“Scratch a socialist? – and you’ll want to wash your hands.” – Dr. Freckles
The Irish …
“Never, ever, piss off the Irish.” – Dr. Freckles
“Leave the Irish alone, unless you want a hangover.” – Dr. Freckles
The Irish are known for driving snakes away …
(just saying)
“anti” central bank
“You do realize you’re NOT anti-central bank if you want your nation to use US dollars?” – Dr. Freckles
(also: not a NEW strategy for South America or Argentina)
J6 was an IQ test …
“J6 was an IQ test, if you attended? – you failed.” – Dr. Freckles
Having a military …
“No government could afford a military if they were forced to pay for their mistakes AND keep their promises to those who served.” – Dr. Freckles
When YOUR GUY wins …
“Voting magically WORKS, when it’s YOUR GUY – funny.” – Dr. Freckles
Worshiping Science
“The actual scientific method is USEFUL … Worshiping science, or its necessarily temporary truths, is crazy.” – Dr. Freckles
“Scream as if the world never hears your voice; no one, to include God, will ever call you lukewarm.” – Dr. Freckles
Cities and Predators
“Cities are simulations for convincing PREDATORS they are not predators.” – Dr. Freckles
Bullies …
“Best protection against bullies: be more trouble than it’s worth.” – Dr. Freckles
Eccles Building
“If you’re heading to a protest directed against STATE POWER in the USA, and you’re NOT visiting the Eccles Building? – then it’s fake.” – Dr. Freckles
Never give up! (keep working, stay positive)
“Slaves are often told to never give up.” – Dr. Freckles
“Slaves are often told to maintain a positive attitude.” – Dr. Freckles
If someone tells me to be “more positive”, my response is: POSITIVE ABOUT WHAT?
If the answer is: EVERYTHING
I know I’m talking to a shit head.
In a free world …
“You can build so many AMAZING things, in a free world.” – Dr. Freckles