MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220614_SHORTFLATION.mp3
Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles
Beer Emergency
- I don’t give a shit.
- I watched a movie, “Wake in Fright”, and it led me to believe I’m drinking too little beer.
- I start a new job soon, a “good job”, literally too good to be true. 6 figures … No signing bonus, but I wonder …
Normie position on freedom …
“You can all be free, when everything is fine.” – Dr. Freckles
Shortflation …
- I hear a lot of talk about “stagflation” and “recessions”, and if you ask me that’s still a lot of bargaining.
- Want to know what the psyops (the penultimate being the COVID) were about? – best case scenario they were “Global Austerity” … and it kinda worked, the way that “eating your arm” when you’re starving kinda works.
- The reality is that Greenspan was WRONG … hamburger is NOT steak, and this is NOT just about monetary inflation. During the 1930’s, you printed the money – you still ended up getting SOMETHING … anything … yes, the amount of fiat needed kept going up in places like Germany, but you could still buy something … What is coming are shortages PLUS inflation … and simple OUTAGES … where nothing gets delivered.
- Overly complicated neo-Stalinist hell holes, like the USA, do not fail in predictable ways … they do not fail gracefully … one shortage in this globalist/JIT world begets two … and then each of those begets 3 or 4 … and so on.
- Whatever inflation we experience will be, in a sense, short lived – the USD will fail before too long, and our society will collapse from the inability to maintain it. No resources, no deliveries, no repairs, and the cheapest and flimsiest of infrastructures to depend upon. It’s why the crypto freaks are so sad and stupid – they actually believe they will be able to depend upon THIS SYSTEM to deliver the tech they need, the energy they need, the WWW they need to keep their scam going.
That “BOOM” moment …
Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/we-appear-be-entering-recession-coinbase-explains-why-it-fire-18
Will the freaks ask for a bailout?