MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220613_HODL.mp3
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Darkest …
“It’s always darkest before it gets even darker.” – Dr. Freckles
Remember: during the period 2010 to 2012, the FED was printing massively in ways that we will probably never know. We will never know how much they printed, handed out. All we have are their public disclosure of MBS and other bond purchasing.
In 2009 the infamous SATOSHI paper was made public, and in retrospect this was probably an operation. Up until around 2012, the Keiser Report had a “Buy Silver Crash JP Morgan” movement that quickly morphed into the weekly crypto show …
Crypto has, since 2009:
- Created a Keynesian style economic boom for computers and chip manufacturing.
- Protected silver from price spikes.
- Kept people, many smart people, busy, focusing on the wrong things.
What Crypto is:
- Polycentric not decentralized.
- Coin centric not transaction centric – bad for businesses.
- Not decoupled from the fiat system, and in that sense it behaves like a derivative.
From a year ago: https://open.spotify.com/episode/46sB7IEal4wXXT6FHN0wOt
The disappearing 20 bucks and bitcoin …
Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/mashinsky-moment-celsius-pauses-all-withdrawals
A crypto paper I wrote: https://planetarystatusreport.com/pdf/20171212_Riegel_Way.pdf
BTW: I predicted YEARS AGO that crypto folks would ask for a bailout … wait for it.