Combining .MP4 videos (using FFMPEG)

Create the script file that contains the file list: file_list.txt (as shown are the contents)

#combine video

file 'HDV_1254.MP4'
file 'HDV_1255.MP4'
file 'HDV_1256.MP4'
file 'HDV_1257.MP4'

Then, on the LINUX terminal line (command line):

$ ffmpeg -f concat -i file_list.txt -c copy 20230429_Walking_Dogs.mp4

And if you just want to merge/combine all the videos in a directory, do this bash command to concatenate the .mp4 file names:

$ for f in *.mp4; do echo "file '$f'" >> file_list.txt; done

… and then, just run the same command for ffmpeg as shown above …