The 501C3 doesn’t help you, not really … you can tell me about “tax deductions”, but that’s low energy bullshit.
And ties their ideology to whomever is tyrant TODAY.
The 501C3 doesn’t help you, not really … you can tell me about “tax deductions”, but that’s low energy bullshit.
And ties their ideology to whomever is tyrant TODAY.
“How can we collect taxes if we don’t raise money from taxes?” – Dr. Freckles
Red Queen Hypothesis:
“If democracy actually worked? – it would be like the Krell from ‘Forbidden Planet’, except it would take more than one night because government ain’t that fucking efficient.” – Dr. Freckles
“War and Armies: providing the world with dead, tortured, broken spirits, homeless people and refugees since 4,000 BC.” – Dr. Freckles
“Cities are the ultimate mind fuck.” – Dr. Freckles
“A truly free republic can suffer an anarchist that lives in the woods and wants to be left alone.” – Dr. Freckles
I’ll say this again and it does bear repeating:
A free republic can suffer a few anarchists that live in the woods and want to be left alone.
A tyranny can’t suffer ONE.
“A ‘piece of land’ is WHAT Jesus rejected, in the wilderness, when Satan offered it – remember this when you think of the Middle East.” – Dr. Freckles
“Ask a Zionist: how many times has Israel, the nation, the STATE, been destroyed?” – Dr. Freckles
You can say: “Dan, Israel has been around thousands of years …”
But don’t cherry pick the EPOCHS of this history … much of if was about 1 SAM 8, and the curse.
“Israel” as a place has been burnt, destroyed, invaded, countless times …
Israel as the Children of Jacob – they ENDURE.
(if you’re a Christian and you don’t know the difference? – LEARN)
“Useful things sell themselves.” – Dr. Freckles
“In a world of ‘mostly good cops’, you wouldn’t need internal affairs.” – Dr. Freckles
“Voting doesn’t make slavery, murder, rape and theft okay.” – Dr. Freckles
I don’t think “voting” in the USA currently works – in any functional sense … and it probably never did.
But even IF it did work? – the results would be equally bad.
“Bite the hand that bleeds you.” – Dr. Freckles
“Too many people believe involving the government in something makes it safer, but what if I told you the opposite is the case?” – Dr. Freckles
“Bullies suck: is another name for anarchism.” – Dr. Freckles