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Some rough notes on Bruce Willis, Aphasia and Weather Control …

So I now have a plausible explanation for the last decade of Bruce Willis films, most notably: BREACH (which was terrible). It seems that Mr. Willis may have a degenerative brain disorder called aphasia, if so this would make being in film rather difficult – except in a highly managed and compartmentalized way. That would mean controlled scenes, a lot of edit-in work, and frankly turning what would be, normally, cameo appearances into feature roles.

But … I must caution you.

I don’t know how much of ANY OF THIS is true – it’s possible it’s all true, it’s possible that it’s cover for something else. We live in an age of lies, deception … so do your own thinking regarding this story …

The cause of the aphasia, in Bruce’s case, has not been revealed yet.

Theory (not totally original):

Increasing rates of degenerative tissue and specifically degenerative brain disorders may be connected to the use of certain chemical compounds, aluminum-oxide being one, that are currently being used to impact climactic patterns and the weather.

I believe, based upon what I was taught as an air defense officer in the US Army, and based upon my own observations, that whatever is causing the patterns that are observable, in the sky, prior to a significant weather change, are not contrails. I cannot be certain what they are …

My view is not original, but is one of many perspectives – probably the best documented source for this topic is GeoEngineeringWatch.org. Dane Wigington runs the site, and has been an activist, trying to raise awareness, for about 2 decades. I don’t know if he is real or not, I don’t know if he’s a “sheep dog” in PSYOP/propaganda terms. He seems to be sincere and well documented in his position – but these days, it’s hard to know. Hard to know who is really who they say they are …

Here is a good article to read, but I will leave it up to you to do further research … Bottom line: if the US government is involved in covert climate/weather control, it is unlikely they would show any more concern or be more circumspect than they have been regarding other activities – like covertly exposing US citizens to radiological and biological hazards, on purpose, during the Cold War, in order to study their effects.

I have an uncle who recently died of dementia, and as with cancer: I’m knowing more and more people at younger ages who exhibit brain deterioration symptoms.

Bruce was/is a traveler, jet setter. My uncle traveled a lot. According to one theory, the male brain is less able to effectively prevent toxic exposure than the female brain, so you’d expect to see more of this in men than women.

But another impact of this poisoning from the sky is increased cancer rates … so every gender gets something …

Another issue to look at: Toxic sky syndrome among flight attendants …

One more thing: if the US government is covertly using nano-scale substances to impact climate and weather, then there is a high likelihood that this material is in EVERYTHING … food, water, in addition to air … it would accumulate in the body over time, flying frequently would only increase and concentrate exposure, since the air you are breathing on the plane is coming from the outside, where the spraying is happening … and planes fly through this polluted air, continuously.

And another final thought: what if the separate “systems” operating on planet Earth are not disconnected, but rather integrated. Which means: if the US government is “messing with the climate”, is it possible they are also impacting geological activity? Perhaps the same technology, like HAARP, which is being used (supposedly) for weather/climate control has other purposes, like directing waves of radio energy to key tectonic regions, causing earthquakes, eruptions, tsunamis.

And a super dooper final thought: there’s been some references to “Dark Winter”, and it makes me wonder if in the final stages of geoengineering, will they use so much material that they trigger immediate toxic reactions, like some old man or woman walking down the streets of Wuhan, and just falling over, dead … China has had a recent history of weather engineering mishaps, what if they used “too much” in 2019/2020 and the “Monkey Herpes” psyop was designed to cover this and other nation’s increasing geoengineering activities.

References …

  1. Link: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-11404181/Sylvester-Stallone-emotionally-reflects-Bruce-Willis-aphasia-diagnosis.html
  2. Link: https://www.aphasia.org/aphasia-resources/aphasia-factsheet/?gclid=CjwKCAiA68ebBhB-EiwALVC-Nm7224qRuyE_y9g3Yfgd9WrRF5AS46t-ffNw-siH8eWnkwGihw0HnBoCZg8QAvD_BwE
  3. Link: https://www.rush.edu/news/understanding-bruce-willis-aphasia-diagnosis#:~:text=About%20180%2C000%20Americans%20are%20diagnosed,%2C%20listen%2C%20read%20and%20write.
  4. Link: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3056430/
  5. Link: https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/chemtrails-in-the-air-causing-cancer-and-other-illness/
  6. Dr. Shakhova, ESAS, methane-hydrate-clathrate in the arctic ocean: https://planetarystatusreport.com/pdf/20190605_Clathrate_Methane_Event_geosciences-09-00251-v2_Shakhova.pdf