MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220125_DRM.mp3
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Here’s what I think I know …
- That billions of people have been exposed to ongoing military psychological warfare since early 2020.
- The types of psyops (race war, rona, war fears, etc, ‘climate change in 30 years’) are trauma based, divisive, and lead to population based adrenal fatigue and exhaustion. These ops might be sustained for a few years, but it is unlikely they could last longer without doing irreparable harm to the society and leading to general madness.
- The “economy” started failing LONG BEFORE the “monkey herpes” (read: covid) showed up. See “stranded skier”: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20191213_The_Unconscious_Skier.mp3
- A massive CEO exodus occurred in the years prior to the “monkey herpes”.
- The REPO or short-term lending vehicle between banks began failing, in the summer of 2019.
- The op-tempo of these psyops leads me to believe THEY do not control the schedule. They are “on again off again” and the lockdowns are non-random. Australia’s never ending lock down makes a LOT of sense in the context of a Chinese civil war.
- Lies this big (covid, race-war, trump-trauma-drama, china/russia warmongering) rarely cover up nice things.
- FINALLY: these PSYOPs are KILLING PEOPLE … the make believe virus is NOT … but the lies are.
Here is WHAT this could be:
- could be simply the madness of a corrupt elite, in charge of a collapsing society. Might be just the “screwbilee”, as I discussed in February of 2019: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20190221_Screwbilee.mp3 … think: setting fire to that restaurant in GOOD FELLAS … this might just be the LAST GRIFT …
- could be to cover up an ongoing civil war in China . China has been a necessary part of the neo-Stalinist (globalist) arrangements for almost 40 years. If China implodes? – the inflation dump goes away.
- Could be this is to cover up abrupt climate collapse. Greta/Al are fools … and if the government tells you “this will happen in 100 years”? – it will either NEVER HAPPEN or is already happening.
BUT I WANT TO BE CLEAR: the US dollar/oil/banker/thief empire is in collapse … the US might end up in civil war soon … we might have a “soft civil war”, and that “soft civil war” might be ongoing … Generals, colonels, admirals, etc, in the US military, might already be refusing orders: in the best passive aggressive fashion. But the US banker empire is doomed.
Abrupt Climate Collapse (as explanation for the psyop)
And why I haven’t talked about it …
And my thoughts on “solar” and “nuclear”.
What is the “echo” of oil? – solar.
Sea walls? – that’s funny … water thinks that’s funny.
How is your computer owned?
- Communications are owned by corporations and government, that collude with each other. WWW is a wholly owned subsidiary of the deep state … and every nation has kill switches.
- CPU production / Memory production
- Operating system capture – even LINUX distros
- Special legal “tools”: DRM, vaccine/covid apps, TSA apps, etc
DRM (digital rights management), intellectual property, and your computer …
DRM Software and computer security: I run LINUX, and all things being equal I am not very concerned with hacking, never really had issues. I encrypt my hard drive AND I never re-use passwords. That being said, things get sketchy for all operating systems when it comes to the WWW and web browsers.
In an ideal world, the web browser and its sand box would be limited and constrained – but this is where DRM software (digital rights management) comes into play. I believe DRM software represents a significant backdoor to the operating system AND I believe the major tech companies collude with respect to software deployment and hacking.
My advice: don’t use Amazon video in Google chrome or not at all … Google Chrome + DRM might be the linux hack … but DRM software by itself probably hacks Windows and Apple.
So, if you are running a LINUX based system: don’t use Google Chrome to watch your Amazon videos online. If you think I’m overreacting, do your own investigation.
Some possible symptoms: mouse instability (double clicks when you meant one), loss of all browser history or control of browser history. The thing is, these kinds of trojan exploits are not used until they are needed – they remain dormant and available. Think about all the systems INFECTED with DRM software at this point … and the IP trolls and lawyers will say “necessary evil” … but given my treatment by GoDaddy? – yeah – you can take your lawyer bullshit and fuck off.
DRM (digital rights management) software is a GREAT WAY to control, crash the WWW …
It’s also a great way to steal passwords and secrets …
DRM is a GREAT WAY to invade your privacy …
DRM is a great way to take over your computer and turn it into a zombie …
DRM sucks …
Link: https://hackaday.com/2010/09/26/drm-causes-vulnerabilities/
We live in such and evil and corrupt system …
(I will roast marshmallows on it while it burns)
BRAVE BROWSER: https://brave.com/
CCP/PRC and Social Promotion
CCP/PRC are a great example of “social promotion”. It is IRRELEVANT that the manufacturing of China produces sub standard output, or that their “necessary STEM workers” (whom I’ve worked with) are lazy as fuck and entitled … (work at Microsoft, you will see) … doesn’t matter … China is a great example of a nation the elite believe “should always get an A” on their report card … no matter how awful or incompetent the leadership of China.
MOAR Mc Nuggets
I think the truth of “chicken mc’nuggets” is a worse truth than the truth of JFK … “It’s made of women … while they’re having babies …” (Nooooooooooo)
Great Science Fiction
“Great science fiction forces you OUT of your paradigm, it doesn’t keep you trapped inside.” – Dr. Freckles … L. Neil Smith, RIP … THE PROBABILITY BROACH https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00BY5R1MU full disclosure: I don’t believe in the multiverse.
The Good Hitler
thought experiment: the “good” Hitler … (a conversation from highschool debate in the 1980’s)
Moar Communism
Communism: we’re gonna steal ALL YOUR SHIT … and then give a little back to you, over time, to keep your wretched soul alive … to make more shit … that we will steal. And we’re gonna kill you anyways …
Hanlon’s Razor and Gary …
Hanlon’s Razor and Gary …
Moar Trolley Problems
Why the Trolley Problem is a problem – and what is bad decision making? – decision making that closes doors, welds them SHUT … Kirk is RIGHT … the “no win scenario” is an absurdity BECAUSE it implies pre-destination and absolute determinism … and that WE can have foreknowledge of these inevitable events and outcomes …
Noble Lies
The Noble Lie …
Milgram Experiment
The Milgram Experiment: “Boy’s State” … mechanical distance … division of labor … compartmentalization … back to the “booth”, by AMAZON ALEXA … (how the machines win).
Cancer and Covid
Mom/Sis: “breast cancer survivors”, and why I didn’t threaten to arrest people who didn’t check their prostate, or TEPCO for their stupid shit … or the whole nuclear industry
Donate if you can …
If you can …
Pray for my cousin
Pray for my cousin …