:a:0 20210525_MOAR_CRAZY.mp4
combine several videos together:
cat mylist.txt file '/home/doctor/Desktop/HDV_1162.MP4' file '/home/doctor/Desktop/HDV_1163.MP4' ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i mylist.txt -c copy troll_s1.mp4
JS8 Commands for API (TCP/IP)
Messages from JS8Call
CLOSE – JS8Call has been closed
INBOX.MESSAGES – A list of inbox messages
INBOX.MESSAGE – A single inbox message
MODE.SPEED – The current TX speed
PING – Keepalive from JS8Call
RIG.FREQ – The rig frequency has been changed
RIG.PTT – PTT has been toggled
RX.ACTIVITY – We received something
RX.BAND_ACTIVITY – The band activity window
RX.CALL_ACTIVITY – The call activity window
RX.CALL_SELECTED – The currently selected callsign
RX.DIRECTED – A complete message
RX.SPOT – A station we have heard
RX.TEXT – Contents of the QSO window
STATION.CALLSIGN – Callsign of the station
STATION.GRID – Grid locator of the station
STATION.INFO – QTH/info of the station
STATION.STATUS – Status of the station
TX.FRAME – Something we are sending
TX.TEXT – Text in the outgoing message window
Messages to JS8Call
INBOX.GET_MESSAGES – Get a list of inbox messages
INBOX.STORE_MESSAGE – Store a message in the inbox
MODE.GET_SPEED – Get the TX speed
MODE.SET_SPEED – Set the TX speed
RIG.GET_FREQ – Get the current dial freq and offset
RIG.SET_FREQ – Set the current dial freq and offset
RX.GET_BAND_ACTIVITY – Get the contents of the band activity window
RX.GET_CALL_ACTIVITY – Get the contents of the call activity window
RX.GET_CALL_SELECTED – Get the currently selected callsign
RX.GET_TEXT – Get the contents of the QSO qindow
STATION.GET_CALLSIGN – Get the station callsign
STATION.GET_GRID – Get the station grid
STATION.SET_GRID – Set the station grid
STATION.GET_INFO – Get the station QTH/info
STATION.SET_INFO – Set the station QTH/info
STATION.GET_STATUS – Get the station status
STATION.SET_STATUS – Set the station status
TX.SEND_MESSAGE – Send a message via JS8Call
TX.SET_TEXT – Sets the text in the outgoing message box, but does not send it.
WINDOW.RAISE – Focus the JS8Call window
The python example below is modified from the JS8 source code available here: http://js8call.com/
from __future__ import print_function from socket import socket, AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM import json import time #make sure you open port 2442 prior to opening JS8 application #ubuntu command: sudo ufw allow 2442 server = ('', 2442) def from_message(content): try: return json.loads(content) except ValueError: return {} def to_message(typ, value='', params=None): if params is None: params = {} return json.dumps({'type': typ, 'value': value, 'params': params}) class Client(object): first = True def process(self, message): typ = message.get('type', '') value = message.get('value', '') params = message.get('params', {}) if not typ: return if typ in ('RX.ACTIVITY',): # skip return print('->', typ) if value: print('-> value', value) if params: print('-> params: ', params) def send(self, *args, **kwargs): params = kwargs.get('params', {}) if '_ID' not in params: params['_ID'] = '{}'.format(int(time.time()*1000)) kwargs['params'] = params message = to_message(*args, **kwargs) print('outgoing message:', message) self.sock.send((message + '\n').encode()) # remember to send the newline at the end :) def send2(self): message = "{'type': 'STATION.GET_STATUS', 'value': '', 'params': {'_ID': '1645105873058'}}" print('outgoing message:', message) self.sock.send((message + '\n').encode()) # remember to send the newline at the end :) def connect(self): print('connecting to', ':'.join(map(str, server))) self.sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM) self.sock.connect(server) self.connected = True try: # send a simple example query after connected self.send("TX.SET_TEXT", "WHAT IS GOING ON?") #list of commands here: #https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=646 while self.connected: content = self.sock.recv(65500) if not content: break print('incoming message') try: message = json.loads(content) except ValueError: message = {} if not message: continue self.process(message) finally: self.sock.close() def close(self): self.connected = False def main(): s = Client() s.connect() if __name__ == '__main__': main()

MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220216_RAD_TERMINAL.mp3
Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles
CONTACT US: PlanetaryStatusReport@gmail.com, DanielSullivan@planetarystatusreport.com
Guest: Justin L.
- How long have you been interested in radio?
- The world of Ham radio.
- What is JS8 and digital over radio?
Vision: to build an engineering company, specializing in radio and telecommunications, with a goal of creating an integrated and SECURE network that will allow information sharing, gaming, business, and secure communications, around the world and EVERYWHERE … cheaper than the WWW today … and owned by the people … truly decentralized.
If “crypto” wants to be truly independent and decentralized — then it needs to have the technological backbone to do so … it would need to be free of the WWW …
Elevator pitch …
I am working on a project with a friend in Utah. The project involves two basic parts:
- A no-logon bulletin board system, allowing users to post notes, read them, all in a GIS (geographical information systems) context.
- A digital citizen band and shortwave bidirectional radio bridge that allows an individual transceiver node and operator to integrate their system with our bulletin board system and vice versa. Our “white glove” offering will include effective encryption strategies for the messages themselves.
We are forming an engineering company if we are able, and this product/service combo will represent our first offering.
The product is called “notes”, but will:
- Allow journalists in difficult circumstances to file stories and reports – even when the local internet is shut down.
- Enable missionaries and activists overseas to coordinate and send/receive secure messages.
- Be a product that will excite young people about STEM and potentially be a great holiday gift.
- Be a way to dispatch and manage resources, globally.
- Integrate an EDI (electronic data interchange) system for formatted messaging between nodes.
- White-glove application capable of sending/receiving secure messages and integrating them into one web-based dashboard –
- Advertising space on free bulletin board.
- Rad-terminal: all in one radio/computer device, 3D printed brick/clam shell form factor, small enough to fit inside a backpack and containing all needed software and gear (to include antenna).
- Rad-brick: a small device that can interface your personal computer with a CB radio for digital text comms, among hobbyists, on 11 meters.
- Rad-truck: a vehicle which hosts a WiFi server and the broadcast equipment to provide emergency support, or special support for events, concerts … all integrated into the global PSR:NOTES system. A complete communications node for disaster scenarios: forest fire, earthquake, hurricane … etc.
- Rad-drone: a high altitude dirigible drone system for enhancing point-to-point shortwave and CB communications. A system that can be designed to provide area-wide WiFi and other services.
What do we want from you?
- Enthusiasm and involvement by home brew clubs in JS8 and similar technologies. Build out a network of technical knowledge and know how.
- Donors – want to support financially and be known as a founder AND have white-list access to the notes network.
- Investors … we need to raise 100K in the next 3 months to continue, and for this amount we will create a share structure for 10% ownership. This is a one time opportunity, the first investor to pool or have 100K can get a 10% stake …
We are just beginning on this journey, and this is connected to the podcast in a sense …
If you are interested in investing, please contact me: DanielSullivan@PlanetaryStatusReport.com
NOTES data format: NDF
- Message Identifier: M:
- Field Separator: <^>
- Variable set: <=>
- Comment: #
- Start of message: <SOM> or <S>
- End of message: <EOM> or <E>
- Section separator: <->
- Chars LT 32 or GT 126: replace like <##> where the ## is the Unicode numeric value
Parts of NDF message:
- The white space of a message is ignored
- NDF is composed of two simple sections.
- Section one is for variable setting.
- Section two is for data, in row/column format, with header row first.
- Section separator: <->
- Comments CAN BE used, but don’t overuse.
- Extra lines or white space at the end of line are stripped out prior to transmission.
- There will be a section separator EVEN IF one of the two sections is empty, this is ok.
Example Message #1 (Data Report type message):

Example Message #2 (weather report):

Example Message #3 (For Sale):

Example Message #4 (redirect to SMS/text):

Example Message #5 (redirect to email):

Example Message #6 (emergency report):

History is BOILING!

MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220207_History_is_Boiling.mp3
Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles
Milgram Experiment Rant Continued …
“Just because you can’t hear the screams, that doesn’t mean people aren’t being tortured, raped, and killed.” – Dr. Freckles
My friend and her FED-hacker stalker …
Hello friend …
… and why I left the military …
… and why I think the Federal government is rotten to the core …
… and why that, among other issues, means collapse is near.
(and another use for the app I’m working on … smoking out shitty man-in-the-middle logger attacks)
“A, B, C, D … read them all … but don’t drop one … someone else has to read as well …” – kind of like returning a book to the library .. fucker.
MAD MEN: everyone is really depressed …
(we’ll talk about it)
2001, when I more or less quit smoking …
The cigarette wager …
- Technology will deliver on all promises of cancer and health, and it won’t matter if I smoke cigs.
- We are in decline, and life expectancy will collapse, and the “tech promises” will never deliver, and it won’t matter if I smoke cigs.
JS8 Call and PSR: Notes …
Useful programming languages …
“All useful programming languages are some kind of degenerate C …” – Dr. Freckles
My mouse …
My mouse has been gas lighting me …
Gurus …
“Be your own guru.” – Dr. Freckles
With respect to WORLD MONEY WAR 1:
Does it preserve the value of my effort, my art, my work, my property?
Is it private and truly peer-to-peer? (like gold and silver coins, or fiat paper)
Is it agile … can I pay for weed in an alley as I did back in 2010?
Poison or Placebo, revisited …
Original podcast: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20210310_Placebo_or_Poison.mp3
Where am I at almost a year later?
- I don’t think it makes sense to take random injections, and doubly so if BIG PHARMA is recommending it.
- From my time in Little Saigon, Seattle? – I am convinced that BEST CASE SCENARIO the covid-19 was over-hyped (and if it was over-hyped on purpose, that’s still a PSYOP).
- I believe covid-19 was a psyop from the beginning, and you don’t need a vaccine for a psyop.
- The vaccine itself could have been placebo, but even then should you take it?
- I think poisoning the food would be easier, more controllable, than random viruses and vaccines.
- Poison or placebo, do you have the right to refuse medical treatment and procedures?
Misplaced levitas, displaced gravitas …
- Dancing nurses
- Political deaths
- Suffering, all real suffering, going unnoticed
- Weird agendas, on all “sides”
Starving the dog to death …
(but you’re in the same room …)
Dropping GETTR
Didn’t waste too much time …
An atheist vs a Christian …
Human folly is not the issue … the issue is, is that ALL there is?
History is boiling …
(cut yourself some slack)
Most people …
“You can create art, and most people might hate it … and that doesn’t mean they are right.” – Dr. Freckles
Great Art …
“Great art gets you to look at things the artist did not intend to create.” – Dr. Freckles
It’s not the Soros’ DA’s …
People talk about the district attorneys, but not the hospital administrators.
A pile of money …
“If you have ANY MONEY LEFT when you die? – you fucked up …” – Dr. Freckles
We’re ALL GOING BACK TO NORMAL … (fuck you)
I can’t. I won’t. After the last decade, and especially the last 2 years? … nope.
You can take your normal and mix it with C4 and shove that ship up your bung hole.
Your “normal” produced this nightmare.
Your “normal” failed.
Your social contract, your lawyers, your journalists, your educators and professors … your scientists … FUCKING FAILED … and many millions died of suicide, untreated chronic illness, overdoes, hopelessness, and their lives were destroyed … and many lives were destroyed, businesses, families.
Your normal sucks.
I’m not going back.
137M for building bunkers …
BIG UPSET for 2024 …
Link: https://weeklyworldnews.com/celebs/183149/betty-whites-coming-back/
The general vibe …
- No money, but I have food, shelter, water, and the air is mostly breathable and I am mostly not fucked with …
- Working on a programming project … and it’s probably another form of delusion.
- Thinking about starting up the virtual church again … I’ve had nearly a year to consider it, and to get myself OUT of Nineveh …
Waste of time …
- Worrying about “where the money comes from” if you live in any nation with a central bank.
- Complaining about the stupid government.
- Being afraid of the stupid government.
- Wondering if you’re prepared for what’s about to happen … you’re not.
- Worrying about your diet … get some vitamins, detox, but don’t stress the pounds …
- Worrying about your drinking – the coming age will mediate this.
- Worrying about your smoking … have you seen the SKLOGON-CITY-FREAKS the last couple years? Wearing masks made by TB drones in some crack dungeon in Vietnam? Yeah … don’t worry about smoking … probably have a hard time getting them soon, besides.
- Worrying about your clothes, or your car, or your stuff.
- Worrying about social media.
- Worrying about becoming “successful” on the Titanic – think about surviving first, then concern yourself with success … if you survive. It’s good to focus on what makes you happy and to learn new things – and to be things you dream of being … but don’t worry about the Titanic’s definition of “success”.
- Worrying about DEBT … credit cards … house payments … ETC …
- Physical pain over 50 years old … get over it … focusing on it is a waste of time.
Towards a guerrilla space program …
In the summer of 2017 I had a really fun late night coffee brewed conversation with my friend Jim Davidson, the subject: lighter than air craft, dirigibles, and an idea I’d not heard of before – the vacuum ship.
The only thing lighter than the lightest gas – is, ya know, nothing …
The empty vacuum has zero mass … and “empty vacuum” is redundant as fuck.
Before we continue, a quote from Dr. Freckles … “Humans didn’t settle upon the bow and arrow … nature did.” What will efficiently move through a gas is determined by pressure, viscosity, mass, etc … Nature doesn’t just guide the arrow, nature guides the coming of the arrow. Just a thought …
- The simple dirigible rocket:
- Generating a vacuum with magnetic fields:
- Of plasma and vacuums:
- Modulation of magnetic field behavior to create smooth contoured negative gas pressure:
- Solar cell re-charge on the ocean’s surface:
- Para-sail deployment system for managed descent:
- The use of these systems as sub-orbital communications satellites:
<not done>
Someone dies …

MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220205_Someone_dies.mp3
Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles
Every Christian is a minister …
What does this mean?
- you don’t need a pope.
- you don’t need a preacher with a 501C3 …
- you don’t need an intermediary or a government official
But, it’s important that we minister to each other as disciples of Christ.
It’s important that we care for and counsel each other …
And true: not everyone will be equally good or up to the task …
But all souls are nourished by doing God’s work.
- Rocky film in the 70’s
- Star Wars
- Mr. Robot
- The Matrix (mind fucks)
- V for Vendetta – WTF Guy Fawkes … so so fake … fucking masks bullshit …
- Juno … Ellen/Elliot Page …
Hollywood and the management of rebellion …
Dog rule no. 87 …
“Dog rule #87: if it’s close to their MOUTH or the GROUND it is THEIRS.” – Dr. Freckles
If some dude …
If some dude from a different universe shows up, looking like you but also looking kind of tweaked out? – you have to destroy that fucker … that fucking doppleganger … cuz there ain’t no “other universes” … because this fucking thing is a demon.
Fish sticks?
Link: https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna6436617
“It’s not confidence, it’s certainty.” – Dr. Freckles
“Necessity is a mother fucker.” – Dr. Freckles
- I’ve been working on it, still BETA.
- Has a cool encryption feature, looking to have some folks test it.
- Not there yet, but getting there …
- RENAMING and REMOVING … syntax chunks in code … dangerous as F … renaming DB columns … fucked … AND GUESS WHAT … your fucking frameworks do not fix this. Entity FW can F my S.

Living in multiple worlds …
Life, now … is life in many worlds, many dimensions. And no: I don’t believe in the “multiverse”, but I do believe that the “present” or the NOW is very poorly understood. What I speak of with “worlds”, is this: between COLLAPSE and CONTINUES, between ALONE and CROWDED, between RICH and POOR … between today and tomorrow.
My cousin Mike is dead …

Department home page: http://philosophy.emory.edu/home/index.html
PSR: NOTES (Terms of Service)

- THIS IS A FREE SPEECH PLATFORM BY DESIGN! As long as you do not promote specific acts of violence against a specific person? – you are fine. We are also NOT FANS of pedophiles, so stay away from this site – unless you are a pedo and WANT to be doxed.
- This is a free speech platform, and so we’re ok with whatever business you have AS LONG AS you are not violating NAP.
- We’re ok with “foul language” and “dirty words” – we agree with Lenny Bruce, and if the “H-BOMB” is ok? – then probably the f-bomb is ok too. Bad language will NOT get you banned here.
- RACISM? SEXISM? XENOPHOBIA of all SORTS? – get over it … and feel free to post your racist nonsense here … I would probably encrypt it for your “star chamber” brown shirts … but whatever .. post your bullshit. I would rather have you posting your shit on this site, than stirring up shit in the streets … “Post your shit on our site, don’t stir up shit in the streets.” – Dr. Freckles
- As of 2/2/22, this site (https://planetarystatusreport.com/notes.php) is currently undergoing development and testing. There will be periodic updates, the best way to get the “latest version” is to refresh the notes page. THIS SITE IS BETA. You cannot currently delete your posts, but this function is going to be deployed soon (as of this posting).
- The current post limit is 1,000 posts – this might change, up or down.
- The current note size is 1,900 characters, which is roughly a page of text.
- 1 k posts (x) 1.9 k characters per post, works out to ROUGHLY 10 x 100 page books. You can use this system as a travel log – and with encryption coming (SOON) you will be able to lock/control reading and editing of your post.
- This is a ZERO LOGIN and ZERO COOKIE site, as of right now. We use your IP ADDRESS, coupled with GIS information, to track usage. Every website you visit requires your computer to have a unique IP address, but in the case of standard hosting OR VPN the location provided will not match your current location. If you move from your home computer to your work computer at a different location, your IP address will change – and therefore be a different account. If you have a laptop or mobile device, and switch from your home network to, say, a coffee shop’s network? – your IP address will change and this will also be a different “account” from the perspective of the system.
- We reserve the right to delete ANY MATERIAL that directs a person or group to violate NAP. What is NAP?
- NAP: the non-aggression principle MEANS no bullying, no violence, no resolution or problem solving with the use of force. Basically, non-violent cooperative problem solving is what we should do. Don’t tread on other people, don’t be tread on.
- What does NAP mean in the context of this site? – it means if we discover that you are promoting pedophilia or child pornography, your IP address will be blocked. If we see that you are using the site to PUBLICLY advocate for specific acts of violence against a group or individual? – your IP address will be blocked.
- Talking about violence IS NOT THE SAME as advocating specific acts of violence or aggression, for example: if I post “I wish Bill Gates were dead”, this is NOT the same as “we plan on killing Bill Gates, here is when and how” … Wishing someone dead, who is powerful, is an ancient form of protest, and not an act of violence EVEN IF it is rude.
- Being RUDE or trolling is NOT a violation of NAP.
- This is essentially an anonymous system. For any given IP address, in most cases, the “location” information will be shared with many internet services provider customers. If you want to identify yourself, that’s up to you – you can use a hashtag. However, anyone could use “your hashtag”, and that means spoofing. A combination of LOGON source and hashtag is as specific in terms of doxing yourself as you can get – that and you could post your name/address with the lat/lon coords.
- This system will probably remain free. If we go to a fee-for-service model, the totally anonymous LOGON model will not apply to your new account. The “free” service will likely continue, but the “verified user” service will be an add-on with additional features for paying customers – coming soon.
- your IP ADDRESS is linked to your privacy … it’s like your checking account number on the WWW … you should have situational awareness when it comes to this address. We use your IP address to allow “space” for notes … but your IP address can change … data mode VS on your home internet or being at work. You need to manage this … you need to be concerned about it …. and then consider using a VPN.