NOTES data format: NDF

  1. Message Identifier: M:
  2. Field Separator: <^>
  3. Variable set: <=>
  4. Comment: #
  5. Start of message: <SOM> or <S>
  6. End of message: <EOM> or <E>
  7. Section separator: <->
  8. Chars LT 32 or GT 126: replace like <##> where the ## is the Unicode numeric value

Parts of NDF message:

  1. The white space of a message is ignored
  2. NDF is composed of two simple sections.
  3. Section one is for variable setting.
  4. Section two is for data, in row/column format, with header row first.
  5. Section separator: <->
  6. Comments CAN BE used, but don’t overuse.
  7. Extra lines or white space at the end of line are stripped out prior to transmission.
  8. There will be a section separator EVEN IF one of the two sections is empty, this is ok.

Example Message #1 (Data Report type message):

Example Message #2 (weather report):

Example Message #3 (For Sale):

Example Message #4 (redirect to SMS/text):

Example Message #5 (redirect to email):

Example Message #6 (emergency report):