MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220112_V2_VODKA.mp3
Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles
I don’t know what to tell you about this one … really.
"GRAVY FOR YOUR BRAIN!" – Conspiracy Theory (1997)
MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220112_V2_VODKA.mp3
Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles
I don’t know what to tell you about this one … really.
The never ending psyop …
Current Models of Reality:
What could be coming, if you believe any of the above ….
What I believe:
Great Power
“With great power comes the LOSS of responsibility.” – Dr. Freckles
“Geese, flying West, for the Winter … or Spring?”
Something I saw the other day, with a friend …
Wolves … and dogs …
“Nietzsche would have made a terrible wolf.” – Dr. Freckles
A lot of ignorance is expressed in Nietzsche attribution of “strength” to other cultures values, given that every culture expresses core similarity and ergo rejects his division.
Public Schools …
“Public schools are slightly better than pedophile babysitters … sometimes.” – Dr. Freckles
A right to principles, beliefs …
This is crazy …
Before I go too deep, let me outline, once again, the only things I believe (cannot prove) are true at this point:
So, what is a “sheepdog” in PSYOP terms?
A “sheepdog”, in psyop terms, is a popular authority figure, sometimes and underdog outsider also, used to direct the flock AWAY FROM the truth … it’s like this “mass formation psychosis” nonsense … it gets CLOSE to the truth, but still … it’s quite far away. Unlike the “fool” (Greta is a good example), they need to look like “credible outsiders” … that way, you can feel comfortable with the lesser truth they give you … it’s the boundary.
Much, if not most, of popular alt-stuff on YouTube is FILLED with “sheep dogs” …
If you want to succeed on YouTube, taking on the role of the sheepdog is very helpful … and supported.
YouTube might “ban you” … but this is also a credibility builder. When your channel comes back? – you can give weird speeches about that too …
Now … regarding Dane Wigington … very early on in the covid-monkey-herpes lie, he pushed it … and I thought “well, maybe it will take him a few months to see through this bullshit”. He never did see through it … he gets close to the truth, almost like tantric sex: still edging away.
Daylight Savings Time
DST: the first great mind fuck?
Link: https://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/how-daylight-saving-time-got-started/2666081/
MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220109_FLORIDA_MAN_is_not_DEAD_with_AJ_from_Florida.mp3
Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles
AJ’s YOUTUBE Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCK7uUefH4CZvbJIbd7e4kgg
A) Something scary sounding: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/01/bill-filed-washington-authorize-strike-force-involuntarily-detain-unvaccinated-families-already-set-internment-camps/
B) Florida Update
C) Utah Update
D) Pyramids on Mars
E) WuFlu Rebellion (Supply Chain Pixelation)
F) Reorganization period (1970’s repeat)
G) 1984 World Gov Collusion
MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220108_HYPER_STATISM_vs_COLLAPSE.mp3
Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles
“If you want an abortion …”
What did my friend’s wife tell me, when I was in the US Army 20 years ago?
“If you want an abortion, just have your baby in a military hospital.”
(good luck with using the military replacements, the real fun starts soon)
TECH requirements of Hyper-Statism:
Forget politics, forget your favorite news site … if you were betting:
a) hyper-statism
b) collapse
(I think all other options are off the table, given the brain damage present in much of the population … I would love it if people understood that the only true path to survival is freedom … but I doubt they will)
(we don’t get a “graceful degradation” or “incrementalism” from here … sorry)
(nature: NOT LINEAR)
MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220107_Stories_and_Madness.mp3
Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles
Madness …
… and Foucault …
1/6 …
The crazy continues …
Link: https://weeklyworldnews.com/headlines/183059/swedes-invent-antifreeze-for-humans/
Fiction, delusion, madness …
“Every great story is a description of madness.” – Dr. Freckles
Seattle Employee 90 seconds in: https://planetarystatusreport.com/video/20200616_CHOP_CHAZ_Voyage_2.mp4
BLM/Bike Cops/No pics:
The Story (which I think is true) …
To summarize: a) they don’t control the schedule, b) they are lying and the lies are big, c) the main message of the lies has been “stay home, don’t talk, don’t do anything other than buy shit and watch the Soviet channels”, d) no trauma based mind control op can go on indefinitely, eventually enough people lose their shit that society falls apart.
“Going to the Crawlspace …” – https://planetarystatusreport.com/pdf/20160801_Going_to_the_crawlspace.pdf
“Odds of Survival …” – https://planetarystatusreport.com/pdf/20160729_Odds_Of_Survival.pdf
MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220105_GHOST_CITIES_with_Seattle_Mike.mp3
Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles
MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220105_Obey_Hide_or_Fight.mp3
Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles
Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/french-president-views-unvaxxed-non-citizens-vows-piss-them
REMEMBER: if someone comes to your home to medically rape you or your friends or family, you have a right and an obligation to kill those fuckers.
If they use your job against you? – guess what … YOUR JOB WORLD IS DONE.
If they think they can get away with this? – time to explain, in brutal terms, that they won’t.
And if you’re a Christian? – THE LORD GAVE YOU FREEWILL, DIGNITY, THIS LIFE … treat it accordingly … don’t give in to evil.
“Doctor Freckles’ Rules of War”: https://planetarystatusreport.com/pdf/20160802_Dr_Freckles_Rules_Of_War.pdf
MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220103_CHRISTMAS_GARBAGE.mp3
Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles
PDF: https://planetarystatusreport.com/pdf/20220103_Radio_Band_Plan.pdf
Frequencies | Segment/Net name | Mode | Comments | Website |
50.058 | FISTS | CW | http://www.fists.org | |
50.11 | DX Window | Other | DX Calling Frequency. CW/SSB. Once you establish a QSO, please move off this frequency. | |
50.125 | SSB | SSB | Domestic calling frequency. You CQ there for US/US QSO’s – once established you move up the band to continue. | |
50.155 | Ragchew | SSB | ||
50.16 | Radio Scout Frequency | SSB | http://home.tiscali.nl/worldscout/Jota/frequencies.htm | |
50.16 | Radio Scout Frequency | CW | http://home.tiscali.nl/worldscout/Jota/frequencies.htm | |
50.1625 | HFPACK | SSB | USB – Portable Calling Frequency – Mobile- Portable – Base – Marine – Aero – HFpack | http://hfpack.com |
50.1625 | ALE | Other | ALE Voice, Data. Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidth | |
50.2 | 6M SSB Net | SSB | Tuesday 8 PM Central time. KQ0J net control. | |
50.25 | JT6M | Digital | Calling Frequency for JT6M (Weak band enhancements) | http://www.qsl.net/digitalonsix/ |
50.25 | AM | AM | AM – Northern Colorado | http://www.amwindow.org/freq.htm |
50.26 | FSK441A | Digital | Calling Frequency for FSK441A (Meteor Scatter Contacts Only) | http://www.qsl.net/digitalonsix/ |
50.272 | Net | SSB | Yankee SSB Net, meeting since the 1960s, Sunday am 9:30 Local Time | http://yankee6meterssbnet.blogspot.com |
50.276 | JT65-A | Digital | Newly developed JT65A is finding a home here | |
50.276 | JT65 | Digital | Weak Signal Users | |
50.276 | JT65a | Digital | calling frequency | |
50.28 | Meteor Scatter | SSB | Digital | WSJT-X |
50.29 | Digital | Digital | Calling Frequency for PSK31 and Hell modes | http://www.qsl.net/digitalonsix/ |
50.29 | MFSK16 | Digital | http://kf4houtn.tripod.com/snddigi.htm | |
50.29 | BPSK31 | Digital | Been the defacto frequency for years | |
50.291 | Propagation tracking | Digital | PropNET is an ad-hoc 2-way RF-based digital communication network whose activity is reported on the Internet for the purpose of propagation tracking. | http://www.propnet.org |
50.3 | Digital | Digital | Operating Frequency for RTTY and MFSK | http://www.qsl.net/digitalonsix/ |
50.3 | rtty | Other | Digital On Six (DOS) | http://www.ykc.com/wa5ufh/DOS/index.html |
50.4 | 6M So Cal AM Net | SSB | 6M AM Net So. Cal 10am Sundays. Net Control AA6DD | |
50.4 | 6M AM calling | AM | Mainly Saturday night 6M AM NY / PA round table talks. Anyone with 6M AM anywhere can join in. | |
50.62 | Packet | Digital | Digital (packet) calling | |
50.62 | Packet | Digital | 1200baud | http://aprs.org/6m-aprs.html |
50.644 | FSQ | Digital | FSQ Calling Frequency | larry@wb9kmw.com |
50.68 | SSTV | FM | http://www.amateur-radio-wiki.net/index.php?title=SSTV_frequencies | |
51 | Military backpack radio | FM | Equipment usually low power (< 5W and inefficient antennas) and sporadic in time and geography (Hamfests, milrad exhibits, etc.) | |
51.5 | Local FM Simplex – General Conversation | FM | In Phoenix, AZ, this new network is under construction. | https://www.facebook.com/5150-Net-1736240103341311/ |
52.02 | FM Simplex | FM | ||
52.04 | FM Simplex | FM | ||
52.49 | VT Allstar Link | FM | vt allstar link 42668 | https:/www.vermontallstarnetwork.com |
52.525 | FM Simplex | FM | Primary FM Simplex | |
52.54 | FM Simplex | FM | Secondary FM Simplex | |
53.15 | Emergency | FM | WICEN – Emergency communications support & training in Australia (VK) | http://www.wicen.org.au/ |
53.5 | Remote control | Digital | ||
53.6 | Remote control | Digital | ||
53.7 | Remote control | Digital | ||
53.8 | Remote control | Digital | ||
53.9 | FM Simplex | FM | ||
1808 | FISTS | CW | http://www.fists.org | |
1810 | QRP | CW | CW | |
1812.5 | 3905 Century Club | CW | http://www.3905ccn.com/newsite/netsched.htm | |
1815 | CQ-QSO | CW | Frequency to do CQ-QSO Runs | http://cq-qso.com/ |
1817.5 | W1AW | CW | http://www.arrl.org/w1aw.html | |
1836.6 | WSPR | Digital | Weak Signal Propagation Reporter Network | wsprnet.org |
1838 | MFSK16 | Digital | http://kf4houtn.tripod.com/snddigi.htm | |
1838 | Calling/QSOs | Digital | Based on limited personal experience plus posting on JT65A sked web site | |
1838 | JT65A | Digital | +/- 1 khz on USB | |
1838 | JT65 | Digital | USB dial freq. | http://groups.google.com/group/jt65-hf |
1838 | PSK31/Digital | Digital | PSK31, Digital (everywhere except USA) | |
1845 | ALE | Other | ALE Voice, Data. Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidth | http://hflink.com |
1855 | W1AW | SSB | http://www.arrl.org/w1aw.html | |
1860 | Amateur Bullitins | AM | www.wa0rcr.com | |
1860 | Amateur Bullitins | AM | Gateway 160 Meter Radio Newsletter-Saturday | www.wa0rcr.com |
1880 | OMISS | SSB | Friday and Saturday at 04:00 Z | omiss.net |
1892 | 3905 Century Club | SSB | http://www.3905ccn.com/newsite/netsched.htm | |
1900 | net control | SSB | 1900 group with live straming video | livehamcam.com |
1910 | QRP | SSB | SSB | |
1926 | awards net | SSB | recently moved here | http://www.3905ccn.com/newsite/index.htm |
1930 | OMISS 160m SSB Net | SSB | Fri/Sat at 0400, also holidays | www.omiss.net |
1945 | Greyhair Net | AM | Promotion of AM activity on 160 | http://www.greyhairnet.org |
1947 | ragchew | SSB | http://1.947group.org | |
1957 | Ragchew | SSB | Heabrean Net | |
1960 | western kansas 160m net | SSB | this net meets every tues night on 1.960 LSB at 8PM mountain time. a ham radio topic is discussed every week. | |
1970 | CQ-QSO | SSB | Frequency to do CQ-QSO Runs | http://cq-qso.com/ |
1985 | Ragchew | AM | Thanks for the web page. | |
1985 | Get togethers | AM | We meet every night at about1700 hrs to about 2000 hrs. | |
1996 | ALE | Other | ALE: Voice, Data, Sounding. Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidth | http://hflink.com |
1998.2 | Propagation tracking | Digital | PropNET is an ad-hoc 2-way RF-based digital communication network whose activity is reported on the Internet for the purpose of propagation tracking. | http://www.propnet.org |
3520 | RNARS Calling-Frequency | CW | CW Amateur Stations wishing to contact Royal Naval Amateur Radio Society pse use this freq. for CW contact on this band: not exclusive, Non-RNARS callers welcome to join | http://www.rnars.org.uk/schedules%20frequencies.html |
3530 | IOTA | CW | http://www.rsgbiota.org/ | |
3530 | AM | AM | AM South America | http://www.amwindow.org/freq.htm |
3535 | IN CW Nets | CW | Indiana Section Nets 0830ct 1900ct (W9ILF Mgr) | none |
3547 | QFN FL TFC NET | CW | All Florida CW Traffic Net 7 and 10 pm | http://cwnet.homestead.com/ |
3547.5 | 3905 Century Club | CW | http://www.3905ccn.com/newsite/netsched.htm | |
3549 | Georgia State Traffic | CW | GSN is daily @ 7 pm and 10 PM | |
3550 | French AM net | AM | ||
3550 | SKCC | CW | http://www.skccgroup.com/membership_data/opfreq.php | |
3555 | WI Traffic Nets | CW | 1800 Novice Net , 1830 Slow Speed Net, 1900 and 2200 WI Intrastate Net, all local times | |
3556 | FRN | CW | NAQCC Sunday roundtable net | http://naqcc.info/cw_nets.html |
3556.5 | County Hunting Net | CW | http://ch.w6rk.com | |
3557 | MDD TFC NET | CW | Maryland-DC-Delaware NTS Section Tfc Net. 7 & 10 pm daily | http://www.arrl-mdc.net/mdd_net/net.htm |
3557 | 3RN TFC NET | CW | DC-DE-MD-PA 3RN NTS Cycle 4 at 7:45 & 9:30 daily | |
3558 | FISTS | CW | http://www.fists.org | |
3559 | Feld Hell | Digital | http://feldhellclub.org/ | |
3560 | QRP | CW | CW | |
3562 | Tennessee CW Traffic | CW | Net meets 1900 CT | |
3563 | QMN | CW | Michigan Traffic net | |
3563 | QMN | CW | Michigan Traffic Net. Early 6:30 PM Eastern. Late 10:00 PM Eastern | |
3563 | MSN MD TFC & TNG | CW | Maryland Slow Net, Tfc & Net Op Training. | |
3563 | MSN MD TFC & TNG | CW | Maryland Slow Net, Tfc & Net Op Tng. 7:30 pm daily | http://www.bdb.com/~msn/ |
3565 | ALE | Other | ALE: Voice, Data, Sounding. Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidth | http://hflink.com |
3565 | Massachusetts-Rhode Island NTS CW Net | CW | Meets daily at 23:00 UTC | |
3565 | Massachusetts-Rhode Island NTS CW Net | CW | Meets Daily at 23:00UTC | http://nts.ema.arrl.org/ |
3568 | CQ-QSO | CW | Frequency to do CQ-QSO Runs | http://cq-qso.com/ |
3569 | Traffic net | CW | ||
3570 | Radio Scout Frequency | CW | http://home.tiscali.nl/worldscout/Jota/frequencies.htm | |
3570 | ZL2KO Net | SSB | Weekly M.A.R.S. Net | |
3572 | Traffic Net | CW | Idaho-Montana Net (daily at 0300Z) | |
3573 | FT8 | Digital | What are JAPAN FREQ. at 3.573 | |
3573 | AGCW QTC | CW | AGCW QTC Mo. 1800 UTC | http://www.agcw.org/ |
3575 | Traffic Net | CW | Alabama Section Net – CW Traffic | |
3575 | Feld Hell | Digital | http://feldhellclub.org/ | |
3576 | Traffic | CW | Frequency changed when realigned | |
3576 | JT65A | Digital | +/- 1 khz on USB | |
3576 | JT65 | Digital | USB dial freq. | http://groups.google.com/group/jt65-hf |
3576 | JT65A | Digital | http://www.hflink.com/jt65/ | |
3578 | 3905 Century Club | Digital | http://www.3905ccn.com/newsite/netsched.htm | |
3581.5 | W1AW | CW | http://www.arrl.org/w1aw.html | |
3583.5 | paNBEMS | Digital | paNBEMS is an NBEMS working group to test and train with Narrow Band Emergency Messaging System software for use in emergency communications | http://www.paNBEMS.org |
3584 | MFSK16 | Digital | http://kf4houtn.tripod.com/snddigi.htm | |
3585 | JT-65 | Digital | 3576 NOT allowed in IARU REG 1 !! | |
3585 | ARES Digital Net | Digital | Southern Ohio ARES Digital Net – Mondays @ 9 pm est | |
3586 | 3905 Century Club | Digital | RTTY | http://www.3905ccn.com/newsite/netsched.htm |
3588 | FSQ | Digital | IARU Region 1 | |
3590 | K6YR | CW | http://www.arrl.org/w1aw.html | |
3590 | Empire Slow Speed Net | CW | 6:00PM Eastern | |
3590 | Olivia MT-63 | Digital | Illinois ARES Digital Nets | http://www.ilares.org |
3590 | FSQ | Digital | IARU Region 3 | |
3590 | DX Window | Digital | RTTY | |
3592.6 | WSPR | Digital | Weak Signal Propagation Reporter Network | wsprnet.org |
3593 | NBEMS nets | Digital | Tues Thurs Sat Mi. @ 7 and Mn at 8 pm cst | |
3594 | FSQ | Digital | IARU Region 2 | |
3597.5 | W1AW Digital | Digital | http://www.arrl.org/w1aw.html | |
3598.2 | Propagation tracking | Digital | PropNET is an ad-hoc 2-way RF-based digital communication network whose activity is reported on the Internet for the purpose of propagation tracking. | http://www.propnet.org |
3600 | Emergency | CW | WICEN – Emergency communications support & training in Australia (VK) | http://www.wicen.org.au/ |
3600 | French AM net | AM | ||
3610 | PAX | Digital | USB | |
3610 | PAX2 | Digital | USB | |
3615 | AM | AM | UK AM | http://www.amwindow.org/freq.htm |
3619 | FAX | SSB | heard 0615z 04jun16 wx map image lsb | |
3625 | W1AW | Digital | http://www.arrl.org/w1aw.html | |
3625 | AM | AM | AM in the UK | http://www.amwindow.org/freq.htm |
3626 | ALE | Other | ALE Data, Voice, Sounding. Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidth | http://hflink.com |
3627.3 | ARRL Skipnet | Digital | Net80E. Zero beat 3629 LSB | http://www.uspacket.org/hfnets.htm |
3630 | dutch ham net | SSB | Dutch HAM net every day /nite | |
3630 | 80 Meter Round Tirol | SSB | All Welcomme | www.oe7mfi.at |
3650 | Traffic Net | CW | Region Five CW Traffic Net | |
3650 | RAGCHEW – EU | SSB | nd EI | www.normandycoast.com |
3650 | AM | AM | AM South America | http://www.amwindow.org/freq.htm |
3668 | Geratol Net | SSB | New FQ and URL | http://geratol.info/ |
3670 | New York State CW Net Morning Cycle 1 | CW | 10:00AM Eastern | |
3670 | Eastern Area Net | CW | 8:30PM Eastern | |
3677 | New York State County Net | CW | 9:30AM Eastern Sunday | |
3677 | New York State CW Net Early Cycle 4 | CW | 7:00PM Eastern | |
3677 | New York State CW Net Late Cycle 4 | CW | 10:00PM Eastern | |
3683 | QSY Society Net | CW | 9:00PM Eastern, most days | |
3685 | SRAL | SSB | SRAL – The Finnish Amateur Radio League’s bulletin at 1300 – 1330 UTC on Saturdays | www.sral.fi |
3685 | SSB | Board of the Finnish Amateur Radio League (SRAL) answering questions at 1200 – 1300 UTC on the first Saturday of every month transmitting from their home stations | www.sral.fi | |
3690 | Second Region Net | CW | 7:45PM Eastern | |
3690 | Second Region Net | CW | 9:30PM Eastern | |
3690 | SSB | OH-stations’ rugchew 24 h | www.sral.fi/en | |
3690 | Radio Scout Frequency | SSB | http://home.tiscali.nl/worldscout/Jota/frequencies.htm | |
3690 | AM | AM | AM Calling Frequency, Australia | http://www.amwindow.org/freq.htm |
3699 | Ragchew | SSB | Finnish HI-Activity Bullshit Channel, 24h | |
3699 | 24h Finnlands only national calling frequency on 80 mtr | SSB | I kindly request to respect this qrg even if you dont understand finnish | |
3700 | Tyrol Round | SSB | 10.00-12.00 am | http://afu.mauler.info/ |
3705 | AM European Net | AM | Used from French and Italian Hams on the afternoon night winter nets | http://groups.google.it/group/boatanchors-net/topics |
3710 | QRP | CW | CW | |
3714 | Hit and Bounce Slow Net | CW | 7:30AM Eastern | http://arfernc.tripod.com/ |
3715 | New Jersey Slow Net | CW | 6:30PM Eastern | http://home.att.net/~njtb/ |
3717 | Maryland Slow Net | CW | 7:30PM Eastern | http://www.bdb.com/~msn/ |
3717 | Maryland Slow Net | CW | Moved to 3563. This entry no longer valid here. | |
3725 | AM | AM | Loyal Order of the Boiled Owls – 0420 EST | https://sites.google.com/site/loyalorderboiledowls/ |
3729 | Daily SSB net | CW | British Columbia Public Service Net | http://www.percs.bc.ca/OPS_BCPSN.htm |
3729 | BC Public Service Net | SSB | The BC Public Service Net starts at 01h30zulu on 3729khz. | http://www.bcpsn.com |
3729 | BC public service net | SSB | public service directed net at 1830 PDT every day | http://www.bcpsn.com/ |
3735 | SK Public Service | SSB | Saskatchewan Public Service Net | http:/www.sarl.ca/nets.htm |
3740 | SATERN | SSB | http://www.wx4nhc.org/ | |
3742 | Ontario Phone Net (NTS) | SSB | Occurs daily at 7PM Eastern Time (Standard/Daily). Affiliated with the National Traffic System | http://www.racaresontario.ca/public/display_opn_info.php |
3743 | RNARS The Bubbly Rats Ne | SSB | Monday – Saturday 1030-1330 | http://www.rnars.org.uk/schedules%20frequencies.html |
3744 | Saskatchewan Public Service Net | SSB | Saskatchewan Public Service | http://www.sarl.ca/nets.htm |
3744 | Saskatchewan Public Service Net | SSB | Net 01:00 – 01:30 UT Daily. | http://www.sarl.ca/nets.htm |
3744 | wrong button club | SSB | mon -friday 9am pacific everyone welcome | |
3753 | Saskatchewan Weather Net | SSB | Net 14:00 – 14:30 UT Daily. | http://www.sarl.ca/nets.htm |
3753 | Saskatchewan 80M ARES Net | SSB | Net 14:30 – 15:00 UT Sundays | http://www.sarl.ca/nets.htm |
3755 | IOTA | SSB | http://www.rsgbiota.org/ | |
3755 | ONTARS Net | SSB | Net operates daily from 7AM to 5PM Eastern Time (Standard/Daylight) as a service to Amateurs in or around Ontario. | http://www.radioroom.ca/ |
3755 | ONTARS Net | SSB | www.ontars.ca | |
3760 | WAB net | SSB | when 40m Condx do not allow. Every day morning till evening | http://wab.intermip.net/default.php |
3765 | ESSB | SSB | LITTLE PEOPLE NETWORK – Net usually starts around 12:00 AM Pacific | http://members.cox.net/kn6z/littlepeoplelog.htm |
3768 | GERATOL | SSB | http://www.qsl.net/geratol/ | |
3791 | ALE | Other | ALE voice. Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidth | http://hflink.com |
3791 | HFPACK | SSB | -USB- Upper Sideband – HF Portable Calling Frequency – regions 1-2-3; International Emergency/Relief | http://hfpack.com |
3791 | SELCALL | Other | USB – Amateur SELCALL – UPPER SIDEBAND Dial Frequency – Selective Calling CCIR 493 – 1700Hz 100baud, for use with SSB Voice | http://hflink.com/channels/ |
3810 | Kentucky Phone Net (Morning Net) | SSB | Every Morning 8:30am Eastern Time | https://sites.google.com/site/kyphonenet/ |
3814 | St. Max Kolbe Net | SSB | Sundays 8:00 PM ET | www.stmaxkolbe.org |
3815 | Friendly 7.188 Net | SSB | Priemier Caribbean EnComm and Welfare Net. Daily Net 1030 and 2230 UTC. | http://www.cewn.net/ |
3815 | Caribbean Emergency & Weather Net | SSB | Daily @ 10:30 & 22:30 UTC | http://www.cewn.org |
3816 | Kentucky Phone Net (Evening Net) | SSB | Every Day at 7:00pm Eastern Time | https://sites.google.com/site/kyphonenet/ |
3820 | Little Red Barn Net | SSB | 0830 EDT – (Thursdays, 3.826 due to QRM) | http://www.historyofwowo.com/ |
3825 | AM | AM | AM | http://www.amwindow.org/freq.htm |
3825 | OMISS 80m SSB Net | SSB | Daily 0300z | www.omiss.net |
3837 | Antique Wireless Association | AM | weekend gathering, every weekend | |
3837 | Pajama Gang | SSB | Pajama Gang-0845 CST | |
3840 | DAILY NET ON 3.840 | SSB | w5yjb Bill and group ALSO SHORT WAVE LISTENERS 8:AMCST live and recorded on Bob Bellars web site | http://www.3840khz.net/ |
3845 | Traffic Net | SSB | Oklahoma. Sooner Traffic Net. Monday thru Saturday. | |
3845 | Arufon Net | SSB | amateur radio UFO discussion Net | |
3845 | SSTV | Digital | ||
3850 | midwest rag chew | SSB | ragchew from 7:00 cen to 9:00 am cen & 6:30 pm till midnite!! | https://www.facebook.com/groups/446742322068372/ |
3855 | Awful Awful Ugly Net | SSB | Daily 8PM Central Time | http://www.qsl.net/k/kb5aau//aaunet/ |
3857 | sstv | Other | ||
3862 | MS Phone Net | SSB | Mississippi Phone Net 1800utc daily | arrlmiss.net |
3862 | MSPN Mississippi Section Phone Net Emergency and Training Net | SSB | Mississippi Section Phone Emergency and Training Net | www.arrlmiss.org |
3862.5 | AM Traffic Net | SSB | M-F 0600 cst 0700 S-S & Holidays | arrlmiss.net |
3870 | AM | AM | AM – USA West Coast | http://www.amwindow.org/freq.htm |
3880 | AM | AM | AM | http://www.amwindow.org/freq.htm |
3885 | Gulf Coast Mullet Society | AM | THURSDAYS @ 1900ET – W4GCM Net Control | http://flamgroup.com/about/ |
3885 | Southeastern AM Radio Club | AM | W4AMI Trade & Fellowship Net – TUESDAYS @ 1900EST/1800EDT | |
3885 | FL AM Group | AM | AM Roundtable – SUNDAYS @ 0600 ET = Pre-Net Checkins SUNDAYS @ 0630ET = Formal Net | http://flamgroup.com/about/ |
3885 | FL AM Group | AM | WEDNESDAY Night Informal Net @ 1900ET | http://flamgroup.com/about/ |
3885 | AM | AM | ||
3890 | ragchew | AM | home of k5bai jim | |
3896 | Arizona Traffic and Emergency Net | SSB | Daily at 0030 UTC in winter, 0200 UTC in summer. | http://www.atenaz.net/ |
3902 | 3905 Century Club | SSB | http://www.3905ccn.com/newsite/netsched.htm | |
3903 | OTH Gang | SSB | The Over The Hill Gang, usually start gathering at 7:30 am to 9 am cst Monday thru Friday. All are welcome. | |
3905 | N. American Traffic & Awards Net | SSB | Bringing back the ORIGINAL WAS Net: Jan. 1, 2009 | Coming soon! |
3905 | Net Operation | SSB | Net meets daily except Sunday and Thursday (local time) at 0345z (0245z during DST) | www.northamericantrafficandawards.net |
3905 | DELAWARE TRAFFIC NET | SSB | Delaware Traffic Net and Emergency Phone Net | |
3906 | calif.traffic.net | SSB | califtraffic.net | |
3908 | WARFA | SSB | Health and Welfare traffic and member station friendly exchanges. | http://www.warfa.org |
3908 | HI FIVERS NET | SSB | The friendly bunch | http://hifivers.wix.com/hifivers |
3908 | HI FIVERS NET | SSB | 8pm cst early check in 9pm cst net starts, The friendly bunch | http://hifivers.wix.com/hifivers |
3910 | Clearing House Net | SSB | 11:00AM Sunday | |
3917 | EPAEPTN/EPA NTS | SSB | EPA Emergency Phone & Traffic Net | |
3920 | SATERN | SSB | http://www.wx4nhc.org/ | |
3920 | OMIK Net | SSB | Health and Welfare traffic and club member info exchanges. The organization celebrates it’s 54th anniversary this year. | http://www.omikradio.org |
3920 | Kansas Weather Net | SSB | Weather reporting from Kansas and adjacent states. 7:00 A.M & 6:00 P.M. (local time) daily. | |
3920 | Gallops Island Net | SSB | Gallops Island Radio Association Net | |
3920 | Maryland Emergency Phone Net | SSB | Every evening at Six since 1952. | http://n3wke.home.comcast.net/MEPN/ |
3922 | 4 PMRS | SSB | friendly rag chew, M-S, 4pm | the4pmrs.net |
3923 | NC ARES Net | SSB | Tarheel Net @ 7:30 ET daily – NC ARES | http://www.ncarrl.org/nets/THEN/index.html |
3923.5 | Wyoming Cowboy Net | SSB | 0045 UTC Monday through Friday. | |
3925 | Clearing House Net | SSB | 11:00AM Eastern | |
3925 | New York Phone Net | SSB | 1:00PM Eastern | |
3925 | Second Region Net | SSB | 1:45PM Eastern | |
3925 | Second Region Net | SSB | 4:45PM Eastern | |
3925 | New York Public Operations Net | SSB | 5:00PM Eastern | |
3925 | New York State Phone Traffic and Emergency Net | SSB | 6:00PM Eastern | |
3925 | Second Region Net | SSB | 6:30PM Eastern | |
3928 | Informal ragchew net | SSB | Ragchew net primarily afternoons from Fall through Spring. New England area. | www.thebullnet.com |
3933 | Green Mountain Net | SSB | The net starts at 21:00 UTC. This net has been on the air since the mid 1950s. | http://home.myfairpoint.net/k1ku/gmn.html |
3935 | Carrier Net | SSB | 9:00AM M-S | http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Woods/1413/carrier.htm |
3935 | friendship – ragchew – handle traffic if available | SSB | Michigan based net with several stations from Ohio, Indiana, & Illinois. Net begins at 7:00 p.m. daily, with pre-net beginning 30 – 60 min. prior to net. During winter months nets begin earlier due to band conditions. | www.wssbn.com |
3939 | NM Traffic Net – 0100Z | SSB | New Mexico Roadrunner Traffic Net | |
3940 | Radio Scout Frequency | SSB | http://home.tiscali.nl/worldscout/Jota/frequencies.htm | |
3940 | Morning Net | SSB | Early Bird Transcontinental Net | http://www.earlybirdnet.com/ |
3940.5 | OMISS | SSB | omiss.net | |
3942 | OMISS 80m Net | SSB | Seven days a week @ 0200z | www.omiss.net |
3944 | Western MA Emergency Net | SSB | Sunday 8:30 am Eastern (local) time | |
3945 | New England Phone Net | SSB | General conversation net, Sunday am at about 8:45 local time, NCS is on Cape Cod, MA. | |
3950 | NTS NJ Phone Net | SSB | 2200Z Daily and 9:00 AM ET Sunday | |
3950 | North Florida ARES Net | SSB | Starts @ 9am EST Alt Freq 7242 | Arrl-nfl.org |
3952 | WPSS | SSB | WPSS – Western Public Service System Net | www.3952khz.net |
3960 | Calif Emerg Svcs Net | SSB | Mon 2000 Hrs Pacific CESN OA checkins | |
3965 | Traffic | SSB | Alabama Traffic Net Mike; Sun-Sat 1830 CT; Sun 0800 CT | |
3970 | NoonTime Net | SSB | LSB 3970.0 kHz – NoonTime Net – North America (west of the rockies) check in 12noon Pacific Time – everyone welcome – mobile – base – portable (alternate frequency: 7268.5kHz LSB and 7283.5kHz LSB) informal session of net is also active in the morning | http://www.noontimenet.org/ |
3970 | Noontime Net | SSB | LSB 3970.0 kHz – NoonTime Net – North America (west of the rockies) check in 12noon Pacific Time – everyone welcome – mobile – base – portable (alternate frequency: 7268.5kHz LSB and 7283.5kHz LSB) informal session of net is also active in the morning | www.noontimenet.org |
3970 | CQ-QSO | SSB | Frequency to do CQ-QSO Runs | http://cq-qso.com/ |
3972.5 | Ohio Single Sideband Net | SSB | Traffic Net – daily (10:30AM, 4:15PM and 6:00PM) | http://www.qsl.net/ossbn/ |
3973 | Breakfast Club Net | SSB | Early Mornings, 7 Days a week | www.hamdata.com |
3975 | Traffic/Social | SSB | Washington Amateru Radio Traffic System. The oldest SSB statewide net in the State of Washington | http://www.wartsnet.org |
3977.7 | SATERN | SSB | http://www.wx4nhc.org/ | |
3977.7 | UFO Net | SSB | ||
3978 | Massachusetts-Rhode Island NTS Phone Net | SSB | Meets on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday at 22:00 UTC | |
3980 | Tennessee SSB Net | SSB | Net meets 0645 CT and 1830 CT weekdays | http://www.tnarrl.org |
3980 | Regional Information | SSB | http://www.win3980.com/ | |
3980 | Tennessee State Traffic Net | CW | ||
3985 | QRP | SSB | SSB | |
3987.5 | Razorback Net | SSB | Arkansas Section Net 6pm local time | |
3990 | W1AW | SSB | http://www.arrl.org/w1aw.html | |
3995 | Land Rover net | SSB | 9:30 PM nightly For Land Rover and other 4 Wheel Drive owners. | |
3996 | ALE | Other | ALE voice. Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidth | http://hflink.com |
3996 | HFPACK | SSB | – USB – HFpack – HF Portable – Calling frequency – UPPER SIDEBAND – Net – Regional NVIS | http://hfpack.com |
3996 | SELCALL | Other | USB – Amateur SELCALL – UPPER SIDEBAND Dial Frequency – Selective Calling CCIR 493 – 1700Hz 100baud, for use with SSB Voice | http://www.hflink.com/channels/ |
5102 | SSB 60m | SSB | USB – Australia Emergency WIA/WICEN | http://hflink.com/5mhz/ |
5167.5 | SSB 60m | SSB | USB – ALASKA Emergency | http://hflink.com/5mhz/ |
5195 | Beacon | Other | DRA5 Beacon – Center Frequency 5195.0kHz – CW – PSK31- QPSK31 – RTTY (FSK_45baud)- radio-propagation forecasts, solar flux, sunspot , geomagnetic, index. | http://www.dk0wcy.de/station.htm |
5258.5 | SSB 60m | SSB | USB – Upper Sideband – UK | http://hflink.com/5mhz/ |
5278.5 | SSB 60m | SSB | UK-Finland-Norway-Iceland-etc. | http://hflink.com/5mhz/ |
5287.2 | WSPR | Digital | Weak Signal Propagation Reporter Network | wsprnet.org |
5288.5 | SSB 60m | SSB | UK – Finland – Norway – Iceland, etc – Canada Experimental – UK Beacons | http://hflink.com/5mhz/ |
5290 | Beacon | CW | UK 5MHz Beacons. Propagation study network, multiple stations transmit CW ID and stepped power levels, at intevals. | http://g4irx.nowindows.net/fivemegs/comparison.php |
5290.5 | NVIS-Beacon | Digital | Video-ID/PSK250 and CW c/s OV1BCN | www.oz1fjb.dk |
5291 | beacon | CW | NVIS, test of propagation in Switzerland | http://www.hb9aw.ch/bake-infos-zum-projekt/ |
5298.5 | SSB 60m | SSB | USB – Finland | http://hflink.com/5mhz/ |
5320 | SSB 60m | SSB | USB 5320.0 – New Zealand – Amateur Radio Emergency Communications using AREC callsigns (5320.0kHz – 5322.8kHz any mode) | http://www.nzart.org.nz/nzart/Update/infoline/infoline-122.pdf |
5330.5 | SATERN | SSB | http://www.wx4nhc.org/ | |
5330.5 | SSB 60m | SSB | USB (USA – Finland – Norway – Iceland – St.Lucia – etc) | http://hflink.com/5mhz/ |
5332 | 60m | CW | CW freq = 5332.0 kHz only. (USA New 60m CW Channel) and monitor 5330.5kHz USB for non-interference. | http://hflink.com/60meters/ |
5346.5 | SSB 60m | SSB | USB (USA – Finland – Norway – Iceland – St.Lucia – etc. | http://hflink.com/5mhz/ |
5354 | APRS | Digital | Robust Packet | http://robust-packet.net/ |
5355 | SSB 60m | SSB | USB – Australia Emergency – WIA/WICEN | http://hflink.com/5mhz/ |
5357 | ALE | Digital | Automatic Link Establishment High Frequency Network 24/7 Channel Frequency – All IARU Regions 1,2,3 – Texting/Data/USB voice | http://hflink.com |
5357 | JT65 | Digital | USB dial freq, new WRC-15 band since 2017 | |
5357 | JT-65 | Digital | Frequency built into JT-65 HF HB9HQX Software | |
5358.5 | 60m | CW | CW freq = 5358.5 kHz only. (USA New 60m Channel) and monitor 5357.0kHz USB. | http://hflink.com/60meters/ |
5366.5 | SSB 60m | SSB | USB (USA – Finland – Norway – Iceland – etc) | http://hflink.com/5mhz/ |
5366.5 | SSB 60m | SSB | CHANNEL DELETED from USA AMATEUR USE by FCC in 2012. | http://hflink.com/60meters/ |
5366.5 | Olivia | Digital | Centre of activity for Olivia on 60m in UK | |
5371.5 | ALE | Other | ALE voice (emergency only in USA). Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidth | http://hflink.com |
5371.5 | HFPACK | SSB | – USB – HFPACK – HF Portable Calling Frequency – SUNSET NET – Regional NVIS | http://hfpack.com |
5371.5 | SSB 60m | SSB | USB (USA – Finland – Norway – Iceland – St.Lucia – etc) | http://hflink.com/5mhz/ |
5395 | SSB 60m | SSB | USB 5395.0 – New Zealand – Amateur Radio Emergency Communications using AREC callsigns (5395.0kHz – 5397.8kHz any mode) | http://www.nzart.org.nz/ |
5398.5 | SSB 60m | SSB | USB (UK – Finland – Norway – Iceland – etc)(Canada-Experimental) | http://hflink.com/5mhz/ |
5398.5 | SSB/CW | SSB | Ireland SSB/CW Experimental | http://www.irts.ie/ |
5403 | SSB/CW | SSB | Ireland SSB/CW Experimental | http://www.irts.ie/ |
5403.5 | ALE | Other | ALE voice Region1 (emergency only). Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidth | http://hflink.com |
5403.5 | HFPACK | SSB | – USB – HF Portable Calling Frequency – Region 1 – HFpack Net alternate | http://hfpack.com |
5403.5 | SSB 60m | SSB | USB (USA – UK – Norway – Iceland – St.Lucia – etc)(Canada-Experimental) International Calling | http://hflink.com/5mhz/ |
5405 | 60m | CW | CW freq = 5405.0 kHz only. (USA New 60m CW Channel) and monitor 5403.5kHz USB for non-interference. | http://hflink.com/60meters/ |
5405.3 | cw | CW | danish hams with aproved licenses | |
7020 | RNARS Calling-Frequency | CW | CW Amateur Stations wishing to contact Royal Naval Amateur Radio Society pse use this freq. for CW contact on this band: not exclusive, Non-RNARS callers welcome to join | http://www.rnars.org.uk/schedules%20frequencies.html |
7022.5 | HFPACK | CW | HF Portable CW calling frequency – Region 1, 2, 3 – International – HFPACK | http://hfpack.com |
7025 | High Speed Club | CW | ||
7026 | Olivia | Digital | OLIVIA 500/16 – Japan – Asia R3 – Audio Center Frequency=750Hz | http://hflink.com/olivia/ |
7028 | FISTS | CW | Region 1 | http://www.fists.org |
7030 | IOTA | CW | http://www.rsgbiota.org/ | |
7030 | QRP | CW | Region 1 & 3 QRP CW Calling | |
7030 | Radio Scout Frequency | CW | http://home.tiscali.nl/worldscout/Jota/frequencies.htm | |
7033 | THOR 4-22 | Digital | BEST OF THE DIGIMODES | |
7038.5 | HFPACK | CW | HF Portable CW Calling Frequency – North America/USA – HFpack | http://hfpack.com |
7038.6 | WSPR | Digital | Weak Signal Propagation Reporter Network | wsprnet.org |
7039 | JT65A | Digital | +/- 1 khz on USB | |
7040 | DX Window | Digital | RTTY | |
7040 | QRP | CW | Please leave for QRP ops. Region 2 QRP CW Calling. | |
7040 | SSTV Call | Other | ||
7042 | Hit and Bounce Net | CW | 8:30AM Eastern | http://arfernc.tripod.com/ |
7043 | NET | CW | SLO POLK NET – SUNDAY – 9PM EST | |
7044 | FSQ | Digital | IARU Region 1 | |
7045 | Elecraft Net | CW | Monday 0200z (Sunday 7pm PDT) 7045 kHz | |
7045 | AMTOR | Digital | Amtor Sellcall ATOR | www.amtor.de |
7045 | CQ-QSO | CW | Frequency to do CQ-QSO Runs | http://cq-qso.com/ |
7046 | 3905 Century Club | CW | http://www.3905ccn.com/newsite/netsched.htm | |
7047.5 | W1AW | CW | http://www.arrl.org/w1aw.html | |
7050 | Waterway CW Net | CW | http://www.waterwayradio.net/cwnet.htm | |
7050 | Eastern Area Net | CW | 2:30PM Eastern Saturday and Sunday | |
7050 | VK CW calling frequency | CW | While 7030 is the QRP calling frequency in region 3, 7050 is being used as general CW calling frequency in Australia | http://www.vkcw.net/7050 |
7050 | CW calling in VK | CW | Stations move off (QSY) after contact | http://www.vkcw.net |
7050 | Chinese | SSB | Chinese Rag-Chewing Frequency | |
7052 | Amateur Radio Telegraph Society | CW | ||
7055 | Canada National SSB | SSB | national traffic net, alternate emergency freq from 80M | |
7055 | SKCC | CW | http://www.skccgroup.com/membership_data/opfreq.php | |
7055 | IOTA | SSB | freq. as per IOTA webpage | http://www.rsgbiota.org/info/ |
7056 | Reference | CW | 7×24 carrier, no modulation | |
7056.5 | County Hunting Net | CW | http://ch.w6rk.com | |
7058 | DSTV | SSB | (DRM) | |
7058 | FISTS | CW | http://www.fists.org | |
7065 | ALE | Other | ALE voice, data. Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidth | http://hflink.com |
7070 | AM | AM | AM Southern Europe | http://www.amwindow.org/freq.htm |
7070 | PSK31 | Digital | Common PSK31 for 40M | |
7070.4 | 3905 Century Club | Digital | PSK31 | http://www.3905ccn.com/newsite/netsched.htm |
7072 | MFSK16 (Region 2) | Digital | ||
7072.5 | Olivia | Digital | OLIVIA 500/16 – Region 2 USA | http://hflink.com/olivia/ |
7073 | NJ NBEMS Net | Digital | Olivia 8-500 1500 Hz waterfall weekly 0930 EDT Sundays | |
7075 | Emergency | SSB | WICEN – Emergency communications support & training in Australia (VK) | http://www.wicen.org.au/ |
7076 | Olivia | Digital | OLIVIA 500/16 – Region 2 USA – Audio Center Freq = 750Hz | http://hflink.com/olivia |
7076 | JT65A | Digital | +/- 1 khz on USB | |
7076 | JT65 | Digital | USB dial freq. | http://groups.google.com/group/jt65-hf |
7077 | Winmor testing | Digital | USB only, Winmor peer to peer | |
7084 | 3905 Century Club | Digital | RTTY | http://www.3905ccn.com/newsite/netsched.htm |
7090 | Radio Scout Frequency | SSB | http://home.tiscali.nl/worldscout/Jota/frequencies.htm | |
7095 | W1AW | Digital | http://www.arrl.org/w1aw.html | |
7098.8 | ARRL Skipnet | Digital | Net40E. Zero beat 7100.5 LSB | http://www.uspacket.org/hfnets.htm |
7099.4 | W6ADO | CW | Morse practice | |
7101.8 | ARRL Skipnet | Digital | Net40M Zero Beat 7103.5 LSB | http://www.uspacket.org/hfnets.htm |
7102 | ALE | Other | ALE data, sounding. Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidth | http://hflink.com |
7103.2 | Propagation tracking | Digital | PropNET is an ad-hoc 2-way RF-based digital communication network whose activity is reported on the Internet for the purpose of propagation tracking. | http://www.propnet.org |
7104 | FSQ | Digital | IARU Region 2 | |
7105 | FSQ | Digital | IARU Region 3 | |
7112 | Handihams CW Net | CW | 4pm CDT | handiham.org |
7114 | CW Elmers | CW | SKCC members and others | |
7114 | Beginners | CW | 7114 – QRS – Elmer frequency for beginning operators | http://www.skccgroup.com/membership_data/opfreq.php |
7115 | CW Elmers | SSB | ||
7120 | AM | AM | AM South America | http://www.amwindow.org/freq.htm |
7123 | Ham Radio CW net | CW | South East U.S. CW Net | http://www.qsl.net/ki8du/sunrisenet.htm |
7123 | Ham Radio CW net | CW | correction to URL for SunRiseNet CW at QSL.net | http://www.qsl.net/srn/index.htm |
7125 | AM in Australia | AM | ||
7143 | AM | AM | AM in United Kingdom | http://www.amwindow.org/freq.htm |
7146 | AM | AM | AM Calling Frequency, Australia | http://www.amwindow.org/freq.htm |
7148 | Sun Rise Net | CW | Daily beginning at 0700 Eastern time | http://www.qsl.net/ki8du/sunrisenet.htm |
7150 | RVSU – YO EmComm | SSB | For disaster and emergency communications – Calling frequency | www.yo3ksr.ro |
7153 | Treasure Coast Net 0800 – 0900 eastern | SSB | Daily since 1961 | www.tc7153.com |
7160 | AM | AM | Used for AM since 1950’s | |
7160 | WAB net | SSB | Net for working all the OS map squares for various awards | http://wab.intermip.net/default.php |
7165.5 | ALE | Other | ALE voice, data. Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidth | http://hflink.com |
7165.5 | HFPACK | SSB | – USB – Upper Sideband – HF Portable Calling Frequency – Mobile- Portable – Base – Marine – Aero – HFPACK NET alternate | http://hfpack.com |
7165.5 | SELCALL | Other | USB – Amateur SELCALL – UPPER SIDEBAND Dial Frequency – Selective Calling CCIR 493 – 1700Hz 100baud, for use with SSB Voice | http://www.hflink.com/channels/ |
7171 | SSTV | Digital | ||
7173 | Digital SSTV | Digital | ||
7175 | AM | AM | AM – USA | http://www.amwindow.org/freq.htm |
7177 | Mabuhay DX net | SSB | M-SUN morning net @ 6-9 AM PST | |
7178 | Old Codgers Net | SSB | M-F 5-6 PM ET (EST or EDT) | |
7185 | OMISS 40 meter net | SSB | daily at 01:00 GMT | omiss.net |
7185 | Omiss Net | SSB | Work all states and awards | omiss.net |
7185 | NATA Net | SSB | Daily at 23:00z – 00:30z | http://www.natanet.info |
7185 | north america traffic & awards net | SSB | traffic & WAS awards net | www.natanet.info |
7185 | OMISS 40m SSB Net | SSB | Daily 0100z | www.omiss.net |
7185 | County Hunting Net | SSB | http://ch.w6rk.com/ | |
7185.5 | HFpack USB calling primary | Other | USB HFpack primary calling vice your listed 7165 freq. | |
7188 | 3905 Century Club | SSB | CCN has new web address and 40M FQ changed a few years back | http://www.3905ccn.com/newsite/netsched.htm |
7188 | Friendly 7.188 Net | SSB | Connecting the Caribbean and the world. Daily Net 1000 to 1200 UTC. | http://www.friendly7188net.net/ |
7188 | Friendly 7.188 Net | SSB | Connecting the Caribbean and the World. Daily Net 1000 to 1200 UTC. | http://www.friendly7188net.net/ |
7190 | Radio Scout Frequency | SSB | http://home.tiscali.nl/worldscout/Jota/frequencies.htm | |
7190 | HHH Net | SSB | 0700z daily – New frequency | http://www.hhhnet.net/ |
7190 | The Brothers Net | SSB | 6 nights weekly Mon – Fri 9:00PM EST Sunday 8:00Pm EST | www.w9bro.org |
7192 | Maritime | SSB | 7 Days a week, West Coast CA & MX | |
7192 | Brothers Net | SSB | Mo-Sa 2300z | w9bro.net |
7195 | NATA Net | SSB | QRV 0000z to 0130z | http://www.northamericantrafficandawards.net |
7195 | ragchew (24×7) | SSB | Fixed stations communicate with mobiles nationwide | http://7195group.com/ |
7208 | 3905 Century Club | SSB | Meets daily at 0400 Zulu +/- 3khz | http://www.3905ccn.com/newsite/netsched.htm |
7214 | Placer County ARES | SSB | Placer County ARES daytime net and emergency use. | http://www.sacvalleyares.net |
7222 | Country Hams Net | SSB | Rag =chew group/gen,info. | www.countryhamsnet.com |
7225 | Chart for Vietnam vets | SSB | www.vietnamvetnet.com | |
7230 | Calif Emerg Svcs Net | SSB | Wednesdays 1000 Pacific CESN OA, Relay checkin | |
7233 | Maritime | SSB | West Coast, CA & MX | http://www.bajanet.jackclarke.net/ |
7235 | HHH Net | SSB | 0700Z, +- 2 kHz | http://www.hhhnet.net/infopak2.html |
7235 | Traffic Net West Virginia | SSB | checkin is at 11:45am Eastern Time – everyone welcome – mobile – base – portable (primary frequencies: 7235 kHz LSB and daily alternate frequency is 3810 KHz | www.qsl.net/wvsarc |
7238 | Rotten Apples | SSB | http://members.aol.com/RottenApplesARG/rottenapples.html | |
7238 | County Hunting Net | SSB | http://ch.w6rk.com | |
7240 | NTS | SSB | High Noon Traffic Net | N5FLD@aol.com |
7243 | County Hunting Net | SSB | http://ch.w6rk.com | |
7243 | Eastern Area Net | SSB | 2:30PM Eastern | |
7243 | Section ARES | SSB | Sunday afternoon schedule | http://www.alabama-ares.org/ |
7245 | FAX | Digital | ||
7250 | Digital Voice Communications | Other | http://www.hamradio-dv.org | |
7250 | Digital Voice Communications | Other | AOR Digital Voice Modem Net | http://www.hamradio-dv.org |
7251 | South Coast Amateur Radio Service | SSB | 2 sessions daily | |
7255 | East Coast ARS | SSB | East Coast Amateur Radio Service | http://www.ecars7255.com/ |
7255 | Ecars | SSB | Ecars | |
7258 | Midwest ARS | SSB | The Midwest Amateur Radio Service is in session from approx. 7 AM to 1 PM Eastern Time, 365 days a year, but is sometimes in session for extended time periods if needed due to severe weather conditions, etc. Everyone is welcome, with or without traffic. | http://mid-cars.org/ |
7258 | Midwest ARS | SSB | Bandplan correction: .NET not .org | http://mid-cars.NET |
7260 | SouthBEARS | SSB | SouthBEARS: Southern Baptist Emergency Amateur Radio Service | http://www.southbears.net/ |
7260 | SouthBears Net | SSB | SouthBears emergency amateur radio service | southbears.net |
7260 | SouthBears | SSB | SouthBears Emergency Net Sundays 15:30 eastern | southbears.net |
7265 | SATERN | SSB | http://www.wx4nhc.org/ | |
7265 | OMIK Net | SSB | Health and Welfare traffic and club member info exchanges. The net starts at 7:30 EST/EDST every Sunday morning and ends at 9:00AM eastern. | http://www.omikradio.org |
7267.5 | 3905 Century Club | SSB | http://www.3905ccn.com/newsite/netsched.htm | |
7268 | Waterway Net | SSB | 7:45AM Eastern | http://www.waterwayradio.net/ |
7268 | Hurricane Watch | SSB | Hurricane Watch Net | https://www.hwn.org/policies/activationplans.html |
7268.5 | NoonTime Net | SSB | LSB 7268.5 kHz – NoonTime Net – North America (west of the rockies) check in 12noon Pacific Time – everyone welcome – mobile – base – portable (alternate frequency: 3970kHz LSB) informal session of net is also active in the morning | http://www.noontimenet.org/ |
7268.5 | Noontime Net | SSB | LSB 7268.5 kHz – NoonTime Net – North America (west of the rockies) check in 12noon Pacific Time – everyone welcome – mobile – base – portable (alternate frequency: 3970kHz LSB) informal session of net is also active in the morning | www.noontimenet.org |
7270 | CQ-QSO | SSB | Frequency to do CQ-QSO Runs | http://cq-qso.com/ |
7272 | 72 Rag Chew | SSB | 72 Ragchew Group | http://www.ragchewers.net/ |
7272 | 72 Rag Chew | SSB | 72 Rag Chew | |
7272 | Utah Beehive NET | SSB | Utah Beehive NTS Net. Daily 12:30 Mountain Time | http://beehiveutahnet.com/ |
7272 | Traffic Net | SSB | Beehive Utah Net, section level net in the National Traffic System (daily at 12:30 MT) | http://beehiveutahnet.com |
7283.5 | NoonTime Net | SSB | LSB 7283.5 kHz – NoonTime Net alternate frequency. North America (west of the rockies) check in 12noon Pacific Time – everyone welcome – mobile – base – portable (primary frequencies: 7268.5kHz LSB and 3970.0kHz LSB) informal session of net is also active in the morning | http://www.noontimenet.org/ |
7283.5 | SSB | LSB 7283.5 kHz – NoonTime Net alternate frequency. North America (west of the rockies) check in 12noon Pacific Time – everyone welcome – mobile – base – portable (primary frequencies: 7268.5kHz LSB and 3970.0kHz LSB) informal session of net is also active in the morning | www.noontimenet.org | |
7285 | QRP | SSB | SSB | |
7290 | W1AW | SSB | http://www.arrl.org/w1aw.html | |
7290 | AM | AM | AM Calling Frequency, USA | http://www.amwindow.org/freq.htm |
7290 | Independent Traffic Net | SSB | The 7290 Traffic Net has been on this Freq. for 63 Years. 10 AM to 12 Noon and 1300 to 1400 six days a week. | www. 7290trafficnet.org |
7290 | AM | AM | ||
7295 | AM Net | AM | ||
7296 | ALE | Other | ALE voice. Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidth | http://hflink.com |
7296 | HFPACK | SSB | USB – HFpack Group – Upper Sideband | http://hfpack.com |
7296 | SELCALL | Other | USB – Amateur SELCALL – UPPER SIDEBAND Dial Frequency – Selective Calling CCIR 493 – 1700Hz 100baud, for use with SSB Voice | http://www.hflink.com/channels/ |
7300 | AM | AM | AM South America | http://www.amwindow.org/freq.htm |
10106 | QRP | CW | CW, also 10116? Both actively used? | |
10108 | CQ-QSO | CW | Frequency to do CQ-QSO Runs | http://cq-qso.com/ |
10115 | IOTA | CW | http://www.rsgbiota.org/ | |
10115 | Emergency | SSB | WICEN – Emergency communications support & training in Australia (VK) | http://www.wicen.org.au/ |
10116 | QRP | CW | CW, also 10106? Both actively used? | |
10117.5 | HFPACK | CW | HF Portable CW Calling Frequency – HFpack CW Net | http://hfpack.com |
10118 | RNARS Calling-Frequency | CW | CW Amateur Stations wishing to contact Royal Naval Amateur Radio Society pse use this freq. for CW contact on this band: not exclusive, Non-RNARS callers welcome to join | http://www.rnars.org.uk/schedules%20frequencies.html |
10118 | FISTS | CW | http://www.fists.org | |
10120 | SSB | SSB | USB – Calling Frequency (Australia, NZ, Oceania, Asia, Africa) | http://www.hflink.com/bandplans/australia_bandplan.pdf |
10120 | SKCC | CW | http://www.skccgroup.com/membership_data/opfreq.php | |
10122.5 | County Hunting Net | CW | http://ch.w6rk.com/ | |
10123 | V4 | SSB | V4 protocol | http://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/V4Protocol/ |
10132 | Winmor Testing | SSB | USB only Call: Kn6KB-5 | |
10132 | SSTV | Digital | MP73-N or other Narrow band SSTV | https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/30mSSTV/info |
10132 | SSTV | Other | MP73-N Narrow Band SSTV | https://narrowsstv.wordpress.com/ |
10132 | N-SSTV | Other | Narrow SSTV | https://narrowsstv.wordpress.com/ |
10134.5 | Olivia | Digital | 10134.5 USB dial freq [Olivia 500/16 Audio Center Freq=750 Hz] or [Olivia 1000/32 Audio Center Freq=1000Hz] (proposed Olivia calling freq for IARU Region 2 and Region 3) | http://hflink.com/olivia/ |
10136.5 | ALE | Other | ALE data, voice. Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidth | http://hflink.com |
10138 | JT65 | Digital | USB dial freq. | http://groups.google.com/group/jt65-hf |
10138.7 | WSPR | Digital | Weak Signal Propagation Reporter Network | wsprnet.org |
10138.9 | Propagation tracking | Digital | PropNET is an ad-hoc 2-way RF-based digital communication network whose activity is reported on the Internet for the purpose of propagation tracking. | http://www.propnet.org |
10138.9 | Propnet PSK31 | Digital | Propnet Automatically Controlled Digital Station | http://propnet.org |
10139 | JT65A | Digital | +/- 1 khz on USB | |
10139 | County Hunting Net | Digital | http://ch.w6rk.com | |
10140 | psk31 | Digital | ||
10140 | FSQ | Digital | IARU Region 3 | |
10140 | PSK31 | Digital | 30 Meter Psk & Digital Group | http://www.30meterdigital.com |
10141 | Olivia | Digital | 10141 USB – IARU Region 1 (Europe, Africa, MidEast, Russia) [Olivia 500/16 – Audio Centre Frequency=750Hz] | http://hflink.com/olivia/ |
10144 | FSQ | Digital | IARU Region 1 and 2 | |
10144 | N-SSTV | Other | narrow SSTV | https://narrowsstv.wordpress.com/ |
10145 | ARRL Skipnet | Digital | NET147. Zero beat 10.147 LSB. | http://www.uspacket.org/hfnets.htm |
10145.5 | ALE | Other | ALE data, sounding. Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidth | http://hflink.com |
10145.5 | SELCALL | Other | USB – Amateur SELCALL – UPPER SIDEBAND Dial Frequency – Selective Calling CCIR 493 – 1700Hz 100baud | http://www.hflink.com/channels/ |
10146 | PSKMAIL EUROPE | Digital | BPSK 500R, 250R, 125R, MFSK16 | PSKMAIL |
10147 | MFSK16 | Digital | http://kf4houtn.tripod.com/snddigi.htm | |
10148 | pskmail | Digital | bpsk250 | http://pskmail.wikispaces.com/PSKmailservers |
10148 | PSKMAIL EUROPE | Digital | BPSK 500R, 250R, 125R, MFSK16 1000Hz | PSKMAIL |
14040 | IOTA | CW | http://www.rsgbiota.org/ | |
14047.5 | W1AW | CW | http://www.arrl.org/w1aw.html | |
14050 | Elecraft Net | CW | Sunday 2300z (Sunday 4pm PDT) 14050 kHz | |
14050 | SKCC | CW | http://www.skccgroup.com | |
14052 | RNARS Calling-Frequency | CW | CW Amateur Stations wishing to contact Royal Naval Amateur Radio Society pse use this freq. for CW contact on this band: not exclusive, Non-RNARS callers welcome to join | |
14053 | 3905 Century Club | CW | http://www.3905ccn.com/newsite/netsched.htm | |
14055 | CQ-QSO | CW | Frequency to do CQ-QSO Runs | http://cq-qso.com/ |
14056.5 | County Hunting Net | CW | http://ch.w6rk.com | |
14058 | FISTS | CW | http://www.fists.org | |
14059 | HFPACK | CW | HF Portable CW Calling Frequency – Pedestrian Mobile – Backpack Portable – Bike Mobile – HFpack | http://hfpack.com |
14060 | Radio Scout Frequency | CW | http://home.tiscali.nl/worldscout/Jota/frequencies.htm | |
14060 | QRP | CW | CW | |
14063 | Feld Hell | Digital | Feld Hell watering hole | |
14063 | Hellschreiber | Digital | New standard for Hell modes on 20M | http://sites.google.com/site/feldhellclub/Home/feld-hell-faq |
14065 | SATERN | Digital | emergency comm freq. Training Sat. 1200CST | |
14068 | 3905 Century Club | Digital | PSK31 | http://www.3905ccn.com/newsite/netsched.htm |
14068 | Feld Hell | Digital | http://feldhellclub.org/ | |
14070 | PSK31 | Digital | 20M PSK frequency | |
14073 | Feld Hell | Digital | Feld Hell watering hole 2 | |
14073 | County Hunting Net | Digital | http://ch.w6rk.com | |
14074 | FT8 | Digital | New & Very Fast | |
14074 | FT8 | Digital | http://physics.princeton.edu/pulsar/k1jt/wsjtx.html | |
14076 | JT65 | SSB | Calling frequency for JT65 (weak signal) | |
14076 | JT65A | Digital | +/- 1 khz on USB | |
14076 | JT65 | Digital | USB dial freq. | http://groups.google.com/group/jt65-hf |
14080 | MFSK16 | Digital | http://kf4houtn.tripod.com/snddigi.htm | |
14084 | 3905 Century Club | Digital | http://www.3905ccn.com/newsite/netsched.htm | |
14095 | W1AW | Digital | http://www.arrl.org/w1aw.html | |
14095.6 | WSPR | Digital | Weak Signal Propagation Reporter Network | wsprnet.org |
14096.3 | ARRL Skipnet | Digital | Net098, Zero beat 14.098 LSB | http://www.uspacket.org/hfnets.htm |
14097 | Propagation tracking | Digital | PropNET is an ad-hoc 2-way RF-based digital communication network whose activity is reported on the Internet for the purpose of propagation tracking. | http://www.propnet.org |
14100 | NCDXF Beacons | CW | http://www.ncdxf.org/beacons.html | |
14103 | NET14 APRS WW.NET | Digital | FSK 300 Baud packet | NET14 |
14103 | NET14 APRS WW.NET | Digital | FSK 300 Baud packet 1700Hz | NET14 |
14103 | NET14 APRS WW.NET | Digital | GMSK250 1300HZ | NET14 |
14103 | Robust Packet TELPAC BBS DB0UAL | Digital | Robust Packet (RPR) 300/600bps OFDM 500Hz BW | http://www.oevsv.at/export/sites/dachverband/interessensgruppen/aprs/APRS_auf_KW/Robust_Packet_Radio_rev1.pdf |
14103.3 | Network 105 | Digital | http://ka1fsb.home.att.net/net105.html | |
14106.5 | olivia 32/1000 | Digital | Center of 1000 hz | |
14107.5 | olivia 32/1000 | CW | ||
14107.5 | olivia 32/1000 | Digital | center on 1000 hz on waterfall | |
14111 | KG-STV | Digital | ||
14112 | PAX | Digital | USB Dial Frequency=14112.0 (Audio Center Frequency=1000Hz) | |
14117.3 | ARRL Skipnet | Digital | Net119. Zero beat 14.119 LSB | http://www.uspacket.org/hfnets.htm |
14125 | Emergency | SSB | WICEN – Emergency communications support & training in Australia (VK) | http://www.wicen.org.au/ |
14140 | National nets | SSB | national nets and Canada 20M calling frequency | |
14183 | ANZA DX Net | SSB | Australia, New Zealand, Africa Net. Anyone, anywhere welcome | www.anzadx.net |
14195 | International Mr. Nino (IT9RYH) and company frequency. | SSB | If empty (If Mr. Nino is not working on this channel) this Frequency may be used for DX-peditions | |
14227 | SSTV analog | Digital | Most of JA contest for slow scan are here | |
14230 | SSTV | Digital | ||
14233 | SSTV | Digital | Digital (DRM) | |
14236 | Digital Voice | Other | Digital Voice Net | http://www.melwhitten.com/ |
14238.5 | Trivia+Bologna Net | SSB | daily tech and personal chat | |
14245 | SSTV Repeater | Other | VK4ET Repeater | |
14260 | IOTA | SSB | http://www.rsgbiota.org/ | |
14262 | Buckeye Net | SSB | Mon-Sat 11:30-Noon Eastern Time | |
14263 | Collins Net | SSB | Sundays at 2100 zulu | |
14265 | SATERN | SSB | http://www.wx4nhc.org/ | |
14265 | HongKong | SSB | Hong Kong calling frequency, informal net. Cantonese (and other chinese languages) commonly spoken on this frequency in Asia. (USB voice) | http://www.harts-web.org |
14270 | Chinese | SSB | China calling frequency. China EMCOMM. Chinese languages commonly spoken on this frequency in Asia. | |
14280 | AM | AM | Per Electric Radio publication | |
14282 | Amsat net | SSB | There is still an Amsat net on 14.282 Sundays beginning around 1800z. Keith W5IU and Larry W7LB run it, with a cast of extras joining in from the fringes. First hour is informal discussions, followed by the reading of the Amsat bulletins. | |
14285 | QRP | SSB | ||
14286 | AM | AM | ||
14290 | W1AW | SSB | http://www.arrl.org/w1aw.html | |
14290 | OMISS | SSB | omiss.net | |
14290 | Radio Scout Frequency | SSB | http://home.tiscali.nl/worldscout/Jota/frequencies.htm | |
14290 | OMISS 20m SSB Net | SSB | Daily 1830z | www.omiss.net |
14292 | Swan Users Net | SSB | Sundays 2100Z, All are welcome | |
14295 | OMIK Net | SSB | Health and Welfare traffic and club member info exchanges. The net meets every Sunday from 11.00 AM EST/EDST until 12:30 PM eastern time. | http://www.omikradio.org |
14300 | Maritime Mobile Net | SSB | Net in progress 15 hours per day | http://www.mmsn.org/ |
14300 | Intercontinental Traffic Net (Intercon) | SSB | http://www.interconnet.org/ | |
14300 | pacific seafarersnet | CW | RAKA sailboat | |
14303 | International Assistance and Traffic Net | SSB | 6:30AM Eastern Winter, 7:00AM Eastern Summer | |
14303 | Maritime Mobile Net | SSB | Start time 0800Z & 1800Z | http://www.rnars.org.uk/Nets_DX.htm |
14303.5 | Elecraft Users SSB | SSB | Sunday 1800Z; all are welcome | www.elecraft.com |
14303.5 | Elecraft SSB Sunday Net | SSB | 1600 UTC Sundays | |
14303.5 | Elecraft Net | SSB | Sunday 1800z (Sunday 11am PDT) | |
14313 | German maritime mobile net intermar | SSB | intermar | |
14316 | AFSN | SSB | American Foreign Service Net – Sundays @ 1500z until 1530z. KF7E is Net Control. | https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/w3dos/info |
14320 | Knotheads Net | SSB | The Knothead Net is called at 9am Eastern M-SA. | |
14325 | Hurricane Watch | SSB | http://www.wx4nhc.org/ | |
14325 | Hurricane Info | SSB | Hurricane Watch | https://www.hwn.org/ |
14329 | FlexRadio Users Net | CW | Sundays @ 1800 UTC on 14.329 MHz ± QRM. The net is also simulcast on the Internet using CQ100 from www.QSOnet.com @ 14.329. | www.flex-radio.com |
14330 | AM | AM | New 20m AM frequency gradually replacing 14.286 which suffers from SSB QRM | http://amfone.net/Amforum/index.php?topic=33053.0 |
14332 | YL System | SSB | http://www.hamwave.com/cgi-bin/index.cgi?action=viewnews&id=38 | |
14336 | County Hunting Net | SSB | http://ch.w6rk.com | |
14340 | Maritime | SSB | West Coast,MX,As fas poss into Pacific | http://www.reocities.com/TheTropics/3989/ |
14342.5 | ALE | Other | ALE voice. Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidth | http://hflink.com |
14342.5 | HFPACK | SSB | – USB – HF Portable Calling Frequency – HFPACK NET – 1130z – 1630z – 2230z – Mobile- Portable – Base – Marine – Aero welcome | http://hfpack.com |
14342.5 | Flying Hams | SSB | Flying Hams Net – 2130z – Tuesday/Thursday | http://groups.yahoo.com/group/flying_hams/ |
14342.5 | SELCALL | Other | USB – Amateur SELCALL – UPPER SIDEBAND Dial Frequency – Selective Calling CCIR 493 – 1700Hz 100baud, for use with SSB Voice | http://www.hflink.com/channels/ |
14346 | ALE | Other | ALE voice. Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidth | http://hflink.com |
14346 | HFPACK | SSB | -USB- HF Portable Calling Frequency – alternate – HFPACK NET | http://hfpack.com |
18080 | Radio Scout Frequency | CW | http://home.tiscali.nl/worldscout/Jota/frequencies.htm | |
18080 | CQ-QSO | CW | Frequency to do CQ-QSO Runs | http://cq-qso.com/ |
18081.5 | HFPACK | CW | HF Portable CW Calling Frequency – Pedestrian Mobile – Backpack Portable – Bike Mobile – HFpack | http://hfpack.com |
18085 | FISTS | CW | http://www.fists.org | |
18091.5 | County Hunting Net | CW | http://ch.w6rk.com/ | |
18096 | QRP | CW | ||
18097.5 | W1AW | CW | http://www.arrl.org/w1aw.html | |
18098 | IOTA | CW | http://www.rsgbiota.org/ | |
18102 | JT65A | Digital | +/- 1 khz on USB | |
18102 | JT65 | Digital | USB dial freq. | |
18102.5 | W1AW | Digital | http://www.arrl.org/w1aw.html | |
18103.9 | Propagation tracking | Digital | PropNET is an ad-hoc 2-way RF-based digital communication network whose activity is reported on the Internet for the purpose of propagation tracking. | http://www.propnet.org |
18103.9 | Propnet PSK31 | Digital | Propnet Automatically Controlled Digital Station | http://propnet.org |
18104.6 | WSPR | Digital | Weak Signal Propagation Reporter Network | wsprnet.org |
18106 | ALE | Other | ALE data, sounding. Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidth | http://hflink.com |
18109.5 | Packet | Digital | 17m Robust Packet (18.108 USB dial w/ 1500 Hz CF) | http://groups.yahoo.com/group/robustpacket/ |
18110 | NCDXF Beacons | CW | http://www.ncdxf.org/beacons.html | |
18115.3 | ARRL Skipnet | Digital | Net117. Zero beat 18.117 LSB | http://www.uspacket.org/hfnets.htm |
18117 | N-SSTV | Other | https://narrowsstv.wordpress.com/ | |
18117 | Narrow SSTV | Other | Any MP-N Modes in MMSSTV | https://www.facebook.com/groups/NarrowSSTV/ |
18127.5 | ALE | Other | ALE voice. Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidth | http://hflink.com |
18127.5 | HFPACK | SSB | – USB – HFpack – HF Portable – Calling Frequency – Alternate | http://hfpack.com |
18128 | IOTA | SSB | http://www.rsgbiota.org/ | |
18130 | QRP | SSB | ||
18140 | Radio Scout Frequency | SSB | http://home.tiscali.nl/worldscout/Jota/frequencies.htm | |
18150 | AM | AM | ||
18150 | Emergency | SSB | WICEN – Emergency communications support & training in Australia (VK) | http://www.wicen.org.au/ |
18150 | CQ-QSO | SSB | Frequency to do CQ-QSO Runs | http://cq-qso.com/ |
18157.5 | ALE | Other | ALE voice. Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidth | http://hflink.com |
18157.5 | HFPACK | SSB | -USB- HF Portable Calling Frequency – HFPACK NET – 1130z – 1630z – 2230z – mobile – portable – base – marine – aero – QRP – QRO – welcome | http://hfpack.com |
18157.5 | SELCALL | Other | USB – Amateur SELCALL – UPPER SIDEBAND Dial Frequency – Selective Calling CCIR 493 – 1700Hz 100baud, for use with SSB Voice | http://www.hflink.com/channels/ |
18158 | OMISS 17m SSB Net | SSB | Fri/Sat at 1900, also holidays | www.omiss.net |
18160 | W1AW | SSB | http://www.arrl.org/w1aw.html | |
18165 | OMISS | SSB | omiss.net | |
21040 | IOTA | CW | http://www.rsgbiota.org/ | |
21055 | QRS CW | CW | ||
21056.5 | County Hunting Net | CW | http://ch.w6rk.com/ | |
21058 | FISTS | CW | http://www.fists.org | |
21060 | QRP | CW | ||
21060 | QRP | CW | CW | |
21065 | CQ-QSO | CW | Frequency to do CQ-QSO Runs | http://cq-qso.com/ |
21067.5 | W1AW | CW | http://www.arrl.org/w1aw.html | |
21076 | JT65A | Digital | +/- 1 khz on USB | |
21076 | JT65 | Digital | USB dial freq. | http://groups.google.com/group/jt65-hf |
21089 | DominoEX | Digital | for for audio offset @ 1kHz: use USB and TRX displayed as 21088 kHz | |
21094.6 | WSPR | Digital | Weak Signal Propagation Reporter Network | wsprnet.org |
21095 | W1AW | Digital | http://www.arrl.org/w1aw.html | |
21098 | Propagation tracking | Digital | PropNET is an ad-hoc 2-way RF-based digital communication network whose activity is reported on the Internet for the purpose of propagation tracking. | http://www.propnet.org |
21099.5 | Packet | Digital | 15m Robust Packet (21.098 USB dial w/ 1500 Hz CF) | http://groups.yahoo.com/group/robustpacket/ |
21110 | QRP | Digital | ||
21110 | ROS | Digital | also 21115 | |
21140 | Radio Scout Frequency | CW | http://home.tiscali.nl/worldscout/Jota/frequencies.htm | |
21150 | NCDXF Beacons | CW | http://www.ncdxf.org/beacons.html | |
21157.5 | ALE | Other | ALE data, sounding. Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidth | http://hflink.com |
21158 | FISTS | CW | NOVICE | http://www.fists.org |
21190 | Emergency | SSB | WICEN – Emergency communications support & training in Australia (VK) | http://www.wicen.org.au/ |
21260 | IOTA | SSB | http://www.rsgbiota.org/ | |
21270 | CQ-QSO | SSB | Frequency to do CQ-QSO Runs | http://cq-qso.com/ |
21285 | AM | AM | AM QSO | http://www.amwindow.org/freq.htm |
21340 | SSTV | Digital | ||
21345 | FAX | Digital | ||
21360 | OMISS | SSB | omiss.net | |
21360 | Radio Scout Frequency | SSB | http://home.tiscali.nl/worldscout/Jota/frequencies.htm | |
21385 | QRP | SSB | ||
21390 | W1AW | SSB | http://www.arrl.org/w1aw.html | |
21395 | OMISS 15m SSB Net | SSB | Fri/Sat at 1700z, also holidays | www.omiss.net |
21412 | Maritime Net 2100z-2400z | SSB | Pacific Maritime Mobel Service Net, every day 2100z-2400z on 21.412 Mhz | http://www.pmmsn.net/ |
21412 | Pacific Maritime Mobile Service Net | SSB | Daily 2100 to 2400 | http://www.pmmsn.net |
21412 | Pacific Maritime mobile Service Net | SSB | Pacific Maritime Mobile Service Net. Daily Nets 2100 to 2400 hours GMT. | http://www.pmmsn.net/ |
21416 | AFSN | SSB | American Foreign Service Net – Sundays @ 1530z until 1600z. KF7E is Net Control. | https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/w3dos/info |
21425 | AM | AM | AM QSO | http://www.amwindow.org/freq.htm |
21437.5 | ALE | Other | ALE voice. Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidth | http://hflink.com |
21437.5 | HFPACK | SSB | – USB – HF Portable Calling Frequency – Mobile- Portable – Base – Marine – Aero – HFPACK NET alternate | http://hfpack.com |
21437.5 | SELCALL | Other | USB – Amateur SELCALL – UPPER SIDEBAND Dial Frequency – Selective Calling CCIR 493 – 1700Hz 100baud, for use with SSB Voice | http://www.hflink.com/channels/ |
24906 | QRP | CW | ||
24910 | Radio Scout Frequency | CW | http://home.tiscali.nl/worldscout/Jota/frequencies.htm | |
24911 | CQ-QSO | CW | Frequency to do CQ-QSO Runs | http://cq-qso.com/ |
24917 | JT65A | Digital | This replaces 24920 | http://hflink.com/jt65/ |
24917 | JT65 | Digital | USB dial freq. | http://groups.google.com/group/jt65-hf |
24918 | FISTS | CW | http://www.fists.org | |
24920 | JT65A | Digital | +/- 1 khz on USB | |
24923 | JT65A | Digital | ||
24924 | Propagation tracking | Digital | PropNET is an ad-hoc 2-way RF-based digital communication network whose activity is reported on the Internet for the purpose of propagation tracking. | http://www.propnet.org |
24924 | Propnet PSK31 | Digital | Propnet Automatically Controlled Digital Station | http://propnet.org |
24924.6 | WSPR | Digital | Weak Signal Propagation Reporter Network | wsprnet.org |
24926 | ALE | Other | ALE data, sounding. Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidth | http://hflink.com |
24927 | N-SSTV | Other | narrow SSTV | https://narrowsstv.wordpress.com/ |
24927 | Narrow SSTV | Other | Any MP-N Modes in MMSSTV | https://www.facebook.com/groups/NarrowSSTV/ |
24930 | NCDXF Beacons | CW | http://www.ncdxf.org/beacons.html | |
24950 | IOTA | SSB | http://www.rsgbiota.org/ | |
24950 | QRP | SSB | ||
24950 | Emergency | SSB | WICEN – Emergency communications support & training in Australia (VK) | http://www.wicen.org.au/ |
24960 | Radio Scout Frequency | SSB | http://home.tiscali.nl/worldscout/Jota/frequencies.htm | |
24970 | CQ-QSO | SSB | Frequency to do CQ-QSO Runs | http://cq-qso.com/ |
24977.5 | ALE | Other | ALE voice. Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidth | http://hflink.com |
24977.5 | HFPACK | SSB | – USB – HF Portable Calling Frequency – Mobile- Portable – Base – Marine – Aero | http://hfpack.com |
24987.5 | 12m Narrow FM Calling | FM | Legal if modulation index is < 1 | |
28052 | RNARS Calling-Frequency | CW | CW Ham Stations wishing to contact Royal Naval Amateur Radio Society pse use this freq. for CW contact on this band: not exclusive | Nil |
28052 | RNARS Calling-Frequency | CW | CW Ham Stations wishing to contact Royal Naval Amateur Radio Society pse use this freq. for CW contact on this band: not exclusive | RNARS.org |
28052 | RNARS Calling-Frequency | CW | Non-RNARS callers welcome to join | RNARS.org |
28056.5 | County Hunting Net | CW | http://ch.w6rk.com/ | |
28058 | FISTS | CW | http://www.fists.org | |
28060 | QRP | CW | CW | |
28065 | CQ-QSO | CW | Frequency to do CQ-QSO Runs | http://cq-qso.com/ |
28067.5 | W1AW | CW | http://www.arrl.org/w1aw.html | |
28076 | Olivia | Digital | Dial Frequency USB. OLIVIA CALLING FREQUENCY – 500/16 Audio Center Frequency=750Hz | http://hflink.com/olivia/ |
28076 | JT65A | Digital | +/- 1 khz on USB | |
28076 | JT65 | Digital | USB dial freq. | http://groups.google.com/group/jt65-hf |
28095 | W1AW | Digital | http://www.arrl.org/w1aw.html | |
28101 | 10-10 Intl CW Calling Frequenc | CW | ||
28110 | QRP | Digital | ||
28117 | DominoEX | Digital | for for audio offset @ 1kHz: use USB and TRX displayed as 28116 kHz | |
28118.8 | Propagation tracking | Digital | PropNET is an ad-hoc 2-way RF-based digital communication network whose activity is reported on the Internet for the purpose of propagation tracking. | http://www.propnet.org |
28118.8 | Propnet PSK31 | Digital | Propnet Automatically Controlled Digital Station | http://propnet.org |
28124.6 | WSPR | Digital | Weak Signal Propagation Reporter Network | wsprnet.org |
28135 | Mid-Atlantic Retired Guys Net | SSB | DC, MD, DE, PA region, USA | |
28146 | ALE | Other | ALE data, sounding. Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidth | http://hflink.com |
28158 | FISTS | CW | NOVICE | http://www.fists.org |
28180 | Radio Scout Frequency | CW | http://home.tiscali.nl/worldscout/Jota/frequencies.htm | |
28185 | ROS | Digital | 28.185 and 28,295 | |
28200 | NCDXF Beacons | CW | http://www.ncdxf.org/beacons.html | |
28242 | CW Beacon | CW | 24/7 Operation | https://sites.google.com/site/bill8800/wd9cvp10mbeacon |
28327.5 | ALE | Other | ALE voice. Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidth | http://hflink.com |
28327.5 | HFPACK | SSB | – USB – HF Portable Calling Frequency – Mobile- Portable – Base – Marine – Aero | http://hfpack.com |
28327.5 | SELCALL | Other | USB – Amateur SELCALL – UPPER SIDEBAND Dial Frequency – Selective Calling CCIR 493 – 1700Hz 100baud, for use with SSB Voice | http://www.hflink.com/channels/ |
28337 | Ohio Rag Chew Net | SSB | Will get more active when cycle kicks up. | |
28370 | CQ-QSO | SSB | Frequency to do CQ-QSO Runs | http://cq-qso.com/ |
28380 | NARL Net | SSB | Wed nite 7:30PM EST | |
28380 | Ten Ten Net | SSB | http://ten-ten.org | http://ten-ten.org |
28380 | Ten-Ten Net International nets | SSB | 28800 is one of the two frequencies used for nets by 10-10 Net International | http://www.ten-ten.org/daily_nets.html |
28385 | QRP | SSB | ||
28385 | Kentucky Friday Night RagChew | SSB | Kentucky Friday Night RagChew Every Friday Night At 8:00 PM Eastern Time. Everyone Welcome | |
28390 | Radio Scout Frequency | SSB | http://home.tiscali.nl/worldscout/Jota/frequencies.htm | |
28400 | Calling | SSB | USB calling | |
28415 | RAGCHEW | SSB | Western LINY, NYC and New Jersey | |
28416 | AFSN | SSB | American Foreign Service Net – Sundays @ 1600z until 1630z KF7E is Net Control | https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/w3dos/info |
28425 | Gold City Chapter of 10-10 | SSB | Net @ 1700 UTC Wednesday | GoldCityChapter.net |
28435 | Mid-Atlantic Retired Guys Net | SSB | DC, MD, DE, PA region, USA | This is a correction. NOT 28.135….. |
28450 | Orange County (NC) Monday night | SSB | Orange County (NC) Monday night net@2000L | http://www.ncocra/org |
28450 | Emergency | CW | WICEN – Emergency communications support & training in Australia (VK) | http://www.wicen.org.au/ |
28450 | Emergency | SSB | CORRECTION to Mode – sorry. WICEN – Emergency communications support & training in Australia (VK) | http://www.wicen.org.au/ |
28460 | IOTA | SSB | http://www.rsgbiota.org/ | |
28470 | Bauxite Chapter 10-10 net | SSB | Bauxite Chapter 10-10 net. All amateurs welcome. Sun & Mon 8:30 pm Central Time | http://www.nwla.com/bauxite/ |
28485 | Atlantic Zone SSB Net | SSB | Orignates from Northeast Tennessee (Grid EM86) | https://wb4ixu.wordpress.com/ |
28490 | Pacific Dx Window | SSB | Very popular around the pacific | |
28560 | IOTA | SSB | http://www.rsgbiota.org/ | |
28590 | W1AW | SSB | http://www.arrl.org/w1aw.html | |
28665 | OMISS | SSB | omiss.net | |
28665 | OMISS 10m SSB Net | SSB | Fri/Sat at 1730, also holidays | www.omiss.net |
28677 | SSTV Repeater | Other | WB9KMW Repeater & Beacon | www.WB9KMW.com |
28677 | SSTV BEACON | Other | SSTV Beacon | |
28680 | SSTV | Digital | ||
28800 | Ten Ten Net | SSB | http://ten-ten.org | http://ten-ten.org |
28800 | 10-10 Net International | SSB | 28800 is one of the two frequencies used for nets by 10-10 Net International | http://www.ten-ten.org/daily_nets.html |
28885 | 6M DX Net | CW | 6M DX Liaison Frequency | |
28885 | QRP | SSB | ||
29000 | AM | AM | 10m AM Calling Frequency | http://www.amwindow.org/freq.htm |
29050 | Collins Net | AM | Sunday PM once band returns | collinsradio.org |
29300 | FM Simplex | FM | JA FM Simplex Calling Frequency | |
29310 | c4fm | Digital | Yaesu System Fusion Frequency for FT991 | www.va7ref.info |
29500 | 2nd FM Simplex | FM | When 29600 is busy – stations go here | |
29600 | FM Simplex | FM | ||
29600 | rag chew | FM | local ragchew, NW UK | mbars.co.uk |
10100-10120 | CW | CW | ||
10115-10140 | SSB segment Australia | SSB | SSB segment Australia | http://www.wia.org.au/members/bandplans/data/ |
10124-10127 | DSSTV/DVOICE | Digital | Digital SSTV and DRM Modes | http://www.kc1cs.com/digi.htm |
10130-10132.5 | BPSK31 | Digital | 10130.0 USB Dial Freq PSK31 – PSK63 (proposed new 30m calling frequency for USA, North America, and Region 2) | http://groups.yahoo.com/group/psk31/ |
10130-10140 | RTTY | Digital | http://www.aa5au.com/rtty.html | |
10130-10150 | RTTY | Digital | Most RTTY activity occurs below 10140 and above 10142 | http://www.aa5au.com/rtty.html |
10134.1-10134.7 | Olivia | Digital | 10134.4kHz_Olivia_500/16_center “OLIVIA CQ FREQUENCY” 10133.65_USB_dial_freq 750Hz_audio_center | http://groups.yahoo.com/group/oliviadata |
10135-10145 | Feld Hell | Digital | http://feldhellclub.org/ | |
10137-10142 | Digital Modes | Digital | 30 Meter Digital Modes | http://www.projectsandparts.com/30m/ |
10137.1-10139.2 | ALE | Digital | 10136.5USB ALE 8FSK – ARQ,Short Text Messaging, Geo Position Reporting, Keyboarding, Automatic Link Establishment Ionospheric Sounding | http://www.hflink.com/channels/ |
10139-10141 | JT65 | Digital | 10139.0 kHz USB VFO Dial Frequency JT65 JT65A JT65B Calling (signal frequency 10140.27+) | http://www.obriensweb.com/bozoguidejt65a.htm |
10140-10140.1 | QRSS, DFCW, WOLF, Jason | Digital | Extreme narrow bandwidth techniques | http://www.qsl.net/on7yd/136narro.htm |
10140-10145 | BPSK31 | Digital | ||
10140-10150 | Packet | Digital | ||
10140-10150 | Automatic | Digital | Automated Digital Stations – IARU Regions | http://hflink.com/bandplans/ |
10140-10150 | Digital Data Modes | Digital | Australia, Digital Data Modes Only | http://www.wia.org.au/members/bandplans/data/ |
10140.1-10140.2 | MEPT_JT | Digital | New MEPT_JT mode by, Joe, K1JT. | http://physics.princeton.edu/pulsar/K1JT/MEPT_Announcement.TXT |
10140.1-10140.2 | MEPT_JT/WSPR | Digital | Weak Signal Propagation Reporter – dial 10.13865 USB | http://physics.princeton.edu/pulsar/K1JT/ |
10140.1-10140.3 | WSPR | Digital | USB dial 10138.7, audio 1400…1600Hz | http://wsprnet.org/ |
10140.8-10143.8 | ALE | Other | 10140.5 kHz USB Automatic Link Establishment High Frequency Network – IARU Region 1, Region 2, Region 3; Data/Text/Messaging | http://hflink.com |
10142-10146 | DominoEX | Digital | nominal mode DominoEX 11 | |
10145.5-10148.1 | ALE | Other | USB – 8FSK – ALE data, sounding, Selective Calling, ARQ file exchange. USB_Dial_Frequency=10145.5kHz Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidth (lowest_freq=750Hz; highest_freq=2500Hz) | http://hflink.com |
10145.5-10148.5 | ALE | Digital | 10145.5kHz USB Global ALE High Frequency Network (HFN) provides HF internet messaging connectivity, HF to SMS cellphone mobile texting, HF-to-HF text relay, selective calling, and interoperability 24/7/365 | http://hflink.com/hfn |
10147.8-10148.2 | pskmail/aprs servers | Digital | 10147.750, 10148, 10148.250 BPSK63/ARQ | http://pskmail.wikispaces.com |
10148-10149 | APRS Robust Packet OFDM | Digital | APRS RobustPR dial10147,3 USB +1500Hz OFDM 500Hz BW | http://www.oevsv.at/export/sites/dachverband/interessensgruppen/aprs/APRS_auf_KW/Robust_Packet_Radio_rev1.pdf |
10149.1-10149.5 | APRS | Digital | APRS – 300baud FSK packet network for geo-position reporting. Mobiles, portables, marine. (LSB_Dial_frequency=10151kHz_LSB;Mark=1800Hz) (LSB_Dial Frequency=10151.51;Center=2210Hz) | http://www.aprs.net/vm/DOS/HF.HTM |
14000-14025 | DX Window | CW | CW | |
14000-14070 | CW | CW | ||
14063-14069 | Feld Hell | Digital | Common Feld Hell range | |
14070-14072.5 | QPSK31 | Digital | ||
14070-14072.5 | FSK31 | Digital | ||
14070-14072.5 | BPSK31 | Digital | 14070.0 USB – PSK31 [International] (Center of Activity 1kHz audio) | |
14071.5-14073.5 | PSK63 | Digital | 14071.5 USB PSK63 [International] (Center of Activity 1000Hz audio) | |
14072-14072.2 | THOR 16 | Digital | ||
14073-14075 | THOR 4-22 | Digital | THE BEST OF ALL DIGIMODES WOW MODE | |
14073-14077 | CHIP64 | Digital | Mixed with other DATA modes in Region 2 | |
14075-14082 | Feld Hell | Digital | http://feldhellclub.org/ | |
14075-14082 | Feld Hell | Digital | This is the old Feld Hell range, no longer in use | |
14075.5-14078 | Olivia | Digital | Olivia 500. Olivia 500/16 – USB Audio Center Frequency 750Hz – Signals spaced every 0.5kHz in this range | http://hflink.com/olivia/ |
14076-14078 | JT65 | Digital | 14076.0 kHz USB VFO Dial Frequency. JT65 JT65A JT65B Calling (signal frequency 14077.27+) | http://www.obriensweb.com/bozoguidejt65a.htm |
14076.1-14076.7 | Olivia | Digital | OLIVIA_500/16_ACTIVE_FREQ 14076.4kHz_Center_Freq. (Dial_Freq=14.075.65kHz_Audio_center=750Hz Olivia500/16_Lowest_Olivia_tone=516Hz) | http://hflink.com/olivia/ |
14077.1-14077.6 | Olivia | Digital | OLIVIA_500/16 – 14077.4kHz_Center_Freq. (Dial_Freq=14.076.65kHz_Audio_center=750Hz Olivia500/16_Lowest_Olivia_tone=516Hz) | http://hflink.com/olivia/ |
14078-14079 | JT9 | Digital | 18 July 2013 von Nick | |
14078-14080 | Throb | Digital | ||
14078-14082 | MFSK16 | Digital | MFSK8 and 16 normal area of operation USB | |
14078.1-14078.7 | Olivia | Digital | OLIVIA_500/16 – 14078.4kHz_Center_Freq. (USB_Dial_Freq=14.077.65_Audio_center=750Hz Olivia500/16_Lowest_Olivia_tone=516Hz) | http://hflink.com/olivia/ |
14079-14089 | RTTY | Digital | 14080+ RTTY – FSK 45.45baud 170Hz Shift – Normal Center of Activity [International] | |
14080-14084 | DominoEX | Digital | nominal mode DominoEX 11 | |
14080-14110 | RTTY | Digital | http://www.aa5au.com/rtty.html | |
14089-14099 | Automatic | Digital | Automated Digital Stations – 500Hz Bandwidth – IARU Regions 1, | http://hflink.com/bandplans/ |
14090-14110 | Packet | Digital | ||
14097-14097.2 | MEPT_JT/WSPR | Digital | Weak Signal Propagation Reporter – dial 14.0956 USB | http://physics.princeton.edu/pulsar/K1JT/ |
14098.1-14098.5 | APRS | Digital | APRS – 300baud FSK packet network for geo-position reporting. Mobiles, portables, marine. (LSB_Dial_frequency=14100kHz_LSB;Mark=1800Hz) (LSB_Dial Frequency=14100.51;Center=2210Hz) | http://www.aprs.net/vm/DOS/HF.HTM |
14100.5-14112 | Automatic | Digital | Automated Digital Stations – ALL Regions IARU – 2700HzBW | http://hflink.com/bandplans/ |
14100.6-14102.8 | Pactor3 | Digital | Winlink2000 Network | http://www.winlink.org/ |
14101.1-14103.2 | ALE | Digital | 14100.5kHz_USB_Dial_Freq_ALE – 8FSK – Selective Calling – Text Messaging – Propagation – Amateur Automatic Link Establishment – International | http://www.hflink.com/channels/ |
14101.2-14101.4 | HF Packet | Digital | Net14 packet network, especially in Europe. VFO = 14103.0 kHz LSB | http://www.bandscommunications.co.uk/ |
14101.6-14103.8 | Pactor3 | Digital | 14102.7 Winlink2000 Network | http://www.winlink.org/ |
14101.8-14104 | Pactor3 | Digital | 14102.9 Winlink2000 Network | http://www.winlink.org/ |
14102-14101 | APRS Robust Packet OFDM | Digital | world wide APRS channel in new ROBUST PR mode, GATEWAYS | http://www.oevsv.at/export/sites/dachverband/interessensgruppen/aprs/APRS_auf_KW/Robust_Packet_Radio_rev1.pdf |
14102.1-14104.3 | Pactor3 | Digital | 14103.2 Winlink2000 Network | http://www.winlink.org/ |
14103.1-14105.3 | Pactor3 | Digital | 14104.2 Winlink 2000 Network | http://www.winlink.org/ |
14103.2-14103.4 | HF Packet | Digital | Old style packet net in North America. FSK tone frequencies = 14103.21kHz +14103.41kHz. VFO dial frequency =14105.0kHz LSB | |
14103.2-14103.4 | Network 105 | Digital | set VFO 14105.0 LSB | http://mysite.verizon.net/ka1fsb/idx105.html |
14103.8-14106 | Pactor3 | Digital | 14104.9 Winlink 2000 Network | http://www.winlink.org/ |
14104-14109 | Olivia | Digital | OLIVIA 1000/32. Audio Center Freq 1000Hz- 14104.5/14105.5/14106.5/14107.5/14108.5 | http://hflink.com/olivia/ |
14105.6-14107.8 | Pactor3 | Digital | 14106.7 Winlink2000 Network | http://www.winlink.org/ |
14105.8-14108 | Pactor3 | Digital | 14106.9 Winlink2000 Network | http://www.winlink.org/ |
14107.8-14110 | Pactor3 | Digital | 14108.9 Winlink2000 Network | http://www.winlink.org/ |
14108.1-14110.3 | Pactor3 | Digital | 14109.2 Winlink2000 Network | http://www.winlink.org/ |
14108.8-14111.1 | Pactor3 | Digital | 14109.9 / 14110.0 Winlink2000 Network | http://www.winlink.org/ |
14109-14111 | MT63 | Digital | ||
14109-14112 | ALE | Digital | 14109.0kHz USB Global ALE High Frequency Network (HFN) provides HF internet messaging connectivity, HF to SMS cellphone mobile texting, HF-to-HF text relay, selective calling, and interoperability 24/7/365 | http://hflink.com/hfn |
14109-14112 | ALE | Digital | 14109.0kHz USB Global ALE High Frequency Network – Emergency/Disaster Relief frequency (Automatic Link Establishment ) | http://hflink.com/hfn/ |
14109.5-14112 | ALE | Digital | ALE. USB – 8FSK – ARQ. File Transfer and Text Keyboarding via Automatic Link Establishment with ARQ | http://hflink.com |
14109.5-14112 | ALE | Other | 14109.5 USB Automatic Link Establishment High Frequency Network 24/7 Pilot Channel Frequency – IARU Region 1, IARU Region 2, IARU Region 3; Data/Text/Messaging. | http://hflink.com |
14109.9-14112.1 | Pactor3 | Digital | 14111.0 Winlink2000 Network | http://www.winlink.org/ |
14110.5-14111.5 | PskMail | Digital | PskMail, 500 Hz wide. PSKR500 default mode | www.pskmail.com |
14110.8-14113.1 | Pactor3 | Digital | 14111.9 / 14112.0 Winlink2000 Network | http://www.winlink.org/ |
14111.8-14114.1 | Pactor3 | Digital | 14112.9 / 14113.0 Winlink 2000 Network | http://www.winlink.org/ |
14112.3-14115.3 | ALE | Other | 14112.0 kHz USB – ALE – 8FSK, 6PSK, 8PSK,Texting/Keyboarding QSO – DBM ARQ – FAE ARQ – RFSM2400 | http://hflink.com |
14112.5-14115.5 | ROS | Digital | VFO Dial Frequency = 14112.5 kHz USB – ROS digital mode – weak signal | |
14112.8-14115.1 | Pactor3 | Digital | 14113.9 / 14114.0 Winlink2000 Network | http://www.winlink.org/ |
14114.9-14117.1 | Pactor3 | Digital | 14116.0 Winlink2000 Network | http://www.winlink.org/ |
14116.8-14119 | Pactor3 | Digital | 14117.9 Winlink2000 Network | http://www.winlink.org/ |
14119.5-14121.7 | Pactor3 | Digital | 14120.6 Winlink2000 Network | http://www.winlink.org/ |
14150-14350 | SSB | SSB | ||
14180-14185 | ANZA dxnet | SSB | list operation 0515 utc daily | |
14185-14225 | SSB | SSB | USB – DXing | |
14230-14233 | sstv | Digital | groups | |
14236-14239 | DigiVoice | Digital | 14236.0 USB Digital Voice Calling Frequency (DV) [International] | |
14252.5-14262.5 | SSB | SSB | USB – Special Events Stations | |
14260-14265 | SouthBears | SSB | SouthBears Emergency Net Sun 17:30 eastern | southbears.net |
14265-14347 | SSB | SSB | USB – Various Nets | |
1800-1810 | Digital | Digital | ||
1800-2000 | CW | CW | ||
1800-2000 | SSB | SSB | Generally 1843-2000 kHz | |
1805-1810 | Ragchewing & DX | Digital | RTTY | |
1806-1808.8 | ALE | Other | USB 1806.0kHz – ALE Automatic Link Establishment (IARU Regions 2 and 3) Voice/Data | http://hflink.com |
18068-18100 | CW | CW | ||
1807-1810 | BPSK31 | Digital | REGION 1 | |
18100-18105 | BPSK31 | Digital | ||
18100-18110 | RTTY | Digital | http://www.aa5au.com/rtty.html | |
18101-18107 | Feld Hell | Digital | http://feldhellclub.org/ | |
18103.1-18103.7 | Olivia | Digital | OLIVIA_Calling_Freq_18103.4kHz(Center_Freq). DIAL_FREQ=18102.65kHzUSB – AudioCenterMarker=750Hz – Olivia Format=500/16 [International] | http://hflink.com/olivia/olivia.html |
18104-18105 | JT9 | Digital | ||
18105-18107.3 | ALE | Other | 18104.5 kHz USB Automatic Link Establishment High Frequency Network- Data/Text/Messaging – QSO Keyboarding – 8FSK – AMD, DBM ARQ, FAE ARQ. | http://hflink.com |
18105-18109 | Automatic | Digital | Automated Digital Stations – IARU Regions | http://hflink.com/bandplans/ |
18105-18110 | Packet | Digital | ||
18106-18109 | ALE | Digital | 18106.0kHz USB Global ALE High Frequency Network (HFN) provides HF internet messaging connectivity, HF to SMS cellphone mobile texting, HF-to-HF text relay, selective calling, and interoperability 24/7/365 | http://hflink.com/hfn |
18107.5-18108.5 | PskMail | Digital | 18108 center of 500 Hz modes. PSKR500 default. | www.pskmail.com |
18110-18168 | SSB | SSB | ||
18111-18120 | Automatic | Digital | Automated Digital Stations – IARU Region 1 (2700Hz Bandwidth) | http://hflink.com/bandplans/ |
18117.5-18120.2 | ALE | Other | 18117.5 USB – Voice/Data – ALE International Common channel. Automatic Link Establishment and Selective Calling. | http://www.hflink.com/ |
18162.5-18165 | DigiVoice | Digital | 18162.5 USB – Digital Voice – Calling Frequency [International] | |
18165-18170 | Airborn ham-pilots | SSB | ||
1830-1840 | DX Window | CW | Intercontinental DX window | |
1836-1838 | JT65 | Digital | JT65 in USB | |
1837-1840 | digimodes | Digital | PSK/Olivia/MFSK/JT65A all found here (East Coast US) | |
1838-1838.2 | WSPR mode DX | Digital | QRP weak signal DX. Radio dial freq 1836.6 | http://dev.wsprnet.org/drupal/ |
1840-1843 | Digital | Digital | IARU Region 1 – Digimodes – All modes – 2700Hz Bandwidth | http://hflink.com/bandplans/ |
1840-1843 | ROS | Digital | VFO Dial Frequency = 1840.0 kHz USB – ROS digital mode – weak signal | |
1840-1850 | DX Window | SSB | Intercontinental DX window | |
1840.5-1843.2 | ALE | Other | USB – 1840.5 kHz ALE Automatic Link Establishment (IARU Region 1) Data/Voice | http://hflink.com |
1880-1950 | AM | AM | Per Electric Radio publication | |
1995-2000 | Experimental | Other | ||
1996-1999 | HFPACK | SSB | – USB – HFpack – HF Portable – calling frequency – alternate – local | http://hfpack.com |
1999-2000 | Beacons | CW | ||
21000-21025 | DX Window | CW | CW | |
21000-21070 | CW | CW | ||
21063-21070 | Feld Hell | Digital | http://feldhellclub.org/ | |
21070-21075 | BPSK31 | Digital | ||
21070-21100 | RTTY | Digital | http://www.aa5au.com/rtty.html | |
21078-21079 | JT9 | Digital | ||
21086.5-21087 | Olivia | Digital | OLIVIA 500/16 CALLING FREQUENCY – USB_Dial_Frequency_21086.5 – Audio_Center_Frequency_750Hz | http://hflink.com |
21090-21110 | Automatic | Digital | Automated Digital Stations – Region 1 – Bandwidth 500Hz | http://hflink.com/bandplans/ |
21096-21099 | ALE | Other | 21096.0 kHz USB – Automatic Link Establishment – High Frequency Network 24/7 Pilot Channel Frequency – IARU Region 2, IARU Region 3 – Digital Texting/Data | http://hflink.com |
21096-21099 | ALE | Digital | 21096.0kHz USB Global ALE High Frequency Network (HFN) provides HF internet messaging connectivity, HF to SMS cellphone mobile texting, HF-to-HF text relay, selective calling, and interoperability 24/7/365 | http://hflink.com/hfn |
21100-21110 | Packet | Digital | ||
21110-21120 | Automatic | Digital | Automated Digital Stations – IARU Region 1 – 2700Hz Bandwidth | http://hflink.com/bandplans/ |
21116-21119 | ALE | Other | 21116.0 kHz USB – Automatic Link Establishment High Frequency Network 24/7 Pilot Channel Frequency – IARU Region 1 – Texting/Data | http://hflink.com |
21117.5-21120 | ALE | Other | USB – 21117.5kHz ALE – Automatic Link Establishment | http://hflink.com |
21151-21160 | Automatic | Digital | Automated Digital Stations | http://hflink.com/bandplans/ |
21152.5-21153.5 | Olivia | Digital | OLIVIA 1000/32 CALLING FREQUENCY – Dial_Frequency_21152.5 – Audio_Center_Frequency_1000Hz (note: this segment shared with automatic stations) | http://hflink.com/olivia/ |
21152.5-21155.5 | ROS | Digital | VFO Dial Frequency = 21152.5 kHz USB – ROS digital mode – weak signal | |
21200-21450 | SSB | SSB | ||
21400-21450 | AM | AM | Per Electric Radio publication | |
24890-24920 | CW | CW | ||
24920-24925 | BPSK31 | Digital | ||
24920-24925 | Feld Hell | Digital | http://feldhellclub.org/ | |
24920-24930 | RTTY | Digital | http://www.aa5au.com/rtty.html | |
24925-24929 | Automatic | Digital | Automated Digital Stations | http://hflink.com/bandplans/ |
24925-24930 | Packet | Digital | ||
24926-24929 | ALE | Digital | 24926.0kHz USB Global ALE High Frequency Network (HFN) provides HF internet messaging connectivity, HF to SMS cellphone mobile texting, HF-to-HF text relay, selective calling, and interoperability 24/7/365 | http://hflink.com/hfn |
24930-24990 | SSB | SSB | ||
24931-24940 | Automatic | Other | Automated Stations – IARU Region 1 (Bandwidth 2700Hz) | http://hflink.com/bandplans/ |
28000-28025 | DX Window | CW | CW | |
28000-28070 | CW | CW | ||
28063-28070 | Feld Hell | Digital | http://feldhellclub.org/ | |
28070-28150 | RTTY | Digital | http://www.aa5au.com/rtty.html | |
28078-28079 | JT9 | Digital | ||
28100-28110 | Feld Hell | Digital | http://feldhellclub.org/ | |
28120-28125 | BPSK31 | Digital | ||
28120-28150 | Automatic | Digital | Automated Digital Stations – Region 1 (500Hz Bandwidth) | http://hflink.com/bandplans/ |
28120-28189 | Automatic | Digital | Automated Digital Stations | http://hflink.com/bandplans |
28123-28126 | THOR | Digital | BEST OF THE DIGIMODES | |
28126-28126.2 | WSPR | Digital | Whisper WSPR Weak Signal Propagtion Reporting – Low Power Levels used | http://wsprnet.org/drupal/ |
28140-28142 | Packet | CW | APRS at 28.140 USB dial (1700 Hz CF) | http://homepage.ntlworld.com/j.brightman/net14frequ.htm |
28146-28149 | ALE | Digital | 28146.0kHz USB Global ALE High Frequency Network (HFN) provides HF internet messaging connectivity, HF to SMS cellphone mobile texting, HF-to-HF text relay, selective calling, and interoperability 24/7/365 | http://hflink.com/hfn |
28200-28300 | Beacons | CW | ||
28225.5-28228.5 | ROS | Digital | VFO Dial Frequency = 28225.5 kHz USB – ROS digital mode – weak signal | |
28300-28320 | Automatic | Other | Automated Stations – IARU Region 1 (2700Hz Bandwidth) | http://hflink.com/bandplans/ |
28300-29300 | SSB | SSB | ||
29000-29200 | AM | AM | ||
29200-29300 | Automatic | Other | Automated Stations – IARU Region 1 (6kHz Bandwidth) | http://hflink.com/bandplans/ |
29300-29510 | Satellite downlink | Other | ||
29520-29590 | Repeaters | FM | Inputs | |
29610-29700 | Repeaters | FM | Outputs | |
3500-3510 | DX Window | CW | CW | |
3500-3600 | CW | CW | ||
3500-3600 | cw-rtty-psk, etc | Digital | No digital allowed above 3600 kHz | |
3520-3525 | Digital | Digital | Japanese digital window | |
3520-3530 | Japan Digital Window | Digital | This is a correction of what is currently listed | http://jarts.jp/rules2013.html |
3555-3555.5 | NAQCC FRN | CW | 8pm Pacific Time Sundays and Mondays | http://naqcc.info/cw_nets.html |
3570-3575 | BPSK31 | Digital | ||
3577-3580 | ROS | Digital | VFO Dial Frequency = 3577.0 kHz USB – ROS digital mode – weak signal | |
3578-3579 | JT9 | Digital | ||
3580-3582 | BPSK31 | Digital | ALL DIGIS on USB in Region 2 BPSK31,QPSK31 | |
3580-3620 | RTTY | Digital | http://www.aa5au.com/rtty.html | |
3582-3589 | Feld Hell | Digital | http://feldhellclub.org/ | |
3582.5-3584.5 | Olivia | Digital | -USB Dial Frequency- OLIVIA 500/16 CALLING FREQUENCY 3582.5 USB- Audio Center Frequency=750Hz | http://hflink.com/olivia/ |
3583-3586 | THOR 4-22 | Digital | BEST OF THE DIGIMODES | |
3585.1-3587.4 | ALE | Other | 3584.5 kHz USB Automatic Link Establishment High Frequency Network- North America – IARU Region 2 – Data/Text/Messaging – 8FSK – AMD, DBM ARQ, FAE ARQ. | http://hflink.com |
3590-3593 | ALE | Other | 3589.5 USB Automatic Link Establishment High Frequency Network (QSY Text/Data Frequency) | http://hflink.com/ |
3590-3600 | Automatic | Digital | Automated Digital Stations – IARU Region 1 (500Hz Bandwidth) | http://hflink.com/bandplans/ |
3594-3594.2 | MEPT_JT/WSPR | Digital | Weak Signal Propagation Reporter – dial 3.5926 USB | http://physics.princeton.edu/pulsar/K1JT/ |
3596-3599 | ALE | Digital | 3596.0kHz USB Global ALE High Frequency Network (HFN) provides HF internet messaging connectivity, HF to SMS cellphone mobile texting, HF-to-HF text relay, selective calling, and interoperability 24/7/365 | http://hflink.com/hfn |
3596.2-3599.3 | ALE | Other | 3596.0 kHz USB – ALE – Automatic Link Establishment – International Amateur Radio ALE Network – Selective Calling – GPS Reporting – Data – Texting, 8FSK MIL-STD 188-141 and MIL-STD 188-110 | http://hflink.com |
3600-3620 | Automatic | Digital | Automated Digital Stations – IARU Region 1 | http://hflink.com/bandplans/ |
3600-3800 | SSB | Other | All Modes – Region 1 (2700Hz_Bandwidth)[SSB Digi SSTV etc] | http://www.hflink.com/bandplans/region1_bandplan.pdf |
3600-4000 | SSB | SSB | ||
3603-3606 | ROS | Digital | VFO Dial Frequency = 3603.0 kHz USB – ROS digital mode – weak signal | |
3617-3619.8 | ALE | Other | USB – 3617.0 kHz ALE – Automatic Link Establishment (IARU Regions 1 and 3) Data/Voice | http://hflink.com |
3620-3635 | Packet | Digital | ||
3620-3635 | Automatic | Digital | Automated Digital Stations | http://hflink.com/bandplans/ |
3620-3640 | Digital | Digital | Australian digital window | |
3725-3750 | Local and Provincial SSB nets | SSB | traditional Canadian traffic and emergency nets | |
3733-3739 | HamDRM | Digital | http://www.qslnet.de/f6gia | |
3775-3800 | DX Window – SSB | SSB | IARU – ALL Regions except US (3790-3800) | http://www.iaru.org/ |
3790-3800 | DX Window | SSB | SSB | |
3805-3806 | Collins Net | SSB | Tues&Thurs 8-10 PM Central Time | collinsradio.org |
3825-3832 | Traffic, WAS Net | SSB | www.omiss.net | |
3830-3833 | SSB LSB Voice | SSB | Rodger Net NY/NJ/PA | |
3845-3848 | ALE | Other | 3845 kHz USB Automatic Link Establishment – Voice Net – Eastern USA – North America – IARU Region 2 | http://hflink.com |
3870-3890 | AM WINDOW | AM | 3885 AM CALLING, 3870-3890 AM WORKING | |
3870-3890 | AM | AM | Per Electric Radio publication | |
3977-3980 | Oregon Emergency Net | SSB | LSB on dial 3980 – 6PM to ~7:30PM 7 days/wk | W7OEN.net |
3977-3980 | Oregon Emergency Net | SSB | LSB on dial 3980 – 6PM to ~7:30PM 7 days/wk | W7OEN.net |
3985-3982.5 | Wisconsin Traffic Nets | SSB | NTS nets: Badger Weather Net 1100Z; Badger Emergency Net 1800Z; Wis Side Band Net 2300Z0 | http://www.arrl.org/files/media/Group/NCS110610.htm |
3986-3989 | DigiVoice | Digital | USB 3986.0 kHz – Digital Voice Net (Alternate) North America | http://hfpack.com |
3991-3994 | DigiVoice | Digital | USB 3991.0 kHz Digital Voice Calling – Net (Primary) – North America | http://hfpack.com |
3996-3999 | 80m SSTV | SSB | new analog sstv working frequency | http://webpages.charter.net/partytown/sstvcam.htm |
50-50.1 | CW | CW | ||
50.01-50.3 | SSB | SSB | Europe | |
50.06-50.08 | Beacons | CW | ||
50.1-50.125 | DX Window | Other | Mixed CW/SSB | |
50.1-50.3 | SSB | SSB | ||
50.215-50.25 | JT6M | Digital | EUROPE JT6m (Center 50.230) | |
50.255-50.285 | Digital | Digital | FSK441 & JT6M meteor scatter | http://www.qsl.net/digitalonsix/ |
50.292-50.2925 | Olivia | Digital | OLIVIA CALLING FREQUENCY – Dial_Frequency=50291.5kHzUSB – Audio_Center_Frequency_750Hz – Olivia_Format=500/16 [Region 2] | http://groups.yahoo.com/group/oliviadata/ |
50.8-51 | Remote control | Digital | 20-kHz channels | |
51-51.1 | DX Window | CW | Pacific DX window | |
51.12-51.18 | Repeater inputs | Digital | Digital repeaters | |
51.12-51.48 | Repeater inputs | AM | 19 channels | |
51.62-51.68 | Repeater outputs | Digital | Digital repeaters | |
51.62-51.98 | Repeater outputs | AM | 19 channels | |
52-52.48 | Repeater inputs | AM | ||
52.5-52.98 | Repeater outputs | AM | ||
5250-5450 | Emergency / general communications | Other | Trinidad & Tobago — Secondary allocation basis — All mode, 1.5Kw oupput | http://www.tatt.org.tt/ |
5258.5-5261.5 | CW/SSB 60m | CW | CW/SSB (OK / Czech Republic) | http://hflink.com/5mhz/ |
5258.5-5261.5 | SSB/CW | CW | Czech Republic SSB/CW Experimental channel allocation (OK1RP) | |
5258.5-5264 | UK 60m | Other | New UK freq as of 1st Jan 2013 | |
5276-5284 | UK 60m | CW | UK | |
5276-5284 | All mode | Other | Opened up to UK NOV 1/1 2013 | |
5278.5-5281.5 | Lower Ragcew light usage | SSB | Good for inter G/EI and Europe Scandanavia,Iceland but subject to SeaSerface Radar QRM | non |
5278.5-5281.5 | Lower Ragcew light usage | SSB | Good for inter G/EI and Europe Scandanavia,Iceland but subject to SeaSerface Radar QRM | non |
5288.5-5292 | UK 60m | CW | UK | |
5289.5-5290.5 | beacon | Other | 5289.5-USB & MT63 / 5290.5 CW | www.oz1fjb.dk or www.qrz.com/ov1bcn |
5298-5307 | UK 60m | CW | New UK freq as of 1st Jan 2013 | |
5298-5307 | All mode | Other | Opened up to UK NOV 1/1 2013 | |
5298.5-5301.5 | Lower Common | SSB | Rag Chew, talk back Inter EU/G/EI subject to ALE and other QRM | none |
5298.5-5301.5 | Irish fixedfixed 60m channel (canno QSY) | SSB | Used for EI/UK Rag Chew twice daily, also EI/Scandanavia | none |
53-53.48 | Repeater inputs | AM | ||
53.5-53.98 | Repeater outputs | AM | ||
5313-5323 | UK 60m | CW | New UK freq as of 1st Jan 2013 | |
5313-5323 | UK All mode | Other | Opened up to UK NOV 1/1 2013 | |
5325-5425 | ham emcomm | Other | Band | |
5333-5338 | UK 60m | CW | New UK freq as of 1st Jan 2013 | |
5333-5338 | UK All modes | Other | Opened up to UK NOV 1/1 2013 | |
5350-5450 | PA: SSB/CW/DIGI/AM | SSB | The Netherlands – all modes allowed – 100 W. PEP | http://www.agentschaptelecom.nl/ |
5354-5358 | UK 60m | SSB | New UK freq as of 1st Jan 2013 | |
5354-5358 | UK All modes | Other | Opened up to UK NOV 1/1 2013 | |
5357.1-5359.9 | SSB 60m | SSB | UPPER SIDEBAND freq = 5357.0kHz USB voice (USA New 60m Channel) use transmit filter bandwidth = 2.5kHz or less | http://hflink.com/60meters/ |
5357.1-5359.9 | 60m | Digital | DATA center freq = 5358.5 kHz [use 5357.0kHz USB VFO dial freq + 1500 Hz audio center] (USA New 60m Channel) with maximum signal bandwidth 2.8kHz. | http://hflink.com/60meters/ |
5362-5374.5 | UK 60m | SSB | New UK freq as of 1st Jan 2013 | |
5362-5374.5 | UK All modes | Other | Opened up to UK NOV 1/1 2013 | |
5371.5-5374.5 | SSB 60m | SSB | 5371.5kHz USB (UK ) | http://www.rsgb-spectrumforum.org.uk/5mhz%20operating%20practice.htm |
5378-5382 | UK 60m | SSB | New UK freq as of 1st Jan 2013 | |
5378-5382 | UK All modes | Other | Opened up to UK NOV 1/1 2013 | |
5395-5401.5 | UK 60m | SSB | New UK freq as of 1st Jan 2013 | |
5395-5401.5 | UK All modes | Other | Opened up to UK NOV 1/1 2013 | |
5398.5-5401.5 | Upper Common, RSGB NewsNet | CW | Good for inter G/EI and Europe Scandanavia,Iceland | none |
5398.5-5401.5 | Upper Common, RSGB NewsNet | CW | Good for inter G/EI and Europe Scandanavia,Iceland | none |
5403.5-5406.5 | UK 60m | SSB | New UK freq as of 1st Jan 2013 | |
7000-7010 | DX Window | CW | CW | |
7000-7060 | CW | CW | ||
7025-7030 | Digital | Digital | JAPAN – Digital | |
7025-7030 | Digital | Digital | JAPAN – Digital | |
7030-7040 | Feld Hell | Digital | http://feldhellclub.org/ | |
7030.5-7033.2 | ALE | Other | USB – 7030.5kHz ALE – Automatic Link Establishment (IARU Region 3) Data | http://hflink.com |
7035-7040 | BPSK31 | Digital | REG. 1 – Narrow band modes (7035 PSK31 Center Activity) | http://www.iaru.org/Chapter-5.1.pdf |
7035-7040 | Olivia | Digital | ||
7035-7045 | RTTY | Digital | Region 1 | http://www.aa5au.com/rtty.html |
7038-7040 | Automatic | Digital | Automatic Digital Stations – IARU Region 1 (500Hz Bandwidth) | http://hflink.com/bandplans/ |
7040-7040.2 | WSPR (Worldwide) | Digital | Website shows dial freq=7038.600 kHz. Op freq =dial + 1500Hz +-100Hz | http://wsprnet.org/drupal/ |
7040-7040.2 | WSPR (Worldwide) | Digital | USB dial = 7038.6, audio 1400…1600Hz | http://wsprnet.org/drupal/ |
7040-7043 | Automatic | Digital | Automatic Digital Stations – IARU Region 1 (2700Hz Bandwidth) | http://hflink.com/bandplans/ |
7040-7043 | PSK | Digital | 7.040 USB is the most common 40m PSK frequency in the UK | |
7040-7050 | Digi Modes | Digital | according to new bandplan region1 | |
7040-7060 | BPSK31 | Digital | EW Region 1 Bandplan in effect Marts 2009! | |
7040-7060 | BPSK31 | Digital | EW Region 1 Bandplan in effect Marts 2009! | http://www.iaru-r1.org/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=173&func=download&id=67&chk=2c64c5a348decd46ef8f00b39fd90109&no_ht |
7041-7043 | ALE | Other | USB – 7040.5kHz ALE – Automatic Link Establishment (IARU Region 1) Data [Europe/Africa/Mideast/Rus] | http://hflink.com |
7043-7100 | SSB | SSB | SSB Voice; All Modes [International – IARU Regions1,2,3] [except USA lower 48 states] | |
7053-7056 | ROS | Digital | VFO Dial Frequency = 7053.0 kHz USB – ROS digital mode – weak signal | |
7067-7069 | Feld Hell | Digital | http://feldhellclub.org/ | |
7070-7075 | BPSK31 | Digital | ||
7074-7075 | THOR | Other | Best chat mode yet! | http://af4k.com |
7075-7082 | Feld Hell | Digital | http://feldhellclub.org/ | |
7078-7079 | JT9 | Digital | ||
7080-7100 | RTTY | Digital | http://www.aa5au.com/rtty.html | |
7100-7102.2 | ALE | Other | 7099.5 kHz USB Automatic Link Establishment High Frequency Network – IARU Region 2; Data/Text/Messaging. | http://hflink.com |
7100-7105 | Automatic | Digital | Automated Digital Stations | http://hflink.com/bandplans/ |
7100-7125 | CW QRS | CW | Promoted by SKCC for slow CW. Used for this purpose in North America. Former U.S. novice CW sub-band. | |
7100-7200 | SSB | Other | All Modes – IARU Region 1 [2700Hz_Bandwidth] (SSB Digi SSTV etc) | http://www.hflink.com/bandplans/region1_bandplan.pdf |
7102-7105 | ALE | Digital | 7102.0kHz USB Global ALE High Frequency Network (HFN) provides HF internet messaging connectivity, HF to SMS cellphone mobile texting, HF-to-HF text relay, selective calling, and interoperability 24/7/365 | http://hflink.com/hfn |
7102.3-7104.9 | ALE | Other | 7102 kHz USB Automatic Link Establishment High Frequency Network 24/7 Pilot Channel Frequency – IARU Region 2; Data/Text/Messaging | http://hflink.com |
7104-7105 | FSQ | Digital | Fast Simple QSO (chat) | http://www.qsl.net/zl1bpu/MFSK/Rules.pdf |
7110.8-7113.8 | ALE | Other | 7110.5 kHz USB – ALE – 8FSK, 6PSK, 8PSK, QSO Keyboarding/Texting: DBM ARQ, FAE ARQ, RFSM2400 | http://hflink.com |
7125-7300 | SSB | SSB | ||
7160-7163 | GreenGroup | SSB | 7160 USB – UPPER SIDEBAND – Green radios group – 0200z | |
7160-7185 | Green daily net 02:00z | Other | USB military equipment user’s net. Daily 02:00z | |
7170-7173 | GreenGroup | SSB | 7170 USB – UPPER SIDEBAND – Green radios group (F2) – 0200z | |
7185-7195 | AM Italian net | AM | AM week end boatanchor lovers net | http://groups.google.it/group/boatanchors-net/topics |
7185.5-7188 | HFPACK | SSB | 7185.5 USB (Upper Sideband) International HF Portable Calling Frequency – Mobile – Portable – Base – Marine – Aero | http://hfpack.com/air/ |
7185.5-7188.5 | ALE | Other | USB 7185.5kHz ALE Automatic Link Establishment – International Calling Frequency – UPPER SIDEBAND Voice | http://hflink.com |
7185.5-7188.5 | ALE | CW | ||
7185.5-7188.5 | ALE | Other | 7185.5 kHz USB – International Amateur Radio HF ALE Automatic Link Establishment Network – Selective Calling – 8FSK | http://hflink.com |
7190-7193 | GreenGroup | SSB | 7190 USB – UPPER SIDEBAND – Green radios group (F1) – 0200z | |
7195.5-7200 | ALE | Other | USB 7195.5 kHz ALE – Automatic Link Establishment | http://hflink.com |
7285-7286 | Tri-Town Amateur Radio Club Alumni Group | SSB | I have been NCS for 19 years for the group. Club over 75 years with 40 years on or about subject freq. | |
7286-7289 | DigiVoice | Digital | USB 7286.0 kHz – Digital Voice Net (Alternate) – North America | http://hfpack.com |
7291-7294 | DigiVoice | Digital | USB 7291.0 kHz – Digital Voice Calling – Net (Primary) – North America | http://hfpack.com |