When PSYOPs end …

“Even when a PSYOP ends, it leaves a residue. The residue can be considered the basis for a religious belief – sometimes even a cult.” – Dr. Freckles

  • covid-19 and the “coffee filter” cult
  • 9/11 flag waving
  • the Moon Landings

All left a residue …

The residue create new belief systems, all of which is best dissected from the angle of comparative religion and mythology.

Think about the “moon landings”:

The “moon landing” is a BRILLIANT THING to lie about, if you’re a con artist or voter …

  • It’s not as hard as actually doing it
  • you can pocket a SHIT TON of money saying you did it
  • it creates a positive mythology that buttresses state power for generations


This is called a “scare hack” – it doesn’t actually harm you or your computer, but it does make it seem as if “something bad” will happen … forcing PANIC.

There are MANY kinds of scare hacks, and depending upon your flavor of operating system, they are all equally susceptible at this point.

Your CPU is OWNED by the NSA – no matter what you do … they know.

But there are limits.

And some of what they do is just gaslighting.

Typical sources of “scare hacks”:

  • operating system updates
  • third party software

Remember: SUDO exists for a reason, and if you don’t run LINUX? – you are fucked.

Hacking in 2023

“The key to hacking in 2023 is knowing this: a LOT OF STUFF is built VERY POORLY these days, just a matter of finding what part of the flimsy shed to push on … so the whole thing falls down.” – Dr. Freckles