Peeps printing nukes …

“When peeps be printing nukes, what you do?” – Dr. Freckles

I think a lot about WHY:

I am nearly certain I see WHAT THEY are doing, I’m still grok’ing out WHY …

It’s why I talk in terms of BEST CASE and WORST CASE …

But something I started thinking about 8 years ago still rings true: actual useful tech like 3D printing was threatening fundamental power

I also remember saying in a podcast that if someone can crack the nut on x-ray or gamma-ray wavelength high energy lasers, that you wouldn’t need breeder reactors to make plutonium. You would just need raw uranium. This also means that in about 10 years someone with 10 million dollars could be making mini-nukes, in their basement … 5-10 kt yield

But it gets worse: with narrow wavelength nucleus ablation, you might invent NEW more DANGEROUS and FUNNER isotopes … and who knows what yields you could achieve with your micro-nuke printer.

So yeah – a lot of tables were about tip over, and TPTB knew their days were numbered … so WAR against the whole human race, mostly in the form of strategic and orchestrated military psychological warfare.

(a theory as to WHY)