“There was NO HAMMER!”

MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20221105_THERE_WAS_NO_HAMMER.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles

Ash and trash …

  1. Dogs went ape shit
  2. Some weird people about, perhaps more witches from SLC
  3. A dozen eggs is about $5.00 … for basic eggs … up to $7.00 for premium
  4. If you can afford to donate, please do: I need to buy a lot of cocaine for my trip back to Seattle

Poison …

Are you feeling tired, distressed?

Do you have chest pains and bloody stool?

Do you leave a puddle of drool on your bed, a shame pond that haunts you in the morning time?

Is your wife or husband cheating on you?

Do you have terrible kids and dogs that do stupid shit and this infuriates you?

A lot of people have seen positive results trying POISON (xl).

It’s an extended release poison designed to help you deal with these common health and psychological problems caused from consuming too much POISON …

Disclaimer tho:

  1. Don’t use poison if you are pregnant, trying to get pregnant, or while having sex in a car going 200 MPH.
  2. If you have heart disease, cancer, liver disease, scabies, autoimmune, diabetes, COPD, or any other rudding issue that is rotting your insides and driving you crazy? – then poison might not be right for you.
  3. If you are taking any other kinds of poison, you might not want to take poison.
  4. Stop using poison if your eyes turn green or you get an uncontrollable twitch in your left eye.
  5. If you are over 50 and are at risk for common over 50 shit? – you can take poison.
  6. Poison is best taken while drinking or getting high on cocaine …
  7. If poison isn’t working, you can try taking more poison …
  8. Fuck you and eat your poison.

“What if there is no hammer?” – a potential, from The Matrix

I’m close to calling BS on two things:

– that Paul was injured at all

and linked

– that he had any “brain surgery”

This all looks like a COPS episode that never gets aired.

(same thing you’d find at any trailer park on Friday night)

The “hammer” part of this story is becoming progressively harder to believe … Depending on what kind of hammer, one whack would have knocked out Paul … probably killed him … So what? – limp wristed swing? (perhaps) Or, as stated, there was no “hammer” at all …

Here’s what MIGHT have happened:

  1. someone who was part of the Pelosi security team OR security for a nearby residence believed something untoward was happening at the Pelosi residence. Could have been a private detective hired by Nancy or some other operative.
  2. The cops show up, Paul is in his underwear, Depape is in his underwear, and they’re NOT cooking meth … so something weird is happening.
  3. Cops manufacture story about a “hammer” and an injury … perhaps there was some kind of blood, on the scene, that could be used to do this.
  4. The “brain surgery” was more bullshit to garner sympathy/support.
  5. And MAYBE there was a “hammer”, but its purpose was as a prop, to be used in case the cops showed up to a Paul-Party and Paul needed a good alibi … “hey, that dude attacked me with a hammer …”
  6. Depape, being a transient type gay hobo, will likely end up dead soon.
  7. This is looking more and more like “The Jussie Smolett Story, Part 2: Old Dude Gay Sex” ..(and why not release the camera footage?)
  8. BTW: “Smollett’ing” is now a thing

Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/pelosi-did-not-declare-emergency-nbc-raises-questions-about-unexplained-30-minutes-during

Democracy requires electricity … (someone call the Ancient Greeks)

Link: https://www.azleg.gov/ars/16/00602.htm

Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/arizona-county-sued-over-planned-hand-count-ballots

The help …

Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/jeff-bezos-sued-ex-housekeeper-over-amazon-warehouse-conditions-racism

Let a liar …

“Let a liar talk long enough, he’ll speak the truth.” – Dr. Freckles

Sted Master Gurgen … (a lord of Boblimptock)

Following the 5th Atomic War, Fuer-Master Gurgen lay stricken on the battlefield. His urine was bloody and cold, his heart filled with monkey-mold. His mind a parasite village, a “head full of bees” as the old folks would say … he was dying of brostimpus-deels disorder, and a new FUER-MASTER would need to be chosen …

In the time of the black moon and the wolf-squirrel …

A young lad good with a spike and a whip and a steel chain, he would hurl himself at the inside-out bears and achieve total victory during the GREAT CONFLICT of YAB.

A young brute, with silvery hair and greenish skin, armed only with his wit and the muskul oils of Thwarntoz, where the high priestess women massage themselves with joob-bile and cundrom-sauce.

His name was STED … but he would soon be the NEW FUER-MASTER …

When STED was 8, 4 dingus-merchants visited his parents. They had gold and spices and hookers and cocaine … they offered to buy young STED for 5 pounds of gold, and his parents, being poor and addicted to crack, took the gold.

The merchants took STED to the EASTERN PROVINCE, where the GURU STEVE lived. Steve made knives out of old chainsaw chain … he was a blacksmith and a farmer and a hunter and a lover … he had wives in every crevice of the world, anywhere he fell there was some young busty maiden to rub oils on his wounds and yank is zuby-pipe.

STED grew bold and strong. STED learned the ways of CHIEF DIGGLER and joined the ranks of the hobo-shaman. He cast spells and sold bogus lottery tickets to the Mexican-Irish in TEXAS. His masters feared him, so they let him follow the jaded and jagged side roads, they let him feast upon the monkey-paste and dine with the queens of V’ygsoon.

STED was 17 when he met the witch of VAROOM. She told him he was the NEW FUER-MASTER to replace FEUR-MASTER GURGEN. “The lands have been without a FUER-MASTER for too long, the soil grows hard again, the water glows with radiological fury, the children do not read or write good, and the women have given in to HARLOTRY!”, the witch told STED he needed to choose the throne, if only for the lifetime supply of cocaine.

The ceremony was complete, and STED became FUER-MASTER STED and the guardian of the last Nalley’s Tamale factory that still supplied this nutritious treat to all the scrumbly folk and wandering tramps …

STED would reveal prophecies while drinking and smoking crack:

  1. “There’s a 200 gigaton bomb being launched from the moon, it will be here real soon, it will go kaboom …”
  2. “Freeze-dried elephant monkey poop pie, it’s on sale at SAFEWAY, we’re all gonna die …”
  3. “She drives a GM truck, she’s a country girl she’ll take for a whirl …”
  4. “We all love corrugated monkey meat, it gives our lives a special treat, it’s always on sale.”