Next big thing …

I’m getting really interested in unicycles …

I have this feeling that the next BIG INVASION or ATTACK is going to come from strippers riding unicycles, naked … carrying glocks.


(call me Tarantino …)

(script writes itself in one weekend)

BTW: “The History of Successful Airborne Operations” is not a long read.

I’ve invented a super soldier …

– crack whore, former dancing nurse/BLM street organizer/drag queen story time host

– wearing armor made from US passport material

– masked up

– wielding a machine gun that fires box cutters

– riding a unicycle

– connected to a paraglider

– and she’s naked, with only a strap on

It’s like “men on the Moon” …

None of the ships that landed “men on the MOON” ever seemed like they could plausibly work.

But like “paragliders from Palestine”, the populace is mystified, stunned, staring gormlessly at their CNN or FOX NEWS, deluded and confused.

So “men on the MOON” works, and that’s okay.


a) load up a lunar lander with naked crack whore strippers, the armor on the lander is made of US passport material

b) once the lander LANDS, the hookers take off in paragliders, the hookers have a box-cutter firing swivel gun

c) near the ground, the hookers disengage from the glider and start riding unicycles

d) near the target, the unicycle converts into a pogostick dildo combo, and the hooker ride it using their boovula

e) the hookers are former BLM-DRAG-QUEEN-PUTIN-STORY-TIME-NURSES, that dance

f) everyone is stunned

g) no one could have seen this coming

Okay …

Run with this:


(with rocket launchers)

(so “laser cats” doesn’t sue us)

Even more shocking than paragliders or unicycle hooker soldiers …